The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 17, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    WEDNESDAY, Hl:,.T. .. u
The Evening Herald
City Kdltor
Published dally except Sunday by
'The Herald Publishing Company of
Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street.
Senator Baldwin 1'ropnios Coiuprc
Itenshe Article CmcrliiK the Vn-.
iletles tif Fruits That Arc Grown
in Klamath Region
Entered at tho postofflco nt Klam
ath Falls, Ore , for transmission thru
tho malls as second-class matter.
Subscription terms by mnll to any
address in tho United States:
In responso to urgent -enue3tH
Ono ear $5 00 , from residents of Klamath county
- . I
Ono month GO
Member of tho Assncintcil Press
Tho Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of nil news dispatches credited to It
or not otherwise credited In this pa
por, and also local news published
AH rights of republication of spe
cial dispatches herein aro also reserved.
The farther President Wilson gets
on his swing around the circle in
the furtherance of his plan to carry
the fight for the league of nations to
the people, the more apparent It be
comes that he Is out of touch with
the real sentiment of the nation. This
fact Is beginning to dawn upon him,
and It will not be surprising if, when
he returns to Washington, he will be
gin to negotiate for a compromise.
But he will be too late. The American
people want no compromise that will
place this country at the back and
call of the bankrupt nations of Eu
rope. It wants no entangling alli
ances. It wants the senate to heed
the warning of Washington, a warn
ning that is more to the point today
for Information regarding fruit j
trees that can bo successfully grown,
here, Senator George T Baldwin him'
prepared tho following article which
covers the entire Hold of fruit trees.
Senator Baldwin Is particularly
well fitted to glvo information on
this subject In that ho has lived in
Klamalll fans lor -it yvurs. iie sui
out fruit and shado trees to a con-,
siderable extent as far back as 1SS2.
"Buy your trees in tho early fall, I
as stocks aremoro complete. Heel
in your trees and select a well-,
drained spot whero the soil is mel-
low, and dig a trench deep enough
to cover the roots. Put in one layer
of trees, placing them so they will
not be erect but nt a decided angle.
Pack tho dirt firmly about tho roots,
then place the next layer. When
the trees are all 'heoled in, cover
the tops with boughs or bank tip thai
earth over them. Be sure there Is
no gnss or rubbish near to harbor
mice. Trees thus kept on hand
ready for planting as soon as the ,
frost is out of tho ground will bo
found well preserved and are more)
sure to grow than later spring plant
ing, i
"If trees are frozen In transit, do I
not unpack, but set away in a cool '
cellar and allow them to thaw grad-1
ually." I
Varieties of fruit that hae been'
than It was when he uttered It a
warning that has been the guiding successfully grown in Klamath
star of America and one that hat
kept us from the disaster that will
be sure to follow our enterance Into
any alliance with the tricksters of
APPLES: Arkansas Black A
dark red, almost black; sub-acid and
a good keeper.
Grimes' Golden A most popular
1 golden apple and commands highest '
oo positive was ice presiaeni in marjjet price,
his declarations that the American j stnyman winesap The best of
people wanted the league of nations . a Wlnesap type, taking a lead ev
"without adulteration," that even everywhere.
the senate was a little in doubt. This wlnter Banana A wonderful ap
doubt has been quickly dispelled and pje ,n Klamath; large and good Ha
lts place taken by another that as i vor
to the advisability of having any-, yeuow Bell Flower Llirge pi
thing to do with the league at all. , inw. siiEhtlv blushed: one of our
So positive has been the manifesta
tions against the President's plan
that It will not be surprising If, when
the senators who are also rarrvine:
the fight to the people return to
Washington, the league is eliminated
entirely, and this would be the wis"
course to follow. America would luve
nothing to lose by such a propram.
Tt stands supreme in her Isolation,
and while some cf the dreamers or
Wolf River A giant show apple,
of immense size and beauty; very
King of Tompkins County A
wcnderfiil apple In Klamath, in size
and beauty.
King David One of the most
beautiful of all apples; vigorous and
Black Ben A beautiful apple and
Internationalism will declare that n-n a 8ucces3 in Maine, Michigan and in
must throw down the bars, the Montana. '
practical, thinking people will hive
none of It.
Ben Davis A sure bearer but of
poor quality.
Giant Jeniton Hard as a rock,
unfailing .cropper; a prodigiously I
And now is'nt Secretary of State
Lansing threatening to throw tho fst''ounS bearer.
in the fire! Rumor has it that he has i Red Gravensteln Almost solid
resigned, or is about to do so. Whatred and exceedingly attractive; very
a jolt it would be to that treaty. , Profitable.
m I Jshnathan Beautiful dark red;
J. Ham. Lewis has sprung a new'a money maker in Montana; one of
joke. He says.- that Hearst will be the the best-
presidential candidate of one wing I Rome beauty Large, uniform,
of the democratic party next year. I striped bright red; a good cooker
He predicts a split similar to that of ,and good keePer.
189C, with Hearst leading one wing Wealthy For all culinary pur
and Wilson the other. poses lt is Perfection; a success in
m J Michigan. ,
I fifinntnr A mnt hpnntfftil nnnlfi-
superior as a money maker in Mon
i tana.
