n,V flRrTKM,:n , 010' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON pacts unjvm !i " .-. .. .. A A - II. jMHHiininK .iimnnit nnTrni -nunm .., tomhxmih . -rflnnrv mviiiwi iLain wind ii i ..bbiiii iiiiiinaHiiiiiii iu hi i n fin ritj ii iinnifui inii - " ' ,. E0Miy IsZ- 'fir N JULY ISSUE McCLURE'S ON "UTILITIES ENTITLED TO PROTECTION" ttia m inftirirn nni imiun help wanted :t I MlLl v v " I :1 wages -Dan Llslcuy, Mnlln,i M 5 " Or Call Knllnn Store. 19-4tL I pQD SALb -u.3 1 rtu ruunu TidTbrlnB "s"11' "" "" " . . l Ifllr "TaitB Cliuvmlol vnr. 3 trB " -rrrrrTi "r mo dairy cows f S. 4 heart horses. 25 ton ; ' i lot hartiMS l.ociuou ci iu i KU.. for rent a simp Inquire-1 ffilM Off.cn. M., TTbiivUoo Touring enr I 'ffi0-!eMkoffor.C.II Hetild oftlc -. t i m SALB-Two Ford lOuruiK Wl" 'rd delivery car. lloag- hn 4 McCollum 1Mt rre.ii; Im TRADE I mom i ffi!.. iinZlow A very clinlr- jaon.Soel'orklnB. IMC ' irntfillT 1'IANO flood comlltlon , lW'.L,. .. low a $7.00 pun uonth el Shepherd's. 17-tf n. r n.ipncur Overland tuny Lipped. I'rlcoJGOO.00. See Hill Leo. ll-u rOR SALE neautlful X room reHl- iv t iiii. ..till IMiwi dtnee ai cornur in ""' " Modern lull basement- furnnccM tart payment down- Balance lo suit purcbascr. Attractive price If pur chased direct. Address. Mrs. Coin ..i.. -t smith inth &. j of fur- wuucituui - " --. . ion, Comllls, Oregon FOR SALE 6 room modern houso One of the best locations oi ivinm .iv r.n. t99r.n nnrt terms. HotlHO of 1 rooms. Artesian water and clone to, 1250 terms; Modern liouso 4 roomi. 2 Mocks rrom wain ni ii"u -1500 ensh and balance like rent. It.n auvnrnt ntlinr flnntlH in llOUSUB lid loll or unimproved lots. V. M. Montelluj, 1303 Main, Kinmiuii uov. elopment To. Offlco. fl-tf hOHT- Silk miHh with .friiiKO, Am orlcnn Hentity Hlindo liclenclni: i to nine Hweater. pioaHo return to Her aid offk'u -Itnward, ir.-:it MISCELLANEOUS WANTICD Men and women Htcady employment mtmt lie over 18 yeaiK of aj;e. Clielwea Lumber & Hox Company. 17-Ct WANTICD (ilrl or woman for koii eral boimework Perfection Dairy. ! I'lione 1UV. 9-ti von ui:nt .l'lionp zips. -Furnished Iloom. lC-tf SITUATIONS WANTED WANTICD ffiOO. 00 worth of Tire llepulr work, at once. VulcunlzliiK, Itotroadlnj;, Half SoIch, and Tube He pa I rn. HlowoutK $2. HO and up, He troiulliiK U.OO and up. Hole $RI -00 and up. Tube Hepalrn 25 centn and up. Surface patcbeB, $1.00 and up. Crater hake Tiro Service Station. 1l2f, Main St. Klamath Kails. Ore. ic-r.t C'l.BAN HA(5S Wo will pay five ceiitH ii pound for clean cotton ritKH. Central Oarage. 1 3fllt DO YOU WANT A HOMB ON EASY PAYMENTS? I will build for you, on your own Iqt, a homo to suit you, on terniH within your mcann. Wrlto i mo, giving full particulars of location, i h)7C and type of Iiouho desired nnd amount of caith you can pay down and what monthly paymeutH you can mako. NelHon HouiiBevell, I. O. llo 21C. 11-bt WILL PAY CASH For a few denlr-, I able residence lots, suitable for lm-1 mediate uuiKiinK. wish to neat with owneru direct. (live location and prlco. Nelson Rounuevcll. P. O. Hox 21C. ' 9-Ct WANTED TO BUY OR TnADE For any and all kinds of furniture. Per kins. 20-tf WANTED TO TRADE a Now range 1 for an old ono. you pay ilia differ ence. Perkins furniture House. 20-tf TWO YOCNti MEN- AUendlni; Hclionl would like worii after leJsool and on Saturday Phone 2 I'l M 1 -1 ' WANTED Work on ranch by married man. C. S. Hox 21. Fort Klumnih OreRon. lfi-Gt WANTICD Permanent position on ranch by experienced ranchman, married. Inquire County Agent. 15-Gt WANTED Two Woodchoppers. Chll coto & Smith. C33 Main. 4-tf f t t t t t T t k f t ? T T t T f f T T t T T T T t t f t T T T t fi T T t The financial editor, in a forceful article in that Magazine, says : "Public Utilities Commissions have been formed in many states to exercise con trol over privately owned public utilities, and have generally demonstrated that their regulation is beneficial On the other hand, municipal ownership has proved generally unsuccessful, and Is subject to objectionable and harmful political manipu lation. The public should realize this fact, that Its interests are those affected, and it Is a fact that private ownership Is ninety-nine times out of a hundred more einclent than ownership by a government, whether ot a city or nation. "In order that a public utility may, expand, money is needed, and to got money credit Is necessary. It is to the interest of a city and its inhabitants to see that credit is furnished. Their Interests are inextricably Intertwined, and public indifference to and ignorance of conditions affecting this class of companies are serious hardships to their growth and expa'nslon. If the utilities are to be regulated they are entitled to protection." WANTED c.irl for general house work nnd cooking Mrs. O. O. Lab-1 aree. Hly. Oregon. 