iotn. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAcn WWAV. H.CIT. 81. "n VIIon, J"ror Clr" Win. " i ' wu rniirt .'1.20 3.20 12 oo 0.20 6.20 0.80 o.oo 0 20 fi.20 ,.;r, B, Juror ,.-.. Jfdnrr-... 1".r ,fn0 HloomlMKci.MP .J" (lco j r'!:.,,: Juror rlrrull 1V Juror circuit IHOII, Jll't'l (,r- cm" L i. '' J,"or -,rlU. juror ,.,ru.l "";. T1"1"' J"""" f''r0U,t CM'1 '.",'"'., (nror olriVl'll'i n P 1""" 2.20 8 10 2.20 2.20 3.20 15. 00 ii.r.o Mil' ' .. ,.,,..r i.lrciilt .11: t ...T , II II ' " "" J .. ,T'v .ii. Juror" circuit cniiri jUr..r cliciill Gary c j crVi,lH..y. Jmor .'IrciiU 'TrtMnHon. ju'ror" , T. ( juror circuit A,CMir!Tn...lHon, juror "circuit COlirt , "",.lr'i'ill AV 0 I,OW, """' 4.20 a. 20 2.20 0.20 2.20 0.20 6.20 0.20 0.20 2.20 2.20 w. T Sli'l'vo. juror circuit c.7.rtCrlHlr.'juror""ci'r'cuTt AMVnrBtanBbloJu'ror'clrcuYi A.Twhltinan"Juror'"cTrcuVt H.TrtDanl'au7"'jnror"cVrcult flWMelhoHn7oV",drciilt A.CAUrMhnffy."juror"cVrcuit EdC.OI,rll"m",P':'a,"p, Jurr ' circuit court h Bull. Juror circuit court.. H, e. Hunsftkcr. Juror cir cuit court Mm. Evu IltiwlltiH, Juror cir 20.00 cuit cum i .- nn Marmot Sliophcril. till ",.00 Fred Illckinnn, olcciion . Clayton Kirk, election C.00 SnrnKiio Hlvcr I'roclnct, JutlB and Clork of Kloctlon Day nnd Night C. W. Warren, Juilgo $ 00 J. C. Kdsnll. JuilBO 0-00 Jnei noil, dork .. . -00 A. D. Hanmkor. c lork C.00 Barl K. Walker, clorlc 0.00 Topsy I'roclnct, JtulfiCR nnd ClorkH of Illcctlon uay nnu i,iki W. l. Kruln, JudRo j-J0, Major Sponcor, Judgo Jj.oo V. Orlfflth. clork 6.00 Mary S. Sponcor. clerk 0.00 Mrs. W. I, Krnln, clork 0.00 HIItHirnnil I'rcclnct. JuiIrom ami Clerks of r.lertlon Ouy anil NlKl't- Kml Ilcrk. JuilBO $ -00 J. P. Collahan, clork 0.00 J. M. Andorson, Judpo '22 Jcnnlo N. Drew. clork 0.00 Charles N. FlackiiH, clork.... C.00 Clilloqulu I'roclnct, JikIrcs and, Cl. rK- l J'Jloctlon J'a. aim Night j C H Ilowman. JuiIko 0.00 1 A It Tcnbrook, JuiIbo 0.00 j W M clorlt ' r'-M! Chas h Ituod. clork 6 "". rinvto-i KuK. clerk (',.00 t ... ii vtto' .TmlciPB nnd florks' i 'i i i n O.iv and MkIu-- K V IK. lion. JudKe . . 0.00, II II Winiiaid, Judge 0.00, W II I'.inU" . cleric COO, H ( cWv clorlc f'.OO; W 1) i umpbi II. clork . - . 0.0,0 Mt I.akl I'rcclnct, JuiIbos and (i.ik-, of Kloctlon nay and N'lKllt - J S MiClelKm, clork " 0 00 (! 1) Orl.'l.', JihIbo . i 00 John Koonu. Jtulgu 5 0.0') Elslo Caao, clorlc 0-00 n. .. ... i nn nutn ratlin, ciorn u.uu. LA I Plovnn I'd., Judges iiiiiI Clerks of Election Duy mill Nli'Jit II. Mnowgooim, Juilgo $ f! 00 It. W. 'I'ownr, Judge .. (5 00 llitrold II. Towur, deik 0.00 Ii. W. AiiiImimom, cli-rli li 00 I), It. Doti'ii, clorlc 11.00 Wordmi IM.. Judges nnd ClorUii or Klcitloii Day mid Night I C. .1. McCoiliim. Judge ... . ? fl.UO HIhIo Gordon, Judgo 0.00 Don (Juy, clcnk 0.00 l.iilu Vnli. dm It 0.00 II. I,. Vi'll, clyilc 0.00 I'liio Grove Precinct, Judgcfi anil (Merlin or Kid-Mon uuy unn Nlghi i John .Shepherd, Judge . $ 0.00 ( .1. Illlyiuil. Judgo ... . 