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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1919)
THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE BKVE KANSAN CLAIMS TO BE OLDEST MARINE PROFESSIONAL CA) Zg&l VndggyTV-ypjtosa, TIMBER FOR SALE Twenty million feet (if Hf.'indlng (holier for mile rlieap. Kaninlll anil pIuiiltiK mill ' premise. DR. T. . TIMONY, Red Illufr, Oillf. ;33HhfSai s.r.c:.w.: Office Phono 385 Res. 435 Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Plij'Hlrlan nnd HurgQon Whlto Building Klamath Fails Oregon Mrtij.T,--a-i tT-. la-ru... '"V7rll "..- TM. ' rV'fl(w' A .... SOJtfcH --- ss. "-H-Mu.r r,r - ir. 1.1 f tilt Mi IN W-JW IKTWTrTl B'a'j. i-unj rsirvn irniir : f .fri'W t-Hn.. m MVWWWWWMAMMnnAWAMW - - .-I tl. JLfI . . :; , jraa-si vs iCTir- ci.ywwr rWfAjrcj 1.S l?3u!i .b You Had Better Order Your Vinter Wood now Double Imd IIIockN 57.00 TfcKD&S' PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Cacn Mrs. Rons McDanlcls, 301 High SL Phone 455 .!' r ."m r irv " r t no ,j.rf-izr an ', ITS- " iSSViHl yn.i n Got H O nf ' g Tolu ro J Otwii Slnb, Pine .. . ? . y.fJl.BO r f Orcon Slab, Fir . ariTKMlHW in, " 1HW m JMMLfvLfti fll t32Bt$8k v ta " im-wXKT WA.'liJ'JUSrK! r t n -3rri gmisas 1 ' T 15" 1 "Ii jheSK?1 ' !- S ' Bib classified columns &"" I !" '""""TTTihioil I'prlght )l"" V l "i..r fi 00 o'clm-li or Hun- - l '"nVr 6 00 o'clock or Hun- i.i - !J -r71TlK 183 acres lioliom mini ffi'SStolnSurprlH., Valley. Mo jr aooatra.l..lf)oucnnlian. lo ortjaje. J S. 1'nyno, Klamath FuIIh "lsn . roRSALB-KlvoimsHonBo kiln 19i mouuii """ ::. di,ptorwi.h.Clillcot0&8rami Hi Main. . . i ' ... ..I it till f til IV Good 5 paSSCilBcr u.ji ............ MSft.Prico$00.00.8ooIHIIIo. IWI MR SAMJ Heautlful 8 room rel-l jce it corner of 10th nml IMno. Modern full Ij.womeiii mri'- -Scaymcnt down Hnlnnco to huK Ntebiicr. AttractUo priro ii piir lluti direct. AililronB M. Cora Suienon, si Bomn iw. "- iua,vu "- - Pa.vhII a iirpcun. --wv rORSALB- .(nncnmn dulred. McCobo, fad on I- rinml Davini: IV" W"M ww-- r-. ---.. ,,.., 'cn Mam St. owner leaving, aijuui 1100.00 will hnndle. Some terinn. Box J, Herald office. 12-3t TOR SAMJ 2 nutos Inqulro at Morris' 5th & Oak Ueiwcon n anu I o'clock. n-cf FOR SALG 225 tons alfalfa hay, 200 acres of pasture goes with tho Iit. D. Evanlkoff ut The Albright Ilue, Olene Ore. . lO-fit FOR SAMJ 6 room modern houso One of the beat locations of Klam- ath Falls (2250 -part terms. Houso ellroomi. Artesian wator nnd clone la, 11250 terms; Modern houso 4 imii t Mivba frnm Xtnln Rt 11200 -ISOO cash and balance like rent. Alio liberal other snaps in houses and lots or unlmprovud lots. W. M. VrmMlni. 1303 Mnln. Klnmnth DflV. .,,, "i' ! niiiniMh -i qTT i 1,1,'ht second iiinin ,. , TtSwrtt '"'"" "'likf.' MISCELLANEOUS fMpC)icni), IikI"1" ",0,lor' ?? i'liTsnio car. WIntur'H Jew tjcle'ltn sum " 13,2l ,tf now. . I i i ". 1 iu,v mo. Riving full particulars or location. uon four (1) hoad of hoes, two -im -rorn few (luysoniy my 8zo nn(j ty,)0 f hohso dOsired and BOWh and (2) barrows, weiclit lr o nt a Iwrgiilii. iurmn 11 nmoiiiit of cash you can nay down annnun.ii innrboii i-mn nff riin n C17 Main. ll-3t lin,i wnnt n,onthly paymunts you can undorblt on loft ear. tho same bavlnr i ' i t..ftl Mulann 1 1 111 tium ul I I f Ilnv i..i ...i ,i 1 . r....t. kins ebpment Co. Office. 9-tf WRSALE Ono 1914 Ford Tour ist car anu 1917 Chnvrolot tnur- Inj car. Ford Oarage. 9-tf " ' - fORSALB 5 passenger Popo llard- fnM mnrhlnn Plrot rlnQa rnnilltlnn J00 00. Central Oarage. 