The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 27, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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eAom rutin
The Evening Herald
U. S. Army Aviators Who Were Not Released
by Mexican Bandits Until Ransom Was Paid
fiimir I
mum. n
hint II JrJw
City Editor
Published daily exrept Snndar by
Tfc Herald rnbli.hlnf; Company of
Kbuaatli Falls, at 115 Fourth Street.
Entered at the rotoffice at Klam
fttb. Falls. Ore., for transmission thru
tie mails as second-cIas matter.
Subscription terms by mail to any
address in the United States:
One year J3 po
Oae month 50
3fember of the Awn-iatcd IVc
The A-Kated P'es i exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it
or not otherwise credited in this pa
per, and also local news published
AH riRhts of republication of spe
cial dispatches herein are also reserv
ed. SATlKnii. -.F.lTKMIIKn .17. l!)l
SLIli 001
Lieutenant Paul II.
I.ii'iKoiiaiit II. ('. lYtrt-Miu
These are the first photographs of Lieutenants II. G Peterson of
Hutchinson. Minn., and Paul II. Davis of Strathniore. Cal.. who wero lielili
for $15,000 ransom by Mexican bandits after their army airplane was
IreSSI fnriil tn IntiH Inct fivnr flit, linrfltir Thnlr'.'liu. u'ns III- Pnntafni
.......... ....... j.,. ...... ... . ... ....... . -.. , .
LOXDOX. Aus 26 (Correspon
dence of The Associated
British trains are slowing down and jlatlock of the Eighth Cavalry by nawnent of half the ransom dennnded
in some instances hours are being .Amerjcan troops crossed into Mexico in pursuit of the bandits as soon as
added to journeys. the y0ung officers were safe.
This is particularly true of trains
going out of Londcn. The pre-war '
time of a train from London to
Birmingham was two hours. Now
it is two hcurs and a half. To
Liverpool the pre-war time was
three hours and 35 minutes, now it
is four hours and a half. I
The northeast coast has suffered
severely. The Scotch express ser
Tiee formerly the best of all, is now I
looked upon as quite the worst. For
VII'N'NA Sept :? t wl nights
nnd rhlll autumnal rom are begin
ning to bring Vienna ntid nil AuMrln.
lace to fare with the fuel famine that
looms along with the fl uliortage
Today this great city hni a reserve
of only i',000 tons Not a honpltnl
has been able to arrange. Its winter
The government experts eslliunte
that with all available wood added
to the estimated coal supply the Vlen
ni-.' householder thi winter ma
p- about sevent-fl'e percent of
rnoucli fuel to Keep one rooking fire
No one talks of heating Warm
hoiie and hot water are among tho
otlier luxuries unknown
Czechoslovakia has coal for ox
port and contractu have been made
bv the Austrian for all they can set.
hut the delivery is slow and tb"
whole matter seems clouded with dif
ficulties and complications It I oo
Iletod means will be found to inji"
tain the Inter Alllid Kxpress tnl.n
that now run three times a week, hut
other railway and river trampnrS
doubtless-will bo very limited
1 nr "laimj
Reason No. 1 Tho "i-uimwiric .,r t
llicltnleu the t linn n
playing The Pllona .oiihImh of tin iirrnnr-in. Ilt , ,','nn ,D
eral necess.ii y reproducing dnphraguiH ii.i. r
an all-in otto arrangement, uiili no nit li-biu. his ,!'!v.'1"1'
take off or put on.
Ih'as t
At a turn of tho hand. I ho Fltonn .irem-nt, ,
record the proper diaphragm and needle, th. ,,. ''" "'
Thus the reqttlremenlH of each tvpe of rero,, ,, , , El
Pttona deuuinilH no ncririce In lone, ag at In. In,,. !lt, f,,.
RcasonNo. 2"K,",nI '" "'i;vr,a'r - rMdu,.,
tone nttipllflcatloii The llrui, (l k , ,,
of Ueprodurtlon also Includes u new- idea In n.i - na
llrunslck Ainpllller. ' '' Tl"
r3asH -
i T'.rii
'' ' .()
"'' 11.1.
