The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 17, 1919, Image 1

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Wqv fcumng IteraH
Fourteenth Year-No. 3,728
Price, Five Cent
wrtiw o" ut ,,ul,,, Hln,
r , Qiicxll ,f ,,,' H,m
0S noAiti) iuk8H)i:nt'H SPE
CIAL Sept 17. President WIIhoii
Lrc'a bli nrst PHlill Htnlumiiiit to
L on (ho l-cnguo or Nnllnns iu It
,,Kts tbo causo of Irtilaiiil.
He said that the League would
MMtltiito for'"11 lH,foro whlrI'
Mold bo broURlit nil tlio claims for
KlMelcfinlnutloit that would llko
, affect world penco. In roply to
.options asked about tho "Emerald
..... i.. ihn Run Francisco Lnbor
Council ho doclnroil that Irolnnd'H
tase n not hoard at Versailles bo
wise It did not como within tho Jur
isdiction of tho poaco conforonco.
The president was emphatic In hln
declaration that tho troops of tho
tnlted States would not ho call oil
upon by tho League of Nations to
prevent disturbances ovor tho world
that tako place "Tho covenant
wold not bring tho United 8tnten
to assist In putting down a robolllon
In any foreign country nor would It
limit tho power of this country to
jecognlio tho Independence of any
people who scok to secure tholr
LONDON, Sept 17 Hotter nub
lie houses, an Improved tone for sa
loons, Is the nowly anuounred policy
of the Drltlsh.ll(ttor trade.
Rear Admiral Kir Reginald Hall,
member of parliament, who was
recently elected to the directorate
cf one of tho leading brewing (ftin
panles of tho kingdom, said that rep
resentatives of all suctions of the
trade had drawn up a bill embody
ing such principles uh promotion of
sobriety, restriction of drunkenness,
reduction of tho number of licenses
here they are excessive un den
Urgemont of premises so as to pro
tide greater opportunities for social
"Recreation, Including raiding
Koms, facilities for writing, music,
and games, should bo provided,",
Admiral Hall said "Tho entry Into
tie trade of those who would set upi
nd maintain n high social stand-1
ard should bo cncotiiniriMl to Mm nv.
dnslon of thoso who might bring
discredit to tho Industry."
Precedent for Natioiiall.iillnn of l'is
Iroloutn Lauifo In Found In Home
Old HUtutcN Dating Ihuks to the
Ditjn of VIcerojM
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. John
M left Berkoley Friday nt 5 o'clock
1 reached Klamath Falls yostcr
il1 t 2:30 p. m. Thoy pleasantly
"Prised their son, M. L. Johnson,
the assessor's oiiico, whom thoy
1 visit for tho noxt fow months.
Mr. Johnson Is retired from busi
es', having Leon connected with tho
jwmda Saw Manufacturing Com-
it ?. Sa" Franclaco aB manager
J"'8, whcn bo becamo mana
1 , 'helr '"terosts la Australia.
whiT was thoro untn 1914
hZ e h0 rot,red from nc"vo
Kla and haB now doc,aol at
JWh county WU offor a8 ,ntor.
S?al? thoy Iound pion8t
jJWMI Redding was reached,
"rtwav t. 'l' t0 Dunf"r tho
Perln,!i 6lnB workod and c
Ct Bome mtl d,fflcultr
tthoA r0al8 rrom Dunsmulr
frm ?v "no Wore "J"8 ''"
Z M0 ovor th0 "W
ortr0rt Jy encontered tho
1 tm their whole trip.
iiR0bCrt8tm and Nelson
bunLT0 mong the many
Hlt0(2B? ? brto home tho bag
ti iU,l 1Ur,nB the opon,nB
'Nytfm l a(ter 8hwlnB tho ducks
on a uonrby lake.
MEXICO (MTV. Hopt 17. Legal
precedent for the republic of Mexico
to nationalize Its laiulu which are
now devoted to tho production of
petroleum, Is claimed In u statement
recently furnished to The Associate i
Promt by Loon Halllias, sub-secretary
of the Department of Commerce and
Industry which hus this question In
Laws and statutes governing tho
doolopmont of coal and oil doposlts
dato back to tho days of the vicer
oys In Mexico, tho statement says,
and slnco that time thoro has been a
sorlos of decrees and laws that firm
ly establishes tho rights of tho re
public In this regard.
Tho question Is now In the hnnda
of tho Mexican Congress for revision
with a vlow to adjudicating claims
mndo by forolgn companies with vast
Interests In Moxlco.
