i 3 S Ml, m k r t A M T T .i.tl T t- T T t T T T T T T T mi I k3 ftM FOR SALE - i 5. -------jQSBGSiTKATeTbMEHri I '(.0 NEIGHBOR, 5E YOU'RS 151 JiSR7'"?,J.R,6HT Wi I WHERE 5HB7-VHV Organized labor throughout Can ada has been requested to declare a. one-day strike today In protest against the Imprisonment of tho Win nipeg strike leaders. Dest yet. Herald Want Ads. The Thrifty Housewife has for her motto "One Hundred (?ents for Eveiy Dollar Expended." She believes in a full return for every outlay. She is not tight-fisted. She knows that the cheapest materials are often the most expensive in the end. She has an Account Book which shows what becomes of the money she spends, and a Bank Book which shows what becomes of the money she saves. Her funds receive absolute protection f'7 savings KLAMATH jfy4$$HHHH$jHHhty JULY ISSUE McCLURE'S ON "UTILITIES ENTITLED TO PROTECTION" The financial editor, in a forceful article in that Magazine, says: "Public Utilities Commissions have been formed in many states to exercise con trol over privately owned public utilities, and have generally demonstrated that their regulation is beneficial On tho other hand, municipal ownership has proved generally unsuccessful, and is subject to objectionable and harmful political manipu lation. The public should realize this fact, that its interests are those affected, and It is a fact that private ownership Is ninety-nine times out of a hundred more efficient than ownership by a government, whether of a city or nation. "In order that a public utility may expand, money is needed, and to get money credit is necessary. It Is to the interest of a city and its inhabitants to see that credit is furnished. ' Their interests aro inextricably Intertwined, and public indifference to and Ignorance of conditions affecting this class of companies are serious hardships, to their 'growth and expansion. If the utilities aro to be regulated they are entitled to protection." X California-Oregon y Today is tho centonary of tho birth of J. Peter Lasloy, Pennsylvania geol- ogisi mill ciiiul jimuiiuuu uuiuuruy on questions connected with the conl formation in America. Latest Records t Shepherds. 17-3t Itate ! an, FALLS, OREGON Power 1 11 nangMBtf0 K HHIHeJW- THE EVENING HERALD, LATE BRISCOE GOOD ORDER; AT A BARGAIN KLAMATH FALLS MAN GIVES EVIDENCE His Testimony Will Interest Eery Klnmatli Fulls Header Tho valuo of local evidence Ik in disputable It is tho kind of ovl- Ulenco wo accept as truo bocnuso we know wo can provo It for ourselves i Thoro has been plenty of such ovl- I denco in tho Klamath Falls papers lately, and this straightforward tes timony has established u confidence in tho minds of Klamath Kails peo ple that will not bo easily shaken M. G. Wilklns says: "I am sub ject to backache at times and then my kidneys are more or less in ocu lar in action. After taking Uoan's Kidney Pills a few days, my kidneys act properly and my back feels as strong as ever. 1 advise anyone who Is suffqrlng from backache and kidney disorders to glvo Uoan's Kid ney Pills a trial, for I know they are reliable." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Wilklns had. Fostcr-.MIl-j burn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. i 1 Merchants lunch at 11 a. m. to 3 p. m. Crater Cafe 7th St. 5-20t 101 IL, . , pijipia 1 Don't suffer! Get a dimo pack I of Dr. James' Headache ! , Powders. ! I You can eltwr your lie.nl and rclii-ic 1 "i 1I11II. Hplitting or violent thmliljiiif ' hi'iiilutho nt .1 niornuiit with 11 Iir ' Fmiii.it' Ili'.idadiu Poudur. 'lliij nil I 11 11 Iiv.hi.kIio u-iii'f .irt-s nlnioit map 1 m I-ind 1 (iiiiu onu to tliu drug itu.t i lor .1 1I11.10 iiick.igu utnl 0. fe. 1110 1 1 if tr ui nki .1 ;ovil r mi 1 1.. oiii. r I, i( In 11 i- i,f Hi.' 1m kI 1 . ... iii , Iiliii u,'i 1 iiu ' 1 In,) -1. T r ! " - " il - jX gi t '.llat V"V"V t t t t ? T f t T f t t T T T t T t t t T f t t t T T t T T t Company 1 , STOPS e nAPur KLAMATH FALLS. OREQON CANADA OFFKIIH RECKPTIOX j poHslblo solution of Knglnnd's prm 'I.) li:M01llhl,i:i KOMHKItH Ing resettlement problem. Whllf) all llrltlsh oinlgrnntH will LONDON, Sept. 17 Canada Is bo welcomed, Canada Is pnrtlculnr offerliiK u cordial lecoptlon to do- ly warm for tho coming of profes mobilized llrltlsh soldiers who have stoiml men. Canadian professional not luund In Knglaud satisfactory societies