Todays Anniversaries
Today's Birthdays
Hoaz W Lone recently annointed
1S63 John James Abert. who de- CnHcd Stneg mIn,8tcr t0 Cuba was
born at Warsaw, Ind., 43 years ago
veloped the typographical bureau of
the U. S. army, died in Washington. todav
u. y,. . UCJmuBluu. -.. Hon. William Pugsley. lieutenant
September 17, 17S8. , ! .. Von- Ilrnnu.-I-L- hnrn In
Sussex, N. I)., 69 years ago today.
Frederick J. Kinsman, who re-
of Delaware, bcrn at Warren, Ohio,
51 years ago today.
Martin H. Glynn, former governor
of New York, born at Kinderhook,
N. Y., 48 years ago today.
Thomas L Rubey, representative
in congress of the Sixteenth Mis
souri d strict, born at Lebancn, Mo..
i IfiQC Tv-tcl. nntlnnql innfa-,tlnn
example the Journey from Euston
... ., . . . Chicago was organized to free Ire-
4ttin tn AriA-.rTA4n tarnlpn nnnnr-i
,' . ,.-,land from Great Britain by physical ,. ,,. ci..i ki.i
the railroad race In August 1S95 ccntly resigned as Episcopal bishop
was accomplished in S hours 32, ,, ,
r . , , . ' 190 Lafcadio Hearn, a remark-
minutes, cow occupies nearly 14
able literary genius, died at Tokio.
,.,, , ... , Japan. Born in the Ionian Isles in
The trains which carry pleasure '
seekers to the coast rescrts in thei ,". ,.
M . 191 Col. Roosevelt was chosen
south also have slowed down, and ,.,...
. ., , tempoiary chairman of the New
some of the best have disappeared, ..,,,..,.,
, ork State Republican convention.
neTer to return under government i ,,-,. . , ,
. ,, ; 1912 First review of a complete
control, many persons balieve. I , ....
........ a. fa. a. .. i a.... a. .1 n ....1. ..Taaaw a.......
Opponents of government control , . ... -, I
aeroplane armada took placa near
Paris, 72 war planes pissing befcre
the French minister of war.
1914 Russians occupied Uzsok
Pass leading through the Carpathi
ans into Hungary.
191S Prpnch In tOT-rlfie twn-HfU-
spoken of with ridicule and abuse, . ... . .
J . . ,,o,ot-. ba"'e smashed German lines in
57 years ago today.
point out that only one company has
emerged from the war with an im
proved service the Southeastern &
Chatham. As long as any one can
remember the Kentish lines were
but for the summer cf 1919 Kent
is the only part of the country en
joying an express service which is
better than the best provided before
the war.
, Champagne.
1916 Serbians repelled severe
i Bulgarian assaults on Serbian fron
tier. ' NEW YORK. Sept. 27. Plans
1917 Japanese war mission was have been formulated for an aerial
welcomed in Sew York City.
Emma Goldman, who Is likely to BULGARIA NOW
be deported following her release
today from the Missouri penitentiary
where the bs been serving a two-j
year-sentence for conspiring to de-i
feat the operation of the federal,
draft law has long been recognized j
as the most prominent woman an-J
7 1
derby around the world for which
the prizes may total 11,000,000, it
has been announced by tbe Aero
Club of America. '
A special commission has been ap
pointed and will start next month
on a tcur V the world to arrange
routes and landing places, to obtain
referees and to organize committees
ue.-va. wuzenana. bepi. .;t every country throueh which the
MEDFOIU). Sept 27 There are
more pears In the Rogue River Val
ley orchards and more peaches on
the Medford streets than tit nny other
time in history of Jackson county.
S. S. Smith, business mannger of the
Medford Mail-Tribune and Sunday
Morning Sun, makes the report.
