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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1919)
wri)Ni:hdav, hmt. B) ,0j ryfT.M urPAin. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON THE FAGS TWO rfJti SiiLEa rara"ra ' '"' . 1 - ..,. A.WWV Court sty MARCH It) VWVH C. U. DeLap, stamps for elec 00 tion C. .R. DeLap, expenses clr- cult court J. ShoUk. assessing Malin precinct "Warren Hunt, expenses venlle ctfurt Geo. 0. llrich, son Ices Jn- CO 10.00 20.60 S.95 2 40 court N. J. Chapman, justlco fees H. S. Wilson, constable fees N. J. Chapman, justice fees J. W. Hilton, constable fees.. K. J. Chapman, justlco fees N. J. Chapman, Justlco fees H. S. Wilson, constable fee' H. S. Wilson, constable fees N. J. Chipman, justice fees T. H Mills, attorney's fees 7 IS, 2 40' 7.45 i and mileage . 263 10 H. F Chapma i. constauio lees H. S H. S. Wilson, constable fees Wilson Flection Wnrinnts John J. P. Shephcnl, Callahan, meals Humphrey, delivering 5 00 ,5.00 60 00 6.00 Geo. supplies .. W. D. Campbell, meais Miscellaneous Geo. Humphrey, prisoners Doard .. I. O. O. F. Hall Assoc. Rent Dist. Atty. . II. Bolvln, Co. Supt. office Tepairs Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. Phone Supplies Warrants "Vnnnlco Bros. Supplies 42 40 30.00 1.50 9.96 3.93 W. O. Smith. Printing 66 20 Claude Carlton, supplies Co. Supt 1-25 Pacific Tel & Tel Co 11.70 Roberts & Whitmore 20.00 Pac Tel. & Tel. Co 71.40 O. W. Howard, Election 5.00 H. C. Spink, Election meals 12.00 TxiiiIr Pankev. Election meals 5.00 "Fred Bueslng, Elections rent Mrs. M. E. Sovits, meals elec tion Mrs. E. G. Hastterode, meals election ' H. L. Velt, meals, election.... J. H. Hobbs, meals election Jewel Cafe, meals election T. M. Cleaves, meals election Thos. Bracken, Rent election Anton Petrasek, Rent Elec tion "Win. N. Wlllson, rent, elec tion 5.00 7.50 6.50 5.00 6.50 7.10 7.50 5.00 5.00 7.00 MRS. L. B. HAGUE Public Stenographer Notaty Public Court Reporter -A 211 WUUtS Ulllg. Klamath Falls Oregon Typewriting mach'nes bought, sold, rented or exchanged. Spe cial rates to students. Type writing supplies and stationery. Phone 120 HAIR BRUSHES THAT HOLD THEIR BRISTLES A brush that sheds is dear at any price. If you are looking for the non shed sort then don't fall to see the brushes now on display at our stoio They embody the finest mile rials and best of workmanship. The stock is so complete that every individual taste may be satisfied Prices $1.00 to $7.00 KLAMATH FALLS ORECOM WHCffC PAATlCUi.A PfO'kC L0S1I llnderwoodi Pharmacy Wi KLAMATH FALLS ORECOM Trta?" I tr? 3EGD BUT flH" W1WUI ogs ID Ti:HM. 10. W Howard, rent i:iec- tion 1018 5.00 2. CO 'rocee I Fred Stukcl, menls Election 6 34 N. J. Chapman, offered enn- , abs of Election returns 36.00, Geo. W. Offield, oficial can vass, election returns , 3.20 .10 J. H Heese, Fruit inspector. Inspecting fruit etc. . . 