THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TIHmSDAY, HKlTia,nim tf). FOR SAL LATE BRISCOE GOOD ORDER; AT A BARGAIN -- Howie Garage flTl.iit...ii .0. tfntiL- CnfflniKi r....- oner. I-'orluw ft l'olmlextor 140.95 Tom Andoison, Aid Co. l'oor 20.00 James Mere. Co. lluhhit i iiountv ... n.r.o The following elulms were allow ed and tho Clork wu Instructed In' draw wen nits oil the "v'urrent Kx penso Fund lit 10" lor their rospee-. raily PACfl TWO I II II WMG1EYS lour roceecsings MAltCII HMO TKIIM. live ameunts: IT DHEOLT 1 a ;nm yyVVWMAMMAMAAi Tho following claims were allow-, Klamath Fuel Co. Isolation nm! tho clerk was Instructed to! Isolation Hosp (Co. poor) draw warrants on the Current Ex-1 nohorts & Whitniorc. Isolation d I tlon Hosp. (Co. Poor) 13.50 ' Aweilemi Nmy n.du inc. roi iv ioi. in. isolation lonso Fund 1919, for their respect ive ameunts: Mrs. Laura Jnrdlne, widows pension $ 10.00 "Lola M. White, Widows Pen sion 25.00 Patrick & Co., Supplies Co. offices 2.65 Patrick & Co.. Supplies Dis't Attorney 7.93 K. Sugarnian, Poor Farm Sup plies 34.90 I. O O. F. Hall Assn. Rent. Dls's Atfy Court House 30.00 Patrick & Co., Supplies Co. Offices ... 5.00 W. S. Wiley, It. It. Faro & Ex pense. Deputy Dis't Atfy 35.00 Geo. L. Humphrey, Board pris oners - 2S.S0 Calif. Oreg. Power Co. Serv ices Poor Farm 3.00 Patrick & Co. Supplies Co. Of- ficps 12.55 Calif. Oreg, Power Co., Services Court House 53.70 Klamath Steam Laundry, Isola tion Hospital, (Co. Poor) 21.50 Roberts & Whitmore, Isolation Hospital (Co. Poor) 127.10 Hattie Nelson, Isolation Hosp. (Co. Poor) S2.20 Underwoods Pharmacy, Supplies Co. Offices 3.75 Star Drug Co. Supplies Jail .73 Star Drug Co., Supplier Co. of fices 1.30 "Underwoods Pharmacy, Supplies , uo. otnees is. i o Underwoods Pharmacy, Sup plies Jail 1.25 Underwoods Pharmacy, Sup plies Co. Offices . . 1.85 Western Transfer Co., Serv ices Dis't Att5y 5.25 Klamath Fuel Co.. Isolation Hospital (Co. Poor) 2.00 J. P. Lee, Assessment & Col of Taxes 9 60 Undewoods Pharmacy, Poison (Rabbit Bounty) 95.00 Star Drug Co. Co. JpM 11S 2.30 Star Drrnr Co. Co. Offices supplies ,1918 8.00 Star DriiK Co. Co. Offices Supplies 19l5 2.70 Louisa F. Clublne, Aid Co. Poor 15.00 J. XV. Farnell, upholding crimin al laws 50.00 S. V. Moody, Rabbit Bountv 4.35 Yoran Printing Co., Supplies Co. Offices 118.00 K. Sugarman, Supplies Co. Poor (not farm) 8.25 Glass & Prudhomme Co., sup plies Co. Offices 1.35 22.45 hosp. (Co poor) Mrs. Cora Mltcholl, Isolation Hosp. (Co. Poor) Dr. B. 1). Johnson, coroners claim 25.00. J..II I i itiiiuvin, Luiuuuia 11:1.3, City Trans. Co., Coronors claim 20.00 3JK Hospital, (Co Pour) Mrs. L. 11. Ilaguo, Services Cn Cmirl .T or. iii..... t.i rt..i .. n.t.. o..... ""l plits Co. offices Effio liarcelon. Labor Co. Court 4.15 llns Dimmit Tusk of Sweeping North Sea of .1(1,000 Electrical Mine Aro ExplodMl' lly KleUi Icily s-4jl.oyd R. DoLap, Labor, Co. L Ullll Sup- Undorwood's Pharmacy plies Poor Farm Pac. Tel. .t Tel. Co., Services Co.. Offices Chas. H. Hood. Registering voters 19 IS David Lynes, Services Cor oner, Forbes & Poindox ter 4S.00 Mrs. J. G. Rose Services Coron er, Forbes Poindexter 30.00 J. (t. Rose Services Coroner Forbes & Poindcxter .... 30.00 i XV. L. Sproat, Services Coron er, Forbes & Poindexter 22.50 S. A. Ice Services Coroner, Forbes & Poindexter 40.00 Claude Stewart, Services Coron er, Forbes & Poindexter 70.20 L. H. Darrctt, Services Coroner Forbes & Poindexter 24. ou Minnie Santry, Services Coroner Forbes & Poindexter 27.00 F. M. Cleaves. Services Coroner Forbes & Poindexter .. .. 