The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 23, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    i f ,t
. A
I 0 J
... m:iir..Mii:it ski. i".
( '.l .Tirnt the thins I Thcso dninty,
i ( W efcS crisp, dclicntcly Halted Snow
I S2!T Sakcfl. Thoy aro sold fresh '
II (w ' ' ovorywhoro in Healed packuKCB. '
i'C AhIc your irroccr. '
gj Don't oak for Crackers ft j
1 1 1 )rMvvuunruu"uvtVirv''r,i'i"'"' "" -
County Court
MARCH 1010
fvvuvvvvvvvv- i
Myrtle Palmer, Widow's pon
rfon 3?.o0
Mary Ii. Gcrruo Widow's pen
sion 25.00
Mary H. Williams, widow's pen
sion - ou
Winona 1 North, widow's pon-
fim l'rl lUl, ttlllott'fl PPJI-
MCII . -"'')
Etbel M. Howell, widow's p0n-
tlon 35.00
Mirv K. Johnson, widow's pen
sion 20.00
Ada Terry, widow's pension 40.00'
Aletha II. Burton, widow's pen
sion 17.60
Ethel Short, Widow's Pen
sion - 17.60
Stnh L. Smith, widow's pen-
loa : 37.60
, Jauleta Tallmau, widow's pen-
ilea 17.60
Lain B, Hatching, widow's pen-
lion 26.00
Laura Besi'Jarulne, wldow'a, pen
sion,' .".- 10.00
LoUM. White widow's pen
sion ... 25. 00
Cora, A Smith, widow's pen
sion 4 10.00
Ethel Wcltfle, widow's pen
sion , 20.00
MarjrKucera, aid county poor 25.00
Kate; Taylor Aid Co. poor .. 25 00
Hary M. Liberty, aid -o. poor 16,00
flltabeth. Scanlon, aid County
poor 25.00
Kwlah Ooodell, aid Co poor 15.00
Eliiftbeth Gray, Aid Co. poor 15.00
S. Pi Wilson, aid Co. poor 10.00
Nellie Wall, County poor 25.00
T. J. Oden, aid County poor 15.00
J. W. Lathrop, aid Co. poor 30.00
Catherine E. Spencer, aid Co.
roor 20.00
a. V. 'MIchflnl. 9M tn. nnnr SO. Oft
, A. Rutherford, Wd Co. poor 20.00
ry Moore, aid Co. poo .... io00
mb WeSfi.iaL ' "tLml eii'isV
No matter at what speed you shave with a
Gem Damaskeene Razor it leaves your face
Cool and refreshed.
That's because the Gem has a soft, comfortable, velvet
like feel and does such smooth, clean-cut work.
We sell the complete Gem Damaskeene Razor outfit for SI.
The outfit includes the razor, seven Gem Damaskeene
Blades, shaving and stropping handle -all in a hand
some leather case.
Enjoy the comfort of velvet-smooth self-shavinfr
Come in and gtt your Gtm t9dayj,
"The Houie of Quality"
- - " - - ' - " -"rr -i-rrrrrrrrii'.ri-vv,i
l,o ii Inn 1:. Ulublno, aid Co,
poor 10.00
Mrn C 1. Puckott, :ild Co.
poor 120.00
V. C. Morris, Knl)l)lt Uounty 4.85
ritnr DrUK Co. Suppling Health
OfflllT . 1S.0I
Tho following claims wore allow-j
oil and tho Clurk w:ih Instructed to
draw w.irnint.'t on tho Current Y.
