IOM THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGH F1VK l)HTBll'l,H'' P ERSONALJ, in tie .. i.i,i..ii Ih u vlHltor J,k..: dir'ro , . . o,. I.'rillK'lHCO IH 111 r ,: ...iHwouk. .... rtrt the en "" lumlni'' i w. -i.imrs tk'1 (WO Mr ! W Vork uhlnlitft mill i 1. .. in UK'K " wife arc) dty Han Iran- II f KoilK'irH are county from Now . - nnnril Willi parly ot cllfoi lan. W' ,oM thin iinirnliii: on n trip i 111 L"'' , . Mcrtcynol.lH w.ih In Kluinntli IvLuY from "" ' '""l ,er of business. n. flchroclrr. who H " ' Pellcnn niy for H.m.o 3'll.h M, famllr o ra.lforHa this Mi llURllM WIIH ... .m Ma rnnrli J5 o" " 0rt'K" 8,at" "" ,)0" low Kno. rt,rf Patrick ami I--h Torwll 1jJ,toll,lyf..rufo.layH'l.nt. Jf.,d flrtlns in tl. MPI'T Itogno Rlier I'CJ'' Dflak. a I'acllIP coaHi mm I. 0, Thompson urrlvoil Innt night from Han Kranclnco for a lirlcf trip In Kliiiniitli county. .lumen (it raw Ih triuiHiirtliu: burli ness In tlio county neat from IiIh rnncli lit Odessa, OroKon. O. II. Hheuvo anil K A Union of Medford urn In Klaiuatli county on u liuntiiiK trip IIiIh week. II. K, Donnelly of Halom Ih a Into arrival lu Klamiitli KiiIIh for Did pur poHO of traiiHiictliiK IiiihIiichh. Mr ami MrH Jiiiiich I'olton am down from llinlr much at Fort Kluinntli, purcliiiHliiK huppIIch ami vIhHIih: frliimlH. Karl llrown, an ninployn of the O. K. TraiiHfor Company, loft this inornliiR on IiIh vacation, Mr. llrown will vlnll with IiIh paiontH In Hoho bun;. Dol I). (Iiminou, Willi IiIh rruw of nlnu men who have been hoiiii'1' . tint UP'r Kluinntli Liiku In Hid In tiirt'HtH of thn (Jallfoinla-Oic; u Power Company, relurnvil laHt nil lu from Korky I'olnt. A .1 AIroo, who wan u promlniMit riiiichnr In Iiiiiku1I v.illny 20 yeum iiro, ilrovo up from Sacramento In car thlH week Hu Ih IuivIhk tlio tlmo of IiIh llfo looUlui; up IiIh boy hood friends oneo mori). Mrn U. C Wilcox, who has lioon hero for tli Ihint fow dnyH, left thin mornliiR with elj?ht Indian children . . i. ...i -,..,. u.i mini t in Kiainai i reservation, who "'''hV'ii'lKlit to look iiUurmro enrolled iih HtudentH In the Slier- ? I connected ltl. M ranch,' man li.Htltuto at Riverside. Cal.for- " ula. here. In town laHt which Ih lo D P. loialrc anil ottiie r of the Dnak ranch W II Wamplor wiih another coun ty neat vlHltor from the Upper Klamath I,nkn region ycHtcnlny. It V AnderHon nnd David Andor hoii enme In from their raiiclieH at Hoi million yeiileiilay for tlio pur pose of piirchnHliu; liniitlni; linmHos and HiipplleH Ileiherl Havace, mm of tho own orH of tlio Siivnco IlroH. mill which operated In the illy u few years iiro, Ih here from Hun Kninclsco for a Hhort VlHlt Mr I MrCourl, mother of MrH. Ceo Walt and MIhh Alice McConrt of HiIh city, left thin mornliiK for Kan I'imiicIhco, where sho will Hpond the winter. lletny Krunipka, n rcHldent of Hie Malln eoiintry, wan in Klamath Falls yeHterday for tho purpose, of Htipplylni; himself with n hunting II ceime Mr and Mr CeorRo W. Loosley of Ashland are here for a visit with lelatlveH, havliiR been (ailed by the IlInefH of MrH LooHley'H HlHtor, Mrs O C AppleRile MrH AppleRnto Ih wlowly Improving, according to the latent leportfl Mlus Dorothy Hhlve, who hai been vlHltlng her parentH, Mr and Mrb W. T Shlve, for tho past two montliH, returned to San Franclnco HiIh mornliu; She wfll work In tho liny City iih a HtenoRrapher uml con tinue her Htiidlto In iiiuhIc Vv In His Greatest Success C7 QUEEN QUALITY SHOES eJust received, the very latest shades in all kid shoes. Light Beaver $13.00 Dark Beaver $14.50 Battleship Grey $14.00 We also have a heavy "kid shoe, cloth top, in Brown, low heel $6.50 Grey, low heel - $7.50 THE BOOTERY 713 Main St J OH! BOYS! They're Here Latest KccomIs at Klieplierdx, l7-:tt SNVS At the Theatres 'A Man of Honor," the Screen CIiihhIch, Inc , proifuctlon which will ho Hliown at the Idhorl thqnfe to nlRht, Is the lant ploturo m-ide by Harold Lock wood and la con.sldereJ by critics to he the biggest thing that he ever accomplished. In a vivid romanco of love and ad venture which hIiowb how' a rum of honor over-rules a band of dishonest schemers and Rains wealth inhtead of ruin for thousjnds of trusting in vestors How he goes to a beautiful tropic I.M.ind and not only I'scovern pirates hold but also finds love, suc cess and happiness, is glowingly told amidst scenes of tho moat beau tiful and gorgeous description Incident follows Incident la qitlcrc succession showing raging tropic which sweep away entire villages, intrigues which aim for the downfall of the young heio, ad ventures which Bhow his mettle and courage, and the discovery of pirate gold In a manner calculated to am aze. Then, too, there Is a romance of rare beauty nnd charm, whore n beautiful girl discovers that she is In love with that Ideal being a