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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1919)
KITKMIIKII 1, "" THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE P gsONAL... V? i,.fi thin inoriilim fr -. wnn "- i-d Antes wbh u ."" C1,t ,, m Illl.lraii.l yesterday. visitor ir'" ,. j cimpmnn l(l l"'" ' ,0'!"foryrkH.nul.rl,f IiuhIii jaornlnK 'or ,,rlp - , r. Mm K. H. Joffornoii loft .?; . .. ord and A.UIon.l. ,., B. i,ar.lcn. N. O. Tollman .u.d ' Wolwrhoro from &mlll... Ji arrlvcl Hint "'" . ,v M. Wml anil wlfo. wltli Mr. '' Alden I'. White. " nimud- - ' K",m"lh K""H- Rar Lahyc who linn bi-pii HPOii.1 JL .gmnicr In Kloinath comity. 5 ,W. mornliiB for ho. homo m jloieburg. ., J G, Slevetmon f KiiB'Hiu L list nlKlit to vlult Her Ron. ci, nd other relatives and (rinds here. Howard Orcm loaves In tho morn ... for Annapolis, where ho 1 11 MrtUtudcnt. Mr. Orcm linn hml , Booth's furlouBh. Mont of that tlsn he spout with hlB pnrontB. V, Boyd I'nrkor, of tho Klamnth Development company and tho Lon don Paris National Hank of Sun maelfco arrived In tho city Inst tljbt for hi monthly uubIiiosh vlclt here. It. F. AIIIhoii In a city vlHltor to day from Han Kruiicliico. .Dun Drlsnoll (I in vn In todny from IiIh riuieli nunr Illy nn.l In inuiniict- Iiii;. IiiibIiiuhk hero. Kriincln and Victor Hcliloff lofl HiIh morning for Hoiitliniliinil, whom thoy will attend iicliool. Mr. and MrH. IMilllp Itollltm mid Minn Ida Karmiin an) tourists In, Klamath (omity Now Voile city. Mill Crawford, u prominent ranch man of thu reservation, wiih In tho city today for supplies. Diilu Soul.) Ib laid up with a gnlh orltiK In IiIh oar. Tho llltlo chop Iiiih HilfTorod a great deal of pain Ho Ib reported boiiiu liultor HiIh morning. K1. llalhort, who Iiiib been a resi dent of Klamath Falls for uli-ml seven yoarB mid an employe of Mar tin IlrothorB, will leave tomorrow for hln old homu noar Chicago Many of tho rnllni; offldalp of (hi California. Oregon Power Company, , aro In tho city today from Pupco mid Han KranclHro on IiiibIiichb and ple.i-1 uro. Among thorn nro Mr. and .MrH. I I'. O. Crawford, Mr. and MrH. Ilrnd-1 loy, Mr. and MrH. 10. H. Taylor and John lloylo. MIhh Walvo Jacobs, accompanied by MIhh I.ethn Drlscoll returned hiHt night from Med ford and AHhland, whnro thoy have boon visiting for tin wook. Tho girls drovo over lant Saturday with tho lutontlon of re turning Monday, but were delayed on account of n broken spring which wiih nocoHHary to replace QUEEN QUALITY SHOES The famous shoe for women. Reasonably priced. The Bootery CHAS, P. MAGUIRE 713 Main Street Hm4,4JH- We wish to announce the arrival of a carload of the new 1920 CHEVROLET 4-90's with all the latest improvements, including gen uine Leather Upholstering and Pantisote Leath er Top. Price, $857.50 Call on us at your earliest convenience or call us on the phone and we will be glad to explain the features of these cars and demonstrate them to you. Central Garage 420 Klamath Avenue ". I. Ktllnll li.fl unuli.t'.ltiir ,' J Vielni on a IiiihIiii'hh trip. I Policeman Wcbnr'H little daughter Ih under iiuriintliio with Hcarlel fever. MIhh Twyla Mead roporin that the country hcIiooIii Hint were without teacheni am bolut; rapidly furnlnhud wllh ili'Hlrahlo ctlucntorH. The Ited ('nisi qxecullvp ronimll- i teo will meet thin nftcrnoon at the I White J'ellcan Motel to elect olIlcerH for (ho (oiiiIiii; year. I I Arthur Milliard, who ban been en- j gaged In carpi'iitor work In Keno! , for Heveral weekH linn returned to I the city for a few dayH. I 1 Ml hi Allen McCourt of tho Klnni jutli Develoiuneiit Co. had the mln-i ! fortune to dip over u telephone, ' cord yesterday and dl.ilocato her arm Alec. DuvIb, prominent ranclierl ami HiocKiuau oi .Miniunu, reporiHi tiitirli l.irmlw f.ii tttiitr.u frt, flln'l ,""' "" " northern dlRtrlctH of California. Mo I will hIiIji two