9-Ct FOR SALE 160 acres, homestead up FPI nnnlBhrnAnfa fiillv Ininrovml. ir Strahorn railroad. Twenty-six mtles from Klamath Falls. For parti culars address No. 1G Horald Office H-Jtl' rORSALE A Ford bug in A-l cou- uiura guaranteed. Address H. u. Herald office. 5-tt 108 SALE Duroc and Poland China sows with pigs at side. mo urn uann. o-izt WR SALE OR TRADE Cooking icujiis oi various Kinds, also u flnra nr Ivn nnn.i. .. t.i-.s . w- -. ...w, iiuuii miy miiu ui ii We. Perkins Furnlturo Houbo. 20-tf unoieum, Rugs, Matting, Pabcolln, ' Maes, Deds, Mattresses and Springs rie or trade. Perkins' Furniture , r(L 8ALE Oood ryo hay also al alia hay and pasture. Call 338 m . or Phono 247 M. 12-tf 'Sjjp-Hotte-Close In, turn 'od, i. " nuuse U10SO in, turn- or unfurnished. Inquire Her-' CS.- in'il ; "- or "S HLE-pnlshlngs fwTslxl to Bouse 122N 6th St. 20-tt FOR 8AU- t .... ..." Mn., ,.'"" uvea roaiuonco ioi. "Hit Sell. Ron ions M.l- . nt. V r" -vvo AUIIt tL, III SPEYTON for Wood. 112R SJ&. Oregon. i-tf .-HELP WANTED IVTFMnM wAAAiA.iw'iA erfli ii! 0Irl or woman for g'on Ce 2WWMk-Porf octlon Dairy. a-ii AVrn " ' ihooT r,cen '"inber grador nnd . hHMw. Nno Lumber . L"'irlt H. 1 1.1t ,,meiOSn?,olor011 Bash to sl" "turii ' notUrn to Herald offlco. ll-3t Jf while you wiatOhil. - LOST A Kir, ". ZZJLr puuinu i . 'bitS'?, ' ''"P" corduroy ll'ftt p,enB0 "turn to Hor gargwaril" nr,.gi i SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Two Woodchopporfl. Chll- coto & Smith. 033 Main. 4-tf WANTED- (Jlrl for general Iioiiho- Mrn. O. O. I,ul- WANTED -$500.00 wiJrtli of Tiro Itopnlr work, nt onco. Viilnmlzlni;, Hotrciidlni' Jlulf KoIck, and Tulio Hu- ' ...h.l. .....1 i.,.l. I.... Iialrn. lllownutH $2.50 and up. He , ti'oiiilliKt $0.00 and up. Vz hoIuh $'I.'i I 00 and up. 'I'll Ik.' HopalrH 25 cunts and 'up. Kurfacu palchcH, $1.00 and up Crator I.uko Tiro Horvlco Station 11 Vf, Main St. Klamath FuIIh, Ore. 15-Ct IFOR TRADK 2 Iota In Richmond Calif., in flrt paymunt on Iiouhc In Klamath FuIIh. h. D. I'urkn, 4 3! WashlnRton. 15-5t FOR KXCIIAN015 Fruit furnlturo. 741 Walnut. Jam for 13-3t ciJOAN RAOB Wo CcntH n pound fo will nay flvo nound for climii cotton rags. Contral Uarngo. 13-Gt DO YOU WANT A HOME ON EASY PAYMENTS? I will build for you, ............... . ..... ..,,.. .i.. rf.. on your own lot, u homo to suit you, liiriiiu itrllltln tinlm ,. 1 1 mi ,. I WANTED 15 cords 4 wood. Ford Gantgo, foot limb 9"tf -t 8 w"'!' PAy..CAS,.,-For. ". '.w.d.c"Lr-, auio rcHiueace ioih, Bimiiiiiu iur mi- mediate building. Wish to deal with nwnnra fllrnnf fllvn lnriltlnn nnil owners direct. Olvo location and prico. Nelson RounBovell. P. O. Rex 215, 9-Gt WANTED Small furnished mont .Inquire Herald Offlco : Twonty-two head draft horsoe weigh- l tf.A. 19AA Ififin m XXf Wrt. lllB liuui i.vv n avvw. ". ... .... korson, Lorella, Or. 4-lZt - WANTED TO BUY OR TRADE For nMw-nn.l nil lrltwlu nf flirnltllFA Pnr- " WANTED TO TRADE a Now range for an old ono, you pay the differ-1 enco. Perkins Furnlturo House. 20-tf ,iii tftrmu wllliln vnlir iiiimiiu Writ,, I i... ir , ...m ..n ... ... .11 " ' " " ..... .. , ..v iutv luuu, I Mill ui ;uwiiv , u ii,ainftu """" ' -wM..owvV,., 4. w, uecn uuiy uuvuriujuu i um mim nuainCRH nir. ii.M . . , .... f Fifty dollars or moro and an old Notice of Mcctlnf- of Equalization rango will got ono of my now ones. Board of the Pine Oroe InU.i Perkins' Furniture Houso 20-tf Uon District. ,.,, nr,a n. .,.