n .F 'VI THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ynwAV, HiaTKMiiiin, AUK MOTOR RHEUMATISM Take out the Carbon. Give the Engine More Pep National Auto Accessory' 910 MAIM CThnn V J 210 MAIN STRFpt Next to Postofficc Ph one 47i 3HMM$Hg4MgMg ! t T z I I Y T t t t T T I t Y Y Y f Y T T f f t T T f T f Y Y T T Y f Y t IWti THE PEOPLE'S MARKET IIAKVKHT 11V SIOOMilOHT Phone Eight-Three Phone Eight-Three From Producer to Consumer ' t Y a i Y J Y t t Y t Y T Y t Y Y Y Y ! We are so busy selling quality meats at popular prices that we have not had the time to give the attention to our advertising this week that we should like to. We will have to confine our selves to asking you to give us just one trial, and then you will see for yourself that The People's Market is the place to buy your nice tender, juicy meats of all kind. Killing beef does not make it tender and that is why we buy the livestock that will produce the meat you demand. A trial will convince you that we have the meat you have been looking for. . Phone your orders. Phone 83. PEOPLE'S MARKET LONDON, Auk. 27. Tho llotih of England iiro crowded wllli Imrvost ors and in many of thuni f.trmera ntul their lunula arc working In tho moonlight to gnthor tho cropi. This Is tho moat crowilml tlmo for tho English farmer In miiny hphhoiii na thu curly crops wore Into and lain woro onrly. Thoro Is nn Incrontmd use of fanning innchlnory In hnnent lng tho wlntor whunt crop. This crop Is not particularly heavy hut hns boon well rlponud by tho Intcuio August sun. If you wnnt prompt service In your wntrh work, try Wlntor'a .Ipw olry Storo. 25-3t m Figuratively Hpmklnjr, Tho hoodoo of tho "Hoorloss" nno, William ChinnlngH Dry an whh "lti to 1." Shalt President Wilson's hoo doo bo "6 to 1." put sum FINE CONDITION j il jflrn um . r-v' MSl'1 )! if? k' V nltt$S3flHNlfl 7 Mr " mmmmWLm' mwHtSfm mm I .himrpn I nvo Tkam 1 Instinctively thoy cravo this wheat food with $ 1 its tasto of salt. And indeed nothing could ho 1 liettor for them than crisp, dainty Snow ' I Flakes. Your grocor has thwn. m i m I Jk If SAYS INIHGESTIOX IUCSUI.TS TKOM AN KXCKSS OK IIY- IHtOCIELOUIC ACID. Instinctively thuy crave this wheat food with its tasto of salt. And indeed nothing could ho 1)ettor for them than crisp, dainty Snow Flakes. Your ,'rocor has thwn. Don't nak for Craokora say Snow Flakes Pacific Ctail lliicuit Co. m8m8 N W U MB am W GERMANY "WITH THE AMERICAN FORCES IN GERMANY, Sept. 1 (Corres pondence of the Associated Press) An entirely new scheme for estab lishing a reserve army In Germany in anticipation of some future oppurtunity to establish German military power Is seen by some Ger man newspapers in a plan they have just discovered and exposed. While the scheme is confined to only "one regiment and so probably has no sanction from the War Min istry it is an indication ,!n the opinion, of American army officers who for eight months have been studying demobilization of the German forces, of how hard Prussian militarism dies. ' The Lightschlag corps In West phalia, now the Sixty-second Reich wehr (National Army) regiment of the Thirty-First Reichswehr brlgaae, has sent oat circulars to all men who have served in this voulnteer unit since the armistice, urging them to sign a pledge to answer to a call to the colors in the event of general disorder or a new revolution. The Freiheit, the Independent Socialist organ in Berlin, suggests that the men responsible for tho scheme really have in mind something more than suppression of disorders, the paper then quoting from the circular as follews: "Soon the time will come when the Fatherland will have need of every, resolute and proven arm." Tho circular, according to the newspapers, says that tho corps is organizing a "reserve" from among the best of Its released soldiers, this reserve to be called into the service of the corps in time or need. Details are then given of the method of Issuing such a call. Tho "Frehelt, In arecent issue, demanded to know who had