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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1919)
MONDAY, HII-T,M,t w rA i LATE BRISCOE GOOD ORDER; AT A BARGAIN RSOHKU EI3HSEHI LIBERTY THEATRE POSTAL TRUCK MEETING FARMER'S OX TEAM MORE THAN HALF WAY FARMER DRIVES OX TEAM WEEKLY "rvcemvzstmzLffTZ'lKtism ana H WILLIAM FOX Presents THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 1 i. Miiwie Tim 'IDE 11 NO ! ami ; i - i m ' I12MMi n P- OWTiw TTU - . . A J: $, NT .sMs5aK;G(iJW5W-J1 - tt x iT -fttW"W ttiH" 1 CainpiilK" Hito Tills U'wK ami Saturdiu l AssUt In Hie lliillil-1 lug vt Home In I'oitlaml ami .Mil (Jills' Home Srivn Hebit r . i o- " v .." . j i i vt x s ttfcHM pSvigPHK x i 5 $& 5V'V i j&s-Kyvy5mg5ffi?re Another wallop for old High Cost of Living. Uncle Sam's new postal truck servlco la proving n boom to the farmer. Under this arrangement the producer gets moro and we pay less. This photograph shows a fur mer who drives his 01 cart one mile daily to make connections with the postal truck. Formerly ho lumborcd along nine miles once a week to the nearest raiyway station. i.nam njhu irixaaili.jAdUCTaajaii.mTfcTncwiriT'-Bn i, -imrtn The people of Klamath Falls will ho given an oportunlty this wouk 011 Friday nnd Saturday to contribute toward tho fund of JRO.OOO, which is bolng raised in tho Btnto with which to build and equip n .substan tial up-to-dato homo for orphan chil dren nnd also ft fund of $10,000. which Is to pay oft tho mortgngo on tho I.ouiso Hcscuo homo for girls Moth of these worthy homes aru un dor tho manngoment of which V. . McClaron Is managor. l'romlnont poo plo of Portland and other parts of the stnto aro officially connected wltt this nppoallnB work. Mrs. lion W. i Olcott Is honorary presldont, Mrs. It K.Mondurnnt Is president, Row A li. Hutchinson of Portland vlco-pro-sldent and Win l. Wheelwright, treasuror. This money will all ho In csted in ono of tho most deserving 1 IN W?MAI9,W? THE TALE OP A WOMAN)S LOVE AND SACRIFICE Directed by KcneanBuel mwm TONIGHT ONLY fflmmfxj 13MCT,VC PS" TVa wa W :iwai 1 lifts. Jp W ivw-KTi Ifiy&zS? Vx (( Sl 1 li'1 t-iB-S jWl W""l " "SllRv revi ulsv55115! ,'J. f)' -- fs sssn VrSr"-1 !!!l& 3f M I $ -! '""'Ji tt y Si""' .'?'' K'l eiiVf 'Ar w,nuumJ W niiuwu re. sHr r.x i V vr V Y -7 . X ' ' "n' rf' . JXJ t k. jtmu.ili . 7 j' V.v i. 1 J'lylnAW.WAirICA.) lfll y V ,r fV. (V K V1""'' 1l 0 stlT I I iu. 'v rfWV'"'-"""1""' Xvll N J I v Zr xv itii'ja- V k 's v i ! 'in iir'-'j SNAs"'' V Vr- vT' li-X. r4. Jv u lA4 ,iC.V4S . l , ',! VI I . i s. D(A " v . liX &"iSLu Y' y -" . i- v. - ' v3;j&-J Y7. "-' '. ' ' II utcm, II J& v"X- K " t " ( SHOWS MAIN AUTOMOBILE TT .'? fafr " S AXt 1 'V iiiciivAs rrsinjnPiBiiiiPsil I -" b.. 'ii y ) fc HnyBnilWil H (mwMOMiiaitoMw) J 1 J yWV!. OC00ARy AUTOMOBILE L;JljL!Jlll3Lirl Aliw.0 VSiuhhuki v "WAYS Wr-V jnf V: T B " KKIIiMtt T?vA B finMVlk!,l a gillltl NEVADA HI IICM rinisps In our state- the ciire of or phan children nnd the icmcuo nun ii.'-slHtliig of ei ring girls Captain J. W. SlomcnH Is nctlng ehalimnn of tnu local lomm'tti'c with Mrs. R. IJ. Mnrtln nnd v r P Lawienro, nR.lstnnt chnlrmen with n strong commltteo conHlstlng of Mrs. W. H. Mobertson. Mrs. U. S. Orlgsby, Mrs. K. II. Henry. J'r? Hose Koule Mrntton, Mrs. .1. H. Onr Ttt orgnnlzed to push tho rnmpnlgn to a successful Issue Mr. Win. I' olsteln nt the First Stnte nnd Pav Ings Dunk will net us locnl treiRur- or. Onvomor Men V. Olcott, Mayor O. K. Maker of Portland nro giving their heartiest encouragement to tho drive nnd tho city of Portlnnd thru Its council nnd city auditor, after u urcful Investigation of 'tile work dono by tho socloty has granted full prhclege for tho solicitation of fundn within tho city limits during the 30 dnyB from Sept. 1st to the 30th. Tho locnl committee met on 8nt urdny Inst nnd' appointed chnlrmor for eighteen city districts. ROUMANIANS STEAL RAILWAY EQUIPMENT UrUAPHST. Sept. 22. The sltu tlon hero Is growing moro critical as Roumanian troops withdraw They continue to requisition rallwar criulpnu'iit or all k'niln. Btrlpplnrtle country of all mfnns of railway transportation. The supply of food hero Is reported to be InsufflclKt 'n'.' v.r nn Vptch and Ball Mrnnd Rubber Moots, K. K. K. Store. '.2-6t Duxbnk Hunting Clothes nt K K K Storo. 22-0t HAIR BRUSHES THAT HOLD THEIR BRISTLES A brush that sheds Is dear at any price. If you are looking for tho non-shed sort thon don't fall to see tho brushes 'now an display at our stoio 'They embody the finest mate rials and best of workmanship. The stock is so complete :hat every individual 'taste may be satisfied iPrices $1.00 to $7.00 npwooasiPhariMY W v KLAMATH TALIS' OREdON rn$ I JfcZ 1 KLAMATH rALLS'ORCOOH umv aAaTiriir&B Mnm 1-L.V,'T) ouv Trtim onuoft High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO OBPEB KI.VKST MATKHIAI.S MKHT OF WOKKMANSIUP LATEST HTVIiKH I'KHKKCT KIT GUARANTEED Prli-CM arc tcry rciwonable Your Inspection Invited ChasJ.Cizek , tiMU'MAiVI' TAIUIK niM Minn Mu 4..3.. MRS. L. B. HAGUE Public Stenographer Notary T-ublic Court J-" 211 WIHIts MldB- Orcgo" Klumntli OFiills ..... chines bought, TypowruiiiB . Rl). sold, ronted or exebansed. Bj; elal rates to students. W writing BUPPlleB and stationery ll'liono 120 Zw2Z SULPHUR Let us make up your poolcar JMurphey's Feed & Seed Store l ne price is rignt ipbo1 126 South Sixth St