r1wZSL!2. unit. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE) VIVA flERSONAL MENTION r.rrTliK HUH"'"""" -""" """ JoNO TIIH PKOPLM OK THIS CITY AND VICINITY. SoiNClB AND COMINGS OF LOCAL FOLKS. riryvB,l"r,,,,m - u..l la In tho dry on IhihI- ..!!. .-tin itoin of Co inRn. vain""." j$x to Klamath K.II-. . . ... imi linr homo . White I uaw" ' ;KUnthonH'.oI-I..nK.our. -.i m Mnrcan nro hnro u N zf, nu " ildw-WmBanFranclHCO. . p Spink a In town yoiitonJny JJi51hom.lWent,onBPrlnB Ctk. ....ii.. ... ,lfn with A. it ire in tho city from .lend, Orejo"- It. J. Hponcor arrived IiihI iiIrIiI from Han Francisco, for a fow days vIhII huro. Wnlti-r Keck of Poo Valley, In In town today purclfuslug supplies for IiIh ranch. W. E. I.nmm, of tho I.iinitii hum bur company, Ik In town from Modoc Point on business. J. Frnnk cumn down from Chllo (iu I n nnd In stopping In Klnmatli Fulls over the wook end. Prod Kongo)! drovo n largo band of cnttlo thru KlumiiUi Falls yesterday on IiIh way to Midland, from which point thoy woro to ho shipped to vnrl our in out compnnlos. llllltltttt'H" ,ww. wv . . - QUEEN QUALITY SHOES I The famous snoe ior wwuch. Avuowi.uV !... The Bootery CHAS. P. MAGUIRE : : 713 Main Street ,.(tlfti..i' LIBERTY THEATRE "THE PICK OF TIIK PICTURES" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT GLADYS BROCKWELL IN "PITFALLS OF A BIG CITY" Sunshine Comedy "THE MILK FED VAMP" SATURDAY MARGARITA FISHER IN "THE MANTLE OF CHARITY" Coming Sunday The Big Special "THE TURN OF THE ROAD" DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. HiMtroo Dlolin left on tho morning tiuln for Hnn FrunclHco, whero ho ox peels to spend tho wlntor. Ii. K. lllglowu drovo ovor from Mod ford yesterday for r short busl ncHH trip In Klamath county. j I K. It. Reams, president of tho First National Hank, loft thin morning for IiIh homo at Mountain Vlow, Califor nia. . Edward honoris, of Camas, Wash ington arrived In tho city yesterday nnd Ik stopping hero ovor tho week end. I Mr. and Mrs, A. Dorlio and daugh-' tor. IlcailtV. left thin mnrnlnir fnr " i Murshfloltl to mnko their future home. Mrs. Cora Sanderson, who has been hero looking after buslnosn matters for the past week, left this morning for Corvallls. Robert K, Htrahorn Is spending a fow days In town on business connect ed with his railroad which Is being lullt In UiIh section. Mrs. Jcnnlo Dlbblo returned to her homo In California this morning after a visit of several weeks with Mrs. Ivy Morris, of this city. Mrs. II. II. McLaln and children loft this morning Tor Coqulllc, Ore gon, whero they will visit Mrs. Mc I.aln's sister, Mrs. C. E. Mulkoy. MI.hs Dorothy Conger, accompanied by her mother and brothor, Ted Con ger, drovo In from their summer homo on Recreation Creek yesterday. Mies Mary Dunigon, Who has been on n vucatlon trip to Portland and Bend, has returned and is once more on duty at tho Blackburn hospital. Mrs. Etta Kllgore, who was rushed In from her homo at Uonanza in a precarious condition, Sunday, Is much better today. She will be tuken i home Saturday If sho continues to Improve. Carl Dlcrnian, who has beev em ployed by tho Western Transfer Co., for some time, loft this morning for i San Franclhco, where he expects to spend suernl months. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K. Phelps. 'I I left on the train this morning for Oakland, California, where they will j VIHll 1IICUI1B Win iwvv. next two or three weks. PER CENT PER CENT PER CENT PER CENT One lady remarked, "I have lived in Klamath Falls for 14 years and this is the first time I have ever received any advan tage by paying cash for goods. I surely shall do my trading here." If you buy goods worth 25c to 35c, you will save lc. If you buy goods worth 40c to 55c, you will save 2c If you buy goods worth 60c to 70c, you will save 3c If you buy goods worth 80c to 90c, you will save 4c If you buy goods worth $1.00, you will save 5c It is a small thing in itself, but multiply the amount you are paying for your groceries each month by five and the sum you will save will surprise you. We have just received a ship ment of choice Cane and Maple Syrup in pint and quart cans,' priced at 50c to 75c the can. Dried Fruits will be high this fall, but we have a supply of KING'S DEHYDRATED FRUIT in packages that we bought early and are offering at 25c the pack age. This is a big saving in this line. COFFEE All standard brands at 55c the pound and a good quality bulk coffee at 35c saves you money and will give satisfaction. We are selling CRISCO at less than the wholesale price to day, 33 l-3c the pound. This is the best and cheapest shortening on the market today. THE WINNEK CO. TWENTY-ONK PUPILS ATTEND Twenty-one pupils are attending tho dancing classes being conducted at tho Mooso hull by Prof. L. A. Hepburn on Monday, Friday and Saturday nights. Classes will bo discontinued at tho White Pelican hotel and all fu ture classes conducted by tho danc ing master will be at the Mooso hall on tho abovo named evenings, tonight's Clara will start at 8 o'clock and instruction will bo given on tho waltz and fox trot. Good 5 passenger Overland fully equipped. Price ?C00.OO. Seo Bill Lee. 11-tf S mmW'mmwj0SS9mmmmmmrSmimmm tittle H sLWMm wJ mmrmm firMB linmjj m K4KmmwmmmAm Iet Uncle Sam de licr for ou by parcel post. GOOD FOR ANY Head of the Family Wild Root Hair Tonic, two sizes 60c and $1.00 Rexall "93" Hair Tonic, two sizes 60c and $1.20 Dike's Quinine and Sage, two sizes 50c and $1.00 Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, two sizes 75c and $1.25 Puroer Hair Tonic S1-00 Our Own Hair Tonic .'