ljWlMBIMHHBBBryHBMWPHMBWnfc a jySiKMI5wNpj&&lllwNttB& ,' M-yr. s, mi"- THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON pAcm BBvm m! vmmkwmmmmmsA 1 ?& Y7 f 5l F TP VT W VJTi T fflffJlSSIFIED COLUMNS' HELP WANTED Lttnn Ems i"cIU TO RENT OR LEASE ..ll.. unillll IVANTIflll llnllon Plnon In Iiimi. dit SALK-.70.."' i under Irrl- (shod or unfurnished. Inqulro Hor of Klamath M " - (l, ,,,,,. very- old office. 30-tt . ?S urri " Hiin " ' ' jc,, emit l !"" i .n .,.., -. r.ACr, i ruiv i.im i ji i..u.aojc. iGHTroom t.ouH- f?'"!.,, ... 1 Rll ,llw ft HI 0111111". "" MlffP. milt"! " I.... I.rhr,,. . . ni I 1' I . . I ,.- ..VmI hOUKO OlKl "'"" "'" "!... 10 Ir '"" lu""0' aiioi' i liiilliH, and 3- nil nil MIT Int. , iniii'i ; lurniH. fou rent Gentleman I'ljl lllhll. l K!7 Fliil WANTED Home one to catch mui- lett-- win nay r crntH nor nound fur lil He and big- wrlto run boforo -I iniiiii n .1 A. Latimer (iarnit Mi'mu Di'li.i, Colo. 23-2t WAVl'i-D Snuro drummer for or- Hm'sIi.i See Mr Stein at Contrail ,'nrnge or 1121 Lincoln Avo. 23-3t" WANTED -Chnlimien for Slate Illgliwnv surveys Ajiply 1311. Mnln Hini'l Phone 110 20-7P rarnTtwrrTOgEi w.E3nxm itooin r i si 2(.;i KOU RENT AiKirtmciitH and il lug iooiiih J3.no jut woel: Purl furnished. 102 Main. I'M. mo !'.. 20-Ct WANTI U (Hi i or wniii..n for r'eti enil lioimeuork Ferfiition D. , Plume 1'iY ')-lt I... ,mi. 'tit: modem1 i,mj J.l'AHF. A tniclor nrnniihitiim K "toilet Springs Addition, on Rovornl liundrod nrres of burned h? l W ll K',,i,K''' chicken jovnl. ( lainl In fine (ondlilon for 1 disking, ( IMII'KH. i;. ot Mllllntld. M. Moteh en burlier !!!Mf I 1tllU.t I I , mj ami IA ""- i.tA in Mraaile wu p,IVdpark.J.l""B - ..rmn'ioti cuiicvrnliu; VCiT liliv ' ' i. :: .,iv ai '"' 'ji;u n KUniatli Am.' II-coa-31 LOST AND FOUND LOST Wlilto & tan Fox Terrier. No collar. Howard. J. A. (iordon, White Pelican Garage. 23-3t -rT77. n i i'asii 500 head OR SAW-"".. " , . thoro. fffi.c and Home mixed ..v. Phono or write w. m. i,.rnwn ? r.n im iiiiini' n imif. imun iri.'ii ii v w -' .i- nittiin . wok, Malln. Oro. - ' hoIo for my old cuhImk lfi jiercent . gi. r01' off on SturKPs lialf-HoleM ."rir?h.nomr4.: Kl-mnlU Ppll., Qre, mnriprn iii3v ... M i .sMSQUlre 416 IMng St. 1MU.U0 ",J--- H-U SITUATIONS WANTED f$ U'.WTIMl- r.tt iifit inn nu f lit ri innPti. 1 nnlc In ;ood KaiaKO. C. II. K. Hot t.)rim;rf liotoi za-fct WANTIM) SITCATIOV Amerlran .". r. ye.iiM old J .ok '-(nllnj;, Coiiimla-' i.;irv 'rim. : i.i.i I fr Aff lirntn iltl1 i C'umjietunt. Aildreus A. II. Herald of-, i nee. a-ai- WANTnn Two WnodchonDcra. Chll- coto & Smith. G33 Main. 4-tI WHAT IS IT? It is the best paying class of advertising in the world" if you have something to sell that belongs among little ads that you find . The Herald. , ' - iALE-nandy little Iiouro o"'11'"1 rJhSt. U760 half caHh lon 2-31 Check for $117.30, jinynhln to John Coleman Finder please to I'nderwood Pharmacy. WANTi: fiirl for Rdnoral house work mid cooklnc Mrs. O. O. Lab- ii'ir m..i.. nrco. Illy. Orecon. 