SlIUNftlML'JtlNL M 4SMfttt3iWKIuto& smjmz: M, 1010. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGK FIVK ERSONAL... P WHEN GOD MADE THE OREGON APPLE lly VOL. W. (!. I), MERCER W. - c mnklo. of Han DIoro Ih in ,;,: on lM.Hln.HH. s ,. itonk Ih in Hi city from Bun c y, LnvlHlMHiKoiinty nont vIhI- w'tm "' ,,,,,nl- rharli'H (' DilKKim I" KlMllllUh Fa,!8 visitor from Mo.lford (o.lny. .. . t N Ollstfiip ban boon riillcil (oOlemlnlo upon tlio HlnoHH of i.r fetter. r r KIlRoro ""' wlf0 nrn '" lM" riiythlnwook from tliolr ranch linnic In IiOrcHn s o JoImMon Ih horn (IiIh wcok pn nii-ttori of ju.nlinja. fr)in Han rr.mrlt.cti. 1,08 I'lymnl l In town today fiom Fort Klwmilh. whern lio Iiiih Ik-oii ipcndlnB tlio Rimiinnr. T N Cnio Ih In town today fiom Mi ranch on tlio Merrill road look (rF nfior ImihIiiiwh mime. W H Iliiiiiphri'y. an attornoy of Son KrnniNro. Ih In Klainiith TiiIIh IMj week looking aftor mnlti-rH of business Mr anil Mro Walter O. Crosby an T.tor In tlio city from Snn I'-m Cisco Mr Cronhy Ih looking nfli-r li Ih business IntnroHtB here. Austin Cane, wIioho lor.n l'i in ,ho Mllli-r II III illHtrlct, hiui gonu to Ctmnllli fir tin' winter tnrio at t'.p OrcBon Agrlrultiirnl CollngJ. I.lllOII I Kollllko, Of (i(I7I)0, fil-0 McBr'ili, of Etna, Jorry CluiRt.iln, of GiiIbiIIo mid Olnii Maxwoll. of (Inr. pile aro a party of men paying Klam otn Fulls a uuhIuohh visit. C. II Catchall, manngor of the Standard Oil Co , for Northorn OH fornla nnd Southern Oregon. 1p" this morning nftor a hrlof visit In tte Interests of hit) company. 8. H. Orlfflth, a farmer from near Merrill wnn In town todny on buli M8. Ho ri'portH that hlB crntn pw If not vory heavy but thnt IiIb hn' crop was exceptionally heavy. Mrs. Chin Iph Ooffco. who Inn heon Finnllng the Hiimmor with hor hIh ci. Mrs, KrPil llnuiton, kfl fo' Southern California this ninrn'ng 1 fro her Iiuli:ind Is In mislm-i C. II I'mlerwood nnd Aiih'V diii are suiiprliitentlfng tin threshing o' their Rrnl.i on their v-i'in rnne'i tins week, i.rd Inrldentallv hcirlng ru n nieiulierH of tliu tlucHliIng irew. A. (5 Dove, of OdoRsa. Iuib inovoi' his family hern for tho winter In o dcr to Rend tho chlldron to .school They will mnko tholr homo on John ion avonue. Miss MTjnrv Kdnnll, ilr-outi.-in'"-' by MIsr M-irM Obenclnln lef on Mir Ashland ataiw tblo mornlin Tho I'lil" will take tho train fr nu Pint point for Kuceno, whoro tlioy Intend catering tho I', of O. Undo Shoit, nt ono time .x .inular n.eml'cr of Klamath's ynurgor rel. In pajinp tho e't) n visit af'or mi nb Fenfe of three o- four yp.irs. finco his (llsclmrro from tho iirmv Mr S'lort has been employed In Astor'.i Mr. and Mib. It. H. ttorcli, nro f taken with Klamath that tlmv ) shipped all their household gooilr from I'ortland and nro plannlnr buy property In tho city and make this tholr homo. At present thoy aro living on Congor Avonue. Misses Clara Cnlklna and Amlro" Roberts, woro nnssongorn this moni tor on tho trnln bound for Eiw-pi-o whoro thoy will nttond tho Univer sity of Oregon aa sophomoros. Miss Roberts will apond a dny in Medford visiting tholr Horority aistor, Miss Elslo Lawrenco. XOTICI3 OF MKKTING. (.T1'oro will bo n called inoetInK of jne. Ladies' Aid Society of tho Pros uyterlan church, Thursdny at 2:!I0 " m. at tho homo of Mrs. D. M. Hall, corner of Sixth and Wnlnut Strcots. "Ho (lod created man in IiIb own1 linage, In tlio Imago of (lod created ho him, main and female created ho tliom." "(lod said, llehol'l, I h ivo glvon you every herb bearing Bced, which In ution