1-tf , Morchants lunch at II a. m. to 3 p. m. Crator Cafe 7th St. 5-20t California-Oregon Power Company ,$M$$M$M$M$ .NOTICE I am now prepared to furnish Shnstn Rand from the Hoey. cam sand nnd gravel pit, In any iunnttn that may bo deBlred by contractor' and builders. AL F CRAHAM i LEGAL NOTICES TOR SALE 160 acres, homestead rellnoiilihmcnts. fully Improved, iir Rlrnhnrn railroad. TwontV-HlX (Ota from Klamath Fnlla. For parti tion eddreis No. 16 Herald Office. U-16t Kilty dollars or morn and an old range will get ono of my new ones. Perkins' Furniture Houso 20-tf FOR SALE A Ford bug In A-l con dition guaranteed. Address II. u. Herald office. C-tt MR SALE OR TRADE Cooking ntenslla of various kinds, also a use or two, nearly any kind of a atote. Perkins Furniture Houso. 20-tf WANT TO BORROW $1000 on new modern houso which cost f2.",O0 to build. Will pay 8 per cent for two years and glvo first mortgnge. Ad dress Hulldor In care Herald lo-Gi CITY GAIIDAGE When you want Garbage removed phono 91. 1 1-tf Linoleum. Tlmrs. Mnltlni?. Pnlicnlln. Shades, Beds, Mattresses nnd Springs for tale or trade. Perkins' Furniture House 20-if FOR SALE Oooil ryo hay also al- i falfahayand pasture. Call 338 10th St. or Phono 247 M. 12-tf WANTED-House Closo in, lurn- llbed Or Unfllrnlshnrl lnnnlri Mar. aid office. 30-tf FOR SALE Furnishings for a six room House 122N Cth 'St. 20-tt i FOR SALE Improved rosldonco lot. "usiseu. see 1008 Main St. 7tf BjONB PEYTON for Wood. 112Il! DRINK HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST 1 Says you really feel clean, sweet and fresh inside, and are seldom ill. TIMBER FOR SALE Twenty million feet of stnmllntr umber for miIo rheap. Sawmill "1 planing mill on premises. Wl. T. 11. TIMON'Y, Red Rliiir, Calif. -f- i" WE CAN "FIX IT!" Nand & McCollum 'NeUDoor to Postofflco. ! Y ssengers and Baggage mumK ,v Tllr,, cm, QI'ick 8:nvici nkWNAMLB RATES ''''"NIC 187 HrnTransferCo. If you me ncctibtomed to wnko up with a coated tongue, foul breath or a dull, dizzy headuciio; or, u your meals sour nnd turn into gas and acids, you hue a leal surprUe await ing you. Tomorrow morning, Immedlntelj upon nrIbliKk drink u ghibs of hoi water with u teas'poonful of llmebtone jihunphnto in it. This is Intendei' to tlrst neutuillzo and then wash out of i.vonr stomach, liver, kidneys and thir ty foot of intestines nil the Indlgestt l)lo waste, poisons, sour bile nnd tox- inb, thus clennslng, sweetening nnd purifying tho entire alimentary canal. Thoso subject to sick headaches, backache, bilious attacks, constipation or any form of stomach trouble are urged to get a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate from tho drug store nnd begin enjoying this morning ln sldo bath. It is eald that men and women who try this become enthusi astic and keep It up dnlly. It Is n pfendld health measure, for it Is more he inside than on the outside, because hto skin nores do not absorb Impuri ties into the blood, causing disease, while tho bowel pores do. NThe principle of bathing inside is not now. as millions of people prnctlce If. Just as hot water and soap cleans, ! l m t. At. a nlrln CA lint jpuruy nnu ireaiiuu ma emu, - " 'water and a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate act on the stomach, liver, kidneys nnd bowels. Limestone phos phato Is-nn inexpensive white powder nnd almoRt tasteless. Adv. i If It's worth having, It's worth In Miring. Get n Standard policy from ClUlcoto & Smith, 033 Main St. 5-tf Artistic pinno tuning and playor work. Call Morgan at Karl Shep herd Co. 1B-I2t . If you .want 11, advertise. Herald NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that coaled proposals will bo received