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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1919)
rMgnH ao' 1010. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TAcn wkvm qg&P- t ., i.nn wn In town yoster flr". .-. from his much imar li. on cu'"v"" W- v.. visited In Hid city Mr. . ' . . .... fHtew ro from IiIh ranch on tno fanlPbi.n mill urn county '" .ii I jiK'tntS frit 111 Imt buslnw vlRlt yesterday from iii ViVyVwVUVVVVXrv L4f ffte Theatres n.hlntlio I'lno drov.) Huctlon. A"e" ' , DMry Htoro loft Ei tor ,,ort'un" " " "UH'" '" tv,.,, Wai.Ti wore In if. and "" . , . I i.i 1.nul'nr l"r' ' il, I. r.null Oil fl'L' bUtcn in-i frrrlll rot.i. Lwto Montgomery, h woll !iMHra Klamath Kollii boy. will ltmvo Sid tl.o Oregon Agricultural !C0lM'' ni.. t)lna tu'ii .i.nnKln:noth Falls hoys, who -'"- . i , ,. i. ...... lire recently ucrn rri " ,wuo n ,...(,.. will RO lii a f-w ! ' world, L ho H'W" "' ",l"l,(,t" tn"lr luJleiattho I'lilwrslty of Oregon jllMyMlo Uuvltt who Iiuh for ,,, pt three inontliB held report- orlil position with tin- uor ilJ left on tho train thin morning torwnmehcr hIiuIIoh nt thn tlnlvor- ... nl l't.t.j.lW, 1luu l.miv. fli; of urcgon i "",' " tl, Uklng a JourniillHlle coiitho ut ibe University 8WM' at tiii: i.iih:utv. itaVi mlsa tho big doublo show nt the Liberty Saturday itftornoon. Tho atra plctnre will he shown nt tho niilnee only no thorn who wIhIi a doiile bill for tho slnglo admission price most como In tho ufternoon. Hit Itlrlck MaeJclnnv for Men mid Iter. X. h. K. Stnr 2 - IKAVB POIt COI'tX). 11 ---lL )'Jfju.ixruAAA Don't iiinko any plans for tonight. Tnko tho iidvlco of Mnnngor I'oolo of tho Liberty thontro and go to soo PrlHclllii Dean In "Tho Wlckud Darl ing." U'h ti bltick-nco, bitter-sweet, sugar-vinegar, wliKo-bliickblnl kind of tltlo, and PrlHclllii In JiihI that kind of a iitur. Hho Ih iw full of con tradlctloiiH iih tho tltlo. Tim over- new probloni of understanding a w,, man Ih present In thlH feature with both foot, and poor Kunt Vortliu-i was tho most befuddled man In tho vorld whon ho found that ho was It loo with a hiiHh-hoiim waitress and u thief at thy minio time and In t fiftmo ponton. And, mind you, ' youiiK man had boon brought up In tho lap of luxury and had linked ono of thoHo hwoII damsels to marrv him. IJtit what ho thouglit or Mary S:ov (iiih wiih no morn Htruugo and liuom prohouHlhli than what hIiu thongl ' II? llurHolf. W'llell. U'llll (inn Irwilr ulin ...-. , ....w... ...... ...... ........ ihivi had Hcomod nil tlio men of hei foil hoad-ovor-heelH n lovo with the mountain of hopIuI promln unco JiihI when ho told her that br wii.h rial broko Hut Kvelyn Cnniji boll Iiiih wovon u Htory that Ih ii won derfully InlercHtliu; human dneu iiiont, mid Tod Ilrownlni;, who dl reded It, necured I. on Clutiiuy. KpottlHwood Altkon and Wellln ton I'liyter too Hiippoit MIhh Denn Tho coiublnntlon will pleiiHe any in dluiao anywhere. Nnzlmovn, Htar of tho HctiRatlnnal Bcroon vornlon of IMItli Whorry'c "Tho Hcil 1-nntorn", which comes to tho Liberty thoatro boKlnnini; Sun ilay for n two days enKiigoinont, n recoKiilzod an one of tho inont (IIh- tlnKDlHhcd actroBBos of tho iiro. She i was born In RtiHHlnn Crimea, In n town on tho Hhoro of tho Muck Sen but iir n child wiih tifken to Swltzor land, and In (iPnovu was Instructed In tho violin. At twelve bIio returned to IluKsln. and madq her llrfll p'ibllc nppoaranro by playing n violin soli nt n ChrlBtnins concort In hor nntlva Vr.and Mrs. I'hllllp Slnnott, Man lier George Walton of tho Cnllfornln flwrnn Pnirpr RoniDnnv and dnuirh W, Beatrice with Wade Short, lefti town- 8ho then wont to Odostt to tb!i morning for tho company's ,iR' hio "" vioiin,. out iook plant at Copco for a short visit. Mr. tho 1 "" m 'nRC!"