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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1919)
V rrmwDAv, hkitkmuku to fAUK BIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MOTOR RHEUMATISM Take out the Carbon. Give National Auto Accessory Company 119 NORTH FOURTH STREET Between Main and Pine pu . noni 49i -the Engine More Pep m&m Si RKi fS ESI 1 BSS'! 1M 1 QI 1 as': If It's worth having, it's worth in- BIGAMOUS UNIONS miring. Get n Standard policy from -,,, r.,, .vn aop Chtlcoto & Smith, 033 Main St. B-tf OVER ENGLAND AKL RAPIDLY GROWING BEIGE VELOURSMa, OF SUIT SMARTNESS c Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Jileets Friday night of each wcok at J. O. O. P. hall, Gth and Main streets. P. J.Gerges , N. G.; Fred Bromor Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Encampment No. 4G, I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Arllo Wor rel, C. P.; Nato Ottorbcin. Scribe; T. L. Fountain Treasurer. HAIR BRUSHES THAT HOLD THEIR BRISTLES A brush that sheds Is dear at any price. If you are looking for the non-shed sort then don't fail to see the brushes now on display at our stoio. They embody the finest mate rials and best of workmanship. The stock is so complete that every individual taste may be satisfied Prices $1.00 to $7.00 fv! KLAMATH FALLS OREGON TnSwg LONDON', .Sopt. 16. Increase- In bigamous marriages throughout tho United Kingdom, much mine pro nounced since tho end of tho war. is causing 'gravo concern, ami there is a growing disposition to treat big- amy as a venial otTonse. , Sir Hcrnnrd Mallet, tho registrar- general, is credited with the state ment that English marriage laws nf-' ford less security against bigamy i than tho laws of almost any other, civilized state. His department has prepared proposals fur their amend-1 iiient, hut nothing has been done tr1 carry them into effect. A new net ' of parliament is necessary, and Sir Bernard suggests as a preliminary that some plan bo outlined by which accurate Information concerning tho principals in a proposed marriage may bo obtained by the competent authorities beforo the cerotnonoy can bo performed. For marriage by license In Eng land It is required that both pnrtios make solemn declaration that they know of no Impediment to their un ion, that they have resided for fif teen days in tho district, and, If they are minors, the consont-'of guardian or parents has been obtained. But no solemn declaration is required for such particulars as name, condition as to marriage, rank and residence. I ! SHASTA VIEW i I I V v v 1 SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The world's standard remedy 'for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles fif? B&ERto bring quick relief and often ward o3 deadly diseases. Known as the national remedy of Holland for more than 203 years. All druggists, in three Bites. L k for tlw ran CoU Modal on tt box aad accept no Imitation The recent rains havo put a stop to haying and harvesting for a time but it is hoped no serious damage will result from it. Mrs. Hunt and daughter, Ada, were in Klamath Falls "Wednesday of last week. Miss Ada remained until Friday, when Mr. and Mrs. Hllyard brought her home and spent the day here. The ladies of the Helping Hand met at the home of Mrs. L. S. Miller Wednesday, spending the day sew ing. They tied a comforter for Mrs. Hayes, who recently lost everything by fire. C. W. Bailey, O. E. Hunt and John Faught were 'Bonanza visitors Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Argraves and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Ward were Klamath Falls visitors Friday. The Shasta View school opened September 8 with a fairly good at tendance. Jack Parker, who has been on the sick list for a few days, has not re covered from his Illness as yet. It is estimated that at the present rate of increase, both of consumption and of the dutput of petroleum, the known oil fields of tho United States will be exhausted by tho year. 1935. Nearly 4,000 Islands are comprls- , ed In the Japanese dominions. THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON 8CHOOL8 AND DEPARTMENTS Tho UnlTenitr Includes the CoUeee of Utenttore. Science and. the Art", and the special School of'IAw, Medicine, (at Portland), Architecture. Journalists, Com merce, Education and Itnslo. SPEOIAL FEATURES A beautiful campus, faculties of special lata, modem facilities, low cost, with many opportunities for self-help, "athletics for ererybody," a really democratic atmosphere and the famous "Orecon Spirit." For a catalogue, Olnstrated booklet or speclflo information, address: THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON. Tallleur b the newest name tot jthe ono costume In woman's Wardrobe which tells best her secret of smartness In the suit, says Fashion Art. The word means perfection In line, and ap propriate choice of material and trimmings. Therefore the belgo velour shown below, with Its trim mings of gray squirrel Is the last word in Tailleurs. As for hats these two new models from the metropolitan shops show that milady need not worry as to whether she can wear a large or small hat. She may havo either or both and still be correct. The popular colors for fall wear are the grays. javybluos and beige. i" ". - H STRPPED TO SKDESTRINGS Yaqui Indians, Following Their Cus tomary Habitfl, Raid Mining Camp ami Steal Everything They Can Get Their Hands On "Get this straight" says the Good Judge The tobacco that gives you the most lasting chew is the kind that saves you money. You don't have to take so many fresh chews. The, rich tobacco taste stays' right with it. That's why you take a smaller chew. -THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW .'-J I t nth ik'tm MyUm i.i ,J RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco viwnn KING i occupy BEAUTIFUL HK SICATTI.K. Wrsli.. Si pt. Hi King Albeit ol ili'lKlum mnj ot occupy n beautiful homo hero built osperlnlh for him by Samuol Hill. Seattle rail load mil n . when, us c.own prince of Belgium. Albert planned to visit Seattle during the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Kxposltloii hero in 1000. For ten jciiis tho big hoiiao has been siandlng ready to receive Its loyal gtimt, for Albert cluingoil l4la nhins and did not como to Seattle timing the fair. Now Albert, as kin: of HelKliiiu, witli Queen lillrubelh Is fooh to tour the I'lilt.-d States, lie may como to Seattle. Mr. Hill, ii friend of King Albert, went to Kiirope recent' ly, and, as guest ot the ruler, lalt ed the l.elglan battle lines. "King Albert's house" us the place Is generally known here, stands In a fashionable residential hcrtlon of the city, overlooking a portion of l'uget nlwonco from tlm irii...i ... """ val Academy ,lt Animpoll, N, l I" nl ,ho ", ' ' 'I my for tlirou yn,H lnoro , acJ In craduatod aa an c,en rg l NOTICI- u.niaiit fplin liiit)i it n a lm lit n i tr I linen of llolglnu design and wiih d'u corated as houses are decorated In Allan's native laud. , KLAMATH FALLS BOY Uiviuo mwmc r i civ A Imrt0B ,mvnB 1ju LONG NAVY SERVICE, tKFr u!Kak Kord Carage, ,.IBI1 Kf After close to two years of serv ice In tho United States navy Hoy Oiom returned to Kliniiutli Kalln last1 night and Intends remaining hero foi koiiio time. lie was dlscliargnd at New York about ten days ago. Mi-urn Ih tim-luitis one of the last Klamath Kails boys to return to his Dr. James' TIprulnM,,. n-...j l.omo following tho bIkuIiik of tli j liovo at onco 10 conta a urmlstlfo on Kovoinhur 11, mis. Hoj package. rated as a radio elect rii'liiu In the; nay and made several trips on dlf I You tnko a Dr. Jamm' iicaJ fereut vossuls to foreign shores. In- l'wilor nnd In Jlmt n fcw Ino eluded ... his voyages were to trips , TX,? -Wi J to South Amorlca. Ho was last on j Mlriflt ri,,of for 10ft(hl",c V"" tho transport l'luttsburg. dull, throbUng, B,,httii,K 0'r "' Uoy Orom Is a brother of Mid-1 r'(lcklnK- ,Sul"1 "omoono to tho drue Hhlpnmn Ilownnl Orem. who has ft0 .ij.'"':',,0 SiS Tl been vlslt'ng his parents for tho piiBt you get I)r. .Tiimcn' Hcadaci two woekB. Howard Is on leave of 1'owilorn then tlioro will bo no dljin' pointment. ? OIL, SPLIfflG, i l m UOniinnr JIUI CH JMT.nh S1GETADAI TO ra IT'S GHANDSIOTHKIt'S nKCIPK TO llltlXO HACK COLOIt AM) LUS THIC TO HAIU DOUGLAS, Ariz., Sept. 1C Americans were not molested, but Mexicans were literally "stripped to the shoestrings" by tho Yaqul In dians, who recently raided tho min ing camp at San Nicolas, Sonora, 140 miles southwest of Douglas. Food was taken from tho Mexican miners' cabins and even their cloth ing was seized, according to Leo G. Cloud, managing director of the mining properUes, who has arrived here. The Indians were led by two men with skins as white aa any Ameri can's. Mexicans said they were Moro Indians. Members of the band were poorly clothed, some having no covering about the waist. All were armed, some with modern high-powered rifles, and others with older, more crude weapons.. There were no Mexicans in the party. The efforts of Mrs. Carl Knudson, who bad charge of the commissary, alone kept the camp from being left altogether without provisions. After the commissary was-looted-of-$l,400 In gold and .practically all .its goods, Mrs. Knudson 'pleaded with the leader for food, saying that it would lie strange fdr a great chief to leare the camp starring. The 'chief turned' back two sacks ot flour. . 4-When- Mrs. Vetchprlfe-of -the American mill superlitendent, be came hysterical with fright during the raid, yie Indians ''asked' her hus band to remain, ,wi,th, Jier until they bad left and to assure her she would not be harmed. . However, "the Mexicans werW roughly ' treated and nearly1 erery-' hing-thy.noMeed-which might TSMMBiSSta J fotable for the retson,that this was' the kt tVdhat Yaqul. ;h'aVe 'raid ed that Bection sij(tfocteuma,dl- rict, aunouga irioai iraamon claims ft-as-part-of-the- Yaqui -possessions, i You can turn gray, faded hair beau, tlfully dark and lustrous nlmost ovor night If you'll get a GO-tent bottle ot "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Com pound" at any drug i.toro. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sago Tea Recipe, improved by tho addition of other Ingredients, aro sold annually, savs a well known druggist hore, bo- causo it darkens tho hair so natur ally and evenly that no ono can tell Is has been applied. Those whoso hair Is turning gray or becoming faded havo a surprise awaiting them, because after ono or two applications tho gray hair van ishes and your locks bocomo luxuri antly dark and beautiful. This Is tho ago of youth. Gray balrcd, unattractive folks aren't want ed around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Compound tonight and you'll bo delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youth ful appearance within a few days. ! I See How We Make 1 ill 1(1 These .Famous Snow Flakes ii pP- Visit our big modern bnkorlos where millions of I Snow Flakes nro inndo every day. Suo the splc anil J span Intorlor. Nolo tho wonderful mixing machine III I I and tho hugo brick ovens. Aftor you'vo bcoii thorn bakod you'll 4uiow why they're so good. Your grocer I l CIGARETTE "ET a package today. No--?tice the flavor the whole some taste of Kentucky Burley tobacco. Why do so many "regular men" buy Lucky Strike cigarettes? JTjhey buy them for the special flavor of the toasted Burley tobacco. There's the :big reason it s toasted, and real Burley. Make Lucky Strike your cigarette.