pcnie Fund July lor their resptiiio
Ilnrry llooth, Services health
Knrl Whltlock, coroner
claim - 17.00
C. T. Darley, Salary & Expenses
Co. 8ur?eyor 101.80
Chan, Shuck, burial unknown
man 13.50
Olass A Prudhommo Co. Sup-
pllea Co. offices 6.44
W. EL Patterson, rabbit boun
ty 6.00
Whitman Drug Co. (poison) revol
ving, rodent fund 100.00
Henri Andrlou rabbit bounty 5.65
Irwin Hodsen Co. Supplies
offices .. 76
Thos. Michael, Juror Circuit
court 8.40
L. W. Copoland, Juror circuit
court .. 11.00
W. B. Brown, Juror Circuit
court ...................... .... 5.60
J. N. Stiles, Juror Circuit
court 3.20
Jeff Wilson, Juror circuit
court - 3-20
C. W. Latta, Juror circuit
court &-00
John Siemens Ja. Juror circuit
court 3.20
J. D. Hooper. Juror Circuit
court 5-40
Ed Bloomlngcamp, Juror circuit
Henry Bagby, Juror Circuit
court - 3-zo
A Woman for
tflBS. GlfcSJ&E, BAJKT"- MBa.IlBOIXa,lICGBMiai
With the woman vote In national presidential' election amoI)
The biggest factor facing leaders of the bis political parties, the,
.nestloa, "Will a woman be vlee-presldentf u Is now confronting poll-
.ttclana. Among the possible candidate already being conalderet are
Unj Madlll McCoratck. chairman oC the Republican Women's Na-t
Uonal Executive Committee and IfrsQeorge Baa leadtBjh9
Peaecratle Women's Matlesal Partf. "
W. O. Haeolstoln, Juror Circuit
court 2.20
Geo. Bloomlngcamp, Juror Circuit
court 2.20
C. 10. Brown, Juror Circuit
Geo. Heed, Juror Circuit
n. A. Emmltt, Juror Circuit
Chns Rteemnn, Juror Circuit
W. L. Kraln, Juror Circuit
J. II. Mitchell, Juror Circuit
Frank Howard. Juror, Otrntlt
court 9.20
F. H. Cofer, Juror Circuit
J. I) Mnore. Juror Circuit
io no
ii in
B. S firlKshy, Juror Clicult
! P Mil inn r riicutf
John Hlhhcrts, Juror Circuit
Claud Hnvls, Juror Circuit
Lcn Hovcc, Juror Circuit
Fred Bueslng, Juror Circuit
M. Obenchaln, Juror Circuit
Court ,...- 9.20
H. H. Edmonds, Juror Circuit
Court ....'. -,i ,.. 9-20
R. A. Alford. Jnror Circuit
Court 9-20
Western tin Ion Tel. Co. Serr-
ices County Officert 23.95
H. U Velt, Supplies Cbunty
poor -J. 7.00
H. Jj. Volt, supplies county
poor - 50.00
Dr. E. D. Johnson, insane ex
amination 10.00
Dr. E. D. Johnson, Coronor's
Claim 25.00
Western Transfer Co. Coroner's
Claim 30.00
Earl Whltlock, Coronor's
claim ' 25.00
Irwin Hodson Co. Supplies Co.
offices 71.50
Bushong & Co.. Supplies Co.
offices 7 1.75
Bushong & Co. Supplies Co. of
fices 36.125
Hnrry Richardson, Supplies Co.
offices I 2.90
Eskelson Furniture Co., Furni
ture Court House 15.85
Herald Publishing Co. Publish-
lng Court Proceedings .. 161 3r.
Dan Wann. Rabbit Bountv.... 5.50
Western Transfer Co.. Freight
& Dravage Co. offices :... 2.G2
finrich's Grocery, supplies Co
poor 9-44
Klamath Record, Supplies Co. of
fices - A
Roberts ft Whltmoro, supplies
Co. offices Si-10
R. A. Anderson, Rabbit Boun
ty 2.i5
R. F. Bonsley, Rnblt Bounty 2. 85
Western Transfer Co. Drnyago
Pnst House (Co. poor) .. 1.50
J. K. Gill & Co., Supplies Co.
Enrl Whltlock, Burial Co.
poor "-,
W. O. Smith Printing Co. Sup-
Co. offices 4'-50
City & County Abstract Co.