5.70 Thos Bracken, Services Coroner Forbes & Poindexter .... 30.00 Vera Houston, Lnbor Co. 12.00 12.70 j Court 15.00 1.10 'Geo. L. Humphrey, cash adv. supplies li)2.S0 3.2!Paul Hroltonstoln. opening 1 gravo Co. Poor 10.00 3:C0' Clara Beach, Eighth grade e- ' nminutlons 5.00 1 Whitman Drflg Co., Supplies Co. Offices 3.00 J. F. Morley. cash ndv, uphold ing criminal laws 2.00 C. R. Williams, auto hire, up holding criminal laws .. . 10.00 Mary E. Stewart, Eight grade examination 9.00 , Whitman Drug Co., Poison Co. Agriculturist 277.50 W. E. Sechom Wood Go.,' Wood 1 Co. Poor 7.00 Maud M. Cnrleton, Cash ad 1 vanced office supplies ... 2. CO Western Union Tel Co. Serv ices Dist Atty 14 56 Nettie Wnllan, Widow's pen sion 25.00 Mary McLane, Widow's Pen sion 17.50 BUCKHECHT JRIO. V.3. PAT. OFF. mini n r7s. ARMY SHOE IfflOffLttl l-E" TO For the man who is on his feet all day a more comfortable shoe was never made. Hence the widespread popularity of the Bucjchecht Army Shoe among business and professional men, sportsmen, outdoor work ers, miners, farmers, mechanics, etc. A good, practical Shoe for tvtrdaj wear! Built for comfort and service -built for you! Remember the name Buckhecht stamped on every shoe for your protection Get a pair today ! For Sale at K. K. K. Store Bradley Shoe Store. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT Manufacturer San pimncUco BLACK GUNMETAL, MAHOGANY CALF OR INDIAN TAN CALF WBSHHmP LON'DOK, Sept. IS Tho Ameri can navy Is having a tremendous tusk in sweeping tho North Sea of tho 56,000 electrical and highly- sensitive mines they planted them. Explosion by electricity Is tho meth od now employed. Some were Ntiuk vory deei as devip ns u submarine could go. Each initio was lltteil with nnten nno suspended by limits ho that tho hugo field whs not only charged with mines, hut hnd also become a mass of scnsltlvu foolers to explode them. Should n submarine come in con tact with an nnteunuo tho mluu at short distance away at- the end of tho nntennno would explode. The problem has been to explode tho mines far enough away from the sweeper to fiisuro snfi-ty and nlso to forestall tho danger of tho explo sion of a mine nt safe distance caus ing another close to the ship "going off." Tho vessols In sweeping uso spe cial electric cables several hundred yards long. Operation of n system of electric appliances prevents tho mines from exploding if tho ship strikes an antennae, but when tho electric wire touches the nntennno it blows tho mino up nt a safo distance from the boat. Hundreds nro being destroyed by this method . Aside from tho danger nnd tedi ousness of tho task, bad weather Is added to tho hardships of the Amer ican sailors. About 75 vessels aro employed. the majority of them American. Sub chasers help by rounding up drift ing mines that huvo broken from their moorings and sinking or ex plodlng the mine by firing a shot at it. POULTRY FARM LOCATED 10O FEKT QVEIt LOXDOX LONDON, Sept. 17-Ono hundred feet above one of London's busiest streets, and within 200 yards of Big .Ben on the roof of the Institute of Civil Engineers, there Is one of the best kept and most prosperous poul try farms In the city. It comprises 36 hens, housed In three spacious coops, but during tho greater part of tho (lay the hens are allowed to roam about the roof at will. Although he cooping Is not more than eighteen Inches high the hens never ifitempt to reach tho ground, contenting themselves with mounting the top nnd there announc ing their satisfaction after an egg has been added to tho record they have been making. 