0.00 A It Ciimiilu'll, ileik 0 00 Ituby I :.iillUiin. i li ik B 00 M) Kills i,ung. ilcrk 0 00 Mnllii I'll . Judges mill cicrkH of Kloctlon Dy anil Night - Hurry WIIhoii, Judge fi 00 (i.00 i; oo i: oo o.oo A. Kuliiin, judgo W Ilurrln, i lurk Anton IVlioHi'k. li'tk ITriink Kuuipfo, clerk Algoma I'd , Judges 'mi' Clerks of Election Dity mul Nignt (leorBo C North, JihIbo $ fi.OO 0.00 coo coo coo W. Uhriiiunn, JihIbo OoorBu Hi'BolHteln, clork . Hay T. Cox, clork John It. HoBulMtoln, clork.. Klninnth I.ako Precinct, JudBOH and Clorku of Kloctlon Uay and Night F. D. Courtado, Judge $ COO M. II. Wwnplor, dork .00 I. J. Straw, JudRO 6.00 M. K. Gray, clork 6.00 Holon L. Gray, clurk 6.00 Merrill Pet , JikIboh and Clerks of Kloctlon Day and iniem T. A. HarrowB, JudBo i Aaron Wolfe, Judge A. Ij. Coan. dork T. H. PatturHon, JudBo . ... $ Fred Putemon, clork 6.00 6.00 6.00 0 00 6.00 Swan Pet., JudBOH and Clorka of Kiectlon Day and NlBht -Fred U. AnpluKuto. Judfio .... (J.00 U .G. StlloH. JudBo 6.00 K. C. Collman, clerk .. . COO John JaniiHen, clork 6.00 Odell Product, Judges and Clerks of Kiectlon Day and Nlsht K. b. Cleaves, Judfio $ 6.00 W. II. Ilrock. Judfio C.00 Hazol M. Smith. Clerk C.00 Kato Ilrock, clork . COO S. W. Smith, Clerk C00 Poo Volley Precinct, Judges and Clerks of KlecUon VJp and E. U. Mooro. Judge 6.00 J. 11. Van Motor, Judgo C00 I.ovl J. Griffith, Clerk . . .. 0.00 II. H. ItolxrtH, Clerk C00 F IJ. Kestt- . Clerk 0 00 Midland P reluct .luilses Clerks of Kiectlon Day aim nnd COO COO COO COO 0.00 night Chas. After, JmlBO James NV. Jory, Judgo W. J. Worden, Clerk A. V. Davidson, Clork Joseph .Stuniphiilier, Clerk .... Tulo l-.ilvo Precincts Judges Clerks of Kiectlon Uny night. J. II. IIolilis, Judgo .1 S. TriilC. Judgo V J riulU, Clerk Seland Popo. Clork (',. W. Offield. Clork and iJid fi.OO C 00 C.uo (5 00 cool lii-t UlM-i I'r.oinct. Judges KU-ctlon Dav of D. G. lloin. Judge -- Lucietln C. I loin Judge ... . K. 1. Hold. Clrlc Hllnh Jolinwu, Clerk Mattlo J. Nichols, Clerk Lost Ulvor I'roclnct, Judges Clerks of I 1' ft ion. N'lglit J O llamaker. .ludgo $ Illrdlo Iturke. Judgi IJ. I N'lchols. Clerk K. I. Hold, Clork 11.00 I 3.00 :j.oo r.oo , and ! a. 00 ' a.oti 3 00 3.00 3.00 M. J. Nichols. Clork Thrift Pays the Bills This world is full of bills. The gro cer sends them, the butcher, the baker, the coal man, the ice man and the tailor. To some people bills mean worry and unhappiness. To others who prac tice Thrift, who spend less than they earn and regularly save a stated sum, bills have no terror. Is it not better to have dollar bills in the bank than dunning bills in the mailbox? First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON The (fWOuSstK HOUSEHOI D REMINDER. in ill uon be ready for l-'REE distribution Tliii convenient,, per petual memorandum i in a.J to economical buying of sup- ' It rrncmbrr' (or y Mjust vhit ! wrded when y u do your old. ring. A I your pnrcr In rr'trv one J r yint to be dAx'cd to )iw , n he Hcnyci hi, in ply. gr& ,& - . 4 .tv.fc-ar- Til -'z - f& 0 jnpjrt a ahk tt VS. m'm "JB:iI Tn .11 S'-VE?KtfM m y, Z.yrrwjwVJfiyamlX -imtw cowmH tlMU.'LU JlWI-ywuiai varzxtt m - 2 r- tib r mWJh&r?WP.Ti ir-i"-iv ri Kr A-nVirt - - r" rvr'frv tYTj. F1,J- -...i i : -- i S&P& "' , a ir Wood Itlvor Precinct, Judges and clerks of Election Day. Oris Moon, Judge 3.00 H. B. Loosley, Judge 3.00 Edgar N. Pomoroy, Clerk .... 3.00 Annn R Tllp.kman. Clork 3.00 Nettie Vose. Clork 3.00 Wood Uivor Precinct, Judges and Clerks of Election Night Anna E. Hickman, Judgo ....? 