fc. H L&2Z222- 1010. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE HKVKIs Z- wArr3 rttrygSZ tdjJBJ&lKvSLxz1 .1 xtz& ym.-vA riK-slsl --I iw',i !"-- LlVaMll Hi. Ar rf "Ji iTTJLVi7I .1 BfflES&ar WZ&JvAttvr&nfo&Stt '' .. ynM Pm Got II BIB CLASSIFIED COLUMNS "TIIb-183 acrcH bottom I"""' K!?AN Surprise Valley. Mo- FOIl Pn l trailolf y " "llIII" jJco-OgKlaiiintliKnll- ! . -rHTB-Flvo passoiiKor iiutomo- uu r,beiplorca.l..rniicu.- Ill Main -TCrTittiienBor 0 verln ml . ul Y Jijped. "l'rlco 600.00. See iiiii ... n eitK Itonul fu room rum rOB SAW'-1"0"" 10lIl nml ino. . - . .. -..i uiC full basement -furnace-- ?-r5CTd,.r,,Mni:,&v &n! 312 South lOthJuffor "n.Corvallls. Oregon. ---- .. t.- r..iv (invu nni v in v . . i Crvm at a llrgln. Terms If WANTKD Apples ,J'a uChp. 017 Main. 11-.U , Blmrn for labor. "J - ; FOR BALK Combination r0K ?.. i. c, Hunnr lcaVlllK. AllOllt tl200 00 wlli bandlo. Some termH Bl. Herald office. 12-Jf Bot RSAU-2 nutos -Inijulro nt Morris' Stli & Oak between r, and I o'clock. ' . TOR SALE 22.1 tons alfalfa hay. ' . nnlIiiri i-iii'h with tho lty. D. Eanlkoff at The Albright place, Olene uro. . W)R 8AUJ 6 room modern house. One of the best locations of Klnm itlFalU 12260 part terms. Houso of 3 rooms, Artesian water nnd close to, 11260 terms; Modern houso A none. 2 blocks from Main St. J1200 -1500 cash and balanco llko ront. aIso lereral other snaps In houses ul loti or unimproved lots. W. M. Xwtellss, 1303 Main, Klamath Dov elopmeat Co. Office. 9-tf FOR SALE Household goods, In- . .. si uu.. imn a T 9-6f FOR SALE Winchester pump gun. 12 se. Jss. M. Watklns, Jr. (10-Hll St. Phono 320U. 9-Tit ' FOR SALE Ono 1914 Ford Toiir- Injcar ano 1917 Chovrolet tour- Inf cir. Ford Oarago. 9-tf s. F0RSAI.E 5 passenger Pope Hard lord machine First class condition 1100,00. Central Oarage. 9-Ct FOR SALE 160 acres, homestead relinquishments, fully Improved, uu Strahorn rallrond. Twonty-six bUm from Klamath Fnlls. For partl tilirj addreiis No. 1C Herald Office. H-26t FOR SALE Lnrge lot doalrablo lo cation at Pelican City. Phono 428. lit' FOR SALE A Ford bug in A-l cou dltlon guaranteed. Address H. R. Herald office. C-tf MR SALE Duroc nnd Poland China sows with pigs at aide. None 11F11 Hahn. 6-12t FORrBAI.W nn ipmnn V. .. Cooking utensils of various kinds, also a nse or two, nearly any kind of n ne. Perkins Furnlturo Houso. 20-tt Linoleum, Rugs, Malting, Pabcolln, waJei, Beds, Mattresses and Springs wiale or trade. Perkins' Furnlturo loose 20-tt TOR SALE (lood rye hay also nl ,. J" hay and pasture Call 3311 "16 St. or Phone 247 M. 12-tf WANTED-Housc Close In, turn- mm ' U0lurnisneu. mquiro Her 111 office. 30-tf fOR BALE Furnishings forirTlx JQm house 122N 6th St. 20-tt Fu,AAUImProvea residence lot. JMtBell. See 1008 Main St. 7tf 1wibPEYTON for Wood. 112R. W Two ROOM HOUSE. Wall hod tSluff llvlnK roem: nlci pohi hk'cmhen with city water in sink; ."oroom, (nlnmiiiiii. ni i.n,i CHI!0' ehliaron'H sleeping In !." .or oiidron'8 slooplng liB'0-e5"on. Price $1600; I ii-.. ' un" ao l'or month. Ad- i - '"'' ' ' "nnl,! n.'l i!HII0NS WANTED NTED-wto! 'ZZS J!H Smith? urSnPPOr8, Ttt r .UJ'1'n. 4-tf KSo7kETrflenCOd 0s r !M "work, neference. Phone 136. wFOR RENT i orkii7",r!.fnr Kfnornl house , nm cooklngMw. O. Q. Lab- rfQWohav,n8',lt'B worth ln w Smith, 038 MU St. 5-t ?& "3 m - OtW o i hesc? MISCELLANEOUS ! -vwv,-,---v EXCHANGE Fruit jars for furniture. 741 Walnut. 