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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1919)
MONDAY, HI,IT; fAGK SIX MIIKII Take out the Carbon. Give the Engine More Pep National Auto kc.cMMv r 119 NORTH FOURTH STRPpt' Between Main mid Pine nTbr one 47i THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON filPl IHffl A r it; nil ori ilVIl I IS VI Ul mr UHi HE ROSE TO THE OCCASION Teacher Insisted That Norman Should Write Poetry, and Result Was ' Remarkable Effusion. The sophomore class nt N hlsK school linil n genius for ti tottchVr. She could write poetry nuil ovor.v Frl day required her pupils to ilo the same. Norman could play ba.Nehal1. hut poetry was outside his Uen. Still the teacher Insisted that he do It, nnil llually Issued as her ultimatum that he either write It or she would mark lilni failure on his monthly re port. A failure mark meant that tli- team would lose one of Its hest play ers, so Norman tried to write a poem. His attempt was m wretched that hl teacher tried sarcasm. "You are a genius," she told him. "Now see If you can't write a poem about yourself and your vvonuVruil abilities." Later she found Norman's effort In his memorandum hook, but he h. -kept tho (hiding a secret. For he h.' I written : Lives of school teachers all remind us That they'd better pet n m:in And departing leave behind tncra Fewer nuisances It they can. In Devoted Nurse's Derth., The story of a': ilovot ni France was told by MiiJ. (Sen. Cutli bert Wallace at a meeting cimveuoil by the IiOiulon national councir of women to consider shorter hours for hospital staffs. "There was," said the general, "a certain hospital In France where the German bombers were coming over night after night. Some people get restless when they know that bombs may be dropped on them. The wound ed man although he was practically Indifferent to shell lire In a hospital very often gets seized with this hor rible fear, this Inability to keep still. There was n certain nurse who was looking after a ward In which there was a man who was bedridden and could not get out of tlie way. She had gone off duty one evening when these bombers came over. She knew of this man and went back to her ward. She was not on duty, but she sat at this man's bed and sang to him. A bomb fell. That woman was killed, but the man was left. The name of this heroic nurse was not revealed. Dvtnfffnv fits annAnl fit ..&... I In tho ratification of the peace treaty direct to the people. Presi dent Wilson was greeted with en thusiasm and often doffed his bat tn ftneora. Not Particular. Two local fire laddies recently went on a hunting trip. Hearing a shot, one yelled. to the other : "Get something?" "You betchn," the other replied. "What is it?" "Pheasant." The other, approaching, laughed de risively. "''Huh!" he said, "that Isn't a pheas ant; It's a screech-owl." "Oh. welli" said the first hunter, "what's the difference? When I eat a bird I eat Its meat. I nln't particular what kind of a' voice it's got." London TIt-ISIts. 1 The Kind. J "What is your birthstone?" & "Judging by the knocks I am always getting from life, I should say it was a brickbat." KEEP III Add OUT 1 IS BAR TO SELF-GOVERNMENT In India Idol Worship of Drahmanlca! Hierarchy Would Revive, Vriter Asserts, The danger, when It comes to self government for India, and every Anglo Indian recognbes it. Is that we may put back Into power the Hrahiminlcal hierarchy which, by all the wiles of priestcraft, by organizing aboriginal worship and blood sacrifices, 'iy as trology and "miracles," has held the lowlier races of India enslaved, body and soul, these three thousand years. Even the English-speaking masters of art In Calcutta university, after their graduation, go back to temples reeking with the blood of bulls and goats, and chant Veillc iiiiiiitri;" be fore hideous Idols. Exact! o far does their study of Mill and Hu.;:.v emanci pate them. And ihls, In lint dellance of the fact that all the Hest of their sa'Ted hooks sternly condemn this evil ambition and Its Instruments, black superstition mid Idolatry, the things against which the Buddha inadu his heroic protest. Hut long ci nturies ago, the dark Hrahmaulcal renctlun drove tiie IUiddha's followers out of India. Nevertheless the IirltMi trustees for the welfare of India continue to do nil things In