3.00 Fred Hickman, Judgo 3.00 Hoy Hickman Clerk 3.00 Kmmett McKeever, Clerk .... 3.00 Nettio Voso, Clork -i."" Dairy Precinct, Judges and Clorlcs Day and Night II. S. Oden, Judgo C.00 W. L. "Welch, Judgo 6.00 John A. Jones. Clerk C00 Vernlco Jones. Clork C00 Lucy A. Welch, Clerk 6.00 Yainax Precinct Judges and Clerks of Election Day and Night R. M. Welmer, Judgo 0.00 Lewis Pankoy. Judgo t.uu A A D Hotchkin, Clerk cou T. Miller, Clork """ E. Wolford, Clerk 0.00 Precinct 1 Judges and Clerks of Eloction Day and Night p. L. Armstrong, Judge O.oo O. A. Stearns, Judge 6.00 Lloyd DoLap, Clork G.00 Clara uoacn, uierK, -.-- Mao J. Ankony, Clork G.00 ij-nninnn 5 .luiiees and Clerks of Plnnllnn rinv W. S. Slough, Judgo ? 3.00 Harry Richardson, Judgo .... J.oo iiin MnMlllnn. Clork -J.00 U. V. Slough, Clork 3.00 Vera Houston, Clork . Precinct A2 Judges and Clorks of Eloction, night W. S Slough. JudijQ s .00 Harry Dorol. Judgo 3.00 Ella McMillan, Clork 3.00 M. V. Slough, Clerk 3.00 Vera Houston, Clerk 3.00 Precinct No. 3. Judges and Clerks of Election, Day Rose 8. Dratton, Judge ......... 3.00 Mrs. Golden Lincoln, Judge 3.00 Mary 8tewart, Clork 3.00 R. h. uunoar, jer .vv 3.00 S- I - -1 . m.t-; l&i " k. &o . ir m " A" :i i iTTs-' uitr-rr22 j&umrnveMXttJIZ rZiJZrjCV4rrr vf mtrJf r"yieVLr" 'Sta&tfcSwrnt rffrww? """ , - w - , jyj- -k t j . r - -- " - 'V A1"Sl A- .. x v s .VITl'.'l J Precinct No. 3. Judges and Clerks of Election Night Rose S. Bratton, Judge ? 3.00 Mrs. Golden Lincoln, Judge 3.00 George Tugnot, Clerk 3.00 R. H. Dunbar, Clork 3.0G J. E. Bratton, Clerk, ...-. 3.00 Precinct No. 4. Judges and Clerks of Election Day P. L. Fountain, Judge $ 3.00 W. C. Townsend, Judgo i. 00 Kato D. Peyton, Clork J.00 Stella Mang, Clork 3.00 Maud Strain, Clerk 3.00 Precinct No. 5. Judges and Clerks of Eloction night Oscar Peyton, Judgo $ 3.00 W. C. Townsond, Clerk 3.00 Kato D. Peyton. Clerk 3.00 Stella Mang, Clork 3.00 Maud Strain Clork 3.00 Precinct No. 5. Judges and Clerks of Election, Day and Night J. W. Stout, Judge $ COO S. T. Summers, Judge 6.00 Louise E. Humphrey, Clerk COO Charmlan Johnson, Clerk .. COO Jennie Evans, Clerk 0.00 Precinct No. 6. Judges and Clerks of Election, Day and Night B. S. Grlgsby, Judge ? 0.00 Agnes E. Oru'm, Judwgo COO Frances E. Boyd, Clerk C.00 Orva E. Earnest, Clerk 0.00 AInha Phelns. Clerk COO Precinct No. 7. Judges and Clerks of Election, Day and Night Ida Grimes, Judge f 0.00 N. B. Nowbanks, Judge 0,00 Edith Delzoll, Clerk Ctiu Emma Lowin, Clerk 0.00 Nottio Nowbanks, Clerk 0.00 Precinct No. 8 Judges nnd Clerks of Election, Day and Night T. .T. Davis, Judgo $ C 00 T. R. Matt, Judge ?C00 Mary Matt, Clerk 6 mu Jerry Spiock, Clerk ...v 0,00 Stncey Balln, Clork 0.00 Precinct No. ! Judges nnd Clerks of Election Day and Night Mud K. Will, Judgo $ 6.00 Nellie Colvln, Judge 6.00 Laura Miller, Clerk 6.00 Edward Owens, Clerk 6,00 Josephine Howard, Clerk .... 