carloadH of mulct to Woodland, California, next Moi'doy. I Tho KukIo Peel room which .vas owned by 1. J. MorteiiBon was pur chaHcd today by CharlcB Donart. Mr Uonart, who formerly operated this eHtabllHhment before HelllnK to Mr. Morton-ten, Ih welcomed back by a host of friends. sirs. M. Inborn, accompanied by ! or daughter Knunn, arrived tho first of the week for a brief with Mtb. Leo. MouHton. They aro rc&ld entn of Uaklaiid, California and have been on an extended trip thru the KaHt and returnol by way ol Seattle where they Haw both tho Fleet and President WlUon. Dr. and Mrs. Wilfred Robinson, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 H. Robinson and Miss Mary Mealey, who have been upending a week or ! ton days vlowlng tho many attrac tions of Klamath County left this ' morning In their car for San Tran I cIbco. They aro very enthusiastic ov I cr their trip and cannot praise Klam i ath enough. MIko Murphy, a slieopmon of Lakevlew who ranged his sheep In i Jackson county this season, has se cured 800 acres of pasture land In jthe Midland district from Mrs. F. 'H. Reynolds. He also purchased this season's supply of hay from this ranch and Intends to winter 2,000 head of sheop there. Many sheep- ' men aro trying to secure pasture !and winter quarters for their flocks. ' Theodore Sadls, for the past eight yoars an employe of tho Pelican Baj Mill, left yesterday morning for San Francisco for medical treatment. I About ten days ago while at work , ho Injured one of his eyes, but did ' not give it much attention at the time. After physicians were consult ' ed yesterday he was advised that tho Injured eyo should bo removed to save tho other and Sadls left this morning for Lane Hospital for fur ther advice, and an operation If necessary. WHEN YOU THINK OF FLOUR THINK OF WINNER'S SPECIAL It is not only equal to any flour, but is BETTER than most flours made of a blend of hard wheat. Money back if- you don't like it. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Star Naptha Washing Powder ! 8c Lenox Soap, the bar 5c Pearline, the package 8c Dry Black Figs, the pound 20c Creamettes, the new Macaroni, 3 packages 25c THE Winnek Grocery COMPANY DOES NOT IJKE STYMSS SYDNEY, Australia, Sept. 19. Lady Davidson, wife of tho new South Wales Governor, at the open ing of the industrial exhibition here today, said she hoped the ladies of Sydney would not follow tho fash Ions which were now arriving in Australia from England as they showed a tendency toward a style of dress which was not quite nice. OPPOSE EXTENSION OP LIMITS OF YELLOWSTONE. ACADEMY WILL KKCEIVE PUPILS Until tho capacity of tho school Ib reached, day pupils will bo received at the Sacred Heart Academy, where tho most careful attention will bo giv en to the thorough training of your child. Full particulars may be secur ed by calling at tho Convent, Seventh and Pine streots or nt tho Academy. For the present wo are unablo to ac commodate any moro boardors, but applications will bo received and 'n I caso there is a vacancy it will tie filled from tho list of applicants In tho order In which they nro fllod. 6-tf Sacred Heart Academy. The passage through the Suez Canal, ninety-nine miles long, re duces the Journey from Europe to India by four thousand miles. Artistic pinno tuning and player work. Call Morgan at Earl Shep herd Co. 13-12t MICH'S GROCERY NEWS OUST ON Metropolitan Amusement HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING Wednesday & Saturday NiKhth. Popular .Jaz Orchestra CODY. Wwo., Sept. J8. Propos ed extension of the boundaries of Yellowstone national park to Include the Jackson country Is condem ned in a resolution adopted recent ly by residents of this city in a mass meeting here. The resolution de clares the plan is belli.; furthered by those who would servo personal ends rather than public good. "This area contains vast resource of unexplored wealth which, devel oped, should accrue to ihu stnto of Wyoming and her yeoplu, tho resolu tion reads "The cl.ising of, this vast ar-'a Is detrl-iit u'iii t t c stool .in I ranch Interests of the state of Wyoming." Today s Anniversaries Some of the mountains on the moon are estimated to be thirty-six thousand feet high. ATTENTION LSONS. There will be a special communi cation of Klamath Lodge No. 77. A. F. & A. M. held at the hall on Mon day, Sept. 22. at S p. m. Work in entered apprentice degree. By order of W. M. O. C. APPLEGATE, Secretary. 