the fain of the earth, and every tree, In the which Ih tho f i ult of u tree wielding seed, lo you It bIiiiII bo for meat " "Anil (lod hiiw everything that ho hail (tlnm far) niado, and, behold, It was very good " And then ho bethought hlmseir of tho Oregon apple, and Htialghway Ho dispatched Ills white-winged angelic inoBHimgorH throughout all tlio strr Htrewn realnifl of npneo with hiBtrur tloim to gather all thorn was that lp pleasing; to I In- taste and smell hen the angelic reapois returneel from lug; Ho took of the pure sweet snow which gleams from the potnls of tlio lily of tho valley: Ho took of tho Himctlflcil sweetness of tho kiss of1 lovo In Its llrst deep hour of truth; lie took of tho Bwoot beguiling mel ody of a mother's lullaby, and Ik look of tho calm lovollnrsi of th." closing flowers when day Is dying nnd the evening star so holy shines And (lod said, Let us now array this appetizing mixture In gnigeou.i rol.OH of russet and scarlet and 1 lew. and bright with tho silicon of tho t'eu So (lod took of the resplendent beauty of the world's openln ? gloiv; He took of tho glittering garlands which tho angels veavc In Sll-r Ktarland; Ho took of the triple rain their harvesting and threw down at , bow on tho mountain tops when iho ... . ... i .. ... . . .. .. Ills reel tlieir minion in oeiii ioiih storm Dispelling is enthroned in gii'i eii owning, mo tooic ui mo niiiint Joy-tints upon the apnl blossom i hecks of co muldeni) when 1oe within a dlmpl" lies. ()er these wondrou.s tlntc and col orings lie threw a profe-tln,; niiiiulo fiagaucles, lie began In their won- droiiH pretienie tho inoiildlng anil fashioning bf the Oregon Apple "Willi Cupid's in row", lie defllv Im bediled the bonnle seeds wblih were destined later to disclose the lo secrets of inaiib swains and lovely of dewy purplo, which. In nut-Jmn-maldcus, lie then took of the net- time, rises like a cloud of swijet In lur uhlcti .liinllor hIdh: lie took oflieiiHo frrim .caTtli's 'oil uin. n 1 the dainty drop of limpid wlin- froe j then from out his tent o' cloiiili "ho OMmlZ' )X- Jp" ttJ lln ilSr ' W v 5slf I H'l Ulll 111 ' li-iyL j!Ki MjszSBi EARL SHEPHERD'S DISPLAY Whether It Is the finest finality piano or a low priced used one that you aro looking for, It Is easy to choose from among tho flno display at tho Shepherd Music Store, situated In the new Kerns Building, -which was built especially to house their fast growing establishment and conven iently located opposite tho First State & Savings Hank. Gulbransen Trade Mark tho moonlight loloted cup of the wind-Illy. He took of tho pearly honey-dew from the rubied heart of coniiiierlng sun enmo proudly forth, .Tld like some grand enchanter, find the splendor of his smile on the rln- the musk roro; He took of the gllt-joned gift, and all heaven and oarth terlng dew-diops uhlili fill from th rosy fingers of the goddess of mnrn- ixjnleed, for lo, Ood bad made tho Oregon Apple. iir.m: rito.M aukansak. Mr and Mrs. I) F Scott of 1-lttlo Hock, Ark , aro touring the west and ArkatiBts nro touring tho West nnd stopped over for a fow days for a visit with a relative, Mrs. Dollle Shldlor. They are high in their pralso of Klamath Falls. Mr. Scott is it cotton and rlco grower nnd hla farm is in tho famous Hlch Woods bolt of Arkansas cast of Little Hock. Mr. and Mrs. John Mntney woro mado happy yesterday over the arriv al of n baby girl at their home on the Merrill road. I'NI'SITAIj SHOW AT TIIH MIinitTY, If you wnnt It, ndvortlBO. Htfrald MANY COUSINS TO WEALTHY