- Pa.nn ' Notice is hereby givon that ihe INTER RATES At White Pelican commenco Sopt. 1st. Rooms $zu i vYl4tV IVA 1 3 ni "w -v -- z"'tI . ....nn... ,nnn A... WAni lJ JJJIVIVU "" " ' ANT TO BORROW $1000 on now modern house which cost Jr.ou to build. Will pay 8 per cent lor two years mid give first "JK0-..1: dress Builder in caro Horald l-t)t 1 " . CITY GARBAGE-NVho you wan oarbago removed pnunu i. -" BE PRETTY, T xHX GRANDMOTHER'S Old) FA- VOUITK RECIPE OF SAGE TEA A.NDUId'HUR Almost everyone Knows that Sae Tea mid Sulnhur. properly componud- Ul GRAY Hi DARK bungs back the natural color and'ths notlce . -j.j -., I t..i r on, uiiiibh uutiv mo ui' lustro to the hair when faded, gray .... ... streaked, years ago me uuu Mt this mixture was to make it at home, which is muBsy and trouble some. (Nowndays, by asking nt any drug storo for "Wyeth'a Sage and Sul phur Compound," you will got a. large bottle of this famous old recipe, im proved by tho addition of other In gredients, for about 50 cents. Don't stay gray! Try It! No ono enn possibly tell that you darkened your hair, ns It does li so naturally and ovonly. You dampen a sponge or uoft bniBh with it, and draw this through your hair, taking one small rnnd at time; by mornjog the gray lialr disappears, and after another op plication or two, your "hair becomes beautifully dork, g',ossy and attract, ive. V .. .1. 2fL.' JAta HTAMill Itl- ir its worm iivib - """ " suring. Get a Standard poUcy frow Cbllcoto a Hmiui; vaa oiam mu STRAYED. Red bull, two years old brondod OV on right hip and bar Z on left stlflo. Howard for Information. 80 2t J. A. MADDOX. LEGAL NOTICES Nena: of ham: of irrigation DISTRICT RONDS. NOTICi: IS HERKI1Y OIVUN that i coaled propoHalH will ho roonlvod till thn llth. day of October A. I). l!19 nt tho hour of 8 o'clock In tho ovon-' Inc for tho purchoBo of Forty Thous and Dollars worth of bonds of the llntorprlso Irrigation District of Klumath County, Oronon. Said bonds nro to bo dated Novo nbor Jrt, 1919 and aro to draw intorcst at tho rato of six por cont per annum, Intor cst payablo semi-annually upon tho 1st, day of July and tho 1st. day of January of each year until tho matur ity of said bonds. Said proposals, will bo rocolvod by tho Hoard of Directors of said Irriga tion District, and should bo direct ed to tho Socretary of tho Enterprise Irrigation District, caro of Charles J. Ferguson, Loomls Building, Klam ath Falls, Orogon. Tho Board of Directors reserve tho right to rojoct any or all bids offered. O. J. HILYARD, Secretary of tho Board of Dlrectoia of Enterprise Irrigation District. 4-?0t NOTICE OF rMI.F. OF KSTR IY IlOfJS. t Notice Is hereby Riven that on Sat- ...,ln li 1 !. ,t.. r n lit. UlUUJi IIIU IULU !!. Ul - (Ill-ill ti " ioiy nt tho R W. Tower Ranch he . . . . . . ices, uuicti ui iiuiiiuiii i' Jiii. w thin 8th dav of Scntombcr I'M? - Gt J. F MORliEY. Constable vcvrinK to kihtoiiS." in the County Court of The State tfvn. nM I.a 9 If In, Oregon for Uie County of Klam- ntli. in the Matter of tho Estate of Ed- iiunoruiui uiiu mou i'j i-iwuii-j i'v 'rili mund W. Gowon, Sr. deceasea. apart- Notice is hereby given that all per-8-tf anna linvincr rlnims acalnst the above entltlea tisiaio, snau prosuai mo 8amo Gn or boforo six months from .. ..... .. .1.. il.A M.AMA-1 vniL proseni mo lne uaie Ol IIIIS Iiomio, Jiujjoij iii- faij With vouchors nttachod, to tho undersigned, at her resldenco at 305 plno streot, Klamath Falls. Klam- .. ...M CnA i9 Hrnenn n.....l ..,.. ')r.,Vi 1C11Q Dnt.ul Aueust 25th. 1919 Sarah H. Gowen. Administratrix of the Estate of Ed mund W. Gowen, Sr deceased. 