1 i:ila Young, meals eloctions Nellie Doten, meals Elections U. A Pond, salary Dep Dist. r.n 50 7 50 10 59 2.00 9 00 4.15 5.00 11 10 13.30 14.00 55 Scaler 2.40 Johnstone Fumlturo Co. sup 9 75 plies Co Supt ofico 7 45 W. O. Smith Printing Co. 2 40 Grade Ulandks & Card for It C. school Sup t 1 W Tower, H.ibbit Bounty I) Bechdoldt, rabbit boun ty - -R DeLap, cash advanced postage L Spirrotorn-. rablt boun C. J. ty - Vans, Auto Service, auto serv ice, Constable Lester Wilson, Rabbit Boun ty ' n. n. Smith Printing Co , nrintinc Elections 103.75 W. O Smith Printing Co. sherift't office Mrs 1. n. Hncue. Co. Court 9.50 87.75 The Shasta, election .... 11.30 Current lApcnso W. II. Hadley, rabbit bounty Henri Andrieu, rabbit bounty Baldwin Hdw. Co. Elect, sup. J. A. McReynolds, rabbit bounty M. P. Whitney, rabbit bounty J. C. Rhodes, rabbit bounty 3.45 4.05 6.13 5.00 2.55 2.85 Harold E. Debllnger, rabbit bounty 3.60 Jennie Swindler, rabbit Doun- ty Joseph K. Ocsel. rabbit bounty Carl Schubert, Labor Owl Cafe, election 2.75 2 !5 1.50 3.85 39.98 Roberts and Whitmore, coun tv aid Clara J. Upton up. Criminal . laws 183.50 J. M. Buyers 6.60 Hotel Hall 1-50 Ed Tull 6-60 Cecil Hunt 2.50 Wm. Fordney 13.05 E. Keck 10-15 R. S. Parks ... 25.85 D. R. Baughman 2.75 Geo. Humphrey 8.00 Patrick & Co S.23 Glass Ptudhomme 15.00 1 K Sugarman h.jV George Humphrey . . to 0U 'C . Bailey -41.00 larl Whitlock - 4 2 ou Jess Bailey ' 10 ia S. Bennett .- . . 5.00 C. R. William . 10.00 Western Union Tel Co. . zj.iJ Western Union Tel. Co . 18.19 ': Glass & Prudhomme . . . Jb.14 Elmer Lemler .. - ) W. G. Brown lS.ou F. C. Maikwardt 296.00 C. L. Moore 8.00 Mt. Laki Church 11.40 Geo. Humphrey 110.40 Klam. Sup. Laundry ... . I.osson Ross Ed. Wolfe James Leonard Mrs. John Jones Edna Wells Maude Carletan Edna Wells N. J. Chapman . .. . Geo. J. Walton Jim Foster 8.35 3. CO S.55 5.00 3.30 2.48 4C.5U 125.00 1G.33 1.00 1.00 1 00 I A. Gordon Geo B Chamberlain ... . U S. Orlgsby W C Seehorn . Mrs Frances W. Rlggs Fiark W Riggs . . . T F Morley P Peel Mrs, E P Peel F W Rlggs ' V. Houston iS L. Moore Mary Kucora Kate Taylor . . . 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.70 1 70 1.70 t. 70 C.70 1 70 10.00 1.00 25 00 25.00 15.00 Mary M Liberty Mizabetn Scanlon 25.00 Kezlah Goodell 15.00 Elizabeth Gray 15.00 S. F. Wilson 10.00 N'ellle Wall 25.00 T. J. Oden 15.00 J. W. Latrrop ... .. 30.00 Catherine D. Spencer .... 20 00 M. V. Michael 20 00 V Rutherford , . . 20.00 Mary Moore 15.00 Louisa F Clublne . . .. 15.00 Settle Wallen 25.00 Mary McLano 2" on Altha Daniel 17.50 Hla B. Burkhart 10.00 Tona Hilton . 10.00 Catherine Tull .. . 10 00 Roie Godanl . . . 25.00 Laura E Madison . 10.00 Carrie M. Malor 10.00 Leona C Ally . ... 10.00 Nannie M. Cantrall 17 50 Mary E. Pearson 25,00 Martha Seeds 25.00 Bertha E. French 10,00 Madeline Cook 32.50 Myrtle Palmer 32.50 Gladys Peel 35.00 Mary L. Gerruo 25.00 Maiy II, Williams .'.... 25 00 Winona P. North 30.00 Clara Revenue 25.00 LATE BRISCOE GOOD ORDER; AT l'tliel M Howoll Mui U Johnson Ada Poery lHhi'l Short . Sarah I. Smith Junletn T.Ulinnn . l.ulu II Hutchlns Laura Hess Jnrdlno Lola M Whlto . . Cofn A Smith .. Fthel J Woitflo .. . i:Nn M KUtrore P. Haw 11ns 35 00 20 00 10 00 17.50 37.50 17.50 25.00 1O.00 25.00' ft. 00 20.00 ;i 00 20 00 40.00 26.65 54.25 101.2'. 