As early an 1793 tho Spanish gov
ernment by laws known as "Mining
Statutes of Now Spain," established
tho absolute dominion of tlu crown
over mine and their products lit
Moxlco, says the statement.
llunlto Juarez, president of Mx
Ico, decreed In ltd! that tin nation
has direct dominion over IiciIh
In 1S81 the Sup! cine- Court of .lus
tlco decided that the coal mines weie
subject to bo denounced and that
tho "Mining Statutes of Now Spain"
wore still In force. Two yenrs later
tho Congress of tho Union niucndrd
the federal constitution, chtuhllshlug
tho right or that congress to Issue
mining and commorclul codes which
should bo binding throughout tho
Husod upon such author and exor
cising tho authority granted by tbo
Legislative power, tho President In
1881 Issued tho first mining code
of tho Mexican ropubllc which de
clared, in suhtsanco, that tho coal
and oil of tho subsoil belonged to tho
owner of tho surface. This principle
was fallowed in the mining laws Is
suod by Congress in 1892 and In
The statement declares that later.
Ir 111 17, Article U7 of tho Constitu
tion, tho proposed amendment to
which has been tfiibmlttcd to Con
gress by President Ciuinuzu, recog
nised tho dominion of tho nation ov
er tho hydrocarbons and tho system
oj concessions for tho exploration
and development of petroleum. It to
claimed that tho law which is now
proposed to founded upon tho prin
ciples of tho Constitution.
PAItlS, Sept. 17-Tho government
hns authorized experiments with a
bonzol and alcohol mixture as n sub
stitute for gasollno In uutomobllo
onglncB, In vlow of tho high price of
tho lattor--a dollar a gallon. While
bonzol used ulono undoubtedly gives
more power than gasoline, It has an
objectionable odor, and chuuffouVs
who havo trlod It assort that It cor
rodes carburettors and cylinders.
Both those disadvantages, it Is
claimed, may bo to some extent ro
movod by mixing tho benzol with
alcohol or ether or both.
PARIS, Sept. 17. Whenovor the
figure of General do Castlonau, vic
tor of tho Grand Couronno of Nancy
which made possible the first battle
of tho Marne is thrown on the screen
in a moving picture thoutro hore,
whioh is displaying pictures of the
Victory Procession in Paris, Julv 14,
tho spectators rlset cheer and shout
It is an expression of their demand
that do Castlenau should bo a Mar
shal of Franco. When tho Marshals
were being created, do Castlonau
was overlooked. Some say that tho
papers to make him a Marshal wore
drawn up for slgnaturo but woro re
jected in tbo highest quarter.
The good opinion we have of The Honor Roll of
Klamath County is not confined entirely to ourselves.
We have had innumerable commendations for it.
Many of them have been written, and we take pleas
ure in publishing the follewing:
"Evening Herald:
"We believe that the work of preparing The
Honor Roll for Klamath County is a most worthy en
terprise and that it is something very much needed
for the county. We heartily endorse your efforts in
preparing this work.
"Cashier Klamath State Bank."
"Herald Publishing Co.
"I personally, am extremely desirous of seeing
that our boys get the recognition they deserve, as
well as the loyal citizens who gave freely of their
time for home defense, Liberty Loan work, and other
worthy causes. The wonderful work of the women
in our county, who devoted so much time to Red
Cross work, will also be rewarded by being in this
"A book of this kind will perpetuate their deeds
and be a fine thing for our county.
"The Herald. ,
"Dear Sir: I most heartily indorse the publica
tion of an Honor Roll for Klamath County which will
give a complete record of the splendid war work done
by Klamath's loyal people, both at home and abroad.
"Very respectfully,
"MRS. Z. C. KIMBALL, City Librarian."
"The Herald:
"Since Klamath County's Honor Roll is to be an
appreciation of the sacrifice of our gallant boys who
served the Nation in its hour of need and helped save
us from the Hun, the work of The Herald is worthy
of our enthusiastic support.
American Citizens Must Show Cer
tlflcnto of Payment of Income Tav
Ilcforc They Will He Pcrmitteil to
Go Abroad.
17. Fifteen additional storm vic
tims were brought to tho morgue to
day, which brought tho city's total
deaths to G2 as n result of last Sun
day's destructive hurricane.
