Wl Tf?" jJfflE "'" jr:!!7: THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAOR FIVK OERSONAL... 4 r flInBrr ! " norn,ns f,,r ,,, on ." .. t.i left this nmrnmi; ir B' N. . ... .. liin inethcr. who In i- I'gn i" " - Ifltbrr .r. Il.arh I In lown n , ",uis " ,,UB,m,w, frora "cr 0o1 Ktn Ml8, ClirlMIno Murdock and l.cr m .... .1.1. moraine for Sinn- ?".IfW ChrMIn will lli.l Jil iln MurJoek ulll return In , few W . ht " Kltm last nlKht by JL miiu "" f""' Mn,,l,,on nt .um. horn.- In the Mill. !" ". p.nnnR and refreshment M tW aI,d ,lr'l',M,r rC,,0rtJ, TrflsMful """ Tlu,s" ,re"c,,t 'a Ceo -rr. Kla"l Walt. Hruco if,r Ilrloe McCormlck. Chester qrilfr .Homer l.ar. "-.- - ' , Winifred MoCormlrlc. Klor- RADIOPKONEON I w mi a l--vtB-wruJvrLfvx ' L41 fie Theatres MT0 IS TESTED:; irit f joWsten Jlttten liradliv Jni Hanks. Marrcaret Pearl llplhn ana orcein UDII3W (X)MIIIM: riiiii 1 1 .mi. i- SALTl-AKK ITV. I'lah. Sept. 27 . Fitt iur farmers " " lull poolt-d li"ir wool cUp of 32.- im wBd and marketed It nt ..o rati pound. 7 renin moro lltan "Tim Knli. Knri," Tlinmim II nr.. h film adaptation of the farnoilB nlory by I .on In Jcneph Vntiro which I ran Hrrlnlly in Tin- Katiinliiy Kven Conn now I hk radiophone aa n' InR Post. Ir one or thorn- rare pic new automobile nrciswory. j turca whlrh will ppecillly convince In a rTont Imiio of Motor nn In-j the siwrnRo exhibitor Hint It wan term! hip artlrlo on tlm adaptation! Inilll capwlally for lilm. Not In many of n radiophone for automobile np ' month linn there been produced n ixvarn. Tho dcrlcc very much r- picture wlih more pulling power anil I k. -in I.I.- wlri-h-M fful;irnonl ( with greater exploitation poiHlhllltlo "Thin radiophone outnt." cays; than tlio raarmount-Artcraft Special Motor, "l capatiln of keoplng In rnleaurt thin week. i cotnmunlrailnn with another ittatlon! T"' ,fl not MRonllally n Htory of for a iulanr! of If. or 20 inllcn Hie war. hut rather Ih a Htory of the! Tlio trariniriftlltiR apparatua employ KrippInK and enthrnlllni; advenluroH variium tiilie an generators of radio, or one or the most entcrtnlnlnR rlmr enerKy and I ho terehirr einliodles, nrii-m in modern fiction the "I.on ampllflorit whlrh enahlo (omintinlrv j Wolr." who. for the time helnB. han Hon to Ih malnlalneil lonB after the turned from criminal puraultH to islnnnlM have iM.-roniu too weak to ui avence the loss of hl homo nnd to hoard " , sene hi country In her hour of In Its present form this nutomo- need. It has hnen Interpreted In the hllu telephone - ii Ijitnont would innnterly Ince Btyle. with the aid or scarcely he rnpablo of Kc-neral ad' p- a superh cunt hciiiled by Ilenry H J Hon. hut It Is not hard to se In It Walthall OHieni whoso names are i tho progenitor of the outfits thai' household words wherever Reed plr will some day Ik- available, whereby fires are known are Mary Anderson the liimlneics man will be able to the tx-.-iuMful heroine. I .on Chnncv keep in constant touch nltb his of- Milton Kcws. Thornton Kclwnrds. Wl" ti.-e or home, n matter where be Ham nowman. t'nrry McCnrry and may he . Krnest Pasquo It Is n story that fnlr " ly sizzles with adventure, romanco I and mystery. At the Star Theatre to ! night Charles Hay Is becoming more and more popular with ncreen fans wllh ture not 1 mmimrsmmM 1 p" SJ"yS Jt , Oulbranecn Trade Mark )5 1 !).-.()() anil uu $70.(K) Now, ..'J.'d.OO anil up Used, 11)5.00 and up I'ffll "TiJT'r'ljr liVfffll rfA IrnliWlW ifi -scuuij q A FAMILY without music in the home is like a regi ment without a band. EARL SHEPHERD CO. $110 to 91:10 200 to S.TOO CHANGE MADE IN ABSTRACT FIRM' ; out of tuem had received up to! Arthur II Wilson of the City and ,.ar, succeeding Paramount IMct .vxtknc County and AbMrari Company of n,j ,tlP rPa.n for ,.is 8llrc0RS iK tins city has taken over the Interest, difficult to find. He Is a hard work of his partner, Harry D. Mills, wlth'Iru. pIaver who sui,r(iinate.s every whom ho has been associated for th...; ,MriK , n nrtnB, and by diligent past nine, years Mr. Mills is now MtI,jy ho mai,e!, oach character f-a-located In Jackson county The huB-1 .lon .,.. h nit,.mnts more llfelfcn Wjmofxo 97r(l.tl( anil up .!25.