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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1919)
WKDNKHUAV, H:i-r -AUK) BIX Take out the Carbon. Give National Auto Accessory Cony the Engine More Pep 210 MAIN STRF.FT Next lo Poatoflicc 1 none il com i:smo i-'Oit s i.k. . . .? A ! ? A 'VvVVV V WW" n8":m ! Hh, , Ulils will no unolvoil liy tnu roun JL ty Kutr Hoard for tlio following con 1 i i co.-sloim ni tho County Kali", which In! A a to ho hold nt Iho Kllgorn drovo, Ta A ' near WlNon hiltlgu, Oclobcr anil $ :). TWMim THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON H Jw 1 A Jik. SlJF JULY ISSUE McCLURE'S ON "UTILITIES ENTITLED TO PROTECTION" The financial editor, in a forceful article in that Magazine, says : "Public Utilities Commissions havo been formed In many states to exercise con trol over privately owned public utilities, and havo generally demonstrated that their, regulation's beneficial On tho other hand, municipal ownership has prorod generally unsuccessful, and is subject to objectionable and harmful political manipu lation. The public should realize this fact, that its interests are thoso affected, and It la a fact that private ownership is ninety-nine times out of a hundred moro efficient than ownership by a government, whether of a city or nation. "In order that a public utility may expand, monoy is needed, and to get monoy credit is necessary. It is to the Interest of a city and its inhabitants to see that credit is furnished. Their interests are inextricably intertwined, and public indifference to and ignorance of conditions affecting this class of companies are serious hardships to their growth and expansion. If tho Utilities aro to ' be regulated they are entitled to protection." ? ? Y f J, Soil I'nnlvH mill Cnnfoetlonorv, I muh I'ounti-r. Amuswnmitx, Con cessions. All h N mu.t ln HUbmltteil not I. ih r th in Sninrilny morning. Bip tomlier T AildrvHH nil bids to Komi Siiiioii. Pulty. Oitkoii. Tlin lionnl iisci-m's tin' right to icjoit an hi nil hlds l-Jt COl'NTY KAIU 1IOAHD. S-SiBE TE KEEPS jewel Cafe X Californja-Oregon Power Company f f f T V t t t t T t i I ILL FIRE I FATALITIES LACKING ! IN WEEK'S REPORT WIIK.V MIXKI) WITH HUI.IMIUUTO IlIUNdS HACK ITS HKAUT1FC1. 1AJ8TUK AT ONCK Orny hair, howovor handsome de note advancing ago. Wo all know thu advantages of a youthful nppearanco. Your hair Is your charm. It ninUeu or mars tho face. When It fndes, turns grny and looks streaked, Just a few applications of Sago Tea nnd Sulphur enhances Its nppearanco a hundred fold. Don't stay gray! Look young! Kltlinr nrniKiro tlio ruclne at homo or get from nny drug store a RO-ccnt bot-j t tie of "Wyeth's Sago anil Sulphur; Compound', which Is merely tho old time ruclpo Improved by thu addition of other ingredients. Thousands of folks recommend this roady-to-uso preparation, bocnuso It darkens thoi For the Best in Etit3 Just Follow the Crowd, and You Ate Sure to Eat at THE JEWEL CAFE Jesse Bailey, Prop. Phone 185 610 Main St t ..l..i'i"l--"-"lJf":-',--iiiHHiHH LOSS FOR 01 IlilS SALEM, Sept. 24. There wr-re , 458 accidents, none fatal, reported i to the state industrial accident com mission during the week ended Sipt. 1? Of tho total, 427 vore smliieUI to benefits under tho prevision of1 the workmen's compensation net, 17 I I were from firms and corporations SWE CHAMBER WILL ADVERTISE HI i Ono of tho luudcrti of tho recent strlko In Vnncouvor wa.s n young liiiin of thlrty-llvo years who was hair beautifully, besides no ono cn.n, formuriy "starred" through England possibly tell, as It unrxcuB so natur ally and evenly. You moisten n sponge or soft bruBh with It, drawing this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time, uy morning jn tho gray hair disappears; after an- ny us "tho boy orator of tho riymoutl Hrothren." He Is -now a longshoreman. roponso to a questionnaire 20 per cent of tlio lending iiowh- I other application or two. Its natural II);im,iH of tho South expressed tin olor Is restored and It hocomi-s tnici,,)t,1uf llml jrtall oi t Wilson should glossy and lustrous, and you appear yearn younger. t Wo cau duplicate auy lens. Winter's Optomotrlst. H. J. 20-2t Tho lllshop or London, vrha i snltiry of 150,000 cannot afford to keep up both residences which i with his position, nnd proposes t: runt or Hull Ills town house, On $32,000 of thu Illation's income toe for lncomu tux, super-tax, ruuolclpi tuxtvi uud insurance. . HTH.Vi:i). llrlght li.iv with lump on lata ho roiiomlnatod. Sixty per cunt nnd With J Frank Adams brand- In. could bo tvnomlnntoil If 2 dinirt-r rtnle n left hip. Left a canldnto, but only 30 per cent that he could bo reelected. l'ankiiy ranch on Spraguo rivec Sen! 10. Iluwnrd for Information. I. Cardwull. iMtl PORTLAND, Sept. 24. While the wliioh had rejected tht Unv aiu. 11 , PORTLAND. ?p,i. i ,,, lost closed was martofi with' wore from public utility c,rn,m,tlons county Ju,,g, - j , ,,,-., . ,. , rV ri,.'no' sul,Ject t0 M' I'"'"'" "f lllc Oregon pio-.g-i to ai the damage done in -' Jackson counties is less thin it His ApUs0c pano tunlng an(1 p,aypr oeen since laiz, roporrs v oti - wolk CtU Morgan nt uari si,ep -al I VHtf w, tt i I'd W;th lb. saloucr". ot xw.wstLMttimmiMSMHjmrifii-&wee,P)-:m i -am t :-.m-.vfB? srvn.'iMMK,iit.i-.:ri--4nzriX!ai -wm W S?SiA KnEECrierOll A 1 1 fyllT( Z mC x?iz:.r7Tj'mv-y.i..