Bend Fnlr Board 3.00
Pac. Tel & Tel Co. Sorvicos
Co. Offices 4.76
Pac Tel & Tol Co. Services
Co. offices 48-00
C. R. DoLap, County Clerk cash
advanced postage and ex
pross c'75
Mrs. L. B. Hague, Services
county court . 8;f"
N. J. Chapman, Small callms dept
Justice Court 25.00
Paul Broitonsteln, digging Brave
co. poor 10.00
Clarence McFall, Rabbit Boun-
Frank SwiftT nabbVr'BouiVty 2.70
Die Moody, Rabbit Bounty .... 3.20
A. J. Lyle, Services Co. poor
1913 ,15-00
Bushong & Co. Supplies school
sup't X'll
C. A. Vogt, Rabbit Bounty .. 2.70
n T.onn Lewis Rnhbit bounty 2.G5
cilfford Dennison, Rabbit Boun-
Tho Pacific Tel. & Tol. Co.. long
dUtanco offices i"u
Van's Auto Service, sorvlces up-
holding criminal laws........ 15,00
Tom Barclay, services uphold-
lng criminal laws 30.00
Western Union Tol. Co., serv-
Ices Co. School Supt 10. 7G
Edwin O. Braridonburg, rab
bit bounty 27&
Vice President?
E. A. Swatman. rabbit boun
ty 7.50
Esaw Keck, rabbit bounty.... 12.45
Frank Southwell, rabbit
bounty - 2.70
Blanch Oeddls, refund taxes 4.62
Roberts & Whltmore, poor
farm supplies 18.90
J. B. Chambers, rabbit boun
ty 8.55
Eirl Whltlock, coronor claim 32.20
Western Union Tol. Co., ser
vices county Judge 47.84
N. J. Chapman, Justice court 4.95
N. J. Chapman, Justice court 6.70
H. S. Wilson, justice court.. 2.20
N. J. Chapman, Justice court 4.95
N. .1 .Chapman, Justice court 9.70
N" I fhapman, Juitlce court C.20
T. E. Griffith, Justice court 1.20
N. J. Chupmun, Justice court 9.45
N' .1 Chapman, Justice court 10 05
J W. Hilton, justice court ... 1.20
N .1 CI -mian, -ust'ee ccurt 5 20
N. J. Chapman, justice court 14.20
Geo I. Humphry", justice
i out 1 CO
Elmer Knight, Justice court.. 1.70
Willie Cress, justice court.... 1.70
R S Frnnio. justice court .. 1 70
Ernest Grafton, justice court 1.70
S P. Dicker, justice court.... 1.70
P. K. Night, justice court.... 1.70
N. J. Chapman, justice court 5.20
J. F. Morley, justice court.... 1.20
N. J. Chapman, justice court 5.20
N. J. Chapman, justice court 5.20
N. J. Chapman, justice court ; 6.20
N. J. CMapma'n," Justice court " 8.55
N. J. Chapman, justice court 6.70
J. W. Hilton, justice court .. 1.70
K. J. Chapman, justice court 6.35
N. J. Chapman, justice conrt ' 6.20
N. J. Chapman, Justice court 5.20
N. J. Chapman, jtsluce court 5.46
N. J. Chapman, Justice court 5.20
N. J. Chapman, Justice court 6.20
H. S. Wilson, Justice court 2.20
J. A. Setrzl, rabbit bounty 3.15
W. Fordney, rabbit bounty.. 11.25
Miss Clara Taylor, birth and
death reports 75
J. S. Bradley, birth and
death reports -. .75
H. Snowgoose, birth' and
death reports .. .75
H. L. Veith, birth and death
reports .75
Hheo D. Younc. birth and
death reports - 1.00
Underwood's Pharmacy, sup
plies county offices 45.85
Underwood's Pharmacy, re
volving rodent fund 10.35
West'n Transfer Co.. freight
& drayage, oflce supplies 2.62
Mrs. Scbmid, nursing county
poor 55.00
Maud M. Carlton, cash ad
vanced, postage 1.25
Edna Wells, supplies county
offices 1.46
Glass & Pruhomine Co.,
supplies county offices 51.25
G. C. Lorenz, repairs court
house 14.85
Glass & Prudhommo Co.,
supplies elections 46.06
W. O. Smith Prlutlnc Co..
supplies county offices .. 6.50
Irwin Hodson Co., fixtures
court house 42.00
Pioneer Printory, eloction
supplies 15.50
California-Oregon Power Co.