5 5 5 c a package before the war c a package during the war v&m c a package NOW THE FLAUOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! iff ItOOSKVKLT, JR., ARRIVES ITALIANS .1EKK KOLMKIIH PORTLAND. Rnnl 17 IJKWKVA. fopi 1. uameic Roosevelt, Jr., Is In Portland today D""""'"'0 Is still master at Float, for the ononlnir nf th tnin v,.n. w'r ho lecently took possession tlon of tho American Legion. nt tho head of th' Italian insurgent forces. British and American ooatln- I (.ents on tho way to the warships In Why do our .rubber heels wonr tho city wore hissed nnd leered by r?,hw7fnr0f.avUHnth';lr 'n.nln ?f I! ' People They embarked safely. tlle rubber for llvo people put on by live . ' . . , , i , i Shoemakers at llradley's, 727 Main ! tho Prcnch remained barricaded in St. 18-lt j their barracks. ORKfiO.V WILL Al CITIZENS. Copyright lllbr B. J. HjriiorDTetcco Co, TALK about smokes, Prince Albert is geared to a joyhandout standard that just lavishes smokehappiness on every man game enough tc make a bee line for a tidy red tin and a jimmy pipe old or new! Get it straight that what you've hankered for in pipe or cigarette makin's smokes you'll find aplenty in P. A. That's because P. A. has the quality! You can't any more make Prince Albert bite your tongue or parch your throat than you can make a horse drink when he's off the water I Bite and parch are cut out by our exclusive patented process I You just lay back like a regular fellow and puff to beat the cards and wonder why in samhill you didn't nail a section in the P. A. smokepasture longer than you care to remember back ! Buy Prince Albert everywhere tobacco it told. Toppy rtd bast, tidy red tint, handtome pound and half pound tin humidort and that clever, practical pound crystal glatt humidor with tponge moittener top that keept the tobacco in tuch perfect condition. R. J. Reynplds Tobacco Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. SALEM, Sept. 17. Oovernor Ol cott named Mayor Cieorge L. linker, W. IS. Ayer and Mnx Housor as a committee to aid in tho financial re lief of tho Corpus Christ! citizens. Pineapple Desserts 2c The bottle in each package of Pineapple Jiffy-Jell con tains all the rich essence from half a ripe pineapple. The dessert has a wealth of this exquisite flavor, and a package serves six people for 12 cent3. You owe to yourself a trial of this new-type ecI atine dainty. vML l K L a xu. i m& , JWJeE JO Flavor, at Your Grocer's 2 Pachagee for 23 Cent n No matter at what speed you shave with a Gem Damaskcenc Razor it leaves your face Cool and refreshed. That's because die Gem has a soft, comfortable, velvet like feel and docs such smooth, clean-cut work. Wc sell the complete Gem Damaskecne Razor outfit for SI. The outfit includes the razor, seven Gem Damaskeene Blades, shaving and stroppinrj handle all in a hand" some leather case. Enjoy the comfort of velvet-smooth self-shaving. Come in and get your Gem to-day t, s - BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. "The House of Quality" 'jilJtfll'llM.a -IWWLI -.IJ-I z r . 1 1 .TlC ' . mmMn.-v Jfc ! um .J.. ..( .i .,...:. .UI.U t . mJi .awnMim nftii tjt I w i k ,iwr Let us make up your pool car Murphey's Feed $ Seed StoT? a na nirira. ic rWlorrl '. i.-z r t . , m.m.- r"1 w ,Si-MKMMt 126 South Sixth St Pb(