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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1919)
wkhniwhay, Hkxx t PAGE FOUR THF. EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ti Hit TheEvening Herald B. J. MURRAY, Editor t JAMES 8. SHEEHY City Editor i Published dnily except Sunday by Tho Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street. Entered nt the postoffico at Klam mth Falls, Oro., for transmission thru the malls as second-class ninttor. Subscription terms by mall to any ddross In tho United States: One year $5-00 One month 5" CENTRAL EUROPE HI DECLARED CHANDLER SIX Famous For Its Marvelous Motor Member of tho Associated Press The Associated Pres Is exclusively -ii.i tn 1m non tnr rnnnliltrnttnn 1 uuiit:u m " " r i of all news dispatches credited to It or not otnerwiso ciecueu in mis pa per, and also local news published herein. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also reserv ed. WEDNESDAY, S.K1T. 21, mill. GERHS II BIDDING EDD ITALY'S TIE LONDON'. Sept. 24 British trad ers are advised by consular agents at Rome that Germany is making a strong bid for Italian patronage. By extending to Italian buyers three month's credit at one percent Inter est and the quotation of prices for delivery at Genoa, whereas British firms quote f. o. b. London, a large volume of business is being attracted by the Germans. Italy's most pressing needs now are Bald to be dyes, inks, hosiery. shoeB, chemicals, machinery, type writers, heavy oils, meats, preserver and cloths. LORELLA LOCALS ON THE MOVE BUDAPEST. Sept 24 All Cen tral Europe seems on tho move. In a railway Journey from tho vastorn Swiss boundary across CJermnn Aus tria, paits of Czechoslovakia and as far Into Poland as Warsaw and Lem burg, back Into Austria proper and thence to this city, an Associated Press correspondent saw dozens of long trains crowded oven boyond tho capacity of tho cars and with overy nlt form filled with men, women baggage of tho European peasant. Bundles and chests and cloth Utgsi and paper packages, stiaw and wick- er baskets, rope tied, were strapped on cveil available space ( Where the people are going or why no one seems to know. It Is ap-, parently a resetting and milling, about of the population. j Tho triins thenisolves aro wrvtch-l ed enough There is not a passenger car In Europe that has not been used for troops' transport. They aro filthy beond words, nearly all tho glas3 gone and the windows filled with rough boards cr rusty sheets of Iron or tin. The paint has long since gono and some still bear tho faded lines of early war, camouflage. Lubricat ing oil Is one of tho scarcest of com modities In these regions and tho cars creak along over rusted rails, drawn by shabby engines. Travel Is a hazard. Schedules re vfrtually non-existent and these un certain trains creep along as tho fuel supply permits. Stops in desol ate country regions of hours at a time are not unusual and In most parts the railway buffets that once supplied the traveler with meals are closed, so that It Is Imperative to carry one's own provisions. A passenger on one of the Orient express trains said that at one point In Southern Europe the conductor took up a collection from passengers to buy wood for the locomotive. k afttffwiMw Mil i jrij!i i hi m slv) 2S Mil l! vl v tH. ., u... sa '. ':i.!!J.j. u. r ,, I., I-, .. . ' "'''uira - - Mr. Ed Casebeer's house in Horse fly was burned to the ground last "Wednesday about six o'clock in the morning. The fire is supposed to have started from a defective flue. Mr. Casebeer had Just completed the sale of his place to Mr. Sherlock. All the contents of the house was destroyed There was some Insurance. Mr. Case beer contemplates a trip to Alaska with a view to locating there. Mrs. Alfred Keller has been en gaged to teach the school In their district for the coming year. There seems to be a dearth of teachers this year. Ben Brown's threshing outfit has