TAG TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON "'""v. MiTKMiwn 10. 1nir FOR SALE- LATE BRISCOE GOOD ORDER; AT A BARGAIN - Howie IINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIliEinillllllllHIIIIIIHIIIIB Palace Market FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY The only meat market in the city operating its own cold storage rooms for the proper handling of fresh and cured meats. SATURDAY SPECIAL NICE JUICY CUTS OF KLAMATH COUNTY BEEF, VEAL AND MUTTON FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER 13 H S3 H m m m m S m M m m 52 M m KT US E3 m m m "Nice, juicy cuts from Baby Beef Choice Round Steaks 25c Rump Roasts Boiling Beef 15c to 17c Shoulder Roasts 22c to 25c . Our Own Rendered PURE LARD . No. 5 Size No. 10 Size $1.75 $3.40 MUTTON SHOULDER ROASTS 20c SHOULDER CHOPS 22c MUTTON STEW 120 FancyVeal .SL Shoulder Roasts 22c Leg Roasts 28c Veal Chops 22c to 28c Veal Stew 12l2c ' Special Price un O ' . PI i vvaifi5yafff E sfl,f&7fliTa? . v pi L'i i k- ib aj ti riMHr -tf k v iuk.n .r.ci . doc ib. Hens GDSTS HIGHEST ' IN STIKU Garage A.!.AAAJ.A.I.AA.!.AAAA.'..!.AA.i.!..',AJ.l..i..'..'..i.ij... "v:vvvhh MEET THE UNLUCKIEST MAN WHO CURSED A JINX EVER TiMvolora nrrivliiK Ium o from I Stockholm, after vlsitniK homo of tliu other rnpltiilH tiro (Inn in tliolr conviction tlmt It li the milst oxpon- bIvc city In Europe. Tlio ntnplo coin Ik u kronii, Just ovor 23 contH, mid It costs 111! kronn for lied, liroakfiiHt iiml bath In a hot el. Tho simplest meals cost $ti, anil wine. Is prohlbltlvo at about 1200 a bottle for tho worst war champai;nn. A tnxlcnb for an hour costs $7 50, land flo krmui itt tho customary tip I for i! meal, while one Is expected to IrIvo a krona to tho man who hap pons to bo handy and Insists on op ening the door you would rather op on yourself. "I have been In many plnces these past flvo years," said a recently ro turned travolor, "Moscow and ItaK dad, Ilombay and Salonlkl, Cairo and Home, l'arls and l'otroRrnd, Loudon and Monto Carlo, Ilrussols and M II and the cheapest of thorn all was Monto Carlo. Stockholm was tho dearest. "They put It all down to the closo proximity of Bolshevism. One does nothing for oneself In Sweden," ? u!!T3 OUIT" W,LLIAW "RoSnrrr Tho hand of u normal-steed hu man belnK contains 25,000 pores. I ar S! a sss in El1 13 Eli SI! E2 31 Hi Kit w el m w w ml m In Norway mnrrlod couples may travel on tho railways for a faro and a half. I George Walsh ! AS ' J. I REGINALD JONES, THE MAN WHO WOULD Never Say Qui , jMamain S24 MAIN STREET eking Co. - PHONE 68 m m m m era m m m m PS3 W te rn K2 S:5 HAIR BRUSHES ' THAT HOLD THEIR BRISTLES A brush thnt shoda is dear at any prico. f you are looking for tho non-shed sort then don't tall to see (ho brtiblios now on display at our stole Tliipy embody the fiuest m to ri.i's and K'H of wor'iuir.ii h'p The stock is so complete that every individual taste may be satisfied Prices $1.00 to $7.00 ili!,SrBMHBriafY I The Comedy in Which the Hoodoo Always Turns Up Like a Bad Penny and Brings His Victim to Grief I liberty Theatre Tonht k A AAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A -- - ri i W V " " V V V V V V V r V V V V V V V V ' V :. KLAMATH FALLS MAW Mr snmii .., juuicn !)' the bntii.ui . ; WELL PLEASED WITH f ,,. ,.I..s.,-., T f.MILllV 5(1 Illllllll 'but I am hiii Korr ft w-s ii'H i t vt ry closo PRESIDENT WILSON " "Iri"li!eut Wilson i ittdo lili henr- eiH feel that tho 1 u k tie of Nations 1m tlio only soluilon lo tho hottle incit of world problems, " Bald Sant 1. Stnvlh lu a letter rocolvod this iiiornini; lioin l' r'l.ind. (lri( m .ir Hmi'.h was one of the few Klam ath l'.ills people who had un opno, -tunilv to hear the President. i li . i i passvd by In, b i . , uu Ii'h (hiiiouh . visit hm don- , i should inspire n ih's wondtrful d" ivr to lir.o . ilarly taktc. ii in epi ,ioli8 lor , t- 'i I Ml d- i rll l in I Dost yet Ili-i ilil .! V(N illQlS01EE!eelElgSlEiESI2lgl3eiSill' iM Wi A. JLfcTK KLAMATH fflylT 01 EISI1I 3Ia'ny Varieties of Show Apple-. Aie on Display in Local Store Culti vntlnrt of Fine Fruit Is ISehiK Urged Upon Growers line fruit as ig. grown anywhere. People have failed to grasp the -)-tuniiitb that aio ling about them. respite that fact that this ia a lean year for fruit, .ludffe Baldwin declared that ho had soon some i heavily ladon treea in the county. I "Wo can ralso lino Arkansas Ulafiks and Cellllowers In abundance. Nearly all tho prune and pear trees that I have seen are heavily ladon and the fruit on them Is firm and exceptionally largo." Judge Baldwin believes that tho county fiir is set far too hjte in tho v,.!if lYi11rift7 111,-, mjt Inlwhii n In tlm I county to be well exhibited. ' Our best 'aides, pouches and pears lrtvi' passed their pWmo In flavor and rppearanco by Octobor," declared tho man who had dono much for Klamath County. "If the fair could bo h'cJld In mid-September we would no doubt seo oxhlblteil some of tho finest varieties of fruits and pioduce that uro grown anywhere." In appearance tome of the finest apples that are grown anywhere are on display in the windows of the Baldwin Hardware Company. , Most of the apples on exhibition are taken from the Ed. Sutton place "which Is located on the west side of the river. In all 15 varieties are represented In the display, 1 1 of which are from tho Sutton place. 'If only people knew thi ippor tunitics for apple culture in Klamath County they would set out hundreds of trees," said Judge Baldwin In talking over the apple situation. "Our, Klamath County can raiso as a i If you want It, advertise. Want Ads bring results. Herald 0 i p Hi. li ? Gra flrrrft 'iO 3 ? CU "wia. Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS REST OP WORKMANSHIP LATEST STVLE8 PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices are very reasonable Ycnir Inspection invited lias. J. Cizek MEIICIIANT TAIIXJR, (5 IS Muln St. I ,. - t XSZ-JLJ 7T- - I - I Atvi. .a- j Ii r 1 ..&L 1 I 'W nR i u Yvnur I 1 v f iffl m PjIM 4 41 9 mm n avs me mm ,f This world is full of .bilk V ,,m' ccr sends them, the butcher, ilif h-ker, the coal man, the ice num aiul the tailor. To some people bills mean worry and-unhappiness. To others who prac tice Thrift, who spend less than they earn and regularly save a stated sum, bills have no tenpr. Is it not better to have dollar bills in the bank than dunning bills in the mailbox? First State & Savings Bank ' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SULPHUR i ,M ' l Let lis make up your pool car Miiirphey's Feed & Seed Store The price is right 126 Soulh Sixih St , pbc