'1 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OitECON SHIPMENTS OF POTATOES ARE KH mm Tho decreases this year is chtony In Michigan. Callfornln has 3.800 acres against 2,900 Inst yoar and 15,50 two years ago. HKMODKIkS ItOMK. Carlots of potatoes to bo shipped from tho 1919 crop from the 16 prin cipal lato potato whipping states are figured at 123.5 IS cars by thp bu reau of crop estimates, as compared, with lififUS rtrs from tho 19 IS crou of the same states The crop tn tho east is nearly equal to last year, ZLUUUUgn lUC'IV niu 1H.V1H, .ifu.i.. j sovore damage from blight aud rot on Long Island and elsewhero in the cast. Tho probablo commercial onion production of Uie United States Is es timated at 21.G69 cars against 26, 792 cars last yearr 24,725 cars in 1917 and 12,124 cars In 1916. The cabbago output of the nine leading states is placed at 31,066 cars, compared with 41,247 cars last year, 38,017 cars in 1917 and 20.000 cars in 1916. A tomato pack of 8,151,000 cases is expected this year as against 15,882,372 cases last year. The commercial acreage of celery in the seven principal northern pro ducing states is 8,760 compared with 9,385 last year and 10,035 in 1917. Arthur Ililllard, who purchased n house on Grant Street near tho re servoir, Is remodeling tho building and making It into u hnbltnblo re sidence. If tho work Is completed as planned tho house will bo ready for a tenant tho last of noxt wcok. KLAMATH COUNTY BUCKS One hundred and forty head of fine wool and Correlate Bucks for sale. Prices reason able. E. M. HAMMOND Merrill, Ore. AT THE LIBERTY SUNDAY AND MONDAY - --. i mi i mi iinfiim ii ..fwiiMiiii ,l"",ffl'"ll'fWl JBEZEBtE3Z2ZZ& . 'NAZIMOVA. IN "THE RED LANTERN" HANDSOME FALL SHOES FOR STREET WEAR This Fall season is distinctly one of Handsome Footwear. Slim, trim lines and dainty combi nations of plain colors are the rule. Here is one of the neatest models we have seen so far. Gray Kid Lace Boot, 8-inch top of same, high Louis heel and turned sole. Attractive be cause of its simplicity. $9.50 Particular attention Is called to our Tan Stieet Shoes Now Military Heel plain vamps, medium w eight welt bole. $u.ro to $8.ru This is a shoo for every day wear and will always look neat and dressy. "V.KIrag SAFETY SAVING SATISFACTION gfcntommtjSlort H. N. MOE, Proprietor THP. DAYLIGHT STORE Now is the Time to See the New Fall Fashions in All Their New ness and Delightful Variety. . . . Tomorrow a Splendid Showing of The Newest Fall Frocks Dresses from many of America's foremost designers. Dresses for every occasion in u multitude of charming styles draped, plaited, tunic, straight line and blouse effects. Beaded, embroid ered, braided and button-trimmed styles. And never has there been a season when such a variety of styles, or such an oppor tunity for the gratifying of the individual taste. Models adapted for matron or miss, the slender or stout, at about the price you may hava in mind to pay. 4 Dm Tho Materials uro Trlcotlno, I'lno 8er(t ami Hut Ins hi tho fiouml Full Sluulivi I'rlrrw nro front K!0.00 up to Mft.OO. I'X'K'll IVplVNOIltN till) UlllllMl hi Qiinl. Ily at tho I'rlio i ;' 1 im r tu ii Uji I' . t And please boar In in I nil, that new articles of apparel are arriving iiltnout dally and our displays present an over changing variety and newness, Wo iuIvIho nn occa sional visit to this suction of our store. Handsome Coats of Plush and Cloth in a Wonderful Variety Priced $20.00 to $85.00 It doesn't matter what particular stylo you have In mind, you nro rortaln to find a ploaslng model In our Immense showing. Coats for ovory purpose, itiul there Isn't a wanted mntortnl that Is not represented, nor h desired shade that Is not amongst tho lot. Many aro fur, or Imitation fur, or plush trimmed Many have elaborate fancy silk linings. Aud each represents a uplendld value at tho prlco asked. 