1 00 30.00 65.00 25.00 1.20 ", 10 11 00 17 00 r SO 7 r,n 0 so 3 20 1 ;n 'i 10 7 40 l 20 4 so 13 40 3 20 22.00 6 90 7.60 11.50 2 20 6 20 5 to 4.50 2.20 2.20 6.20 Lloyd DeLap llnrrnticrll Adding MnCll lO. r.i,,runnil Txnowrltor Co .Tmlorwood Tpowrltor Co R. H BuntiPlI J r Mot lev r T Darloy . X. J Chapman Fred Coleman Alex Nosier .1 A. Thompson John Ftter Richanl Fltkott A .1 I.melady Frank unipfo F n I'nll V Kali in .1 F Unant . Alp Davis At trlcUmid Walter Miller Perov D'xon Pari Kestcr S. T Summer . Len Rovce F L Itamnker Frank Downing 'oin Patliff Jr. J. I Johnstono .. I M. Banto Henry Straw F M. Barnum .... Stove Low W. H. Owens .... M TV Anilnrson J. R. Dixon 2.80 L D. Ward 2.20 Alva Bonis 2 20 Fd Chllcote 2.20 H. H. Edmunds 3.20 F,t Bloomlnircnmp 3 20 Henry Bagby 3.40 W. n. Tnwnsond L. n. Vin Pollen o. p Mthws R H. Dunbar . rhns. L. Mo9ro Geo Tugnot Fred Ttneilng ... 3.70 3 20 J90 2i20 ?,90 3.20 o on 3.?0 Chas. Rilev r A. HnvdPi '" Mr. C'ins. Davis 5.fiO ciim rnvii r- pn w B. Barnes 6-!,0 Fred MMler 1" jO ftias. Ornham 10.30 Mr A'lhrev 10.00 At. If. rno-lr'ch . ln nft f D Tti'i"r ' 1 0 rtor , x T'nton lft" r' t V-n Trlm'ilp 10' '," nr Wnr-m Hunt 20 I no t oiv "n M'i lo" I o-ver - 13 00 Mm rnllo'lnc Ptnlfo'l! " "" Toi-n Hulbert - . 8 00 Mn jV'ti ffn'hort . s 01 rtck Jo'inion s-n(1 tr'nh fV-x'-'ock ff r frS. Trimble . . 8.O0 Mr Tliior 8.0C t c. Olson ." OrriR Olon . . . -. s-nf Afrs T, Olson R-nf t-M Tull 8-0f "arrv frown I"'."' TI. ?. Wilson 2.2( T W. Hilton 2.2( v. B HfP r'lav Cornish 2.2( Mrs Cin'-.i Cornish 2.21 t' Wli'tmin .. . 2 21 nr. A. A. SnulP ? 2' Mr Vitp Benton . . - r.' nir-k Benton . C.0I rnrirtrp Tii;r1 . ... 001 CrnT" Ti""r' n' "'pctp-n .I'nion Tel Co . 10 1' t nf,,i At r rn ' . or, 01 Tr0'-jii Adti'ng Machine. 1") ? "-.tilv'n Hi'v Co . . . 5 0 T!. i, n TTnf.iIO yii "-i 1 B Hafiio . '. .... 2- ' O qmlt't Print Co, . . 1?r- . O olth Print. Co . . . 10.0 A", n, Smith Print. Co 12.7 r. r T ori"f . ?r v A" nnd For. Co 20.0 C H Fndorwood 1.0 B"n Ony 2 ; n vi , Tndor'VOO'l 11." f I1 Unilprwood ' 7 nr it v0rth 20.0 frown Broi 2.0 rrt,nrn fi. WhUmoro . """ n T,,tin v qnvre ... - Oi. r n, DoLnn fi.3 J'tnsct Grocorv 53.0 Mr. A"m nt'twell ' " n r Vin R'ner 1.7 TUppHuirn To ''tnl . ... ?7 0 rinrVitirT t'BHil Rfi.!' niff-kiiiirn Hosnltal . I4 r' T. B Nlvon ' fnv flp'vorTian . . r,iii,n F. II. Mtlll 500. fl j F"lot 50n n Homer Boberts t f.O T-rtr. C1nn nick Johnson 7 "n if t rM-"i-'"h .... 1n t " D. Tlollert f..50 Hfrs TIpliort . " Mrn S W. Sanford 13.15 t T), fitrnnr I9. 18 ll'm iitirw ... ., I" AA nt.w rtonton H.00 f'S. Ctnrf TUgglo .1 r.o0, Tiurgio . ..'" Mrq, f'nto nmon 2 00 Afro. TTncli Crnddock fi 00 f'nderwoo't Pharmacy 1 40 ninfia. prudhomme 1.81 fornlo . Pnddock r nn r, I. nonknrd 3r no fill!" Bwl11n 2.10 Ilr. Geo. Merrymnn 2.20 "r Gen. Merrymon 00 F. C. Collman 3.70 A BARGAIN :t 00 10.35 1 R.001 10 as :t 15 10.0(1 3.00 5,00 ' V R Del up . .1 ames Meic Co Mis L H lliigun Pnc Tol and Tot Co Codl Hunt Knv tllikiiuin . . Klamutli Fuel Cti. . R F Ilcaaloy Plodln , ,. 