26-2-9-16-23 Dord Qf Dlroctor8 or tne Pme 'Grove Trrltlon district will, commencing Tuesday. October 7, 1919, meol it il. ir m iiiin.t rnai.fiitirn nil I ii ;""". .., nnd Blt n8 a noard IUO . i. juih. .v.u.uw.., -.. . -- Rmmiizntion for tho purpose ot - - correcting the nBsess- LTt roll of said district for the year .. aB30S3ment ron u open nr nxnnilnatlon at tho said rosldeucu for "'lont w. T. Llllott Secretary of tho Board of Directors ot tho Pine Grove Irrigation 1'lR trlct. 8-15-22-29 In tho County Court of the Stale of OreK. l''or tho County of Klam ath. . ,, In tlio Matter of tho EsUito of llcnrj Hcliwindt, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned has duly qualified bb administrator of the above entitled estate, and that all persons having claims agalnBt tho estate will please present thorn, properly verified with vouchors attachor, at tho office of this administrator in tho Loomls i...u.iir,cr nt Klnmnth Falls. Oregon, within bIx months from tho date of is notice. natnd Klamath Falls, Oregon. Aug ust 9th, 1919. H. M. MANNING, Administrator of the Estate of Henry Schwlndt, De ceased. 11-18-25-1.-8 In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, For Uio County of Klam- nth. ... In the Matter of tho Estnto of Almn 8. Alexander, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undorslgned has filed his final ac count and that Saturday tho ;i3th day of September at i o'clock-p.-m.', in tho courtroom of tho above ontlt- led'court, In tho "County vCourt- ni Klnmnth Falls. Klamath County, Oregon, has been -fixed by tho Court ns the t me and v aoco for i. !.. l,n unnw. All nnraons linvlllC objections thereto wiU'filo the samo or appear nt tho tlmo and plnco set for Bald hearing and object thereto, n i itT.uViMniin. Ailinlnlstrator of tho estate of Alma S. Alexandor, deceased n is on i s ll - 18 - .o - i - a .NQT1CE. t J j Tho Slado Ropmlng H.puso nnd Restaurant is now,.belng Tun under now management. Vo wllPspecialtzo in good meals. Givo us a trial. Fred C. Wolfe, 1006 Mfijn St, io-it '-" ,. 'J" zixw hvutho- Henry B. Hallowell of'McPher son, Kansas, 80 years old, believes be Is tho oldest living ex-marine. He was orderly at the Whlto Houso In the Buchanan adminis tration. In a recent .visit to Washington he carried the white gloves ho wore there when on duty a decade ago. A Rwil Jlaii. Now we eonin 10 think of it there is at least ono man who did tho world a noblo .sen Ice during the war. tatt led n nighty bis job; has not asked to tie demobilized nnd, if our mc.nciy tunes u. rli;..t even the Heurtl pap era haven't said n word against him. We have In mind a California gen t'.ej'it n rui i"rt Iior'u'sit liuix'pi. Nfviici: 1 mil now prepared to furnish ahn'dn ?and from tlie Hoey. Cum. taiid and Kiavel pit. in any iiuantitj thnt may bu desired by contrucum ind builders. AL, F. GRAHAM. , I Ye mnko a specialty of fire, life I. ml aerident Insurance. Phone 6 and we'll do the rest. CliUcote & Smith. ' G-tf . j ivc rot. Herald Want Ads. C Klamath sLodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall. 3th and Main streets. P. J.Gerge3 , N. G.; Fred Bremer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Encampment No. 46, I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Arlle Wor rel, C. P.; Nate Otterbein, Scribe; P. L. Fountain Treasurer. RECKARD'S RENT, SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W TH k Exclusive "BTJNF Pai.s "51111510' 1136 Main St vv-X X"M""-rkX,-XM"XXX- E SHANGHAI RESTAURANT j CHOP SUEV AND NOOIMJfl -5 HOl'SK 3 Short Order Meals nerved. 