Tho total number of known dead
In this district has reached ICO. It
Is boltovcd that 250 lives woro lost
altogether. Rain falling today han
dicapped tho relief workers and add
ed greatly to tho sutforing of tho
It was repbrtcd later In tho day
that a telegram was sent to Samuel
Oompors, president of tho American
Federation of Labor, nslcing him to
bo bore tomorrow at tho Cnrnegio
Steel Company. Tho purpose of tho
desire to havo Oompors picsont to
the fact that a lettor has boon re
ceived from Elbert Gnry telling tho
reubons for tho steel corporation's
rofusal to deal with tho labor un
ions. Clary bays tlmt that corporation
doosj not combat tho unions but it
does not negotluto with them, bo-
caiiBO It would Indicate tho closing
of tho shops against non-union lab
SALEM, Sept. 17. G. E. Frost of
Portland Initiated and filed a peti
tion here today to make unlawful
tho sale, use and possession of cigar
ettes in Oregon after January, 1921.
Tho petition will bo given a bal
lot title. Maximum penalty for tho
first offense was placed at $100. Tho
second offenso would be punished by
a fine of ?200 and tho third by 30
days' Imprisonment and a heavy fine.
C. F. Shepherd, fnthor of Earl
Riinnhnrd .of the Earl ShonheiH
Piano Company, returned to Asli
land this morning with his wife, fol
lowing n throo day's visit with his
son in Klamath Falls.
The Shepherd family has been in
tho music businoss for year's. Earl
Shepherd's grandfather was in tho
business. C. F. Shepherd is compiet
ine hlu 55th year in the business. He
first started in Ohio, but is now con
nected with his son Ben, in Ashland.
The latter has also a store in Bend.
Charley Humphreys, brothor of
Sheriff Geo. Humphreys, had three
flntrnrs of his left hand severed and
a fourth badly mutilated about 1:30
o'clock this afternoon, when his hand
became caught in the gears at tho
plant of tho Ewauna Box Company.
He was immediately rushed to
the office of tho company physician
Dr, George Morryraan, who tempor
arily bandaged his hand, and took
him to tho Blackburn Hospital.
On account of the torn up condi
tions around tho old Presbyterian
church, plans have been made to
hold a series of cottage meetings In
different parts of tho city on Wed
nesday nights for the noxt fow
weeks. These meetings will bo of
the naturo of Bible study, prayer
and a social hour. Tho first meeting
will be hold this evening at tho homo
of Fred Fleet in Hot Springs addi
tion. Tho friends and neighbors In
tho community whore tho meeting
Is held are cordially invited to come
for tho profit and pleasuro of the
gathering. .Bring your Bible.
E. P. Lawrence, Minister.
Workmen aro busy moving tho old
frame building that was occupied by
the Western Transfer Company on
Fifth and Main streets. The build
ing will be moved to a location on
Sixth street. Excavation for the
new three-story brick strutcuro that
will be erected by Collins & Still on
the corner of Fifth and Main Is al
ready under way.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Searles of
Blnghamton N. Y., who havo been
guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Morrltt,
348 Sixth St., left for California yes
terday. They will spend the wluter
there betoro returning to their home
in the cast.
F. V. Merritt arrived hero Mon
day from Redondo Beach and has
entered the employ of tho Link Rlv
br Electric company. Ho is a broth
er of R. L. Merritt of the W. O,
Smith Printing Company.
PORTLAND, Sept. 17. Collector
of Internal Revenue Milton A. Mil
ler was yesterday advised that tho
requirements of tho Internal Reven
ue Law, providing that aliens in
tending to go abroad must file a
certificate of compliance with in
come tax laws before a sailing per
mit will be issued, has been extend
ed to American' citizens, and that
Canada has Joined the United States
in a reciprocal agreement for strict
enforcement of these Regulations.
This means, the Collector said,
that theAgates of embarkation are
closed to all travelers who intend to
proceed to foreign countries until
they have secured an Income tax
Clearance irom me internal uevenue
Cdllector for the district In which
they reside, and have secured from
the Internal Revenue Agent in
charge of the port of embarkation, a
sailing permit which must be attach
ed to their passport.
Arthur C. Hearle, special repre
sentative of the Internal Revenue
Bureau in Washington, yesterday
conferred with Collector Miller as
to the tightening of these regula
tions at this port. Ho stated that it
was not the Intention of the reve
nue department to work a hardship
on travelers but merely a safeguard
for the equitable administration of
the income tax laws.