Smith has been here for several ,
days, but this afternoon left to view
the prize pumpkins at the state fn'r
"Medford has more nioncv In it
banks and Its merchant a're dolnt; p
greater volume of bulneu than
cny other time since I've been down '
there." said Sm'tb. He has been a
Medforlte for 10 years. j
The fruit crop has been sellinc '
spot cash at the orchards Buyers,
from all over the States have leen In
the Jackson county metropolis t-k-ing
all in sight and elmioring for
more. Busfnes.-. Is now lie'ne dtn
with big Importers In Fngland ani
France. People wifh thev bad in
twice the acreage now hearing
r - 'i ' ' I
opportunity will
Old-time ide r,. ,
Hone makers hi III ,i ,. , ,
caiijatruction Oth.-t , , ' b.
in .nun it h ihbq ntlf
en horn and a uii.ii
Hut tho llransw k m.'ifi.r ..
oval In shape, and t.n n
wood. Ilko a fine vlolm i, , mdpd
of raro holly n, wmnd
waves receive uniform aiiiph Vtias
lo reach their fiillnns in,
Iirunswlck tune u ri. h r und tnore
natural. Strident, m.-tallir notM are
We Invite Comparison
Mako cotupirls' iik l-t our ear
decide Try to find an equal to
Brunswick tone
You're bound to end surli a search
nt a IlrutiHWicL nhnn uUr. .,...
bo given you to decide for yours-lf
Hear this remarkable Instrument befbre you decide.
$40.00 to $1500
H. J. Winters
Jeweler and Optician
706 Main St Klamath Falls, Oregon
jai'.vnksk PKoresi:
Ml.'irr OX SHANTl'XO.
If your eyes are troubling ou see
Winter's and see better. 25-3t
TOKIO. Sept. 27. Japan Is pl-n
n'ng to Invite China to confer on the
Shantung .situation after Japan has
ratified the peace treaty. This feet
was communicated to the correspon-,
dent today by officials, who added1
that Japan naturally could not com-!
pel China to accept the invitation, j
One Year Ago Todzy
in the War
If you want It, advertise. Herald
Ix-illiton Shoes K.
li. X. Store. ,
Brit x'l a rin in lil-s!,n lock I
000 Turkish pusuneis and :!
British attacked in front of Cza
hria. breaking Hindenliurg lice.
French and United States facei
captured 20 tons and 16.000 prisoners.
Bulgaria is one oi me most tran- ., .iii n!tua
arehist and foe of the established qu Btat8 ,n Europe today, says Iv- RuIes for the aerIa, derby w, be
"11 ie . lhe,linItt,ed Stftes;an S. Gulchof. formerly Bulgarian ,IberaJ. The conte8Ullt. w, enter
and her affiliations with the cult of MlnUter of Foreign Affairs and now a8 JndIvIdual8 ilB'8lead of enter,DB
lawlessness in Europe have been Minister to Switzerland ... i . j ... . . Z
. . . j j . a""Bler lo owuzeriana. their aircraft, and will be permitted
eicse aunng several decaaes. bne Instead of resortlne to revnlnllnn . .. ... ,,
, , . . lueie-iu oi reboning 10 reioiuiion, to uge a8 njany "ships' as they find
haa freauently incurred arrest and the Bulgarians have returned to nessary.
f mnrfsrinmonf Imt Vina oulHim VioH tr a . . '
, " " r " , : mr larms ana peace time pursuiw. Dirigibles may he used for part
: " ' " , T b i ui i ui om way i or aI1 the trip- competitors also
she has invariably returned to her curing the ills caused by two ucces-Wj be allowed t0 UBe olher mcaaH
propaganda work. She is of Rus- give wars the Minister adilR , . ... . . .
, r.u ., . , e wars tne axiniBjer adUB. of transportation In making conneo
. , ",",: M- uu,cno1 Mcrwes tritt peaceful tlon between aJrcraft to the extent
Konigsherg Eas Prussia. She ar- internal condition und the opositlon of 10 per cent of the totaI dl8tance
nved in the United States in 1886 jn Bulgaria to anarchistic or com- to be covered
and first won national prominence muIst propaganda to the fact that; The time of the start will be de-
,tr J f ,T Hn ir ? ," A. U'e maJrU' f t,,e "u,Bar,an Peo" elded after ccnslderlng the most fa-
time of the Hay market riots in Chi- n!e. 85 nercent are oeasants own. i .