13.M. John W H Corum, wltnoss clicult C 00 7 70 15 00 S SO S 80 S SO 9 tiO 2 20 2 60 2 00 2 60 2 60 court , Frank Vannchotock. wltiuw clicult court I)ao Clinppoll. wltni'iw cir cuit I'OUll Maud Kild. w linens 1 In ult court . . 1. Mis Virginia X Wood, wit ness circuit court . Mr L U0I1I. wltncBrt circuit 1 out t , . Mrs Mabel Ball, w Uncus cli cult court . Antonti Priu lo. wtlnuRs cir cuit couit Mrs. P C Knight, witness clicult couit t:iwood Knight, wltnuns cli cult couit Mr HaiM Lewis. wltnofl ihcult couit William Lw Is, wltn-ss cli cult lOUIt 1 -ll PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1 : i Exclusive Portraits 1136 Main St EDHE IUDIDr J. C. CLIXJIIOHX CU11 I-iK'necr nnU Survcor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 1(10. lies. UKIM. :::KX"x:xM!"! I SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP SI'l'.V AN1 NOOIII.K IIOfsK ? Imrt Onli-r Mi-nN ,'oM 7' Miiln ll Ifii a KLAMATH PALLS. )lt:. M MlNMM,! ATTENTION Jty business Is making your homes bright and prosperous by Painting, Kalaomlnlng and Paper Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantoe. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Phono 103 W SAW MILL KNGINEEHI.NO A CONSTIHJCTION ( O. Di'slmicr-- nnil builders of mod ern Saw Mills, PI.iiiIiik Mills !" Plants. Complete plants t outrun. eil. Appraisals mill upoits imnle DiedKiiiK. Wt cont I .it t id liuiltl all' i lass of u liuililiiiK anil install miiclilni'O of mil Kiml. Dnitlins of an) l.nxl tltuii'. Hint Prints maile. PHONE 1 I U.I Olliie in Iv. I). Iluililiiig Phono :il(!..l ll'Jtii Main bt. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONEKV Formerly at 45 Main St. IIonio-Mado Pics and Cnkra. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ico Cream and KruitM. ,ms.vss.h HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station Vt handle tho Harloy-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Kulus iioly Also buy, sell and exchange fi.llO i all othor Makes. Pennsylvania ami Diamond Thes and Tubes C. K. BISMAHK IIS S. Oth St. Klamnth Falls 00! KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS Wo Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and IMacksmltlihig AMi WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 017 Klamath Ave. DS3BJSQ9C3 Mis Lew I ii Crulg, wllnewi dill 'lOlill Vltgll Dml. WltllOBH 1I1 cull tomt I Mm Urn lliuilsM. vIMM'ss dr ill 11 emit t j. F Moiloy. wltncfK oIhmiIi Mih (Mill 11 KliUpntilolt. wlt iiis clicult 1 out I Karl Whlllock, wllnenn lr cult coiut Dr. A A. Houlii, wltiicmi cli cult Mini I Mn llaiiillton. wltiii'sii rlr c tilt ourl JCSHI' SIlMlKMIH, WlttlCHH dl- i-ult oaurt ThoniiH Mlchitnl. Juror cli cult court L W Copuliind. Juior cli cult 1 0111 1 W 1 Hi own, Juior circuit lourt J N StllcH, Juror circuit unit jorf WIlHon, Jui 01 clitult tlrcult court . V W Latin, Juror ilicult couit Sam Padgott, Jut (ir circuit emu 1 I 00 1:1 so - " 2 2 20 2 20 11.00 17 10 20 00 18 1 1 1 I 19 RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE , K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W THK 1MIUSIAN IlKAUTY HIIOP ViiiIhI MushiikIiis. Ulenchlnit nnil Knrinl PncKn Manicuring, dhnnipoolng Scalp Treultnunt Bit) Main Phono 800 I'lTV AM) t'OUVn AIWTIIACT CO.AIPA.NV M7 Miiln i AKTIIUH II. WIWJON Milliliter You Had Better Order Your Winter Wood nov Double Loatt HlmKs .. .. R7.0I) (Siei-ii Slab, Pine S:i.. Gu-i-ii Slab, I'lr . -:i. W. E. SEEHORN CO. "U Main St. Phono 7U WELL DRILLING Viichater Ilros. & Kliiliuh Merrill, Oregon Or itcllonalil Peel Itootn Klamath Falls, Oregon Lit jour Glass Tioublus bo M TlOllllloM Ri'glalng done In any of the city part - 1 iimimwMIIII 1 1 W TMTTBrjMTI MIT T 11 ST UC It V. i. Cabinet maker 1021 Main. Carpenter Phono 4 77W I'Olt A.NY KIM) OF KUKMTl'KK Seo Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. THY ME' PHONE 1701 PROFESSIONAL CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Ciihps Mrs. Rohn McDanlels, 301 High St Phone 455 FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loonils nidg., Klamath Falls FianU Howniil (ourl I'M ' lit 2120 3 2 2120 2120 2310 22 00 27 00 2120 2120 MO (20 2 20 2 20 2 20 3 20 120 P. 11. court .1 H. ('lifer JlliiM ii,llt MIIU in, 11 1 tin I com I. (MlllH SlI'lllMllin, urn r ih 'Ml I lil) cull 10'irt I oil 11 IMblinrlH, J11101 circuit Irtult ilrtiut ' Ir 11 1 couit M. II, Monro, lurni Jut (ir Jim r Nl' court W. L I'niln. crnrt II S. (JllgHll) limit It A. I'mmltt, uriir clruilt lurnr clr court Jeno llamiiiiiiiil cult couit 1 John R I lagi lull-in clicult 1 nui I Juror Ircult 8 L lliiiiiini'r Jnnir 60i cimrl JltltlKH 1C it 11 . Juror 1 In ult 20, 1 (Mill C V II million iimn cult emu t rlr Irtult Ir 11 t 0 II F Stilln Jut or 00 80 'i lilt G (' I.01 1 11 hum 1 colli I Hit ('. A. ItAMIK) Dentist O. P. Ilullillng piiom:oi I. O. fyWVMWi''i' " " " " " " " 'WWVi AMj( DR. CARTER DENTIST WIIITK lll'II,I)INO PHONE UUA 1 DR. R. B. CRAVER Diagnosis Medicine and SurRcry Olllco ovor Underwoods Plionv 280W 7th and Main VWWWWVWMMWWWVMIAAAAAAMAMAMAr DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PIIOM ,t"l D P. M. Noel PIIOM r. Out l'iiiliriir Ooienlli iintl Mai" Stmt Olllte Phono 1S5 lies t35 Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Phi sli Inn nnil Surgeon IIUO HlllllU"B 1 Klmiiiith PallH m 1 II. C. SCIILCEF 1 KATIICniNE SC'.REEF J n.isiii.ut .tni s.mtiiii, I Ollttt . Wniif ll'iU- V WARREN HUNT MHIHCINi: AND SUItaFJlV J0C I. O. O. P. B1"B- DR. G. A. MA&i bm.cssor to lr. T" Suit !!U0. I. O. O. P. BI Olllcc phono SOI lies PI n".1' nR. A. A. SOULE Study Anatomy jViitU Francisco Calif , ' tlc0. oro has charge of my Pf" . , ,.n 402 Ma'11 st riiuuu xuu w. DR. F R GUUi."-" Oteopathlc I'lvblci-n 8u J -UI-MI.I.O.O.F."- ,. L- K Store) (over K. K. . " Phoue 81 . lTu only O.wopatwe B.l" clun mid FrtlU ) HurKeon i i i i It lJ-J--c""'J-r'-',-,'--r'"', ' '' '" " " " i v- I- Let us make up your pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed Stor SULPHUR St ' The price is right phone 126 South Sixth SL