- n Short will remain thero to work wlthl tlm H,nK cxporlonco whs under tbo HesurreylnK crew. Tho rest of tho! ,,,n'cl,on of tU,r ro,,t 8lanl.luwkv. pmy will go on to Yrekn before ro-."1 "'" Ar,lhtl, Tlr- Mom-ow. A- tunlnt to Klamath Fulls i-huhib in n uusMinu mo. k , company, sno inaycu nearly t puns SrrtTlnrtirhll-r. -i 11,11. In ii wldo variety of prodi'ctloni-. cote Smith. 6-tf Slum coinlnr to Amorlcn Nnrl :novn hns playcl l-oth In JtusHlan and rngllsh. Kvor Mnco nho cane to ho FhrIIhIi flponklnj; BtaRo hor career has been nn utilirokpn record of buc cchhoh. In IbBcnVi "A Doll's Houho," Ifodda dablnr" nnd "Mttlo Kyolf" Bho won tho lilghont laurelH. Bho then lurnoil to comedy and In "The Countless Coiuotto," made an eoti- ally RtrotiR Impression. DopnrtliiR from her Kuropenn rop etolre, Hho Htnrroil In "Holla Donna." Turnlni; to vnudovlllo, nho attained Rrent popularity In "War IlrldoR," tho only play based on tho Rrent world war, which Is conceded to be of permanent value. Hho mado her Birenn debut In n motion plcturo ver sion of this play, nnd sho later re sumed hor work on tho sponklnR MiiKO and appeared In "Coptlon HhoalH." "Tho flreat Nnzlmovo" then bo-1 Ran her celebrated screen produc-! lions, "Hoveiutlon," "Toys of Fnto," "Kyo For Kyi," "Out of tho For," and her newest production, "Tho Ited linleni," which excels In power and beauty nnd elaboration hor pre vious successes. There Is Nothing In Sight i P mill LEADERS KEPT F to cause any one to think tKat foods will be cheap this year, as goods on the shelves are sold they will be replaced with goods purchased at much higher prices. T E JHtHHM.-:-''!---: Queen Quality Shoes tOOK BETTER WEAR BETTER We have a complete line of Fall and Winter i Shoes which includes the newest and most popular now in vogue. THE BOOTERY I CHAS. P. MAGUIRE 713 MAIN ST. ! mHH-lf LONDON, Sept. 2G. Tho Ameri can stnto department Is taking meas ures to check, tho extentlon of the Antl-Snlnon I.cnRtio's prohibition campaign In Kuropc, according to tho Dally Mall, which says two agents of tho lcngiin who recently sought pnssport facilities In Tiirls prepara tory to vWtlng England were mi nblo to obtain the necessary vises. "Tho Amerlcnn state depart ment," the newsparer continues, "Is fully nllve to the detrimental effects which extension of tho Anti-Saloon league's activities to Kuropo m'ght have On International rolntlons, es pecially nt tho present time nnd Bald to be resolved to avoid possible mlsiinder' tnndlnrh." Tho Dnllv M''l. which Is conduct Ing a campaign In opposition to Wi Hum F. Johnson, organizer of the Antl-Snlnon lct'uc, savs It Is consid ered unlikely that manv more Ant' Saloon campaigners will lie nllowei1 to embark for EiiRlnnd at present and quotes Mr. Johnson as saying that officers of tho orgnnlzntion are "senred nt all the attention which lias been focused on the campaign here." A Skin (iimie. A farmer drives n calf to maiKJt and sells it for $9 and Tirlnps home n pair of calf-skin shoes that sot him "bade fifteen bucks. SPECIAIj AT THB LI1IKRTV. Don't miss the big double show nt tho Liberty Saturday afternoon. The extra picture will be shown at the mntlnee only so those who wish a doublo bill for tho single admission price must como in tho afternoon. 