-rzc;M. m 3E5 aminer It. H. Chapler, who has jut.t herd Co. returned from Grants Pass, vhpre he has been investigating tho loss. The success o! the iire eason , Chapler atributes to the eo-nviT.i'.iou between the firo f'ghtiu? agencies, ' which is the best over experienced, he says. Numerous agencies com posed of private timber owners In ; previous years were combined undor the head ot the state forestry dc-j partment and the federaj forest sc-rv-, ice this year. A good rain cleared the countn of fire and smoke and the residents do not contemplate much fire danger although two days after tho rain one large sized fire was reported. "There were 135 lightning fires in the Crater national forest alone." said Chapler, "yet in tho two coun t'es the damage is very low. This Is due almost entirely to the efficiency of the fire organizations." 15-12t Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit As Well As Men I Glass of hot water each morn ing helps us look and feel clean, sweet, fresh, v NOTICE I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from the Hoey, Cam., sand and gravel pit, in any quantity that may be desired by contractors and builders. AL P. GRAHAM. Gold Seal top Notch and Ball TJrand Rubber Doots, K. K. K. Store. ?L'-6t PROFIT BY THIS Don't Waste Another Day you are worried by back- and urinary dfsor- When che: By lameness fers Don't experiment with an untried medicine. Follow Klamath Falls people's ex ample. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Hero's Klamath Falls testimony. Verify it If you wish: Mrs. R. S. Van Campol, 1021 Washington St., says: "Doan's Kid ney Pills aro a family medicine for kidney trouble in our homo and I can speak a good word for them. I havo found Doan's Kidnoy Pills all that is claimed for thorn whenever I have had occasion to take a kidnoy medicine. I ' couldn't recommend anything more reliable for backache r kidney disorders than Doan's." Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for' a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs .Van Campea had. .Foster Mllburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo) N. Y. Happy, bright, alert vigorous and vivacious a good clear skin; a natural rosy complexion and freedom from ill ness aro assured only by clean, healthy blood. If only every woman and like wise every man could realize tho won ders of the morning inside bath, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic- looking men, women and girls with pasty or muddy complexions; in-1 stead of the multitudes of "nerve wrecks," rundowns," brain fags" and pessimists wo should see a virile, opti mistic throng of rosy cheeked people everywhere. An inside bath Is had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In It to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels the previous day's In digestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweeten ing and freshening the entire alimen tary canal before putting more food into the stomach. Those subject to sick headache, bil iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; and particularly those who havo a pallid, sallow complexion and who aro constipated very often, aro urged to obtain a quarter pound of llmestono phosphato at the drug store which will cost but a trifle but is sulllclcnt to dem onstrate tho quick and remarkable change in both health and appearance awaiting those who practice Internal sanitation. We must remember that Inside cleanliness Is more Important than outside, because the skin does not absorb Impurities to contaminate the blood, while the pores In the thirty feet of .bowels do. Adr. import mi ' R-cssivp art veri 'iiijr "a'vu'iign ht '.rectioil ul I ' iitatJ i'hWii . n Commerce, 'bo .'uiai h i ' i-i-o'-i ; . ' en cnormnji -1 jmVohiuvc of In 'state's resource. Oreiton Iih-- been I I the least adveri'ucl of tho l'r'-;iie! rem states, and, a 'eorjin? to data: issued by Socrotarv Quuyle MO.fiOO J pcopio seining in ini i siiiio w ns- i'i.c- m ton lias reepivi'l '100. m Idaho r'nV,tS Odd, Montana 1C0.000 and C.ilU'.i nla COO.000. i The work of tlio officials of the state chamber in presenting the ad vantages of Oregon to tho farmpis and investors of the East is mooting with most encouraging results. Hun dreds of inquiries are received uaui month and the success of the cbai.i- ber's activities is reflected In the in creasing number of new settlers ar riving each week from Canada am' Eastern and Southern .states. Let Me Do Your Ln crei e h I one F. A. Miller, editor of the South Bend, Inel., Tribune, in an article on tho "Clown Press," says: "Tho most successful nowspapors of tho United States wo do not mean the richest aro those noted for their sanity, good English, honesty and dlscro Hon." Duxbak Hunting Clothes at K K. K Store. 22-Gt WIL1T KEEPS MYH4IR HEALTHY i jfjtzrrr 1 k i iii irn - "TO.. ..eln. UTIfflrAA, T 1. ... .., 6calp entirely free from the itchinu crust ot dandruff, the cause of most halrtrouble. I owe my luxuriant hair the envy of my friends to this guaranteed dandruff remedy," MiB.lSBQQ's3 THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC For to! htrt undtr a momr-baek Bmorantte STAR DRUG CO. Wlldrooi Sktapoo Soap. uad la eoanteilom with Wildroot. will luuua th tr tint. USING SHASTA SAND EXCLUSIVELY When you have your work done with Shasta Sand you know you have the best therejg AL. F. GRAHAM