till the Nth. day of October. A. D. 1019 at tho hour of 8 o'clock In the even- I Ing for the purchase of Forty Thous and Dollars worth of bonds of the Enterprise Irrigation 'District ot Klamath County, Oregon. Said bonds aro to bo dated Novenbor iFt, 1919 and aro to draw interest at the rato of six per cent per annum, Inter est payable semi-annually upon tho 1st, day of July and the 1st. day of January of each year until tho matur ity of said bonds. Said proposals will be received by tho Hoard of pirectors of said irriga tion District, and should be direct ed to tho Secretary ot tho Enterprise Irrigation District, caro of Charles J. Ferguson, Loomls Building, Klam-1 atu Falls, Oregon. Tho Board of Directors reserve the right to rejoct any or, all bids offered. G. J. HILYARD, Secretary of the Board of DIrectois of Enterprise Irrigation District. 4-rot Notice of Meeting of Equalization Board of The Enterprise Irrigation IMstllct. Notice is hereby given that tho Board of Directors of the Enterprise Irrigation District will, commencing Tuesday, tho 7th day ot October, 1919, at tho office of tho Board of Directors, sit as aBoard of Equaliza tion for tho purpose of reviewing and correcting tho assessment roll of said District for tho year 1920. Said as-, scssmont roll is open for examination at tho offico of tho Board of Direc- j tors Number 15, Loomis Building, Klamath Falls, Oregon. G. J. HILLYARD, Socretary of tho Board of Directors , of tho Enterprise Irrigation District 30-6-13-20 NOTICE OK SHERIFFS SALE. fKnultv No. 1093) In The Circuit Cou.it of The State of 'Oregon For the County of Khun nth Mary E. Gntes, Plaintiff, vs Claudo O. Clopton and Gracio Clop ton, his wife, and H. L. Clopton, also known as Hugh L. Clopton, Defendants Notice is heroby glvon that by vir tuo of on Execution and Order of Sale, duly issued out of the above en titled Court and causo on the 12th dav of Soptembor, 1919, under a Do creo mado and entered of record In tho said Court, on the 10th day of Soptombor, 1919. In favor of the above named Plaintiff, and against tho above named defendants, dlrect i.. n, coin nf tlio nrnmtses therein nnd hereinafter described to satisfy tho sum uf $0411.83, wiucii sim sum Includes Interest on ?2.r)0.00 since n,. mil. ,inv if fWnlior. 1907 to tho dnto of the commencement of this suit; $147.40, the amount of taxes pnld out by said plaintiff to protect hor Interosts in and to tho real prop erty hereinafter particularly cicsciid ed: $125.00, attorney's fees, and tho costs nnd disbursements and accru ing costs of this suit. NOW THEREFORE, by vlrtuo of said Execution and In compliance with said Writ, I have duly levied on tho horelnuftor described lands, and will, on Saturday, tho 18th day of October, 1919, at tho hour of 10 o'clock, a. m. on said date, at the front door of tho oldest Court House in Klamath County on Main Street in Klamath Falls, Oregon, sell at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, all the right, title and Interest of the above named defendants, and each and all of them, in and to the following described real property, to-wlt: Tho Northeast quarter of South west Quarter, and the Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter, Sec tion G, T. 39 S., R. 12 E. W. M. or bo much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Judgment and Execu tion. The proceeds of said sale will be applied In satisfaction ot said Exe cution and Decree including said above mentioned sum of $545.83, $147.40 taxes, $125.00 attorney's fees, and tho costs and disbursements and the accruing costs pf this suit nnd the overplus, if any there be, will be paid into said Court to be applied as bv law required. Dated this 12th day of September, 1919. GEORGE L. HUMPHREY, Sheriff of Klamath County, Ore. By ALLEN SLOAN, Deputy. 13-20-27-4-11 Wo make a specialty of fire, life and accident Insurance. Phone 06 and we'll do the rest. Chllcote & Smith. 5-tf WAR MOTHERS WILL MEET IN WASHINGTON FIRST AMERICAN SHIP HAS REACHED BELFAST. Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 20. War mothers all over the United States are completing plans to be offered for the strengthening and perfecting of the National American War Moth ers organization when it meets in Washington, D. C, on Sept. 29, 30, Oct land 2.