. 75c Hall's Hair Renewer ,... $L20 Q Ban Hair Tonic :. 60c Penaurd's Eau Quinine $1-00 Danderine .... 35c, 60c, $1.25 Plus War tax. You Ever See a Bald-Headed Indian? Daniels Lauds Canadi ans in a Fine Address (Continued from page 1 that a certain policy ho had proposed was "impossible." Mr. Cobdon replied "If that is true we shall begin at once for we haVe much to do." Era of Prosperity Americans and Canadians know they have only touched the resources of their countries. The same devo tion to tho common objects of vic tory in peace that was dominant In war will bring new and larger pros perity than we have known. The first step to national develop ment Is to cure International peace and to remove tho fear that hangs over small nations. It is a glory of tho English Bpeaklng nations that, thoy were qulto as whole-heartedly united in Paris to draft a League of Nations to garner tho fruits of war as they were to win tho peace which only internal vigilance will preserve. I America and Great Britain, France.' Italy and other free nations which were united In war are united in peace. Tho world looks to them to mob ilize to peuco as they mobilized for war. Thoy have taken the first step, who will take tho necessary steps until unborn conditions will point to the establishment of tho Leaguoj of Nations as the greatest event in history slnco tho wise men of tho East saw tho star at Bethlehem? WTLIi ATTEND SESSION. Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg, who was chosen as the Rebeckah delegate from the state of Oregon to attend the Ses sion of the Sovereign Lodge of the Odd Fellows, to be held in Baltimore, Maryland on September 15th, left this week on her eastern journey. Mrs. Wattenburg is a woman who has done a great deal for club life and philanthropic work in Klamath Falls during her residence here. She has held important offices in all the Improvement clubs and uplife societ ies, formed by the women of the community. The Test. It has been suggested that after you've made a batch of homebrewed booze according to a selected recipe you should pour some of the decoc tion in the sink and if it doesn't take the enamel off It's fit to drink. HOUSTON' Metropolitan Amuwuuienta MANY ENJOY HEAR MEAT. The neighbors of Mrs. Carlyle Ya den have, for the past week, been feasting upon the meat of a. big black bear, killed by the young woman while camping at Duck lake. It all happened this way: Mr. Yaden was away from camp in search of his horses, that had strayed during the night. Upon his return what should he find in front of the tent but a big black bear, which had been killed by his wife during his absence. It is reported that the first remark to leave Mr. Yaden's lips was, "Are you sure that he is dead?" ?WMWVWWW,WWftWftWrt, HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING Weduexday & Buitnrday Night-s. Fopoiar Jazz Orchestra STAR THEATER TODAY Artcnift IVeHcnts ELSIE FERGUSON "HIS PAIUSIAN WIFE" AIM) Five Acts of Screen Vaudeville A Burton Travelogue. S. D. A. ANNOUNCEMENT. The Seventh Day Adventlst Meet ings Saturday Sabbath School, 10 a. m. Preaching services 11 a. m. Y. P. M. V. S. Saturday at 3. p. m. Preaching every evening except Sat urday at 8 p. m. at tho Orpheus theu tre. By request Pastor Theumler will answer the question, "Why am I a Seventh Day Adventlst." ACADEMY WILL RECEIVE PUPILS Until the capacity of tho school Is reached, day pupils will bo received I at the Sacred Heart Academy, whore tho most careful attention will be giv en, to tho thorough training of your child. Full particulars may be secur ed by calling at tho Convent, Soventh and Pine streets or at the Academy. For the presont wo nro unable to ac commodate any more boarders, hut applications will bo recolvod and in cose there is a vacancy It will bo filled from the list of applicants In the order in which they nro filed.. 0-tf ' Sacred Heart Academy. SUMMONS. (Equity No. 1096.) In Tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, For Klamath County. J. T. Perkins, Plaintiff, vs Tommlo Luella Perkins, Defendant. To To mm I o Luella Perkins, Defend ant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON; You the hereby requir ed to Appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before October 24th, 1919, that being the last day of the time prescribed in the order ior publication of this summons, the date of first publication hereof, belli e September 12th, 1919; and If you fail to so answer, for want thereof, plain tiff will apply to the above entitled Court for decree against you, dissolv ing tho bonds of matrimony now ex isting between you and the plaintiff herein. This summons is served by publica tion in the Evening Herald, a daily newspaper, printed, published and, of general circulation in Klamath Coun ty, Oregon, by order of tho Hon. D. V. Kuykendall, Judge of tho above en titled court, made and entered on September 11th, 1919, whlph orders requires that this summons be pub lished once a week for six weeks. II. C. GROESBECK, Attorney for Plaintiff Address: Klamath FaHs, Ore. 12-19-2C-3-10-17-24 Admission 10 & 20 cents Doon open at 7 p. m. rEMPLE THEATER TODAY Jesse L. Losky Presents DUSTIN FAKNUM .DUSTIN FARHUM UtU- "Tho Gentleman From Indiana." Also Pathe News Lutest Current Events. And A Good Comedy. Admission Matinee 10 & 15 cents Evenings 10 & 20 cento MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PHmTREfc TUESDAYS AlfD BATUBDAYM MnrrUI. Orftfoo