(K and $:.00 $no.on to 97Mio i Ffst of the WA I-antern Utbt the pnceHilcjn of the War VMm of China1 Anything o fan- artlt sd weird has never before; 1... .kAl.l In a nlnr. but vou can Kltill-vlfuallre the strange cen-1 Iness will he operated l-re under nn(j satisfying than the one precec! , Ing It sctj-inthU rlvld picture of the Far the same name as before Eut t It for yourseir in 1 ne neu IjaXtn' at the Liberty Theatre tizitj nd Monday, with NAZI KOTA, tbe Incomparable star In 11 tui role of strength and power. It Some Good Bargains in Real Estate 1 In "The Law of the North," Hie , Intrst Paramount Picture produced 1 under tho supervision of Thomas H 1 Ince. in which he is starred .n'I 1 which will be shown at the Star sale at the present Theatre Sunday ho gives a grannie! r good buys In Klam-' . . pal estate, Jn-tludlng scrccn Portrait of a couragjoi.F j Stnil'K ' I have for Tie IndnntrUl Clubs of the coun- time some very itkJooIi will make their exhibits at1 ath County real tit County Fair Thursday and Krl- ranches, lots In Honanza and Klam- oung Frenchman of the Northwest iir. October 12. 1S19. ath Falls and Improved city property, u j8 a typical Hay part. la order that teachers and pupils home of these are exceptional bar-' ... bjt tee irnat has Ix-en accomollfhed gains, and every piece listed Is sure, 1 H th cptrnty I will appreciate It If to prove a profitable Investment. Vtt7iinciv:. Hie illqtineulshed Rur- tle cbool are clowd during the Mrs. Nate Otterhein. T.Z7 Klamath , ... ,.., ,, ,u , , ,h , Fair or at least for one day. In the Avenue. 27-3t 1 ' ' ' . ' trtooli shere teachers and puplLs o l'oertul .Metro t,n-r-reiiuri., 1 ne tin ""d , vorii'i.' 'fled Lantern." nt tee Liberty The.1.1 TffVLA HKAI). Co. School Supt. 1 tTV n sundnv and Mendiv. In It "l"-1 . . ,. . Is ser In r'tuil role, w'i'rii g'ei' All memliers of the I-astern Star . ...... . , .1 r " "poriun'iv ior i"e nij'i nrvi iui; play of rcmarknblc nnd startling happenings where all the mysticisms and gorgeouaness of the vivid Knst is woven into a powerful and fascin ating drama. The lure of the Pur ple Forbidden City the customs and superstitions of secret China the gorgeous pageantry and pomp which surrounds the Orient with golden glamour Is shown with a! touch of magic which brings romance to life. The production 1b one of clever ar tistry with a star of rare genius who H ably supported by such noted play ers as Iarrell Foss, Noah Beery, Frank Currier, Winter Hall, Mrs. McWade. Virginia Hoss, Edward J.! Connelly, Amy Van Ness', Harry I Mann, William Fagle Eye, Yukio Aoj Ynmo. The production was directed, by Albert Cnpellanl and produced! under tho personal supervision oft .miss i'i:u nouns VISITS IN SALKM. SALEM, Sept. 27. Miss Fern Hobbs, former secretary to Governor West, member of the Industrial ac cident commission at one time under the West administration, and who gained nation-wide note when she re presented the governor In .1 trip to Copperfleld, Baker county and forc ed the saloons to close their doors, is In Salem for a few days. Miss Hobbs has Just returned from France, where she was head of the casualty section of the hospital home service In Paris. She wlli take a posi tion In Portland. DOCK CONGESTION MAKES FOOD SCARCE DISSOLUTION OK I'AKTNKIISIUI'. MrTICi: Vnf fa f lu.eAlio al .. t. .. at. ttwtA t f jflfir n ra riiiia.all (ft Ka tim tuderflened has .purchased The nent at t'e Mnsonic Hill. Monday 1 chniLcteMzatlons of her brilliant ear-' Maxwell Karger, dlrector-generafl. I Vtaiowmore Dairy Store. 208 Main evening. Sept. 29. at the banquet to (ei I 1 Bt ill UIli contracted prior to Sept. be given in honor of our Worthy! ,, , , , 1 " ; Jill 1IS. Mil be uald bv Allen ' -ntiil Matron. ..-.... ....