Vin, od iJiiiem, are pubaniH, ovn- vorable seasons for e3ch part of the
eaK' ers ot tbeir own !and an "o""- world so as to btrike an average for
j wis is sumcieni, i:e says, to snow eacn country.
wjui me people so constituted as, Entrants will he allowed to decide I
k n..i..fl.i ...nt . '
i..c uuiKiruiiM uie wm a.ways ue , whether to cross the Atlantic by
averse 10 communistic mv r vwfoiin.iiiii r i.v ,.t
Henry Pbipps. capitalist, ateel AnotJ,er reason for Internal pepce Greenland and Iceland. It will albo!
manufacturer, and philanthropist, l' u,e fact tl,at lro,,s ,n 'u'earla be fCr them to decide whether to
..e uea Kooo. ,rofc8 tj,0 Jaciflc fronJ TokIo to
The emptier a man's head
the bigger noise he makes
cfuictly speak quality
through their mouthpiece
because they're full of
real quality in tobacco.
Appcalingly blended.
The John Bollraan Co. Branch
Sunday and Monday
"The Red Lantern"
celebnte bis eigi tleth birthday to
day, .Landing bankers and bublnewj men
of the world will begin to assemble.
Surety bonds while you wait. (Hill,
coti; a Kniidi, C-tf
Doday in Atlantic City for the inter- 3W.000 OKHJIAXK TO
national trade conference which ia lo CT iiK.VH'AX HO.MKK,
told forth there during the iomng ,
eekr VASHINOTOX. Sept. 27. The'
Terajrfes in I-ouh-iar.a, Texas, T'-n- German conuuj general In Mexico hag
nerve, Mississippi and other Stairs received Jnfonnftlon from h's gov-1
Alaska and from Alaska to Vancou
ver, Seattle and San Francisco or
whether to fly from Tokio to Kam
,'chutka across the Bering strait te
!Alabk3. '
HONOLULU, T. H., Sept 27,
are to be represented by delegations eminent that 30,000 Immigrant -,., , ',', '' '
at a treat reunion of Mystic Sb,ir. from ilimuny will soon arrive to'Ths srmlr ,
which is to open today In .NV, MeTko to make their future homes. Z IJZ ,' J"'?' '"
OreUtiM, This is tho Hrxt ronvldcrahle hodv
of Germans to come, according to od-
Tb Purple Forbidden City The vices from Mexico City, In answer to
Korea recently made by the emperor
of Japan and Premier Kara. "We
Koreans do not want any half-way
ahode of romance Would you like the overtures made by tho Mexican 'fBurc; lW V- r beung.
ut xtww me tecrei oi us situauon government Jminedlatfilv after the' ' ' " "" 'w"-"" nvr
nAtnreltotMnHiainiiKhtmhl: ttHnr tu .M. and prominent jocally in tin
Prtry4 rAowlnecolorl Then tee a"a' w !'. Korean odeneideuce movement.
dur &nd WnnAvv t Mimii. .,,. or 'i . for Korea. otberwJt,e notlljllg.'''
' ' " " " r "
ift-'it ttQr "rea; other wje jBetJiIug.'
I .- - -
II 1.111 I I 1 1 H M 7
m ia h p-Y'iHim m
H i Jl HJx CliuCvKli H
I General I
I Concrete I
I r i.. I
lH sUh
H Shassta Sand Used I
Exclusively Hi I
H. W. Poole, Owner
Matinee Every D
Owing to delay in arrival of films on ag
count of tunnel wreck, we receivedfg"f
pictures last night Tonight We will show
the best of this four and as this goetjg
press we cannot tell you what it will Pgr
So come to the Liberty tonight, and restat;
sured that the show will be a good one
SUNDAY The Big Special