m ml HI j'i t ::; h.oji ic ML Ki S"? s3 p-fias fe PACT TWO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HATUHDAY, HKIri:Mm,;u , FOR SALE- Used Maxwell Truck Enough work in sight to pay for it Howie Garag e lUSTCN (feORGE, OUR BeeS HAVE I , U-J f ITS NICE HoMEVMKVIitKENS GlVCN Oi NIOR-OtoKer THAN Wf I -$ J Hetmema l - BOT WE ftT ivi. ove R CAH EAT IN "' -T ' iTttJ K WWpflKlW A P60KD jfVo it lTSACRiMCTo?euALt OF WAT NICE HONtf FOR, tovAniujiw-xcAST BlV flYTHNi- Tve HEARO 5OM0CH ABOUT THIS PRoriTCCRiNO--I'M Co,NJ tj CAuc I ANVTVIifcJfl I IHRl LsFCTT". Oa-m V ' ' '"' I mmtm ,,"'J?.. j.TTKcr? isoerTiK'i HAVE We ANT HOMEV? -STS" P It Yu-25V A ! T ?0T OU rtMr0Au1V wauut AbHin INLHT 13. P. D. Dou-i 1 tricts. B. E. Jones, Mayor of Newport, was on the stand today. Cross exam ination developed that ho Is the Joint owner with Major Leadbetter of a townslto at the terminus North const Spruce Division Railroad in Lincoln County. Ralph Williams, Republican Natlonnl Committeeman and Albert Abrams, also are interested. PORTLAND. Sept ty, of the Multnomah Lumber and Box Co.. testified that after the air craft board had approved the plan whereby Northwest Spruce districts bo allocated between the Allies and the United States each conducting their own operations, Brigadier Gen eral Dlsque and Major Leadbetter Hocked the plan. The United States was to take the Puget Sound and Yaquina Bay dls- IIKARSE DRIYKRS STRIKE. DUBLIN, Sept. 13. Burials be came nest to an impossibility here to day when hearse drivers struck in sympathy with cemetery employes. Cemetery gates were closed. In one instance soldiers were called in, and the interment took place with men on guard. NEWSPAPER OFFICES PERU ATTACKED BY A DISORDERLY MOB WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 12. Offices of Lapremsa and El Commer cial, at Lima, Poru, have been at tacked by a mob. Tho plants woro partially burned yesterday. Tho homo of Miro Quesado, proprietor of El Commercial, was totally de stroyed by flre. Disorder followed tho mass meet ing that was hold In order to pro test against the conspirators who had plotted against President Lo-1 gula. After tho troublo tho gov ernment ordered tho imprisonment of several of the conspirators. SOLDIERS VIEW BIG TIMEPIECE Todays Anniversaries IS 17 NIcIioIiih Clinrloa Oudlnot, cno of Nnpoloon'H famous marshals, died In I'nrlR. Horn April 2C, 17C7. ! ISiU A Htutuo of Jean of Arc, I LONDON. Sept. 12-Flfly disabled the worK or i-nneess Ainno or r rnnco, !. '........ ,.., t. .. i wih Inaugurated at OrloanB. , OUIUIUI Of "I" wl M II UN I 11111 IU.1L 41 Sit Hot Water for Sick Headaches Tell why everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In It before breakfast leg in tho war and woro tin artificial ono in its place, climbed the 3G0 steps of tho House of Commons tow er tho othor afternoon to study tho mechanism of "Big Ben", tho giant timepiece. The soldiers are being trained by tho Ministry of Labor in watch and clock ropairlug. One, spying tho clock mechanism, exclaimed: "la this tho works? It ISi'iO Gen. Joshuu L. Chiimhorliklu was elected governor of Mnlno. 1874 Gulzot, ono of tho moat re mnrkahlu of modern French states men, dlplnmntistH and hlstorlana, died In l'urls, Horn at Nlmes, Oct. 4, 1737. 1892 Railway lino from Jaffa to Jerusalem was completed. 1893 Tho reliol Brazilian fleet cannonaded Rio do Janeiro for lx "THE TURN IN THE ROAD" FEATURING HELEN JEROME EDDY, BEN ALEXANDER AND ALL-STAR CAST s2?Mbbb9sbbbbbbbbV ' ' gy JIMmsksbbbbbbbbi' ,r -iSW. m.BBBBBBBBBm T flE !JbbbBBBBb1 riBBBBBBBBBBBBBT jt&x&&sgiBi&$$&vtlF bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbk& nn!ffftfwKrMnt b bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkP- flH ?19 ?JBBBBBBBBBBk BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfll & ? w ;&&). V '' IBBBBBBBHf bBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV. Ma ' JVrm&W: sbbbbbbbbt; bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbB rv-' , &IS(W JferBBBBBBMr bbbbbbbbmbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi $ Stiffly $ tejjtfmp yf,xi , ,s ;-, bbbbI mmmWmmm looks more like a blinking printing hours without doing much damage machine". 1914 Second day of tho great A guide told tho party that tho, battle of tho Alano. clock wns designed by Lord Grlm-j HUG Germans under von Hlnilcn thorp and was placed In the toworl ,urK pierced Rualan lino between In 1S59. It has been working fori vilnn and Dvlnsk. 