. services poor farm 3.00
W. O. Smith Printing Co.,
supplies county offices 15.00
Star Drug Co., supplies dis
Jiffy-Jell desserts carry
real fruit flavors in es
sence form, in vials.
A wealth of fruit juice
is condensed for each des
sert. So you get a fresh
fruit dainty, healthful and
This is the" new-type
quick gelatine dessert
five times as good as the
old kinds.
Loganberry and Pine
apple are two of the best
flavors. Try them.
They're found only in
Here's a Friendly I ip
says the
put tip in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long line-cut tobacco
trict attorney 4.50
Earl Whltlock, burial coun
ty poor ,. 44.25
W. O. Smith Printing G04
supplies county offices 6.75
Roberts Whltmore, mdse.
county poor . 20.00
Ward Rueck, rabbit bounty.. 10.00
J. W. Gardner, repairs type- I
writers 53.25
U. S. Reclamation Service,
operation & maintenance
poor farm ............ 72.88
R. H. Bunnell, mileage coun
ty Judge 40.00
Burrell Short, mileage coun
ty commissioner 40.00
C. R. DeLap, county clerk,
cash advanced stamped en-
envelopes 61.72
Robinson & Bours. expert-
ine books 500.00
Robinson & Bours. expert-
InE books - 150.00
Irwin Hodson Co., supplies
county offices - 29.48
C. R. DeLan. cash advanced
postage 6.50
I. O. O. F. Hall Assnv rent
district attorney 30.00
J. W. Gardner, repairs type
writers 2.00
Klamath Record, publishing
for co. agriculturist IS. 00
West'n Transfer Co., freight
and draiago for co. cTlces C 17
Chas. F. DeLap, cash advanc
ed postage circuit court.... 3.00
Nettie Wallen. widow's pen
sion k 25.00
Mary McLine. widow's pen
sion 25.00
Althea, Daniel, widow's pen
sion 17.50
Ella B. Burkhart, widow's
pension 10.00
Tona Hilton,' .widow's pen- ,
1 slon .is. .":& ; 10.00
Catherine Tull, widow's pen
sion t. ... 10.00
Rose Obdard, widow's pen
sion' 25.00
Laura E. Madison, widow's
pension 10.00
Carrie M. Maler, widows
pension ..:. 10.00
Leona C. Ady, widow's pen
sion 10.00
Nannie M. Cantrell, widow's
pension - 17.50
Mary E. Pearson, widow's
pension -25.00
Martha Seeds, widow's pen
sion 10.00
Bertha E. French, widow's
pension : 10.00
Madeline Cook, widow's pen
sion r. 32.50
Myrtle Palmer, widow's pen
sion - 32.50
Mary L. Gerrue, widow's
pension 25. ou
Mary H. Williams, widow's
pension - 25.00
Winona P. North, widow's
pension - 30.00
Clara Revenue, widow's pen
sion 25.00
Ethel M. Howell, widow's
pension 35.00
Mary E. Johnson, widow's
pension 20.00
Ada Perry, widow's pension 40.00
Ethel Short, widow's pension 17.50
Sarah L. Smith, widow's pen
sion 37.50
Juanita Tallman, widow's
pension 17.50
Lulu B. Hutchins, widow's
pension 25.00
"Helpful Hints"
DON'T date a check ahead or issue it for more than your
immediate bank balance even though the payee prom
ises to hold until such a time. Such a check being pre
sented, would be rejected possibly to your embarrass
ment. While wo endeavor to render good service to the public
at large, our first thought la for a depositor of the First
National Bank.