1-tf ' " V ....... ; ; 'u Xfnrrlinnla lnhr.h nt 11 a. m. to 3 n. m. Crater Cafo 7th St. 6-20t . ""PV.VVm. rlo.,., In at $300 P",.S.'V:;. n n vmnont 2 lilka C Mali St. $20 00 per foot. TorniH I. .1. r im. W M MontollUH. Ktt K. D. Co. 1303 Main St. 20-tf MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE IS HEItEIlY GIVEN that scaled proposals will ho received till thrt nth. dav of October. A. D. ll10 at the hour of 8 o'clock In the even In. fn. tiA niirptiDBn nf Fnrtv ThoUB lilfo .Ul VWW ..... w- - - - .. . o.i.i nr.iifiT.a urnrtn nr nnnnH oi tue ' '.. ,... .i..i. i i..i rnfnrnrlso Irrlcntlon District ot fT!T117i 1 1111 11111 11 lIUIILI.'in. I1W1 , - --- . . , rhxp.l il rect, Adiirs ."r ..-.. , ..,'..,..:... ..,. Kinmnth Countv. OrcEon. bam ISiiHerson. iua 'in """,. ' ' . llr ,,,,, nn n rn1(i ,0rlnc? TOR SALE Hoauttful 8 room rosl- deuce at corner oi ium unu i . iHodern lull basement rurnac.- Iiift payment down Ilalanco to ault gnrcbaser. AttnictHe price ir pur- .L...I Mirnpi iiiiiii n .oil) " WANTED Smnll Becond hand steam holler, suitable for hentliiE water. Uo-ss Sutton, Dairy, Ore. Phono 10F13. , 24-3t LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF IIUUGATION D1STKICT BONDS. JUST TRY IT ONCE . ' If you have something in your attic, your basement, your spare room, your barn, around you anywhere that you want to sell, try The Herald classified ads and you will find a buyer. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING Advertise for it, trying The Herald's classified ads. Some one has something for sale that you want. Let The-Herald find it for you. It costs you but a few cents a day. " Classified ads cost you 5 cents a line a day five words to.the line. They must be paid for in advance and cannot be received over the telephone that is why they are so cheap. lson,Conallls, Oregon 11-201 FOR SALE- F'irnlshlnKfl for n six roon house-122N utn st. -"-" IrORSAI.i: Iinproveo, resldenco lot. Miatnell Sec 'Q"s Main hi "' IFOR SALE Miscellaneou wm iiw " FOR SAI.U Kotd Dunham Auto l o TouiliiK Car. 23-0t niioiil linn rum uuer - ,..nK -. "-""" , V ,in.i Kmo nbnr 1st. vour boo s on a cold morning.' o """" . . i., it nt thn an vtilrnnlTO that leak Hrlnt; the ..,1010 and are o draw interest at the mi voiim ror iry icta ij-m . n" w w. .,--- "--.. ..- tnn S, Klamath FaUs. 0,e 22-,;, "Tho'dBy ot ,., . .. ,.- nirr- r mm AnM nw January of each year until the matur- nny and all kinds of Iiirnlturo. Per- ity f1Bald, Qn,aB- , ,ln rpco,ved by ' defendants on the other hand, then ...'' 20-tf Said proposals will ho rccelveaDy premises be made KI,1S- . the Hoard of Directors of said Irriga- a proceeds derived from such , , ..tlon District, and should be direct-,'1"' (1ivided enually between the CITV nAUUAOi:- Who,, yol, wan , d t0 thQ Socretary of the Enterprise StTn1 th0 2Se hand, and the (larlmKC removed phono 91. 11-tf IrriBnllon District care ot Charles SXnts on ithe other hand, accord- J. rcnsiison, i.uuiiuo "ii"'oi ... nth Falls. OreBon fm See the l-p ' -i. of T'ninn Pu-U for men and boB at K. K. II. Store. 2.-Gt I PHONE PEYTON for Wood. 11211. IFOR SALE- Four good shoop dogs, imp nark outfit, tents. Kheel) llOOkH I ete Ivan E. Kllcoru, I.orolla, Oru. m SHEEP FOIt SALi:--200 or moro e: will sell less to suit buyer All good young sheep. Address liox 14 Meirllt Oregon or inqulro Hornld office. 