given the corps the right to establish such a reserve and to prom ise regular Reichswehr or National Army pay to these "reservists" whenever called. EASY TO DARKEN OUR I VOU CAN imiNG RACK COLOR AND LUSTRE WITH SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR Thrift Pays the Bills This world is full of bills. The gro cer sends them, the butcher, the baker, the coal man, the ice man and the tailor. To some people bills mean worry and unhappiness. To others who prac tice Thrift, who spend less than they earn and regularly save a stated sum, bills have no terror. Is it not better to have dollar bills in the bank than dunnin box? rf hi o i rhn tvi o 1 I UIllO 111 HIC JliU.II- First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can l tell, because it's done so naturally, so levenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home is mussy and trouble some. For GO cents you can buy nt any rdug storo the ready-to-use prep aration, improved by tbe addition of other ingredients, called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with ,lt and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By n.orning all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and luxuriant. .Gray, faded hair, though no dis grace, is a sign of old age, and as we all desire a youthful and attractive appearance, get busy at 'once with Wyeth's' Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. We make a specialty of lire, life ' nnrl nnMriAnt InanrftnnA. IMtntiA Afl nn.1 we'll do te rest. Onilcote A Smith. 6-tf ("M' NEW CITY LAUNDRY Moved to corner Main and Conger Our prices are Right Finish Work Flat Work Rough Dry Shirts, collars, fancy dresses, silks, wool; colored goods very very carefully handled. Try us onco. Wo call for and deliver. Quick servico our specialty. Undigested food delayed In tho stomach decays, or rnthor, ferments tho samo as food left In tho opon air, says a noted authority. Ho also tells us that Indigestion Is caused by Hyper-acidity, moaning, there Is un ex cess of hydrochloric acid in tho stom ach which prevents completo diges tion and starts food fomentation. Thus ovorythlng enton sours In tho stomach much like gnrbago sours In a can, forming acrid fluids and gasos which Inflate the stomach llko a toy balloon. Then wo feel a hoavy, lumpy misery In tho chost, wo belch up gas, wo oructato sour food or have heartburn, flatulence, water-brash or nausea. He tells us to lay asldo all diges tive aids and Instead, get from any llB liPB plinrmncy four ounces of Jad Salts and tnko n tnblespoonful tu u kIush of wntor boforo brunkfnstaud drink while It Is offorvesclng and further-) moro, to contlnuo this for a weok, Whllo rollof follous the first doso, It Is Important to neutralize tho acidity, romovo tho gas-mnklng muBs, start tho liver, stimulate the kldnoys and thus promoto a froo flow of pure dl gcstlvo jutcos. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive nnd Is made from tho acid of grapos and lomon Julco, combined with llthln and sodium phosphate This hnrmloss salts Is used by thousands of pooplo for stomach troublo with excellent results. Adv. Do iu Know, That tlio country noupipcr Is the heart, hucklxmu nml circulatory ij(. t m of Itrt rniinmiiitty? Through In columns flow tho 1 1 f o of tho common Ity. It chronicles lt joji, sorrow and expectations, Prom making lr ligation projects possible to electing rrosldontH It 1h u power to be seri ously cotiHldored, but what geti my goat Is that tho country mercbiit rover fully appreciates its value u nil advertising inodlum. Nawog, NKW TAXI SKIIVICE. If you wnnt n Taxi phone 460, Tie Pnstlmo I'ool room. Operated by V Cann, DodBon nnd Egollne. J5-6t Let Me Do Your Concrete Work np- USING SHASTA SAND EXCLUSIVELY Phone 154 A A .. . .. ., , ., . , , , ,, ,. ,, A A A A A A ,!. V V . V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 When you have your work done with Shasta Sand you know you have the best there is ..... .ii. - ,. i. . u i ., ,.i...i ' AL. F. GRAHAM