26-lt Drug Shops Conducted for the Well as Well a for the Sick Wtrn drug stores are renlly Kpartment stores, for thoy -. umny unes or goods bo- s drugs. Wo enrry many to lines with which you are one or less familiar, in nil ne depaitmonts we buy wods a8 carefully us wo do FOR SUNBURN Our "Amandine Cream" '"""ike tho skin soft and smooth. Ve have it la ar, cent bottles, also ta bulk, Emti&m ALARM CLOCKS feWo carry enly n standard grado that are nutlt for service and priced . ?2.2G to $3.50. Hotter got ono now. BOOKS BOOKS Wo hnvo tho largest lino of books for light leading wo li.ivo ovor stocked. HookH for chlldron, includliiK nil tho "Hilllo Whlskoia," "Boy Scouts" 'it ovoiythlng. Hnvo you ovor road Harold Doll Wright's now book, "Kecio utlon Hrlan Kent"? PHOTO ALBUMS (lentilno seal grain floxiblo lonthor covers, looso leaf stylo, with r0 luivos. Pricod from 90 cents to $5.00. Put your summer pictures in now to show this winter. Until October 1st we will give you ONE-THIRD OFF on all our Ivory Goods make room for the biggest display of PYRALIN IVORY ever shown m Klam- to ath Fall An opportunity to get that piece to fit out your set at a saving. There is only one way to secure a Jonteel Com plexion and that is to apply Jonteel Cream then Jonteel Face Powder. OTHER JONTEEL REQUISITES Jonteel Rouge, Odor Concrete, Toilet Water and Jonteel Combination Cream In the matter of Flour the farmer is.getting the highest price for his wheat known in history, yet we are selling WINNER'S SPECIAL Patent Flour at the price of common flour, and much below the price of other patents. WINNER'S SPECIAL The sack $3.20 CRISCO The pound 33 l-3c LENOX SOAP The bar 5c QUAKER CORN FLAKES 3 for 25c THE Winnek Grocery COMPANY IMSTI.VGLISHEI) VISITOR VOK UASTKKX STAIl. Tho members of the Eastern Star are taking forward with a great don of pleasure to a visit from their Wor thy Grand Matron, Mrs. McMurphy of Eugene, who with her husband is touring this part of the state and at present is at Crater Lake. Mrs. Mc Murphy will arrive in Klamath Falls Monday and the members of the Eastern Star will give a banquet in her honor Monday evening. MMMMWAMMMWMMAAMAMAMWMAM HOUSTON'S "Metropolitan Amusement . Lwwyirwi'"''"' -"" -- .i HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DAXCIXG Vedneday & Saturday Nights. Topnlnr Jazz Orchestra STAR THEATER STAR THEATER Special Tonight Only CUNNNING The Man Who Knows Ask Him (Re-engagement) The Great Show of Wonders m :., :f..'', llUl CI iuuviu piiuiu . Prices 25 and 50c I Sonora Baby Grand 9200.00 Built on the curved lines like the Baby Grand Piano and the tone is everything that you would expect from the Phonograph that received Highest Award for Tone at tho San Francisco Exposition. Price $200 cash or terms if you prefer. EARL SHEPHERD CO. Pianos Vlctrolas Records Ijanjest stock between Portland and Sacramento. Now Location between Fifth and Streets rEMPLE THEATERI TODAY Thomas If. Inco Prc-outs . 10X11) JIH.VXKTT -.- 'WHKX DO WH HAT" , Comedy Diilina That Vim Will Xetci" Forget AImi A I'liif? Comedy 1" Tun lMrts. "exi: kvkry .Mixrii:" i Admission Matinco 10 X 15 cents Evenings 10 & 20 cents BOYS, ATTENTION! Say, Boys I We have just what you want. We have just received a fine line of boys' high-top shoes for winter, made so you won't get your feet wet when you go out playing. We also have some very fine dress shoes in Eng lish lasts among our AMERICAN BOY SHOES AND BUCKINGHAM & HECHT You'lJ find there shoes will give, you excellent service and, above all, we agree to keep them sewed up just as long as they last and that's a long time. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE irAmrAw nivi'iTl)EU TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Orogoa BRADLEY'S SHOE 727 Main St. 727 Main St 1 .1i 11 n