aro said to bo prepared to employment upon their ruttirn to glvo special preference to men of civilian pursuits. North American this class. Qualified accountants, emigration Is being suggested an a chemical and forestry Interests, for MpwMinaMmiMiiMviriMVMHtfnHnwHMHaiMiMiiNM PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY tfHE Exclusive EMU P-traits IUPr 1136 Main St f j. c. clkgiiorn Ciill Engineer and Survejor Offlco G17 Main St. Phone, Office, 1(10. Res. 1U2.M. ; "."v"i'W."i1 SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP SUKV AM) NOODliB UOfSK Short Older Menli I'rieil '. .Main .street KliASLATH FALKS. UltW. j' 1 ,t 'i .t i '. . . t-. !!!. t.lT,"i ATTENTION Jly buslncbs Is making your homes bright and prosperous by Painting, Kalsomlnlug and Paper Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Phono 101JW saw MiUi i:NcaM:.:PiiNG & COXSTItUCTIOX CO. Designer nml builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Pinning MIIIh, Hot Plunts. Conipli'le iiluuts contract etl. Appraisals and reports nnulo. Dredging. Wn contract 10 build any class of i building .mil install machinery of any Kind. Drafting of any kind done. Illuo Prints made. 1'HONK 14 1) J Ofllro in K. 1). lluilillng Phono S40.J 112S Iatn Ht. O. K, Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly 'at 45 Main St. Homo-Made Pies anU Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and fruits. MMV-VS.-VNSV HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus Ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes C. E. BISMARK IIS B. Oth St. Klamath Falls i-Wi--W-SV-VSVS KLAMATH AUtO SPRING WORKS Wo Do All Kinds of Spring Repnir- lng New Ones Mode to' Order Axle Straightening and Blacksmlthlng ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 280-Y 017 Klamath 'Ave.' Howie Garag RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W Vi" M TIIK PARISIAN BKAUTY SHOP Facial Jln.ssiiglns, Blenching and Facial Packs Municurlng. Shampooing Scalp Treatment HID Main Phono 800 I iisSt 1 r CITV AMI CtM'NTV AHSTUAOT COMPANY HIT Main AHTHUH II. WIIiHON Manager You Had Better Order Your Winter Wood now Double I .onil Illixks . S7.00 fiiccn Slab, Pine )?:5..- Ciieen Slab, Fir 5 1.50 W. E. SESHORM CO. (W2 Mitiii .St. Phono T2 WELL DRILLING Vorhutzer Ilros. Jt Klaluuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon l Let your Glass Troubles bo My Troubles. Reglazlng done In any part of tho city E. C. 8TUCKY. Carpontor & Cabinetmaker Phono 477W 1024 Main. FOR ANY KINDJ)F FURNITURE See " Andy Mauf itsch At No, 10 Main Street. TRY MB PHONE 17-J PROFESSIONAL, CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Coses Mrs. 'Rosa 'McDaniels, 301 High St Phone 455 FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomls IJldg., Klamath Falls , I WEDNESDAY, HHIT. ,7 e Instance, have many position, which It is hoped may , fln.,,, ,.7 absorption of thin .,.., . ..," wcbs (lf lWlA professional imm President WIN,,,, H KlleiluN arrive at Kan I'mncho, today Z will spend two daH there before Marling on his return Journey loth. KiiHt. ,M UK, C. A. KAMIIO Dentist O. O. F. Building 1'HONK 01 I. mmammm .. .... -nvrtfy. DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE lllIILDING P1IONK !1S j DR. R. B. CRAVER Diagnosis Medicine and SurKcry Olllcu oer I'nderwooils Phono aSOW 7th mill Main DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver pmeni: :. Dr. P. M. Noel phem: t Oirr PnilcTHOod't KfM'iitli mill Main Strecli Olllco Phone :isr, It" M Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart I'll) Hit lun irml SuiKCea White llulldlliK Klamath Falls Oregon ::::::... X"M"5 li. C. SCIILEEF KATIIEniNE SCHLEEF i'lij nIi Inns and Siirnwas Office. While Hl'lS- ! A.M-.M-:M"W WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND STOGER 206 I. O. O. F. Bldg. DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. Trasi Suit 200, I. O. O. F. Bid Office phone f)0J Res Phone HUM DR.A.A.SOULE Study Anatomy and Sorery,S Francisco, Calif., Dr. J. M ero has charge of my practice. Phono 1B1J Office 402 Jia"1 0l r rx v M GODDARD I fc i tm- Osteopathic Thysician BBr (over K. K. K. Btore) Phoue 321 .. ' ,. . (Tbe-ionly Osteopathic" cian anu oi"- 11 "" i ., I Falls.) Let us make up your pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed Store SULPHUR m. iil, urn. ai ui iikiil ioc g...u c:l. c 126 South Sixth St