1 ' ! 5fll mm"' few ' J,fh Vfr THE PRETTIEST BLOUSES A Display Rich in Coloring and offering Fine Selections Blouses of Georgotto Crepo and Crepe do Chine Uxvlusho styles, not shown elsewhere in Klamath Falls. Embroidered, beaded and laco trimmed models In all tho now fall shades and beautiful plaids. And In tho purchasing of these blouses tho much demanded characteristic, individuality, was given particular attention, so you find tho better waists In but one modol of a kind. Considering tho quality, they aro modestly priced at $6.50 to $16.50 Fashionable Fall Suits $40.00, $50.00 up to $75.00 In a showing that Ih particularly ploaslng to tho worn nn who considers her fall watdrnho Incomplete without n suit, nml who deiijauds smartness and becoming stylo. Charming models aro shown In Sllvortouo, Trlcotlno, Volour, French Sorgo aud Novelty Materials .their at tractiveness In many liiH'ancos enhanced by effective Models ft braid trimmings for every tjpo of figure. New "Fitrite" Petticoats that are Decidedly Different Uy fnr tho smartest I'ottlcoals wo havo over had tho pleasure of showing. And ho different In colorings and making that wo could not begin descriptions. Of tho softest of Jersey Silk, lustrous Taffeta. I'lalted or ruf fled In many ways. Scores of different styles, New Knitted Scarfs, $4.50 Theso aro nrrlvals of tho last fow days. Of wool yarn, straight style, and trimmed with pockets In contrasting color. In Navy, Khaki and Old Hose. Gordon Hosiery for Women and Children Hosiery that has n reputation for Us comfort, style and wearing qualities. Each of theso mentioned qualities ropresent splendid value. "Round Ticket" Cotton $4.50 to $15.00 Stoles in Beaver Effect Plush Possessing tho Jeslrcd offert of smartness and tho necessary liunllty of warmth. Lined with handsomo silk and trimmed with tns sols. Trices aro $15 00 and $18.00. WILL YOU WEAR FURS? Their Popularity for Autumn Is Conceded And. In addition to the fact that they are smart and murli wanted uro tlm untU eablo iow markings i havo given Huso handsomi Moccs to assist tholr populurltv Tlicro aro neckpieces In many Htvles largo and small; iiiiimh In Imm I nml pllloa stylo Included uio the furs ol Mink. Marten, HlarU r0x, Heaver O'poNfliiiu and Nutria ' Misses' Fur Sets I'rotty, warmth-giving llttlo sets ot Heart aud muff of Trench Coney, Itelund, anil (Jroy Tox They aro very modestly priced at $5.00 up to $25.00 Hose, 50c A splendid hose for every-day wear. Four-thread heels and toes to Insure long service. Out sizes of this hose, 00c. Silk and Fibre Hose, $1.50 In black, white, cordovan and African brown. Possessing tho wearing qualities and lustrous effect of pure silk, at a mod est price. New Lace Hose, $1.50 We an showing these popular hose In the wanted white and Field Mouse grey and Taupe shades. Children's "Round Ticket" School Hose, 40c to 60c Made of extra select long staple cotton to Insure long service. Extra heavy at heel and too where wear Is most severe. In black .white and tan. Priced according to size from 40c to 60c. Children's Hose in Small Sizes Special at 29c The lot represents tho remaining small sizes of good cotton hose, that usually sell at 35c. In tho black and white. UNDERWEAR. for WOMEN Wo mention tho grades In which this splen did umlorwcar may be secured. Iloro only, In Klnmath Falls. At $4. HO Heavy-weight ullkatoen and mo rino and niodlum-woight Union Suits. At $4.00 Medium-weight merino and heavy weight sllkatoon and merino Union Suits. At $3.50 Medium-weight morlno und white wool Union Suits. At $3.00 Medium-weight silk and cotton Un ion Suits. At $2.25 Medium-weight cotton Union Suits. At $2.00 Medium-weight cotton Union Suits. Tho above Union Suits in high, low and Dutch neck styles. Forest Mills Vests In heavy, medium und light-weight cotton $1.50. $1.25 and $1.00. Tights at $1.25 to $2.50. MISSES' UNDKKWKAIl Heavy-weight merino Union Suits. Dutch nock, elbow sleeves, and high neck long sloovos style. Sizes 2 to 1G. $1.50 xo $2.65 according to size. , HOYS' UNION SUITS Of heavy weight natural merino. High neck, long sleeves. Sizes 8 to 1C at $2.10 A $2.65, according to, size. Special low prices on broken assort ments of Women's Union Suits and Separate Garments. Smart New Hand Bags Some of tho stjles aro vorv different and pei Imps never soon before Of lino pebbled and grain leather Mauv aro prottllv lined and fitted. Trices, $2 50 to $7 00 $2.00 Middy Blouses at $1.69 An Extra Special Value Included aro all ivhito nt les with red ties; white with collars, cuffs and pocket! trimmed in color, and bltio and green with trimming In contrast The materials are lino drill, galatca and Oxford weavo Sites IS to 40. Blankets and Comforters at Saving Prices Tho following prices mean savings to those who make purchases at onco. Mar ket conditions Indlcnto an advance "Wearwell" Cotton BlankeU $4 A good grade blanket In all-white or groy with pink or blue borders. SI" 70x84 Inches. Same blanket la 64x70 In slzo, $3.60. Wool-Finished Blankets, $6.50 Of flno staple cotton with tho desirable wool finish. In groy only, with blue "or dor. Slzo 70x80 laches. Carded Cotton Comforters, $4 Tho covering Is of pretty sllkollne In bluo and pink floral pattorns. A splenma vulue. "Wearwell" Comforters, $6.50 Tho filling Is of flno white carded felt! tho covering of protty floral pattern siiko llno. Slzo 72x84 Inches. Latest Records at Shepherd's new Music Storo. 25-3t If you want It, advertise. Herald AIR MAIIj VOU AVMIW Hemstitching Have your gowns, blouses, waists and wearing npparel hemstitched. It gives them that smart look that nothing olso can. Curtains, towels, dresser scarfs etc. beautifully done. MRS. L. A. BURGESS Phone 214W 131 N. 4th St. ANTWKItP, Aug. 20. An neri.n postnl sorvlco bolwcon Leopold lilt and Stanleyvlllo In tho Congo will bo in operation within tho noxt; three months, If tho pluns ot tho llolglnn government nro carrlod out. A steamer has Just left Antwerp taking avlatois, hangars nnd flftou plants which will bo used in tho service. SPHCIATi AT TIII'3 L1HKRTV. ATTENTION Don't miss tho big dottblo show nt tho Mborty Saturday afternoon. Tho extra plcturo will bo shown at tho matlnoo only so those who wish a tloiililo bill for tho single ndmlsslon prlco must coino in the nftornoon. 2G-lt Ponny-Anto Is ono nmuHonient that hasn't gono tip in piico. I. O. O. V. Merrill Lodge 187. Thoro will bo work In tho Third Degree Saturday, Sopt. 27th, 8 p. m. at tho Odd Follow's Hall; aftorwards a banquet will bo served to which nil Odd Fellows and tholr wives und all Roboknhs aro cordially Invited. W. F. Hill J. A. Brown, Committee 25-2t O. H. Carloton '' Latest Records at Shepherd's new Music Store. 25-3t Wo wondor whoro tho Mexican Camilla got tho dopo that wo put a cash valuation on aviators? TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Chore man for 'ranch work. Steady job. Apply Herald Office 86-3t FOR RENT Apartments and sleep ing rooms $3.50 per week, Fuel furnished. 102 Main St. Phone 468. 26-6t j ' ' Y More Pi of liable I'mplosmcnt. It has been suggested that IM Now York window-washer. i unw should win Its Btilko for p week the places of tho ) J U bo taken by college professors NIOIIT SCHOOL oriS. Klamath County JjJm night sessions will common aDd day evening, September ii will continue for a term of as eks- . iii,iine will be Tho High School hulIdlnB ' ,. opon to registrations at seven Monday. , bookeeP Courses will bo offered mlaBd Ing 1, 2 and 3, TypowrlUrt ? st0"fhL Lnm penmansWP. spelling and English. , gi- Courses in other sub ecw d so be offered ,tlierh'Srgts wW fnr them. No tuition charge' mad?. . ... ... Ann on Mow? School win oo T. flvenln? "r, Tuesday and Thursday erem", seven to nine.