completed the round of the valley, with one or two exceptions. Thcp places will be threshed later, when the grain Is more matured. Mrs. Gus Keller is In Immanuel Hospital in Portland, where she Is recovering from the effects of an operation. A water meeting and dance will be held lnvFordney's Hall at Lorella, Friday Eve, Oct. 3. Speakers from the Falls will be present, and good music will be provided. Supper will be served after the speaking. Let everyone interested In water be present. I 11S S1 $ FD This New Ch JHW &lw $ an '6 if'?' V d ft ing Ca S4l SEJl dler f .fM. 9 v i NE 5 A HAPPY IM GAINS NINETEEN POUND! "JUST SEEMS TOO GOOD TO III-TRUE." SEARCH the whole market of motor cars, you coulJ find no more satisfying closed car of the coupe or victoria type than the new series Chandler coupe. Closed or open, as you may desire or the weather dictate, it is clean and cozy and luxuriously comfortable in all seasons. Upholstered in finest quality silk-plush and with dull silver finish fit tings designed in the best, of style, there is distinctive character in this car. The Chandler coupe seats four in perfect comfort, or three wnen the auxiliary chair is not in use. Chandler closed cars, because they so clearly express the very -est of the coach-maker's art and skill and because they are so fairly priced, will be over-sold throughout the Fall season. Despite the largest production in the history of the Chandler company, the demand for the new series coupe will quickly con sume the production for weeks to come. Your early order will be a safeguard against disappointment. SIX SPLENDID 1J0DY TY'ES Seven-Passenger Touring Car, $1795 Four-Passenger Po,hf V"; Four-Passenger Disfiatcli Car, ,V.V.i Sven-r tenser Sedan, S2795 Four-Passenger Coupe, $2o9S Linio,,. -. All J'ncn f. o. b. UtvtUnd CENTRAL GARAGE KLAMATH AVENUE CHANDLER MOTOR - CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND 0. OFF FOK COPCO. John Boyle, chief engineer in this section for the California-Oregon Power company, with Del -D. Gam mon and wife, Arthur Leavitt, Col inan O'Laughlln, Henry HIJaeck and Paul McDonald, left at one o'clock today for Copco, where they are sche duled to do engineering work. COMING SUNDAY and MONDAY A 6$v IS y! x Mi 4 WMV t kj I (m f r i lfei P 1x1 it . - jx&vim' ttzwvrytmwtt v'J,i-i&tW&$& ijti..n .;;.,.. -j t a.4M-x NAZIMOVA in "TH'7 PED .NTrrN" "I am so happy over the wonder-1 ful improvement of my health since I commenced taking Tanlac I just j want to tell everybody I meet about It," said Mrs. H. H. Harner whol lives at 736 West 41st place, Los( Angeles, Cal., the other day. j "It seems too good to be true," i continued Mrs. Harner, In speaking i about her recovery to health by us- ing Tanlac, "for I was in wretched health for about six years, and every- ; thing I had tried in tho way of medl- cine and treatments had failed to do i me any good at all. In fact, I had about given up all hope of ever tint' I ing a medicine that would overcomo my trouble. What I suffered during these years on account of the awful condition of my stomach, simply cannot bo told in words. Everytimo I ate anything I would have terrible cramping spells afterwards. I was nervous, too, and such athing as a good night's sleep was out of the question with me. I Just seemed to lose all my strength and energy and finally got so weak and run down that I could hardly get about at all. I went down in weight from one hundred and seventy-seven to one hundred and forty nine pounds, and you can Imagine how much I must have gone through. "Well, about five weoks ago I de cided to give Tanlac a trial and see If It would do mo any good, ard lust In that short space of timo I havn actually gotten back nineteen poundw of my lost weight. Why, I beean to pick up before I had finished mv first bottle of this wonderful medicine and I Just continued to improve un til I am as well and hearty now as I over was. I never have a pain or