23-3 1 OVERLAND FOIl SALE Or will trade for slieop i wet or lamb; J. E. Ilanon, Merrill, Ore., Pho.ie Z2-3t' v iiwiVn n. uni'olaltv of flro. life and accident Insurance. Phono fl and we'll du't'vs n-sU Clillcoto & smiiu. 5-tf 0RESSMU1 KEEP FEET 0 FOR SAM. Two Ford Tou ing cars and Io d il l.veiy car. Iloag mi IS-tf I had t M ''oil I WRIGHT HAM) Ibd ten . l codH at bliepli I ;ood condition . as 37.00 j)(i 17-tf CoOfT & nni. u ' r ni.fltini, fimv equipped l'rl-o M,no nn seu Hill Leo ll-l' FOR SALE OR TRADE 'I" TKAIW- For real ostato, usod win good condition, 1 now tiros; M )M(u. (lnrci.s XYZ Herald. t-H' fOR SALi: OR TRADE 4 room wern niingiiiow A very doHlr 'fle location. See Perkins. 18-tf r0R SALE OR TItADE Cooking weasiis of various kinds, also a i,.Vn . "ca"y any kind ot a IPerkins Furniture IIouso. 20-tt Sh01 m' nuB3' MattlnB, Pnhcolln", "Maes, Beds. Mnttroaana ni,1 Qnr,nn.a House0 r trad0, 1erklna' Purnlturo WNTED TO TUnn u Now range tocVn , , ono' yu Pay tho dlffor ins Furniture House. 20-tt . fii rotnpntlvo shares or inter h Falls. OreBon. .,, I ests ot Plaintiff and defendants tnere jnu t.u..n. v.. -,--- . nnd tnereio; uuu umiumi. " - right to reject any or an disouw. G. J. HILYAUD, Secrotary of tho Board ot Directors ot Enterprise Irrigation District. 4-:'0t oti; i: to (Ttr.DiTnits. ....! n h.iroln I'l'.nil ' " '' (, f-"ied has by tho County Court of tho State ot Oiegon. for Klamath County, been duiy-appoiniuu ivuiiiui , , .)i ttu '-tim- of 1 'i'le .day ,i,n0ri( .iw"' ' "11 n"son hsnlu',' el.'lni'J npn'nst .Id pit t" n"' ttiiuired to pcesont sumo to said Ad- ln nnd thereto; that plaintiff be re- t.i i... .i.rnni,nnia tim nnn-half nar,. pain uj iccM..v . ; t'-t of the taxes by her paid upon said promises, for the years laii "J""' Inclusive, .amounting to $462.30, and the one-nait pari oi mo money by her paid ior uie euro and management or sam preimaeo, amounting to $178.50; that the costs and disbursements of this suit, and accruing costs and charges including darsos for Referees and prospective paving assessments upon High and Second Streets in said city, be divided I equally between piainuu ana ueieua TIMBER FOR SALE Twenty million feet of standing timber for mile ciieup. Sawmill nnd planing mill on premises. DR. T. B. T1MONY, Red niuff, Calif. MltV r1nllon . nuts , i ur moro nnH nn om l!!l!!nmure House 20-tt ' BJGGS AUTOWOUD-SAW Attachment co"l 7on. 35 cord. Cots ADywhereAny Auto. ' BURPEE CO Jna;Marufactnrer$ '"d for l.i 'Wlhorn Aw.. Vortland. ""wtaromiln..j in.-.. . -. ' - - iuiiria circular ,1'M.S I.'HEIM.VIISM slTIEItKIP- IO TAKE SI.Tf AM) tii.T RID OF I IJIC At ID lilieumutbm la no H'speder of ago. riex. color or r.mU. II not the mol dnngoioua of human nftli( tlons It If oi,io of the moat painful, llioso suu i.w ... ,.i,..i.,,,f,i im shiiuhl ent les meat, dress us warmly ns posslblo aold any undue exposure and. alio all, drink lots of pure water . niioumatlsm Is caused by uric acid which is generated In tho bowels nnd nhsorbed into tho blood. It is tho function ot tho kidneys to filter this