DECEASED SAN FHANCISCO. Sept. :M "Cousins" from many cities of the United states have tiled claims In tho suporlor court hero for pirts of the $142,:ur estato left by William (Jelstborg, who, witnesses testltled, starved himself to death rather than nay tho high prices charged for food. W C.oisenhofor, a friend of tho dead man, testified that Gelster berg had mentioned to him only rel atives living In Now Orleans. "Iti.ttor Times" shnwlnc tonleht at tho Liberty, Is so out of tho or dinary that everyone should see it. Glenn and enjoyable every moment and you go away with a smile, no- sides tho featuro picture two nig rnmnittcR will ho shown. The first Is a Century Animal Comedy "Lone some Hearts nnd Looso Lions ana tho second Is a Capital Comedy with Smlllnc Hill Parsons at his best In "Ynu Know What I Mean." 24-lt XOTICK. St. Paul's fiulld (Eniscopal) will hold tbe1'- regular mee'lng at the home of Mrs. J. D. Morgan. 16'- C ni. tui Thnrmlnv fKent 2f.) lit 2:30 P. m. All Miungprs who aro Interested i In tho 1 plbtopnl church are cormn-iy i inlted to meet with us. it-ii High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADH TO OUDEIi F1NKST MATEUIAL9 BUST OK WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYIiES PEKKECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices nro very rcnsonublo Your Inspection Invited Chas.J.Cizek MEHCHANT TAILOR BIS Main St. HOUSTON'S Afotr.nw.lltiin AmusenientH HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DA.NCINO Wednehday & Saturday Mghts. Popular .lnzz Orchestra i . The Bootery CHAS. P. MAGUIRE 713 Main Street 4 We have just received a shipment of school shoes j in the new dark shade of Brown and Black Box calf hvchild's, Misses' and Young Women's size. t STAR THEATER TODAY Thomas II. Inco Presents DOKOTHY DALTt In 'GREEN EYES" Also Two Reels of Gowl Comcdv. -nnd An IMucwtloniil TTeckly. FEMPLE THEATER TODAY Tlionias II. Inco Presents ENID DENNETT In "WHEN DO WE EAT" A Comedy Drnnui That You Will Noverl Forffct Also A F1K Comiilv In Tun Parts. "ONE EVERY MINUTE" Admission Mntince 10 & 15 cents Evenings 10 & 20 cents MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS ? Merrill, 'OMgoa EARL SHEPHERD COMPANY L-irfjest Stock of Pianos, Phono graphs nnd Records between Sacrn tupnto nnd Portland. Now opposite First State & Satings Dank. I A. F.Graham I i I Concrete I I I Construction li I Shasta Sand Used l H Exclusively - t 3 1 life iS i r,w.mwi i5?i?aaftf n IP 0dB&HCLlSFW l.IT.:SBBISEJL Itslff i T' -g - T 1-iyKI w r mmmBIHHHHHBBi I I Direct Marketing The large packer represents the most direct route possible from farmer to retailer. Large volume of business makes this possible. The public should be glad that there are large packers for this rea son if for no other. We buy live stock in the stockyards in the West. We put them through packing houses. We ship in clean refrigerator cars. . We sell through 400 branch houses located in all large consuming centers. All done at a minimum of expense and a fraction of a cent per pound profit from all sources. And it's only because we are big that we can give this service. Let us send you a "Swift Dollar." It will interest you. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Swift & Company, U. S. A. fr ! i f i ixm y oy of vWy To$toHUh2l -"thi "mows" rutukr nrrnurc OP THE AVERAGE D0UAR nercllrn RV fsVIFT& COMPANY rKUM int 9nwr owt. AND BY PRODUCTS CENTS ISPAIDrORTHC cints roa labor expenses ano pneionT I.O CENT MHJun WITH tSWlfTiCOMPAJir m rnvni l-BEHN.L, N i m m 'ttotoM I