72 Main Street 'i KLAMATH FALLS. OIUC ,.v..i''vrf-''-T.:fvv,wA ATTENTION My business Is making your homes bright and prosperous by Painting, Kalsomining and Paper Hanging Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Pbone 103W SAW MILL ENGINEERING A! CONSTRUCTION CO, Designer anil builder, of mod ern Saw Mills Planing Mills, oa Plants. Comp.lcto plants contract, ed, Appraisals nnd reports made Dredging. Wo contract (o build, nny'eliihs of a building and install machinery of any. kind. Drafting of any kind done, Bine Prln? made. ' PHONE 14UJ, Otllco in K. D. Building . W. E. SEEHORN CO. 022 Main Kl. Pliono 72 F 4. m$w J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Sta Long Trips Our Specialty Ileasonalilo Rates Phone 130 822 Klamath Ave. Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main St. Candies PASTIME Jock .Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobioco, Soft Drtnk.8 Peel ami IJllllunls Barber Shop in oCnnoctlon OUR MOTTO "Conrlx-Hy and Service" HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station c handle the Harley-Davidson vfoton-ycles and. Bicycles Exclus vely Also buy, sell and exchange ill other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. . C. E. BISMARK 115 S. Oth St. Klamath Falls KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair- ing New Ones Made to Order ) Axle Straightening and I BIncltsnitthing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 617 Klamath Ave. FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE See Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRY MB PHONE 176-J Phone 340-J 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. Home-Made Pies and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch .Goods. Ice Cream mid Fruit. WELL DRILLING ' Vochatzcr Bros. & Klabzuba Merrill, Oregon t Or , McDonald Pool-Room Klamath Falls, Oregon Let yourUGlass -Troubles, be! My ." Reglazing dono in any part of tho city ,. . is. n. RTirrnrv. i Carpenter .& Cabinetmaker ipUono477 W '' 1024 Main. MrAwwyvi - THE PARISIAN BEAUTY SHOP Facial Massaging, Blenching and Facial Packs Manicuring. Shampooing Scalp Treatment BIO Main Pliono 300 ::::x:"Xh:"XX"Xx--.: H. C. SCIILEEF KATHERl'NE SCHLEEF I'lijhldans and Surgeons 'k Villi., IIIIIIKUIUIj. ttxKXK: DR. a A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. Trnax Salt 200, 1. O. O. P. Bldg Office phone 80J Res Phone 80M DR. R. B. CRAVER Diagnosis Medicine and Surgery Office over Underwoods Phone 280W 7th and Main wslMAMMMMAAAAMMAMMAn DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician A Snrgeoi Suite 211, I. .0. O. F. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store! Pbone 321 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi clan and 8urgwju ba Klanutk Fall.) tMMAMWMMIIWWWVMWVltfMWiMiWWWMA DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PRONE 854 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets v. DR. A. A. SOULE Study Anatomy and Surgery, San Francisco, Calif., Dr. J. a. BauK ero has charge of my practice. Phone 151J Office 402 Main St DR. CARTER DENTIST ' WHITE BUILDING PHONE S85 AMMAMAMMAAAAAAMAAMAAMAAM E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 WIUIU Bldg. Klamath Vails Oregon MMwMMMMta t FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomls Bldg., Klamath Falls DR. O. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 61 AMAAMAAAAArWVMWMMVMMWWVWWM J. C. CLEGHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. Res. 192M. CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY '.117 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager if -; r ' S ftr - l-v ' f' t WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 206 I. O. O. P. Bldg. ' I 1 :i 1