ucld from tho blood and cast it our In tho urino; tho poroa of tho skin ot this impurity. In damp and chilly aro also a moans ot freeing tho blood cold weathor tho skin pores aro cios- od thus forcing tho kldnoys to uc ...urn., unrk. tbov become weak nnd sluggish and fall to ellminato this irin nri.i which keoiis neamulntinp and circulating thru tho system event ually sottling in tho 'Joints nnd mus cles causing stiffness, soreness and pain called rheumatism. At tho ilrst twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy nbout four ounces of Jnd Salts; put a tablespoon, ful in u glass of wntor nnd drink ho .... hrnnirfnst ach morning for n IUIU w.w... ... week. This Is said to ouminuio un.- acid by stiihulntlng tho kldnoys io normal action, thus ridding tho blood of those Impurities, 4 Jad Snlts Is inoxponslvo, harmless and is roudo from tho acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llth la and Is us6d with oxcolloAt results by thousands ot folks who aro subject to rheumatism. Hero you have a pleasant efforvescont llthln-wator drink which overcomes uric acid and Is bonoficinrto your Kldnoys as'woll. Adv. o0 attorney's rees norein; wiul ji oio C (irocbberk, in the city of Klamntli of sai(j premseg bo made, tho decree ".,U ( r ii 'i .mi w mciu.i ot thls court award to Plaintiff her nom t''o d-i nt this notice. ono-hnlf part of all said toxes, .i r ' T r ii,rs. nn,i costs of suit, including Admlnu-ttatcr of Dated: September 1 7th 17-"l-1-i-i." Hie rstnte of 1 . i 'e ..-e-1 1019. Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. equally between piumim uuu uw- ants: that plaintiff bo allowed $250.-1 Meets Friday night of each week at . . t.nl. liot If enlo - n 1...11 c.l. rl Mnln Qtropta io ntiorney a leea uuicm, mm. . . t u, u. r. uuu, mu """ ... ..-. P J.Gerges , N. G.; red uremer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Encampment No. 4G, I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. nail. Arno wor attorney's fees and if salo be not ord ered of said premises that plaintiff KLAMATH COUNTY BUCKS One hundred and forty head of fine wool and Corrdale Bucks for sale. Prices reasonable. SUMMONS FOR PiRUOATlOX. (Equity No. 1089) In Tho Circuit Court of the State of Oiegon For the County of lilam nth. Emma Wing, Plaintiff vs , , Hilda Cooper and tho unlmown heirs of Hilda Coopor; nlso all other persons or .parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. Hen or interest in or to tho real estato describod in tho complaint horoln, Defendants. To Hilda Coopor nnd tho unknown holrs' of Hilda Coopor; also all other persons or parties unlmown, claiming any rigm, "" """". lion or interest m or iu um estato described In tho complaint herein, tho abovo named defend ants: . In tho name of Iho Stato ot Oregen: You aro horoby required to appear nnd answer tho complaint fi lea against you In tho above entitled suit NOTICE TO CREDITORS FIRE ored of said premises that p amtui j Q p Nate otterbein, Scribe; i.n nivon n Hen niinn tbo portion 01 L ' . . m "..rnrnn,;;; Awarded to defendants ? 