The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 12, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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la. U.
The Evening Herald
City Editor
Published dally except Sunday by
The Herald Publishing Company of
-Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth Street.
Entered at tho postofflco at Klam
ath Falls, Oro., for transmission thru
tho malls as second-class mattor.
Subscription terms by mall to nny
address in the United States:
One year $5.00
One month GO
English Roml Eagerly Kvcry Item
Publishes.! Concerning Altitude of
tho Unltotl States Toward Prolil
bit Ion llcllcvo It Pcrnuuicnt
Member of tho Associated Press
The Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
jot all news dispatches credited to It
or not otherwise credited In this pa
yer, and also local news published
All rights of republication of spe
cial dispatches herein are also reserv-
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Sopt. 12. Torr
balloons roprosontlnR nix cltlos will
compete In tho nntlonal balloon rnco
to start from horo Oct. 1, according
to announcement of Major A. 1). Lam
bert, of tho Missouri Aeronautical
Society, who Is directing tho coritcst.
Four of tho ontrants wore formerly
balloon Instructors In the army.
Tho on try list follews: Captain El-
mor G. Mnrshuetz, St. Louis; Capt.
LONDON, Sept. 12. Hrltons are I Carl W. Uammann, Wichita, Knnsns;
deeply Interested in what Is called tho j Ernest S. Colo, St. Louis; John S.
"American prohibition oxporimont," McKlbben, St. Louis; G. L. lium
and every published statement con- bnugh, Indianapolis; H. E. Honoy
cernlng the situation and tho attitude well, Kansas City. Mo., Ralph Upson,
I Atrnn O Wnrrnn Rnanr llrnnkvllln
.v, " . ,. .iwwa f luvninu,
SEATTLE, Wash., September 11.
Alaska's dwindling silver horde
tnust be built up at once if the
salmon industry of the North Pa
cific is to continue, according to Dr.
t3. H. Gilbert, zoology professor of
"Stanford University, who has long
heen recognized as a world authority
'en the SB'pion, Pr, Gilbert re
cently arrived here from the north,
where as a special assistant In the!
of tho American public toward the
now order Is eagerly road.
The latest addition to such con
tributions Is by the Archdeacon of
Warrington, Canon Howson, who has
just returned from New York, and
who unqualifiedly endorsed the law.
I His impressions, concisely stated, are
as follews:
"Prohibition has como to stay In
the states. Those most opposed to it
accept tho Inevitable. Tho?o who have
paved tho way for it aro facing law
enforcement. A very largo majority,
to Judge to hearsay and eyesight,
agree that It Is tho best .thins; for
America. Tho threats of 'no beer'.
no work' and 'riot and revolution'
aro empty vaporlngs, and the work of
the states and cities is going on un
impaired. Smuggling of liquor will
go on for a time, but by Januar the
government will have tho situation
well In hand. Prosperity Is the result.
Instead of saloons at the corners of
the streets, banks are appearing.
Hnpplng?? In the homo, hitherto un
known, has appeared on every lund
O.; William Assman, St. Louis; Paul
M. McCullough, St. Louis.
Most of tho contestants, according
to Mnjor Lambert will fly newly con
structed balloons built with a view to
breaking all established long distance
and enduranco records.
Prizes of $500 for tho wlnnor, and
$300 and $200 for second and third
places, respectively, hnvo boon offer
ed by tho Missouri Aeronautical -clety.
United States Bureau of. Fisheries, and children and young ptfoplo ore
Jfftpent the summer studying con-i having their opportunity.
"A dry America will be a terrific
rival to countries which are" wet,"
says tho Archdeacon. "All business
men had better recognize this if they
have not already done so. Dryness
doe3 not kill joy. I voyaged on a
dry ship and a wet one, and the ex
perience was illuminating. I hav-i
Silver wanderers of the sea, the
'gdekeye, tho king and the other sal
irioH, are simply being fished out,
Dr. Gilbert reports. "With every
canner eager to prevent the fish
ltom returning to their fresh water
spawning ground and fishermen and
Bill netters catching tons of salmon realized the marvelous power of
A Mouthful
The Congressional Commltteo on
Expenditures by tho War Department
took a Jaunt to Franco to have Gen.
Pershing testify boforo It.
In telling the commitee to "go to"
Pershing was perhaps shy on diplo
macy but we're suspicious he said
something that expressed tho entiro
A. E. F's affection for Congress
trout, which ate only half-grown sal
mon, th esalmon simply hasn't a
chance for survival," he asserted.
Stringent protection laws are
needed. Dr. Gilbert believes. "Man
destroyed the salmon horde and it
will be for man to build it up again
If the salmon Industry Is to con
tinue," he said recently. "Only strict
legislation that will close the prin
cipal fishing grounds to trapmen and
nets for years to come will prevent
the extinction of the salmon. Today
rivers that once supplied the largest
number of fish furnish but a hand
ful compared with their former
"There is nothing that can take
the place of the salmon. This sum
mer In many places I saw only thou
sands of fish where years ago mill
ions used to swarm.
"It's all an old story. We have
preached our tale for years and we
cannot convince these men who
jnake money enough in the big years
to afford to lose in the lean ones that
they are killing the goose and that
the golden eggs will shortly cease to
whole-hearted enthusiastic organlza
tlon as never before.