60 years and is still regirded as one 191U TIio Zalmis Ministry In of tho best timekeepers In the world. c,rn. res'gnod The minute hand Is 14 feet longj 1917 Collapso of tho Russian re and weighs 224 pounds, and tho uo,oll jL.,i by Gen. Kornlloff and sur pendulum. which requires two sec- romlor of hg troop8 to Gcni Alexloff. ond3 to complete each swing, wolghs1 m 700 poundB. The bell which Bounds the hours has u diameter of nine feet and weighs 14 tons, the weight ;of the stricking hammers being 7G6 pounds. An electric motor now winds tho clock' in 20 minutes. Formerly it took two men working three after noons a week to complete tho task. ANTWERP GETS ONLY LIVING OKAPI FROM BIG CONGO FORESTS One Year Ago Today in the War Allied alrmon bombed Motz nnd Courcollos. British advaaced near ,'CambHai and around La Dasnoe. Amorlcan forces vlrtunlly eliminat ed St. Mlhlol salient, recovering ap proximately 180 square miles of territory. A wholesome story touching the passions and -virtues -of -a clean-cut group of people presents problems arid of fers cheering solutions : : . : : likely to remain stamped upon the minds of every audience. Los Angeles Examiner. This picture wa3 shown for 8 solid weeks in L03 Angeles, 3 weeks in San Francisco and 2 weeks in Seattle SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS SHOW Matinees, 10 and 25c; Evenings, 15 and 35c. r SUNDAY and B W F IP W HP HT h 1 D R I I m o SULPHUR LONDON, Sept. 13-Hrltlsh nat uralists, who have been confidently expecting that the only live oknpi! in captivity was to be brought to tho zoological gardens in Repents Park, were disappointed today when tho news came lrom Antwerp that the animal had been brought there from the Congo by Dr. Locrum. It was, the gift of Mine. Laml&gham, who&u husband Is in the Congo medical service. Tho okapi Is the survivor of a distant ancestor of the giraffe. An adult stands about five feet high, and although It haa the general shape of the giraffe its neck is rel atively shorter and its forelegs aro not so high in propoition to tho hindquarters. The sides of the anlmal'B head are light fawn color and tho gen eral coloration of ihe body ia a dark purple. Tho most striking charac ter is that the rump and tho upper part of the legs are transversely striped with black and white. It was first known in 1901, having been found in the Semlikl forest, haunting low undergrowth and swamps. This particular specimen was In Mmo. Landaghem's possesion for a number of .years and photographa of It received 'here show it eating out of her hand. Today is tho ono hundredth nnnlv orsary of tho death of Field Mnrshnl von Ilulcher, who commanded tho Prussian troops at Waterloo. Ilondacho of any Kind lg caused br auto-Intoxication which moans wlf poisoning. Llvor and bowd polsom called toxins, sucked luto tho blood through tho lymph ducts, aclte the lieatt which pumps the blood so fait that It congests in the smaller n. Ics and volus of the head, prodiicln vlolont, throbbing pain nnd dlntrew,. called hoadncho. You become ntn ous. despondent, nick, feverish and miserable, your meals wur and almost naiiHcalo you. Then you resort to act aniline, aspirin or the bromides which temporarily relieve but do not rid the blood of tbeso Irritating toxins. A glnsM of hot water with a t apoonfull of limestone phosphate In It dnmk before breakfast for awhile, win not only wash these poisons from your system and euro you of head acho, but will cloanso, purify ud freshon tho entire, alimentary canal. Ask your plmnnnrlst for n quarter pound oMImestone phosphate. It Is la expensive, harmless as sugar, and al most t-imtoleRR, exrept for a wurlih twlngo wheh Ia not iinpleanant. If yon, aren't feeling your best, If tonguo Is eon led or you vake up with bad taste, foul breath or have colds. Indigestion, biliousness, constipation' r aour, arid stomach, begin the phos nliatod hot water cure to rid your systom of toxins nnd poisons. Results aro quick nnd It Is claimed' Mint those who continue tn flush out tho ptomarh. liver nnd bowels eyery morning, nnvcr bnvo nny headache or know a mloernblp moment Adv. COURT OPKNS SISPTKMnnit Si2. GSSS Judge D. V. Kuykendall announced this morning that tho fall sestion of tho circuit court would open on Sep tember 22nd. Now case3 on tho circuit court docket aro L. C. SIsemore versus Ser geant rown, for tho recovory of a promissory noto amounting to $278, A deraurror filed by Reams, Allen and Stone, attorneys for M, Dougan against Klamath County ia tho latest development In tho court liouso caso. Tho caio brought by Dennis Provost versus Marvin French and Claude Daggett, has been dismissed and set tled out of court. Distinction is never accl dental every effect lias a cause . MmmALTJS MOUTHPIECE CIGAKBTTJES have their cause in this the cuoice tobacco in them the skill that blended it the pure mats paper that wraps il and the mouthpiece that cools the smoke. I0orl3c The John Bollman Co. Brunch Manuf.rlulrrt Greatest producers known. aid Want Ads ller- Dassengers and Baggage ANYWHKUK IX Till: TTY QUICK SKHVK'K HK.VSOXAIJM' ItATKN I'HONH K7 WesiernTransferCo. ROOFING Now la tho time to fix that Roof now before tho ri'.n and snow coniP aid make It al most Impossible to do the work, 'i 011 su ve money uy doing It now, and save your property, too. Let mo do your work and It will ho done light. W. D. MILLER Contractor IMiono i-'D.'J MS fltb SI. " 'SlSSSSMMSMWSiMSSBSBSSSllSMSSSSWSSSSSSWSlMSMSMiSSW1 Diseases, of Women a Specialty. MEDFORD,. OREGON. Let us make up your pool car Murphey's Fleed & Seed Store The price is right 126 South sixth si pbo