- ".National headquarters for the Na tional American "War Mothers the only organization of its kind that 's made, up solely of mothers who of fered their sons for army, navy and marine service are in Indianapolis and Miss Alice French is president. Any assistance the mothers, can give In helping to curb the wave of unrest that has swept over the coun try will be given, It is said, and this subject will be thoroughly discussed. BELFAST, Sept. 20. Old Glory was floated from the masthead of a merchant man in Belfast harbor, the other day, the first time in a great many years. She is the Lakeside, bringing a cargo of many things which will ply fortnightly between New York and Belfast. Her appear ance here is taken as proof that Am- 'erlcans are not going to neglect the Irish trade. PUTS WIFE UP AS BAIL. OFFERS A CHEW FOR SAVING HIS LIFE. MOLD DIE Tfl mrkfiu unn I II liniiiii ii iifiiii VENIC, Cal., Sept. 20. A fat man rescued from drowning in the surf here by James Kirbyand Geo. Townsen'd, life-guards, offered his rescuers a chew of tobacco as a re ward. They refused. He calmly took It himself and departed. LOS ANGLES, Cal., Sept 20. Wralter Llncercum .charged with, misdemeanor, offered his wife as bail until he could provide the $25 cash set by Police Judge Ray Chese bro. The Judge agreed. That was early in the morning. When 5 o'clock In the afternoon came and the human bail was still in the "Judge's keeping, there was some Judicial consternation. Then the husband returned with the cash and took his wife home. SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR TURNS GRAY, FADED HAIR DARK j AND GLOSSY. ' MOTORS MAY REPLACE DOGS. Almost everyone knows that Sago Tea and Sulphur, piop.niy com po.ir.ded, brings back the naturnl color and lustre fo the hair when tudod, streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to got this m'xture was to mako It nt home, wulcu is uinssy and troublesome. j Nowadays wo simply ask at nny drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and ' Sulphur Compannd." Yoi will get a large bottle of this old-tlm reclpe Improved by tho addition of other In-" gredlentp, at very little cost. Evury body uses this preparation now, be cause no one can possibly tell 'hat you darkened your hair, as It doo3 It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It nnd draw this thru your hair, tak ing one small strand at n time: by morning tho gray hair disappears, and after another application or two your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy atd you Iook years 1 vn.uiger. Adv. KETCHIKAN, Alaska, Sept. 20. Dog teams, which for years have pulled the mall sleds over- winter Alaska snow trails, may be replaced by motors. A Seattle firm is report to pull trailers over the winter roads. Mail will bo carried over somo of tho Alaska routes by the motor sleds this year. ROOFING Now is the time to fix that Roof now before the rain and snow come and eyake it al most impossible to do the work. You sa ve money by doing it now, and -save your property, too. Let me do your work and it will be done right. W. D. MILLER Contractor Phono 203 32 Oth St. i- J9 Klamath Lodge No. 137 i I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at! I. O. O. F. hall, 5th and Main streets, j P. J.Gergos , xm. u.; 'rea uremer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Encampment No. 46, I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Arlie Wor rel, C. P.; Nate Otterbeln, Scribe; P. L. Fountain Treasurer. FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 4t4"tt4V4184$ii,4' I NEW CITY LAUNDRY Moved to corner Main and Conger Finish Work Livery, Feed and Sales Stable t Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trips Our Specialty Reasonable Rates Phone 130 822 Klamath Ave. iwVWWVWWIMMMMIIMMMMMI, Flat Work Rough Dry X' I 2 Shirts, collars, fancy dresses. , silks, wool; colored goods very ' vory carefully handled. T Try us once. Wo call for and 2 X deliver. Quick service our spo- 3, clalty. 2 Phone 154 'H"M,i Phone 460 lio Cream 729 Main St. Candles PASTIME Jack Mourovr, Prop. Cigur8, Tobacco, Soft Drink.s Peel and Milliards Barber Shop In oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO "Courtesy and, Service"