13-31 you want A iiOMH ON KASY mg PAY.MI:NTH7 I will build for you, on your own lot, a homo to suit you, on turnm within your iiiuiuih. Write mo, giving full iiarllcularH of loiatlon, Hlzo and typo of house desired anil ujiiuuut i vhhii yuu i;iin imy uuwn .1 ! t Id t titi..ii ! ixku .. llllll T 1111. IIIWII i III ft IllUllin J tlil til J I to JMiU ITUUII-Hiiiiuuii wrvu aw mnko. Nelson Kounsuvoll, P. O. Ilox IhI, day of July nnd tho 1st. day ot 215. ll-i. t January of onch year until tho matur- - lty of said bonds. WANT TO IIOIIUOW $1000 on new I Said proposals will bo received by modern bourns which cost J'2.r.00 to tho Hoard of Directors of Bald Irrlga- build. Will pay 8 per cent for two tlon District, nnd should be direct years and glvo first mortgage. Ad- od to tho Secretary ot tho Enterprise .1- tl..ll.l..H l.. ..... Il....l.l in r. In-ltrntlnn TllatHrt mm nt PhnrlAll dress llullller In care Herald 10-Gt WANTICI) IT. cords 4 wood. Ford Oarage. foot limb 9-tf WANTICD Potatoes to dig on share. I Any size paten consiiiercu. ' or pears to pick ' Hay and u'finil rack. Hiunonalile. Albert Marrott, Old Poor Farm, Keno Iload, A iH)Ht"card will get mo. 8-Ct WILL PAY CASH For u fow deslr-i able residence lots, sultablo for Im mediate building. Wlali to deal with owners direct. Glvo location and prlco. Nolsou Ilounsovell. P. O. Hox 2 in. 9-(it WANTED Small furnished apart mnnt inmilrn Mora 111 imico. n-u i Twenty-two head draft horses weigh ing from 1200 to luoo. ta. w. wu korson, I.orclla, Or. -12t WANTED TO I1UY OU TRADE For any nnd nil kinds of furniture. Per kins. 30.U WANTED TO TrtAnE-a New range for nn old ono. you pay the uiiior ence. Perkins Furniture House. 20-tt ....... .,,- , mnrn nnd an old range will got one of my new onca STf zu'tr Perkins' Furniture Houso " . 77fci, nn.nn WINTER RATES At White PcHcan commence ocii. ow. v -- nn (v '"" CITY OARBAGE-When you want Unrbago romoved phone 91. ll-tt -"" '" KJ'T : ' WANTED Girl or woman for gen oral housework Perfection Dairy. Phono 19Y. 9- WANTED Woman to care for bany i,nr lmmn. bv day or week. ' Quick Lunch. Main St. 12-2f LOST AND FOUND LOST Rose colored sash to silk sweater. Return to Herald office. Reward. n'Jt NOTICE I nm now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from tho Hooy, Uaiii.. U l. nilndtltV sand anil gravei pu, i " 'i- that lnny uo aoslred by' contractors and builders. .,,. AL. F. GRAHAM. Today's Birthdays (Ion. John J. Pershing, who com- l.l .!. Anwirtnnll imnnS III II'UIHM-U III" . Franco, born in Linn County, Miss-l(osta our1' G9 ycars ng0 totUy Lieut. Gonornl Sir William R. Hlrd- wood, who commanded tho Austral- inn and Now U.- tr-op. In ; Mnrnl nalllngton Booth, wifo and co-worker of tho head of tho Volun tonrs nf America, born in Surroy, England, 54 years ago today. Frank Lyon Polk, undor Secretary of Stuto ut Washington, born In New York City, 48 yearn ago today. John H. Uankhoad, United Stutes Senator from Alabama, bor.n in Mar ion County, Ala., 77 years ago today. ArHf ultmi states I unrv v Ashurst. United btiuos '. "-":.. . " v.,tlon G, T. 3D B.. U. ia .. Senator from Arizona, uum ... ..... ndii, 44 yenra ngo today. I i..?jr5trwi..-A- Blnl'i district, horn at Gorrardstown, , , Vccve0 including sold W. Vo 56 years ngo today. I ZZ mentioned siin, of S5 5 S3. wu nuother, pitcher of tho Cln- $147.40 taxes, $125.00 attorneys -l"nHCan'o ba-o.mil team fees, and the costs -a disbursements .. at A,nmedu, Calif. 