6,00 5s.C ? Choicest l:M Northwest In the famous wheat fields of the Northwest during harvesting and threshing season, agents are on a sharp lookout has that particular high quality which has kept (QTfftrerre Flour "Foremost in the Field" for more than a quarter of a century. Jj Actual milling and baking tests show where the better wheat is beine harvested. Over a hun- ! dred local elevators (comprising the Qi'iliiESTS baying organization) buy fields. The very choicest of this wheat is then selected by baking tests to be sent to the mills where the most improved machinery and meth ods make it into (cTCTeMtS Flour that is ready for you at your local grocer. Say "OLYMPIC to your nearest grocer when you order flour, and ask him to se,nd you ;t5: the monthly recipe y"5Bt 'V."5..-i, A ;,t2TiES.&a3S? - Precinct No. 10 Judges and Clerks nt Election Day and Night Alex Nosier, Judge $ 6.00 Anna Staff, Judge o.uu Esther Hendrlckson, Clerk 6.00 Carrie Totten, Clerk 6.00 Golda Finnell, Clerk 6.00 SEME FOREST FIRES THRUOUT BAKER, Ore., Sept. 24. Tho most disastrous fire season that has ever desolated the Whitman and Mlna national forests, according to R. M. Evans, forest supervisor at Baker, who says that, although tho situation at times during tho sum mer seemed hopeless, every fire was finally placed under control and In imost cases abandoned before the re cent rains brought relief. Sixty-five fires destroyed 21,000 acres of timber and grass pasture during tho season, but by heroic ef fort tho fighters confined tho burned area largely to forests containing Inferior trees and Ilttlo saw timber This. Evans says, was because tho flro flghtlnfl force was concentrated upon morchantablo timbor whor or threatened, whllo tho forests of no value wore allowed to burn as long as tho fires failed to become a men ace. However, largo areas of grar. lnic land, of as much benefit to the stockmen as the timber Is to the inrnhnrraen. were reduced for the time being at least. BAKER SECTION of WheatI of (fiXSTEGOS Flour for the wheat which the wheat from the cards. :: -fix rnm .-:;:: eSift :: i Records show that tho season Just closed was the driest In years and accordingly fires this year as never before spread rapidly, often fanned by high winds, so that many reached enormous size before means to con trol them could be brought to th scene. Also many of the blazes, started in inaccessible places, where they would become conflagratlons before fire fighters could reach them. FUEL FAMINE IS AHEAD IN AUSTRIA VIENNA, Sept. 24. Cool nights and chill autumnal rains, are begin ning to bring Vienna, and all Aust ria, face to face with the fuel fam ine that looms along with the food shortage. Today this great city has a reserve of only 9000 tons. Not a hos pital has been able to arrange its winter supply. Tho government experts estimate that with all available wood added to tho- estimated coal supply the Vien nese nousonoiaer mis winter muy havo about 75 per cent of enbugh fuel to' keep one cooking fire. No one talks of heating. Warm houses and hot water aro among tho other lux nies unknown. Czecho-SloYakia has coal for ex rort ar... com races Hava been made by tho Austrians for an ihoy can get, but the delivery is slow and the whole matter seoms clouded with difficul ties and complications. It is believed means found to maintain the Interallied express trains that now run three times a week, but other railway and river transport douMe-. less will be very limited. 'W: . .a x. ib M j. B, urauon, vwr