ache of any kind and my stomach troublo has been so completely overcomo that I can eat Just anything I want and I never suffer afterwards. All tho ner vousness hoB left me and I sleen Just like a child every night. In fact, I Just feel perfectly well all tho timo. and I never lose an opportunity to say a good word for Tanlac." Tanlac is sold In Klamath Fal by the Star Drug Co,, and. In Lorella" by the James Mero,,, Co. Ady, - Surety bonds while yon wait. Chil- ARFLGHT SOON 1 1 TO I 1 .MOVE TO IIETTEIt LOCATION. TURIN, Sept. 24. The airplane flight from Borne to Toklo planned by Gabrlelle D'AnnunzIo, the Italian poet-aviator, is being arangqU in' this city. Tho trip will bo under-1 taken by a wholo squadron of the fast S. V. A. type conslbtlng of six machines. The details of the trip are now being worked out with tho greatest care. Each machine will carry a pilot and a mechinlcan. Stops will be made at Salonlkl, Adalia, Alepp, Bagdad, Azra, Ben ares, Rangoon, Bangkok, Kanio, Canton, Kiao-Kiao and then Toklo. I Tho distance to be traveled will ag pregate nearly 10,000 miles. It is Jlanned to fly an average of between t 800 and 900 miles a day. Tho National Auto Accessory com pany, which has be-n locnted ll!i North Fourth Street, between Main and I'lne Streets, has moved Into tho room next to tho postoffico here tofore occupied by tho Earl Shop- herd company. This concern makes ; specialty of what is known us tho In syde Tyre, a device for prolongtnp the llfo of tires which Is said to bo meeting with w.onderful success. In addition to this the enmuanv carries a complete stock or automobile ac-cessoiles. !KING GEORGE i - USED US I' i-un Liuuun BOOZE SUPPRESSION SOUGHT BY FRENCH PARIS, Sept. 24. Jurors of the District of the Selno who have Just disposed of fourteen criminal affairs of which ten were atributed to the, ubuse of alcohol, have written to Mr ' Nail, the Minister of Justice ask ing .that measures bo taken for tho I suppression of tho sale of alcoholic bevorages. Advocates of prohibition In Franco (there are few) have little hopo that ny such steps will bo taken. One of them told a reporter of Lo Journal yesterday; "Tho elections ure too near, and the wine merchant Is a power In the land." ItED TROOPS TAKE OMSK LONDON, Eng., Sqpt. 24. A Bol shOvlk wireless from Moscow says the Red Troops of General Lubkoff have occupied Omsk, S00 miles 'east of that place, WOOD Wo nro receiving many In quiries for block wood from points In California, and tho indications are that l.irgo quantities of this wood will bo shipped to outside points when fall weather romes. If you want fo '.ore Block Wood Buy now and bo safo Single loads $5.00 Double loads $7.00 TERMS CASH 0. PEYTON Office moved to 402 Main Phono 112-11 "WOOD TO BURN" LONDON, Sept. 2 1.- -Everybody knows that King George Is ono of tho most abstemious men with re spact to alcoholic beverages. Vet a list of royal warrant holdors pub lished In tho London Gazetto, tho oCldal organ of tho government, shows that 11 distillers of whiskey am entitled to rail thomsolvcs pur veyors by appointment to tho king. Nlnotcen brewers ,or dealers In beor, ifii'.y claim tho same distinction. In - . ..I .. Inns Ihn VtaC'l J- r.....r,i lu in most ftriklnj te: to his well merited reputation n .kin. 1.1 abstemiousness Duincmi". wine producers ana ' i. t ,.f rorolvlne his paw It may bo taken for granted ICIng Heoig-J nener c" - ..,i nf tliH brands of struts i lliwtn .- which his name la used to aw There Is much tliat is " hollow" In tho acts mail ed to a king iisi:ciiov im'OT , nvnnv. Rent 24 -VI Is groulng among the Kngland according to a r P- public by mo k' - . 1918, 23 laboratories W ..i ., hi, m 1 tary nw 'oenedforthe p.-' porlnicnts LIBERTY THEATRI "THK PICK OP H. W. Poole, Owner v TONIGHT "BETTER TIMES" The Companion Picture to "THE TURN OF THE ROAD" "LONESOME HEARTS AND LOOSE L A BIG CENTURY ANIMAL Don't Miss "BETTER TIMES DOORS OPEN AT 7 P Smith, o-a