26 years ago'"1' , 'Qn"C"n "if any there be. will today We'll "O. K." Dot" Sho; Do right and foar no man." He: "Don't wrlto and fear no wom an. Wlb. wwX-aa ITrJ wf tr J: njr- ifcum Columns LEGAL NOTICES a Xii'fe-raw tcf 1 .fcwnd4 w 1 U2&i WilFJ J r i?S"l Bras. 7 ss 'filial wflw-' "&- -Vi--V'S'AA-AAAA-'-'t ) or HALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. NnTini? in iircnrcnv rnvi'M thnt uuuiuu uuunuin win uu I'jrtjivvu Hi tin 1 1th. day of October, A. D. t'J19 la 'at tho hour of 8 o'clock In tho oven- nr ing for tho purchaso of Forty Thong- . oc.iicu proposals will ho received nil ior tno purctiaso or rorty Tnou- and Dollars worth ot bonds of the I'ntorprlso Irrigation District ot Klumath County, Oregon. Bald bonds nro to bo dated Novo.nbor 1st, 1919 nnd aro to draw Interest nt tho iiu "i niA jiu uuiii, ii uuuum, mii- - not nntftiViln oiiml.nnnnnllv urun iYtn J. Ferguson, Loomls Dulldlng, Klam ath Falls, Orogon. Tho Doard of Directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids offered, n .t im.YAitn. Secretary ot tho Board of Directors of Enterprise Irrigation District ?0t NOTICE OF BALE OF KSTKAY 1IOGB. Notice is hereby given that on Sat urday, the 13th day of Scptombor, 1919 at the It. W. Tower Ilanc'i be low Keno. I will sell at public auc tion four (4) head of hogs, two 2) hows ana (2) oarrows, weiiu '' " 80 pounds, marked crop off right ear, ' xH.ln.lill n Infl nnv ttiA anmn hfivln? iiuuuiiiii uu .v.. i. . ........- -c XZvTornTZo plnTno? I i- r,t n vinmnfh poiu Orntrnn i this 8th day of September 1919. 8-Gt J. F. MOUI-EY, Constable ( , - Notice of Meeting ot Eqnaliiatlon Itoard of Tho Enterprise Irrigation District. Notice J VeSSpS District will, commencing Tuday the 7th dny ot October. I 1919. at the office ot the Board of 3,JTin?U"nSW,SS correcting the assessment roll ofsald D strict for tno year iv&v. omu we BM8ment roll ,8 open for examlnatiou nt tn0 0ffC0 0f mo uoaru oi uirec ton. vnmhor is. Loomls Building, Klamath 'VyARD. Socrotary 0f the Board of Directors of t,le Enterprise Irrigation District 30-C-13-20 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SAIjK. (Equity No. 1093) In The Oitoiilt Ctnv.lt of Tlie State of Oregon For the County of Kluni- ath Mary E. Gates, Plaintiff, vs Claude O. Clopton nnd Oracle Clop . ton, his Vife, nnd H. L. Clopton, also known as Hugh L. Clopton, Defendants Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an Execution and Order of Salo, duly issued out of the above en tuir..i Pnnri nml ruiiio on the 12th dav of September, 1919, under a De-i 1 creo made and entered of record In Itho said Court, on the 10th day of . Sojitomhor, 1919. In favor of the. nbovo named Plaintiff, nnd ngainst I the above named defendants, direct-! Ing tho salo of tho premises therein j I mid hereinafter doscrlbed to satisfy tho sum of $r.iri.83. which said Aum iAi,,,in, ininrpst nn S250.00 since tho 10th day of October, 1907 to the date of tho commencement of this suit; $147.40, tho amount oi nixes paid out by said plaintiff to protect hor interests in nnd to tho real prop erty hereinafter particularly aoscrtD- e(j; ISil.UU, UUUIIIUJ . .vv, ....- nn,i disbursements and accru ed: $1.25. uu, aiiorney ieu. u" " mg cosis oi hub nuii.. I .- -. T-. f TT T. 1... itlnlllA rT .,, Kx(Piition and In compliance wItU si(i Writ. I have duly levied S-Iairff.aA" ;unu win, "" raiuj . v"" , :j. of October, 1919, at tho hour of 10 I o'clock, a. m. on said uuie, ui wiu front door of tho oldest Court Houso In Klamnth County on Main Street I in Klamath Fnlls, Oregon, soil nt pub- I lie auction, to tho highest bidder, for Di, nil iin riirht. title and interest of tho above named defendants, nnd each and all of them, In and to the following doscrlbed roal property, to-wit: m ., Tho Northeast quarter of South west Quarter, and me iNuriuweai Quarter of Southeast Quartor. Sen- Quarter oi bouuiewi w. ".