1 M tf 1 5 r Ml r::niumi , t. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAanifenanT ' ffi' N T N1TEIT HUN TY lllllllllli m ' 811111111 II III Palace Market FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY The only meat market in the city operating its own cold storage rooms for the proper handling of fresh and cured meats. SATURDAY SPECIAL NICE JUICY CUTS OF KLAMATH COUNTY BEEF, VEAL AND MUTTON FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER B Nice, juicy cuts from I FancyVeal Baby Beef : Shoulder Roasts - Choice Round Steaks 00 25c - Leg Roasts Rump Roasts OQ 25c - Boiling Beef Veal Chops 15c to 17c 22c to 28c Shoulder Roasts Veal Stew 22c to 25c c Our Own Rendered PURE LARD Special Price on No. 5 Size No. 10 Size p gya " " spring thickens MUTTON 35c ib. SHOULDER ROASTS 20c SHOULDER CHOPS 22c MUTTON STEW 12!2C OUC - ' Klamath Packing Co. 524 MAIN STREET PHONE 68 You Can Never Toll At ono timo In Persia it "was do weed that anyono caught smoking tobacco ahoiild Buffer tho loss of his nose. Perhaps this suggostod copy for the aUvortlsemont of a woll Known tobacco "His Noso Knows." lie's A Man to Know. Said tho hartondor "My custom cisused to bo friendly enough with mo In tho bar and pass mo up on tho street. Now they follow mo mound as If I were a distinguished visitor." "Helpful Hints" "RAISED" CHECKS THIS torm npiilios whon a chock hns boon nltorocl to n Muator amount than origlnully Intended. When ouch iii ls llooi-oil by tlio bunk, tho depositor niuy bo tiAo 8"nplblo for whntovor loss ls occasioned IF UK HAS IllJEN NEGLIGENT in making It out. IStj,'"r,t" ,s n rlll at tho First National Hank which "I'PUes to tho wolfaro of both doposltor and bank. t 10. It. Rcnincs, rrosldont. L. P. Willow, Vice-President. Leslie Rogers, Cashier. A. M. Collier, Asst. Cashier. John M. Moore, Asst. Cashier. ! MFlffl TO SOUTH POLE NEXT SPRING ? R.Rsr National Bank! .KLAMATH, FALM OREQON LONDON, Septl 1, (Correspon dence of tho Associated Press) John L. Copo, loader of tho expedi tion to tho Sr.'th Polo o start nexi Juno, says his airplane flight to tho Polo will bo nboat 7i0 rollcs. Tho buFC from vhlcl iho nuplnno will start is about that dlstnuco from tho Polo. Tho airplane will bo heavily loaded. "Wo shall bo compollpd to tako a sled with us and extra proI s! inn to onnblc us to return In uo t o air plane breaks down," said Mr. Copo. "Hecnupo of this additional 'weight It will bo nocessaiy to rut down our fuel to tho minimum for InUiif; ofi will bo vory dlillcult and it will n impossible to lift tho muchino for crossing tho mountain ranges. "Wo propose to sot off with as much petrol as wo can and tlion halt way on tho outward journey just bo foro wo got to a rango of mountains that wo havo to cross, to dump half of it and to pick it up on the way back." See the Lewl'i Line of Union Sulla for men and tioyo at K. K. K. Store. 22-Gt Want Ads bring results, ' I1UDAPK8T, Sept. 2G. This prob Ibly Is now tho hungriest of tho groat cities of Europe. From Franca castwnrd there Is a gradual tighten ing of tho belt and nn Increasing absonco of nutritious food until horo there Ls a dearth of fats of cny kind. On meat days ono light ration of beef, mutton or veal of poor quality is to bo had at tho midday meal In the larger restaurants that remain open, but on such days supper is meagre. Tonight at tho largest and most fashionable hotel In the city, supper consisted of a green pepper stuffed with rice and tomatoes, boil ed spinach and a fragincnt of poor pastry. Tho Rumanian occupation made harder an already serious situation. The Rumanians scour tho surround ing country for supplies. Interrup tion of railway traffic, duo to the coal shortage, is another factor. As this Is written Hungary Is passing through the governmental crisis that followed tho resignation of Arch duko Josopn as Chief of Stale and Hi s, with '.Is uncertainty us to fu tuie developments, heightens tho Konrral depression of this once, gay "Sl of cltlos. The magnificent ptreotu present blocks of great shops With shutter ed windows. Only here and there la a store open and usually its poorly tilled windows represent about its stock in trado and at exorbitant prices despite tho low value of the kronen. Few of tho restaurants and cafes that once made Budapest fam ous for food and music and splendid' ly dressed people are open, and idle and poorly dressed crowds fill the popular streets. The factories are closed for lack of coal and raw materials. More than 200,000 persons have flocked to the city from the surrounding regions. The streets are filled with soldiery, both Hungarian and Rumanian, ana detachments of the latter march con tinuously through the city. One custom still survives in spite of want and general dreariness of the city. That is the afternoon prom enade on the splendid terraco over looking the Danube, but the poorly dressed throng is a ghost of old Bud apest and there is a striking apathy and sadness on the faces of the pro menaders. Ono custom still survives in spite of want and general dreariness of the city. That is the afternoon prom enade on tho splendid terraco over looking the Danube, but the poorly dressed throng is a ghost of old Bud apest and thero is a striking apathy and sadness on the faces of the prom-enadersr- From its terraced height across the Danube tho magnificent palace looks down on its changed city, its spacious apartments now occupied by government