- ....... a.. Holcomt. . Nellie Van HIper. Worthy Matron ' a widely different as tho pole- W W E.SMITH I 27-21 one is that of the Enraslt-n girl. Mah-, 1 lee, and the other Blanche, her Ene-i LONDON, Sept. ?7 One cause for the high price of living, agnius'. which all London Is complaining, 13 given as tbe congestion at the docks where whole cargoes of food and oth er supplies are being held. up because it is impossible to unload and dis tribute them to points where they are needed. Government occupancy of warehouses Is given ns the principal leason for the congestion. The western granaxy which should ho filled with provision for London is filled with uniforms for the Aus tralian army, and other Instances equally Irritating to the average Londoner are being cited. 'HIIIHH I HltHHmntHHftWTWWW' Hah half sister, HOUSTON'? fitfnnnlltnn Amnuomnnta " ' Metropolitan Amusement Queen Quality Shoes LOOK BETTER WEAR BEST We have a complete line of Fall and Winter i Shoes which includes the newest and most popular tnaaes now in vogue. THE BOOTERY rne story tens 01 tne me 01 mis half-cast girl, who, born In coffin ' shop In the Chinese quarter of Pekin. l at the death of Tier grandmother i taken to the Christian Mission nnd 2j brought up amidst European nr- 1 roundlngs. The conflicting blood ! which surges In her veins causes her . passionate restlessness she feels the . lure of China, the mysterious and pas- CHAS. P. MAGUIRE 713 MAIN ST. slonate land of her mother, but the Inheritance of her English father, the Ideals and Intellect of the West are strong within her and she Is like . I a. ball In the hands of Fate flunr I from one extreme to tho other. 1 4-M- How she becomes tho powerful (War Maiden of China the Goddess ..r t.n. T?i.1 T nnf-Ar.i fa ahniun n flits 111 IIIU ltd. ,4U,.,V., .0 " .. ... ' WNWWMWWAWWW HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING Wednesday & Saturday Nights. Popular Jazz Orchestra STAR THEATER TODAY Thomas. H. Inco Presents HHNKY II. WAIcTHALIj In "THE FALSE FACES" A Ixmo Wolf Story Taken From The Saturday Evening Post In Seven Intense Parts Also A Millie West Comedy "SHIP A'HOY" Notice Is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing be tween Minerva Hunter and J. C. Hun tor at Modoc Tolnt on the KJamath Indian Reservation In Klamath Co , Oregon, under the name of the Hun t" Trading Company Is this ctny ("is solved by mutual consent. Dated September 27, 15119. MINEBVA HUNTER J. C. HUNTER. 2 7.4 -11-1 8-2 E We have a rather deep-rooted no tion that the present temper of the American people leans toward fur thering the development Its own In dustrial resources rather than worry ing wtetber the Irish have a repub lic; whether Jerusalem Is restored to the Jews, or whether the South Sea savages are supplied with socks. SUNDAY We Clean, Press and Repair EVERYTHING From a Heavy Suit to Flimsy Lingerie. We re-block Hats, and call for and deliver your goods. Klamath Dye Works 431 Main St Phone 408 Star Theater EXTRA EXTRA Sunday and Monday Sept 29 and 30 ERA CRISLER (COLORATURA SOPRANO) IN THE LATEST POPULAR SONGS .15 AND 35 CENTS ' Paramount Presents ' CIIAIILKS KAY I In ! "THE LAW OF THE NORTH" ' A wonderful story of the Great Arctic Also A Itrcty Plctojr, tipli nnd Iturton Holme's Travelogue. , 1 1 TEMPLE THEATER TODAY ,1cm L. 1-isky PrcMMittt JACK PICKKOKD mid UIUISE KUKP In "flltUAT EXPECTATIONS" Also Peli) MoitImiii In Another Two Part UV-Mi-i'ii Diaiilii V PRICES SUNDAY Vilugnipli Present IIIWSIE M)VK In "Till: WIKHINCI KINO" AISO I'iKlio .Vitus Latest Current EtenlM, Ailinlsslon Mntlnec 10 & in cent KvrnJg8 10 & SO cents MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTUKEb TUEHDAYH AND BATDIIDAYB Merrill, Orroa r'W" I'll Tell the World We're on Our Way To the Diamond Tire & Vulvanizing Co. to get an outfit of tires that can be depended upon to carry us right. With a 6,000 mile guarantee on the Diamond Squeegee Fab ric Tires and an 8,000 mile guarantee on the Diamond Cords, you can't do better than to put the Diamond slippers on the good old car and go on your way in peace and confidence, and that's what we are go ing to do right now. I'll Say We Are That's No Dream Diamond Tire & VulcanizingCo. MARPLE & SMITH, Proprietors 120 S. Main St Phone 167 ,.fl i j 1 m I .IH