- I so much thereof ns may bo necessary much thereof ns may uo neuessui; to satisfy said Judgment ami iuxblu I "" ' l. nnn1tnfl i.n nni.i into said Court to bo applied as by law required. Dated this 12th day of September, 191' GEORGE L. HUMPHREY, Sheriff of KInmnth County, Ore. By ALLEN SLOAN, Deputy. 13-20-27-4-11 I OLDEST COAL FIELD FEMININE PASSES ON WIOAN, Km;., Hept. 13. Mrs. Hrldwt Mcliugh, tho oldest "pit brow" woman In tho Pcmberton coil Hold, linn just died here nt tho ago of 80 years. For more than half n century hIiu had worked at tho tnlncH. "Old llridgct," n Mrs. Mcliugh wiih familiarly called, w.ib a halo' and hearty, strongly built woman who could iih(! a shovel In filling' mine cars ni well as any man and wiih always looked upon as an export i pit-brow worker, few being her otiial. The Hhorter working day wan un known to her and Bummer and Wln-j ter, rain or Hhlne, Bhc was liccustom-1 cd to leave homo nt five o'clock every morning, and wan In her place at the i coal bank before the whistle sound ed at bIx. Her day continued until five or six at night. Mrs. McHugh was - ..... grandmother a employed In . . and two of her sons tlio colliery where . ,,,, , """ """" " '"'"V " Wo make a specialty of fire, Ufo """J accident liwuranco. Phono 00 and wo 11 do tho rest. Ctillcoto a. bmltd. -- NOIIODY CAN TEMi AVTffiN YOU DAHKKX GKAY. FADED IIAIR WITH SAGE TEA Grandmother kept her hair beautl-j I fully darkened, glossy and attractive, I with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. I Whenover her hair took on that dull, i 'faded or streaked appearance, this I simple mixture was applied with won-, I derful effect. By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur J , Comnound.' you will get a large bot-, tie of this old-time recipe, improved liu " "" ""'" c..j..i . ,-. t,y the addition of other Ingredients, .. . . i . r t .... all renuy lo use, ior aooui. ou a-uio "I. -PL can be depended uDon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A we'u known downtown druggist -., KaIh iba TlTvAtho Rflpa nnrl gUVt) eVCIUUU UDC3 ivbtia wB-- Sulphur Compound now because It drtrens s0 naturally nnd evenly that nobodv can tell it has been applied U - easy to u.e. too You simply dampen a comb or soft 'brush and draw ,t through your hair, taking one . aU a Ble By mornlng the T -tr disappears: after , another application or two, it Is restored to Itg nnturai coior ana iookb bjuss, "i nH hont. Klamath Lodge No. 137 L O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall. 5th and Main streets. P. J.Gerges , N. G.; Fred Bremer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewauna Encampment No. 46, I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall. Arlle Wor rel, C. P.; Nate Otterbeln, Scribe; P. L. Fountain Treasurer. RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F.t Bend Stage Phone 276-W r H Ek ?snm STUDIO" Exclusive Portrait 1136 Main St TIMBER FOR SALE Twenty million feet of standing timber for sale cheap. Sawmill and planing mill on premises. DR. T. B. TIMONY, Red Bluff. Calif. ATTENTION My business is making your homes bright and prosperous by Painting, Kalsominlng and Paper Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Phono 103W WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 206 I. O. O. F. Bldg. H DIRK HI ID LOOKVDUNG You Had Better Order Your Winter Wood now Double IxmhI IllorkN 97.00 Green Blab, Mite 9."'0 Green Blub, Fir 9.r0 W. E. SEEHORN CO. 02a Main Bt. Phone 73 FIRE . Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Long Trips Our Specialty Reasonable Rates Phone ISO 822 Klamath Ave. Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main St. Candies PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drinks Peel and Billiards Barber Shop In oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO "Courtesy, and Service" HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davidson Untnmi M nnd HlCVCleB tICIUS- iVely. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Manes, rennsyivuniu and Diamond Tires ana Tuoes. r.. PL RISMARK 115 S. 9th St. Klamath Falto KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do Ali'KInds'of Spring Repair ing New ones Maae to uruer Axle' Stralghtenlrigand Blacksmithlng Alili WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 817 Klamath Ave. FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRY ME PHONE 176-J Phone 340-J 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. Home-Made Pies and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. DR. A. A. SOULE study Anatomy and Surgery, San Francisco, Calif., Dr. J. a. UauK- ero has charge or. my pruciice. Phone 151J Office 402 Main St E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 WllliU Bldg. Klamath falls i- Oregon nWN'l Let your Glass Troubles bo My Troubles. Reglazing done in any part of the city E. C. STUCKY. Carpenter & Cabinetmaker Phone 477W 1024 Main. PROFESSIONAL CAV PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Civics Mrs. Rons McDanlcla, 301 High St Phone 455 WWSAAAAAAA THE PARISIAN HEAUTY SHOP Facial MniHaRlnij;, Hlenching and Facial Packs Manicuring. Shampooing Scalp Treatment 510 Main Phono 800 -::-::::::-:::v:::: H. C. SCHLEEF KATHERINE SCHLEEF 'X l'lijHltliins and Burgeons f. Office, White Mldg. 2 ;..x:xwm:-:::-:x-x,Mm!',w DR. G. A. MASSEY Bnccessor to Dr. Trnax Salt 200, I. O. O. P. Bldg Office phone 80J Res Phone 80M DR. R. B. CRAVER Diagnosis Medicine and Surgery Office over Underwoods Phone 280W 7th and Main DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE BUILDING PHONE 385 DENTISTS Dr. E.V.G. Wisecarver PHONE 854 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 - Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets jWWWi"i"ii FRED WESTERFELD '" DENTIST """ Loomls Bldg., Klamath Falls DR. C. ARAMBO"1"' Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 61 CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY 017 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager- DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician A Surged 8nlte 211, I. O. O. F. Tempi (over K. Kj. K. Store1 Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Phyai clan and Surgeon in KlamHk Fall ) SAW MILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer!) and builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisal's nnd reports made. Dredging. AVn contract to build any class of n building and Install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 140J Office in K. D. Budding J. C. CLEGHORN Civil Engineer nnd Surveyor Office 617 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. Res. 102M. WELL DRILLING Vochatzer Bros. & Klabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls. Oregon :-:x-:x-:"X"X"W-:":"XX"W":"M SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP SUEY AND NOODLE HOUSE Short Order Meals Served. 73 Main Street KLAMATH 'FALLS, ORE. $fr0. 'f