"Strict compliance with these reg
ulations," said Collector Miller,
"mainly is In the interest of the
traveler, because on arrival at the
port of embarkation travelers have
been and will be delayed and even
denied embarkation on the boat on
which they have reservations, unless
they present their papers in proper
form to the revenue officer at the
pier showing that income tax laws
have beeit fully complied with."
In the case of American citizens,
they must produce good and suffi
cient evidence of having filed an in
come tax return and payment of all
taxes due for the year 1918 ;or in
the absence of sufficient income to
necessitate filing returns, must fur
nish evidence of the amount and
nature of all income received.
Aliens desiring to go abroad must
submit tholr passports to an inter
nal revenue collector together with
evidence as to the income received
by the traveler, which evidence may
bo in tho form of letters from re
sponsible employers showing amount
of income received, evidence as to
bank deposits, and withdrawals
made, evidence in tho form of doc
tois' certificates, hospital bills or
similar documents in the oase of
loss of employment by reason of
sickness, and, in general, tho estab
lishment of the applicant's actual
net Income to tho satisfaction of tho
collector. Non-resldent alions must
show a clean Income account for
1916, 1917, 1918, and that part of
1919 up to dato of departuro from
the country.
Property Owners on Pine Street and
in Hot Springs Addition Aro Get
ting Wrathy Oter Delay in Par
ing of Streets
Unless there is a quick change in
the delay connected with tho laying
of the pavement on Pine street and,
the intersections, there Is going to
be an uprising of the property own
ers that will make Rome howl and
bring down upon the heads of every
one responsible the wrath of a long
suffering and patient people. These
streets have been sewed up toe
weeks and it has been Impossible
for the residents to get in their wood,
and other supplies. They are get
ting to a point where they will os
the streets Irrespective of the wishes
of the Warden Construction Com
pany, the city authorities or anyone
Another source of complaint, and
a Just one, too, is beginning to ba
heard from the people out in the
Hot Springs addition. If the same
conditions prevail along this thoro
fare that were in effect last year, the
people of the Hot Springs addition
will be isolated again this wlnterl
The city authorities should not per
mit this dilatory attitude of the pav
ing company. It should be held to
strict accountability and no exten
sion of time should be granted. The
people asked for and expected the
paving this year, notwithstanding
the high costs and increased price
they" had to pay and they should,
have it.
Elmon D. Lambert, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Lambert, arrived In Klam
ath Falls last night after two years
service in the United States navy.
He was discharged at the Bremerton
navy yards on Saturday, September
Lambert enlisted in September
1917. He spent some few months
training in the United States prior to
being placed on a cruiser plying In
tho European waters. He rafed as a
1st. class quartermaster and may
possibly continue his training along
those lines.
A letter received from Mr. and
Mrs. S. H. Wllfonog conveys the in
formation that they are now living
in Buhl, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Wll-
flnd wore former residents of tho
Merrill country.
"Jimmle" Clark, who recently
purchased a half Interest In the'
"Smoke" on Main street, sold his
Interest on Monday to Vance Hutch
Ins, and left this morning by ma
chine for Sunsanvllle, California.
Clark left In company with Chas.
McGowan and will be connected with,
him in the box factory business in.
Susanville. Mr. McGowan was at
one time manager of the Ewauna.
Box Company. Clark intends to lo
cate permanently In Susanville it
conditions are favorable.
A host of friends In Klamath
Falls will regret to see "Jimmle"
Clark leave. His connections here,
both in business and baseball, have
won him a high place in the esteem
of his fellow-men. Fans will be pull
ing strong for his return next spring
to guide the local baseball nine. .
Friday evening, September 19,
Klamath Lodgo No. 137, Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows, will be
honored by an official visit from
Grand Master Forrest L. Hubbard,
and members of the order aro mak
ing preparations to entertain him in
a flitting manner.
There will be work In the second
degree and after the meeting a ban
quet will bo served, to which all
Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are es-.
peclally urged to be present.
It was a complete surprise that.
Mrs. Eva Campbell and Owen Ebe-
len sprung on their friends whoa
they returned yesterday from Yreka.
California, and announced that they
had been married in that city last
Saturday. Since then they have been
busy receiving good wishes and con
gratulations, for both are very pop-,
ular with a wide circle of friends.
The bride, who is possessed of a
most charming personality, has for
a number of years been identlfleftd
with tho Blackburn Hospital in this
city. The groom is extensively In
terested in the logging and timber
business at and around Cblloquin,
where he has been operating for sev
eral years. Mr. and Mrs. Ebelen.
will make their home in Chlloaula