'oumain ireubu.. -or her said one-hnlf part of said tnxes, charges, expenses, attorney's Tees, costs of suit and accruing costs tnd that such other and further re let be awarded plaintiff as shall seem .v.nfit nn.i ntrrnenlilfi to enlllty. This Summons is serveu upon. uu, ho said defendants, by the publica inn ihoronf in thn Rvnnlne Herald, newspaper published in Klamath inlls. Oregon, and of general circula tion in Klamath County, Oregon, once a week for six successive woeKs, mo n.of TMihiir-ntinn thoreof beinE made August 21, 1910, and tho last publi- cation October 2, auiy, uy uruur ui tho Honorable D. V. Kuykendall, Judgo of the above entitled Court, which said order was mndo, entered ind filed In said Court on August 20, 1919 J. II. CARNAHAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 21-28-4-11-18-25-2 E. M. HAMMOND Merrill, Ore. Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 VnHco Is hnroliv rlvon- that tho on or boforo tho 7th day ot Octoii ior un;,ere,gntfd jia3 py the County Court, mm t.hnt being tho last day or rno .. .. nH. ... oreirnn. for Klamath i T tlmo jiroscribed in the Order of Pub- Cmmt becn duIy nl,Pointod Admin-1 licatlon of Summons liore in, ana ir . , t U) wlth w, nnnexed o( tho os-l .... oU en in nnnear. nlead, answer,, , '.. T i.vn.nn iornnsRil.,T (UIO UI JUIlll ", uv....w, .. -.,. and nil persons having claims , against said estate aro required toi ...,, o.,.,.n in until Administrator JL ,,.k'" D""".A" r.ri. ",::: ". v,., 'x at lus law orxices in mu vny ui iv.ui.,- ( nth Falls, Oregon, within six moniiis from the date of this notice. R, C. GROESDECK, i.H,'HS,,!','" i you juii nu i" ii'""'-i - .i,i '. .. .. .n,A.t.. nn mnvn tnorein iinniiir. or mnumtcw .... -. within said time, for want "lereor, plaintiff win appiy ior i" r oil for in her complaint herein as tol- lQF8or 'Decree of tho abovo entitled Court that Lots 1.2 3 4 and ot UIOCK 1 OI liwa"" ..wo it Wo Klamath Falls, Oregon, according to the duly rcorirea piar oi m ... flitlon, on file in tho offlco at the County Clerk of Klamath County. Oregon, be partitioned ho ween the plaintiff nnu aoiemiuuu. """,'"""" cd: that plaintiff ho awarded nn un divided ono-halt thereof; that if said Administrator with will annexed of the Estato of John J. Lock mon, deceased. Dated: September 17th, 1919. 17-24-1-8-15 NEW CITY LAUNDRY Moved to corner Main and Conger Our prices are Right Finish Work Flat Work Rough Dry Shirts, collars, fancy dresses, silks, wool; colored goods very very curetully handled. Try us onco. We cnll for nnd deliver. Quick service our spe cialty. , Phone 154 I Liveiy, Feed ahd Sales ; " Stable Auto ; st H service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trljis Our Specialty .. Reasonable Rates ; t Phono 19 822 Klnmnthi Ave. V . rnone -juu Ice Cream . i uta ....ll. Iinulnir. it's worth in- ...l c.n-.. nftllm, fmm i SllVlllf.. lil.r. U DU1UUH1U lWill.J ..w. tyt - lands cannot Be equally uiviuu u- J-." & smith, 03 Btata St. S-U 4 twoon piainiui uii n "" ...., 729 Main St. Candles PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drlnk.s Peel and IlUllards Barber Shop in oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO "Courtesy and Service" 8