10. R. Realties, President.
L. P. Willets, Vice-President.
Leslie Rogers, Cashier.
A. M. Collier, Aset. Cashier.
John M. Moore, Asst. Cashier.
sue First National Bank
paob Timi
Good Judge
Men who know tobacco,
chew the best without its
costing them any more.
They take a little chew and
it's amazing how the good
taste stays in a rich, high
grade- chewing tobacco.
For lasting tobacco satis
faction, there's nothing
like a small chew of that-rich-tasting
Laura B. Jardtne, widow's
pension ............. lew
Lola M. White, widow's pen
sion ......M........HHHH............ Zv.vtJ '
Cora M. Smith, widow's pen
sion .......... ......... ..-. IVvVv
Ethel J. Weitfle, widow's
pension . 29.vfc
Etta M. Kilgore, widow's "
pension ......... l.t
Mary Kncera, connty aid. is.-afr-
Kate Taylor, county aid B5.-S
Mary M. Liberty, county aid 16.
Elizabeth Bcanlon, co .aid 25.M
Keztah Goodell, county aid.. 1E.M
Elizabeth Gray, connty aid.. 1S.M-
S. F. Wilson, county aid lO.Bw -
Nellie Wall, county aid 25.t)
T. J. Oden, county aid 15.
J. W. Lathrop, county aid 30.t.
Catherine E. Spencer, coun
ty aid 20.-SW
M. V. Michael, county aid 20.O
A. Rutherferd, county aid 20.0
Mary Moore, county aid IB.
Louisa F. Clubine, coo. aid.. 15.09
E. L. Hopkins, rabbit bounty 5.60
Carl Robloy, rabbit bounty.. 4.8
Pioneer printory, printing
election ballots " 155.00
Pioneer Printery, printing
election ballots 175.00
F. C. Markwardt, mainten
ance poor farm 260.00
Pioneer Printery. printing.... 8.50
E. G. Argraves, rabbit boun
ty 3.60-
Geo. L. Humphrey, postage- 5.00
Oxceto Welding Co., over
hauling typewriter 6.00
Patrick & Co.. sunulies coun
ty assessor 3.48-.
Patrick Co,, supplies for ,
sheriff .. . .... ..'...-....... XkSj ,
J. D. Keen, writing' eighth iJ
' grade diplomas "'lMliH
Jessie L. Ford, writing 8th . -j i
grade diplomas
P. W. Sexton, writing eighth
grade diplomas . . '
Edna Wells .expenses . 30.
Glass & Prudhomme Co.,
Justice supplies 18.t '
Hary E. Stewart, 8th grade
examinations 9.9
Twyla Head, 8th grade exam- ,
inations .... ....-.. 9. n
Augusta' Parker, 8th grade
examinations 9.t
R. H. Dunbar, 8th grade ex
aminations 9.9
Clara Beach, 8th grade ex
aminations ...... . . 9.99
G. C. Lorenz, court house
plumbing - 7.29-
G. C. Lorenz, court house
plumbing 10.49
G. C. Lorenz, repairing court '
house (general fund).. . 1.2S
I J. O. Swindler, rabbit bounty
; Callf.-Ore. Power Co., light
j and water conrt house 43.69
flnHf.-Orn. Power Co.. elec
tric service county farm- 3.99
Coe Jitney Service, uphold
ing criminal laws 12.99-
Underwood's Pharmacy, elec
tions .... 23.65
Clara Klrkpatriek, witness
county court , 4.99
Underwood's Pharmacy, li
brary supplies 3.8S
Underwood's Pharmacy, sup
plies county clerk 1S.T9
Frances Wiley, typewriting
elections - 15.99
W. G. Brown, circuit court- 6.49
Standard Oil Co., balance to
correct bill .28
10'Flaoort, at Your Croctr'a '
' 2 Package for 23 Cent n