Northern Spy A shy bearer but
the best eating apple of them all.
Red Astrachan One of the best
cookers; everyone should have at
least one.
Yellow Transparent A delicious
eating apple and sure bearer in
Llveland Raspberry Absolutely
the most valuable early apple; suc
ceeds everywhere.
JT JLJmJ&Ggff- V The Same Good Flour jmj
No doubt but the President will
wish he had been too proud to fight
Tor that League of Nations by the I
time he gets back to Washington. !
With the opposition of labor on
the one hand and the advocates of
"self-determination" on the other,
lead by the opponents of any League
at all and backed up by those favor
ing reservation, the President must
feel something like the members of
the Light 'Brigade.
Red June A brilliant flashing
CALIFORNIA WALNUT YIELD I red, juicy and good.
WILL REACH 1(1,000,000 LHS. ' Early Melon Splendid cooking
land one of the best for dessert.
of them all and unsurpassed for size
and color; Wenatchee Moorpack, a
wonderful fruit and sure bearer in
The following small fruits are suc
cessfully grown in Klamath:
The Evergreen blackberry, Logan
berry, Cuthbery, raspberry. Ever
bearing strawberry, Perfection red
currant and ground cherries.
For shade trees the sugar or hard
maple is the best of all. Every va
riety of poplars are rapid growers.
The box elder makes a rapid growth
but Is badly broken by the winds.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17-Cal-ifornia
will produce 46,000,000
pounds of walnuts? this year, accord
ing to tho estimate of W. T, Webber,
secretary of the California Walnut
Growers Association, who has Just
completed a survey of the sure.
This would establish a new record.
Tho state's yield in 1918 was
39,000,000 and in 1917 was
Prices on this season's crop will
be fixed October 1. It is expected
the value of the crop will aggregate
$13,000,000 or more.
Tho city of Boston today enters
upon its 290th year, having been
founded Sept. 17, 1C30, by members
of John Winthrop's company from
PEARS are a very sure crop in
Klamath county and the following
varieties have been tried out, name
ly: Seckel, Bartlett and Winter Nel
lis. PEACHES: Strawberry, Lemon
Kllng, Bokhara; a sure ono, "Alton"
(F), said to stand 40 degrees.
PLUMS: Green Gage, Peach, Cal
ifornia Sut sunut, a most wonderful
plum in Klamath.
PRUNES: Italian; grown in
Klamath to perfection.
CRAB APPLE: Transcendent;
As large and fine flavor as any grown
CHERRIES: Bing, Royal Ann
and Black Tartarian, all are a com
plete success in Klamath.
APRICOTS: Stella, the hardest
The Oakland, Cal., high school
has introduced a course in business
law for women.
The first co-educational college in
tho east was Cornell, which in' 1872
decided to admit women as students
on the same footing as men.
Mrs. N. A. Hayes of Texas has
been appointed to take charge of
the offices of tho Southern Rlco!o ,! ririnn i arhi,
1 W M '' UW WM
Today's Anniversaries
SEWARD, Alaska, Sept. 17 A
hand-carved stone lamp, bolioved to
1825 Mordecai H. Noah selected be a relic of Alaska's prehistoric
Grand Island, in tho Niagara river, age, was found jecontly in a lake
as the site for tho New Jerusalem, .about forty miles west of Soward.
18G7 State temperance party 0f Letters carved around tho bottom of
Massachusetts was organized at Worcester.
One Year Ago Today
in the War
182 The khedtle dissolved thoan ln(Uan hea(,
Egyptian army.
1894 Senator John P. Jones ot
Nevada .having joined the Populists,
was asked by the Republicans to re
sign hlB BCUt.
1897 Severe fighting occurred
on the border of Afghanistan be
tween the British and the tribesmen.
tho lamp cannot bo made out. Near
tho top of tho oil basin is carved
what Is bolioved to bo a picture of
Cocho-Slovnkla appealed for ri
lled help to hasten.
Germans burned numerous towns
'in Nonello region.
United States forces established a
' now lino on St. Mlhlel front.
1909 Tho British House of Com
mons passed the Irish land bill.
1914 Serbian forces wlthdrow
from Semlln.
1915 Serbians prevented the
Austrians from crossing tho rivers
Growers' Association in London,
Queen Mary (then Duchess of
York) and the Countess of Aber
deen were the first women to receive
honorary degrees from any Canadi
an university.
Florence Nightingale, the famous
Crimean nurse, is tho only woman
who has over received the Order of
Merit, ono of the most honorable dis
tinctions within tho gift of tho Brit
ish sovereign.
Ono hundred housewives In Win
nipeg aro financing a co-operativo
store which will handle all staple
lines of food, without profit, to pro
vide cheaper food for tho homes rep
resented In the concern.
1916 British and "French cap
tured four miles of German posi
tions north and south of the river
Somne. ,
1917 Five German aeroplanes
brought down on French front.
Harry Dixon, son of Roadmastor
Tom Dixon, who has been in the
navy for nearly two years, returned
home Monday night with his honor
able discharge from tho navy. His1
arrival was a surprise to his family
as the telegram announcing his in
tentions Was delayed. I
H. W. Poole, Owner
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"The Ghost of the Rancho"
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