their power to advance the natives of that many-colored congeries of peoples nlo'ng the path of real lib erty. Charles Johnston, in the North American Itevlew. TELLS RHEUMATISM SUFFERERS TO EAT LESS MEAT AND TAKE SALTS Rheumatism is easier to avoid than is absorbed into the blood. It is the to cure states a well-known authority. We are advised to dress warmly; keep the feet dry; avoid exposure; eat less meat, but drink plenty of good water. Rheumatism is a direct result of eating too much meat and other rich foods that produce u,ric acid which function ot the kidneys to filter this acid from the blood and cast it out in the urine; the pores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this Impurity. In damp and chilly cold weather the skin pore3 are clos ed thus forcing tho kidneys to do double work, they become weak and sluggish and fail to eliminate the uric acid which keeps accumulating and circulating thru the system, eventually settling in tho Joints and muscles causing stiffness, soreness and pain called rheumatism. At the first twingo of rhoumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a tablespoon ful in a glass of water, and drink bo foro brcalcfasl each morning for a week. This Is said to eliminate uric acid by stimulating the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding the blood of these Impurities. Jad Salts Is inexpensive, harmless and is made from tho acid of grapes Remorse.' "So you were In a German prison camp?" "Yes." . "Mow wns tlje food there?" "Don't ask me to answer a ques tion like Hint, but I'll say this much: If I ever run across the old lady I nsod to board with" overcome by the recollection of the mean remarks h lined to make nboitt those Sunday ni-iht suppers of cold linm nnd grits, tr. returned doughboy applied a haml kuchlef to his eyes and hastily walk ed away. Birmingham Age-Herald, WILSON RESPONDS TO. CHEERS ON .TRIP NEVADA AS "GOLDEN STATE'1 VI i rrpj ' C-JJ t 2 .- am I 4 flat . I r x-rwi " 'it. i M Mm j i ,T'M'wiv ssjMMM9S May Be Big Gold Field. That free gold of untold quantities would be found in the gravel of the channel where once flowed the Rogue riTer has been the belief of Oregon miners for more than half a century. And so It happened that the owner of the old Waldo mine near Grant's Pass the other duy made the greatest strike ever made In this section when ho turned' gravel for tho first time. His holdings consist of 4,200 ncres and it Is believed that almost every foot of them lie over tho old river bed nnd that nearly all of If is rich in pay dirt. Danced to Death. It was a Polish wedding and thero were quite, a number of guests. Each one that danced with the bride was to pay SI. They had been dancing and celebrating nil evening- nnd it was early tho next morning when the bride had danced about forty-five t!ms. therefore making about 5-15. She was determined she would tuako $50 be fore she quit and hud almost succeed ed when she fell to the floor dead. Tho present dwellings in Greater Now York could more than accom modate the whole population ot Switzerland. From Reports, It Is Not nt All Im probable She May Become Thus Known. When they began to dig out llvr hj lli. ton from the fomstnek groj) PETROGRAD SOVIET SAID TO SEEK PEACE COPENHAGEN, Sept. 22. Tho city soviet of Pntrogrnil him empow ered tho people's coiumlssaile.s In he ld mines, Nevada lost Ms orlglnel Kin I't-ace negotiations with tho Al natne of "the Sagebrush State." nnd ' lies on u basis of conditions fixed J became known to tho whole world as by them, according to reports recelv- ui .od his d'uhnnte 'tun (In .iriny. the "Silver State." ,,, from Potrogrud Hut recent developments tn the Dl I . hk district seem to Indicate another - - MIDLAND. - . -I .tie Morrow and funill mnvml to K.i ninth Kails u ! ! 'lino iimi. Eric and Nova .MclloynoLs of i atigell Valley vImioI thi-lr .Mer, M'h Heliun Mi l'i 'iKihM last week. IJ-'c Mell'ijnnMi 'I'" i "l li" rn- AH I? change of name, for they do su that ISTRANDED LINER the gold Is so thick Just a little miller i .., n-r-.. .