officials. In one splen did suite of rose brocaded satin and gilt the InterfAllied Military Mis sion sits, and General Bandholz, the American member writes on a rose wood desk that once was used by Emperor Franz Joseph. If you want to keep in toucn with the world series baseball games, come to the Pastime Peel Room wo get the game by innings. Remember tho Big Fight Well you'll remem bor the Big Game too Free. Begins Oct. 1st. 25-4t Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. HfYwl 1 In v vV Willi our fingers! i'oi can lift ofl any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be tween the toes, and tho hard skin cnl lui'cu fion bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Froozoni' costs llttla at any drug storo; apply n few drops upon the corn or callus. In stantly it stops hurting, then iliortly you 11 fo that bothersome corn or ml lu rU'M'off, root and all, without one Mt of pain or sorom'ss. Tru'y! No humbug! II I 1 J V 1 Nil I lifl'iif'H' vnuir i - lX f J V XII I It m m ! ! i -mm 1 if lint ti.h 111 fH i syfrK I HI i lAB Hill S iJvH Pi rim urn nnrinirv nininv that j d au my homework without um nrn Hill I 111 I I UlJllHl the !" trouble. I was feeling so MM IILII mUIlLI nWifl I .well last wek that I actually did. tV MM MAKING baby comfortable is the one fundamental law woven into Forest Mills Babies' Comfort Underwear. Soft and light as down and knitted so finely they caress baby's delicate skin as gently as a mother's kiss. A variety of fabric for bablea from ) three months to three years 1005 Heavy cotton. 1008 Light-weight merino. " 1009 Heavy merino. 1012 Heavy silkateen and merinof 1014 Silk and wool. All fabrics may also be obtained In button front or pin-back shirts : also bands to match snssHEiHBn MRS. PARKER. SPENT HUNDREDS SEEKING HEALTH XANDAC RESTORES HER "My troubles have been com pletely overcome since I commenced taking Tanlac, and I am enjoying better health In every way than I havo for over twenty years," said Mrs. M. Parker, who lives at 423 East Third street, Los Angeles, Cal., the other day. "During that time," continued Mrs. Parker, "I spent several thous and dollars for medicine and treat ment and it was just money thrown. away, for I never got any relief from my suffering until I commenc ed taking Tanlac. I was practically an invalid for twenty years, and all my trouble was caused from the aw ful condition of my stomach. A great part of that timo I was confined to my bed, as I was too weak and run down to be up. What little I ate dis agreed with me, and I would suffer terribly with gas forming "after meals. Then too, I often had severe pains in the small of my back, and would have terrible spells of head aches every day or so. To make matters worse I was attacked with rheumatism in my arms and Iep-s, and this caused me no end of pain and misery. I was nervous, too, and never got a good night's sleep. I finillv reached the point where I had given up all hope of ever be ing well again. "One dny my husband suggested that I stop taking tho medicine I was using and give Tanlac a trial. Then, too, several of my friends who had been taking Tanlac gave me the same advice, so I got a bottle and commenced taking it, and in a weeks timo I was feeling a whole lot bet ter. I havo just finished my fourth bottle now, and it is simply wonder ful the way I have Improved. Why. I have actually gained toij pounds already, and feel so well and strong that I do all my housework without the lenst trouble. I was feeling so well last wek that I actually did. tb. family washing, find It baa been, many years since I was able to do A thing like that. My appetlto Is flno atid everything I eat Agrees with me Perfectly. I rtoop just like 3. bsby every night and feel rested pntj re- v freshed when I get up in the morn- x in;;-?. I never suffer from headaches now, an' the '-iieumatlsm has I-ft n.e arid I don't have that awful pain In my back any more. In fact, I am Just enjoying flnp 1 ealth in every way. and I give Tanlac credit for It all.'' Tanlac is sold in Klamath Falls by the'Star Drug Co., and in Lorella by the James Merc., Co. Adv. SPECIAIi MEETING OP THE AMERICAN LEGION. A special meeting of the American Legion is called for Tuesday at 8 p. m in the city ball Important business is to come before the meet ing and every member of the Legion 13 urged to be present. 2G-4t Artistic piano tuning and player work. Call Morgan at Earl Shep herd Co. 15-12t NO HEADACHE OR A PAIN Get a 10 cent package of Drv James' Headache Powders and don't suffer. When your head aches you simply must have relief or you will go wild. It's needless to suffer when you can take a remedy like Dr. James' Head ache Powders and relieve the pain and neuralgia at once. Send someone to th' 'rug store now for a dimo package oi O )r. James' Headache " Powders. Don c suffer! In a few momenta 'you. will feel fine headache gone no morr neuralgia paix '4 JH AAMAAAAMMAAAVWVVWWWWWWWV' ' A Clear Complexion A clear complexion must come from with in. Only those -with pure blood can have a clear, smooth skin. Nyal's Liver Salt will increase the activity of the liver and permit the stomach and other organs to perform their functions naturally. As a re sult you'll have pure blood a clear skin and a healthy, rosy complexion. Price 65c "?i i-;; i f.j f, iwwooft Pharnwv W s V 7 WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE ff ipuRJtvi OUY THEIR PRUGS lAcgugACvl