man of honor. The picture Is based on Henry KItchell WeUter's celebrated novel. Supporting Mr. Lockwood are nessie Kyton, Stapton Heck, Wil liam Clifford, Dert Starkojs Cordon MacCregor, and Pomeroy Cannon. The picture was directed by Fred J. Balshofer, with Edwin Carewo as managing director. This is your iast opportunity to see Harold hockwood as he made this picture just before his death the past winter. A l.oodoo can be more pestiferous than a mosquito. If a man is born A MAN OF HONOR AT THE LIBERTY TONIGHT on Friday the thirteenth, he Is doomed to a life that Is a joke to others and a nuisance to himself. George Walsh proves this conclus ively In his latest William Fox com edy, "Never Say Quit," which will open tomorrow at the Liberty Thea tre. The jinx Is' after him from the day he Is born. He Is beaten and the Jinx grins contentedly. His aunt leaves him a fortune. The jinx makes sure he does not get It, try as he may. He sets out on a treasure hunt, and the jinx finds him a wife. He settles down to married bliss, and the Jinx presents htm with weeping triplets. Reginald Jones and thirteen are ever on the warpath and thirteen al ways come out on top. BIG LOG KAFT MOVED Captain Wickstrorrf was In town yesterday. He recently moved a raft of logs containing 600,000 feet of lumber for the Klamath Manufac turing Company from the Stiger ranch on the Williamson river. Surety bonds while yon wait. Chfl cote & Smith. G-tf NOTICE OP MEETING The Rebekah Lodge will meet to night at 7:30 o'clock in i Odd Fel lows' hall. .Initiation will be held. By order of the Noble Grand. If we put on you a pair of our goodyear or U. S. Rubber heels for 60 c, and they don't wear we'll do It over again Free. Bradley's 727 Main. 18-lt . Artistic piano tuning and player work. Call Morgan at Earl Shep herd Co. 15-12t Rubber heels? Yes at Bradley's, 727 Main Street, yellow front. Only 60c Best made. 18-lt A Swiss milkmaid with a musical singing voice obtains better wages than one who cannot sing, as a cow that Is soothed with a pleasing mel ody during milking will, It is said, yield one-fifth more milk. VWWWWMWVWAMAA A. F. GRAHAM General Concrete Construction Shasta Sand used exclusively People's Market FROM PRODUCER TO CONSUMER VMMMVMWVMMM QUALITY SERVICE This is the time of the year you need smoked . meats. We have Sugar-cured Shoulders at 30c per pound. Fancy Breakfast Bacon from 50c to 60c per pound. Sugar-cured Bacon Backs at 45c No. 5 Lard Pail at $2.25. ' No. 5 Compound, soft as lard, $1.50. PHONE 83 PHONE 83 Those uniforms for the High School boys are herejust a few for a starter. Others will arrive daily. They are the nattiest thing you ever saw. Let me show them to you. K. Sugarman I AINT MAD'AT NOBODY i WOOD We aro receiving many In quiries for block wood from points In California, and tho indications aro that largo quantities of this wood will be shipped to outside points when fall weather comes. If you want to storo Block Wood Buy now and bo safe SIiikIo loads 95.00 Double loads $7.00 TERMS CASH 0. PEYTON 'office mo've'd to , 702 Main Phono 112-R t ' "WOOD TO ' BURN" HOUSTON'S Metropolitan Amusements HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING Wednesday & Saturday Nights. Topulnr Jazz Orchestra STAR THEATER TODAY Select Pictures lreserit8 CONSTANCE TALMADGE In "THE HONEYMOON." Also A Dandy Two "Reel Comedy. TEMPLE THEATER TODAY Triangle Presents CUANE AVILHUU In "DEVIL M'CARK" Full of Western Pep. Also A Lyons and Mornn Comedy and International Currant Event. Admission Mntlnce. 10 & 15 cents . -Evenings a. ""nf'i1?, f MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTUBEB TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oregoa oAdds years to the life of your car Correct lubrication with Zerolene means bet ter performance and longer-life for your car. By exhaustive study and actual tests the Standard Oil Company Board of Lubrication Engineers has determined the correct consis tency of Zerolene for your make of automo bile. Their recommendations are available for you in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Charts. There is a chart for each make of car. Zerolene is correctly refined from selected California crude oil. It keeps its lubricating body at cylinder heat, holds compression, gives perfect protection to the moving parts and de posits least carbon. It is the product ot tne combined resources, experience and equipment of the Standard Oil Company. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. At your dealer's or our near est station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY . ICalifornU) .-, ;f l Wm k k"J t k I B K BBBBa XltjPBSBSr K ' oor!y d Cl grade for each type of engine R. A. VINZLER; SRecial Ageijt, Standard Oil Co. Klamath' Falls, Oregon '44.44.fl4liHt'HM44'