- tr-trs. the suilace that the owneis of I)k S AGAIN REFLOATED mines leiiiao to dig ioih tho bo J'llliieil ' bj the excess prollts ta.. They Just take out a shoNcirtil Irom Ijuie to l.ONPO.T Sept 22. A white time to pay living expenses, and sit I ' ,'... iiriiClnir ti-nnn's. back from tho Uusslan front went ashore tn-1 Aitistlc pi no ttinlin: and pWxcr, tight over the hole where thej took it tint till tln in,it i llrtl.. iii,ii..i IW.hlv. is. iln.s.. mi,,,, ,,u ..,. r.". ' "ff tl1" Orkneys but was later re influenced l,,v putiiotlsiii, as not wish in,: to ilistuib values by Hooding the ui"il with gold and thus adding to the economic contusion. (.'allluiiila h'- hitherto taken pride In calling It s :f the (ioldon stale, hut even in Ne vada tliej are getting ready to di lu.iiid (he belt and title and say the are goliirf to get ir. And wnh all due allowance for new born enthusiasm and for the pic turesque way In which pro-perous -is are wont to expiess tlieiu si Ives, if a tenth of vvhai Is claimed Is true and It may be we ma.v ex pect ihe people of Nevada to thaiige lroiu the most lojal of sllv elites ti the most determined and Irreconcil able gold bugs. Circumstances do al ter cases. That they have found a lot of gold Is certain. Sioux Pulls Press. Poto llllsi a- eldenlly cut t lu tl null of 111 iei't I. in.' I If 'as, TI tifsilay. '.I w,n Imuiedlaul.v -'ikon to n iloclu. v 'ten II -vim r.iplnec I r.'lsn Sel-ii M '.ov.loldK, te.i''l;. r Of IllO M(llil IH i' l ill Xl"lll IliK fuiidny ul tho li-i'ii'i i I .1. ! Ilnupei S'ni. (Jen. Purbnr'.i hrntlioi Is liere visiting from the east. MiA llnttltt Illlno Is olcylng with . . ... .., i. ...,.... . ...- i . floated atlil pimeeded to hoc dentin-. n,M ,;l"i '' """ " '.' """' '' ..,,,. ! Kl inialh Tails whllo atteiullim i Hchool If It's vvortli hiivlnc it's worth In- "''' '"''t'''V I'"" rni-iitly pu - j siiilng. (Sot ii Standard policy from cl nsod a new King aulouioblle. Cliilcoto V; Smith, (l.l.t Main St. fl-tf , u j.,,,,,,,, ,, ,, ,, ,.OI1f,n.! dl to her bed with acute luflaiuiui , """"'I'ti'-r man', l(,fl( IMPEHAIK i-iouiMtir,cc ClGAUFrTEs Vie? TA (Mity ,",;,,"l"11 t'x-ir nou(1I)lcc; " "" "r. full of n. .ui.tiMv , ll)l(ln0 .i ;--. i ', " '. ;. lOi-.rliP T'-. J.., I' !,, " i. branch t cry iheiiuiiitlsm for tlie pus' two ifirl. ('nil tiili.lli Ml t .'It I Shitl. ll(ii Co. l"-t2t' weeks, Is voiy much Imprnved. Try 'em I ' " w i" vas. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Was Big Railroad Project The summer brings the semlccnte nary of the opening of the Mt. Wash ington railway, which, 00 years ago, distinguished tlie White mountain re gion of New Knglnnd by making It the location for the lirst important moun tain railroad In the country. Itemark able railroading to high altitudes has since been accomplished, but the climb of some 0,200 feet to the summit of the highest of the White mountains was then regarded almost us an achieve ment of the Impossible. And it did, for that matter, immediately make Mt. Washington possible to many a tour ist who would have spent his life at the bottom rather than try then to climb to tlie top on foot. THE. Exclusive BUMP Portrail IUDIDr 1136 Main St Tribute to Porridge. A wonderful old man is Mr. James Nicol, who bus Just celebrated his one hundredth birthday In the Kent ish village where he lives, and Is still going strong. Mr. Nicol, who Is a Scot, was born In Tullibody, Clack mntiunnshlre, and joined the Seventy fourth Highlanders- Jiirlug the relgt: of William IV, later taking part In suppressing the Indian mutiny. lie can do the Highland lllng even yet, he says, nnd claims that the recipe for long life Is porridge when one is young. lie did not know the taste of meat or tea till he was over seven teen. Air. Nicol married bis second wife when he was ninety-throe. t J. C. CliKGIIOIlN Civil Knglneer nnd (Surveyor Offlco 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. He. 102M. J I SHANGHAI Everyone Should ' Drink Hot Water in the Morning Wash away all the stomach, liver, and bowel poisons before breakfast. ,To feel your best day in and day out, to feel clean inside; no sour bile to coat your tongue and sicken your breath or dull your head; no constipa tion, billious attacks, sick headache, colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stom ach, you must bathe on tho inside like you bathe outside. This is varstlymoro important, because the sjtln pores do not absorb impurities into the blood, while tno Dowel pores do, says a well known physician. To keep these poisons and toxins well flushed from tho stomach liver kidney and