1178 William Gaston, the first Roman Catholic Judge of the North Carolina supreme court, born at New Barn, N. C, January 23, 1844. 1841 Baron Sydenham, governor-general of Canada, died from lockjaw resulting from a fall from his horse. Born in England in 1799. 1844 Daniel Webster presided over a great mass convention of the Whig party in Boston. 1901 British torpedo boat Cobra buckled and sank off the English coast, with a loss of 67 men. 1908 Strike of 120,000 cotton mill hands in Lancashire. 1914 Termcnde, Belgium, was evacuated by tho Germans. 1915 Germans began a vigorous bombardment of the Serbian fron tier. 1916 Roumanian troops invad ing Transylvnnia suffered a reverse at the hands of the Austrlans. 1917 Argentine senate voted to break diplomatic relations with Ger many. - WMUffi 1, KLAMATH TALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1011) NUMltER lit mL tmjKjmxm We ve Got the Bacon and the PRICE is DOWN 1 wish to this week call upcclal 'tatlon to tho now hours for open. I and cloning of the hIoivh of the tl1 .lth ViKX'ial reference to' Rro- "". I hope tho people will jPerate with us to tho extent of " It us easy un po88U,i0 for tho ""xwts ami ciL.rks 0no thln? , Particular von nw. n0k.wi ,. .i... "ot lt -until the morning to - '"ur "er if ou expect Hi "uneout on tho morning delivery. ' . . - ..w T lttszm SATURDAY 'ONLY jk ' " "hioni liniiKMlintcly them "''dors In time to hcikI the h ""J'1 l',,uo " early. "eekTT t'1"," m slx ,ur,,,R "'ol V " m six "urliiR the .. "ml nt hi.... ..,..t...... ,. . ... 'ten. , J",u H"h ,,s J maWiiR, ... ' a" iiiunnil. l !,., ml r hcrvllt' and NiitiHfactlon. Swift's premium Bacon, lb , oc Swift's Premium Hams, lb 43c BUSINESS Don't forcet the quality when you buy Swift's goods. Tillamook Cheese, lb 45c Tube Rose Pineapple The new pack has arrived; grown and packed in the Hawaiian Islands for the Tube Rose can. We have it in 3 sized cans, No. 1, No. 2 and 2VL sliced and grated. Remember, we guarantee every can of Tube Rose goods to be the best quality mdse. money will buy. Call for Tube Rose canned goods for perfection in qual ity. Exclusive Local Distributor STAR THEATER TODAY- Ailolpli Kukfr Presents JOHN IJARUYMORi:. In "HERE COSIES THE RRIDE" Aluo llurton Holme Travelogue And hray rierofliurH. FIRST CLASS GOODS BETTER SERVICE TEMPLE TJHEATER TODAY Jcsso L. Lnsky Presents PAULINE FREDERICK In "A WOMAN IN THE CASE" Also Patho News Latent Current Events. and Pete- Morrison In A Thrilling Western Drama Admission Matinee 10 & 15 cents Evenings 10 & 20 cents MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PIOTUREb TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oregom Big Double Show At the Liberty Tonight In these days of high prices everybody is looking for bargains. Manager Poole of the Liberty states that many of the good shows to come will cost so much to bring them here that he will be compelled to raise the regular admission price, but today he is offering a real bargain in a big double bill. George Walsh in "Never Say Quit" is one feature and Harold Lockwobd in "A Man of Honor" is the second big feature, both to be shown for the regular admission price of 25 cents. In addition, a big Sun shine Comedy will be given and, all told, it makes one of the biggest and best bills of the year.