bowels drink before break fast each day a glass of hot water with a teespoonful of limestone, phosphate, In it. This will cleanse, purify ;md freshen the entire alimentary tract be fore putting more food into thu t-tom-acli. Get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from your pharmacist. It is Inexpensive and almost tasteless, ex cept a sourish twingo which is not un pleasant. Drink phosphatcd hot wator every morning to rid your system of theao vile poisons and toxins; also to prevent their formation. To feel llko young folks feel; like you felt before your .blood, nerves and muscles became saturated with an ac cumulation of body poisons, begin this treatment, and above all, keep it up! As soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweotenlng and purifying, bo limestone phosphate and hot water be fore breakfast, act on the stomach, liver and bowels. Adv. RESTAURANT CHOP HUKY AND NOODLE HOl'SH J Short Order Meals Hcrveil. . . 73 Main Street V KIjAMATII FALLS, OltK. 2 !IJr-!--I---!K--J-;-lVK-K-W ATTENTION My business Is making your homes bright and prosperous by Painting, Kalsomlning and Paper Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Phono 103W SAW MILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Itox Plant. Complete pluuts contract ed. Appraisals nnd reports made. Dredging. Wo contract to build any class of a building nnd install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Print made. PHONE 140J Ofllco in K. D. Holding RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W lMVVWVWWVWlWVXMW'.-w THE PARISIAN nEAUTV SHOP Fitclal MaHMiglnit, III caching and Fnclol Packs Manicuring. Shampooing Scalp Treatment BIO Main Phono 800 ; MAMMAMMAMMAMAMAAMAMAAM CITY AND COUNTY AU8TIIAOT COMPANY 017 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. ( A, ItAMHO Dentist I. O. O. .'. liullain PHONE (II DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE IIUIMHNfl PHONE 883 i You Had Better Order Your Winter Wood now Double Ixiail Blocks 97.00 Green Slab, Pine 9.50 Green .Slab, Fir Sftl.50 W. E. SEEHORN CO. W2-2 Main St. Phono 71! DR. R. B. CRAVER Diagnosis Medlclno and Surgory Olllcu over Underwoods Phono 280W 7 th and Main DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE : I Dr. P. M. Noel PHONIC 1 Over Underwood' Seventh and Main Street ...'.'...............M Phono 3 10-J 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. IIomo-Mado Pics and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. V''.'.''W'i.M,.iV I I WELL DRILLING Vochatzer Bros. & KJabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon Let your Glass Troubles bo My Troubles. Rcglazlng dona in any part of tho city E. O. BTUCKY. Carponter & Cablnotmakor Phono 477W 1024 Main. Olllco Phono :1S5 Kcs. 435 Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and SurROon Whltu Iluildlng Klamath Falls Oreson :m5;mjm.xxm::-:":":M"J,,vm H. C. SCHLEEF I; KATHERINE SCHLEEF I'IivkIcIiiiis and Surgeon g Offlco, Wlilto Ilidg. &QQ44QWMrQWrti'Wrt HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We liandlo tho Harley-Davldson Motorcycles nnd Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy, soil and exchange all othor Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes, C. E. niSMAHIC 115 B. nth St. Klamath Falls FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE Boo Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Stroet. TRY ME PnONE 170-J WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SCIWERT 206 I. O. 0. F. Dldg. "dr. g. a. massey Successor to l)r..Trua Suit 200, I. O. O. F. DWg Ofllco phone 80J Res Phono HOiVi PROFESSIONAL CARDS KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS Wo Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and RlacksmltUlng ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 017 Klamath Ave. A--.-.--.-MWV--V PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Cases Mrs. Rosa McDanlcls, 301 High St. Phone 455 FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomla Dldg., Klamath Fall - ii DR. A. A. SOULE Study Anatomy and SureerW Francisco. Calif., ir. J. ye oro has chargo ot my pra"lv . .r-iTnmi.A 402 Ma-" St 1'IIUIIU AUW W...-W I. ' . fDR.F.R.GODDARD Osteopathic Physician sn BUoail,I.0.O.F.Xeaipl (over K. K. K. Store) Phone Sal.. ,. (The only Osteopathic clan and Burgeon "" Falls.) I s.