"America," added the Archdeacon,
"has no desire to thrust hereelf or
her views on Great Britain. She has
discovered a good thing. She onlv
wants to tell the good news and If In
any way she can help progress, she is
there to render that help."
PARIS, Sept. 12. Inhabitants of
(the mountains of Montenegro live In
ignorance of the most elementary
rules of hygiene and the strangest
superstitions concerning diseases still
I flourish among them, says a report of
I the mission of the American Red
i Cross which has Just returned from
' that country.
The mountainers believed that phy
, sical ailments were carried on the
1 wings of baleful breezes and that
I contagious diseases were distributed
I during dark nights by evil spirits.
1 Thus they slept with their windows
PORTLAND, Sept. 11 Tho follow
ing Information has just been issued
by Milton A. Miller, collector of in
ternal revenues!
"In view of the grave and extend
ed abuses of the use of Completely
P&mhired Alcohol reported, it is i
deemed necessasy to print nfloD the I
labels aftixed to tohntaniQ and retail
packages a further and more specific
warning a to Its use than Is shown
on the present required label.
In addition to the present matter
on the labels there will be required
on all new labels hereafter, the print
ing in large letters in red Ink under
the skull and bones symbol the werd:
POISON, and at the bottom of the
label there will be printed the f6I
lowlng statement:
"Completely Denatured Alcohol is
a violent poison. It cannot be applied
externally to human or animal tissue
without seriously injurious results.
It cannot be taken internally with
out inducing blindness and general
physical decay, ultimately resulting
in death.
Until tho present stocks of labels
are exhausted this additional matter
may be affixed to the containers on a
separate label pasted above the pres
ent required label."
We wish to announce to our many customers who have sent
us mail orders for school books, that the supply of books is ex
hausted. For this reason we have not been able to fill the orders.
Within the next day or two we expect to be able to ship most of
the books asked for, although it will be two or three weeks before
some of them arrive. Among those so delayed are Spelling
Books, Davis' Productive Farming, Stories of American History
and 'several others. There are also six or eight high school books
that are not expected for several weeks. We will commence to
fill mail orders just as soon as books are received.
-- JC TlTT M fT"IT T Tm T T r -v I -i 'vt
w .& a a vii i n r v i .i ,.. inrr.lil ll"l
Mi 'Til I
The annual business meeting of
the members of the Klamath County
Red Cross will be held at the City
Hall In tho council chamber on
Tuesday, September 16, at 4 p. m.
Every one who has paid the $1.00
membership dues last Christmas Is a
hermetically sealed and tuberculosis , memner and is entitled to vote. Each
I reigned supreme. The peasants re-'memDer jB urged to be present and
icelved the advices, suggestions and! ,. fn iprt nn v,,,itiVn committee
coast ma(iclne 0f the American Red Cross jfor tne COmlng year, hear the an-
Recent wage advances to ship and
dock workers on the Pacific
win nave to be met with higher
freight and passenger rates.
One coastwise steamship company
handling passengers and freight
o".;, "... " " .""" 1UBetlbeing too small. He refused to make
uuuu iu nave 10 raise a million., . ,,. .. .. i ,.ii.i
use ui wits uiiuaeiJLiu gu.gic oujji'.ivu
without enthusiasm
One aged man suffering from a
chronic affection of the throat lnslsi-
nual reports of the work room and
the treasurer and other committees.
Also to talk over tho peace-time plans
a miiion dollars a year will have
to come out of the pockets of tho
public and that will be added to the
cost of living.
The new wage scale of course will
benefit labor, but there Is one ele
ment of unfairness about the whole
proposition, to-wlt:
The advanced wage scale is retro
active to August 1, while it will
take three months to get advances In
freight and fares.
The steamship companies win
have to go before the Interstate Com- C1,lcaE ColleB ot Medicine and Sur
merce Commission and the State eery
public service commissions. I Dr- Stewart practiced In Washing-
They will have to get out newlton' D- C, for a year and a halt
schedules and file them, have hp-ir I Prior to entering the Borvlce at the
ed that it was caused Dy his tongue for tne local Red Crosa worli Lot
us not lose Interest In this great
organization but lend a hand to re
organize it on a peace-tlmo basis so
that we may be ready for any emer
gency and use tho organization for
making a better community.
by the Red Cross until a doctor told
him it would make his tongue grow.
He was the most surprised Montene
grin In the world when after a few
days he was cured.
Klamath Falls Is to have a new
surgeon and physician In the person
,of Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart, of the
Today s Anniversaries
1819 Field Marshal von niuchor,
who commanded the German trops at
Waterloo, died In Sllesln. Horn In
Mecklenburg-Schwerln, Dec. 16, 1742
1848 Switzerland adopted a new
federal constitution.
1908 Orvlllo Wright made an
aeroplane flight of 1 hour 10 minutes
and 24 seconds at Fort Myor, Va.
1910 Tho chief officials of sever-'
al of the big packing companies were
irdicted by a Federal giund jury at'
Chicago. I
1911 An eruption of Mount Etna, ,
Sicily, caused thousands in the neigh-,
boring villages to abandon their .
homes and flee In panic. i
1914 Allies advanced against
German entrenchments on the Aisno. i
1915 Austria rushed reinforce-'
ments to tho Italian front.
191C Russians mado heavy at-'
tar-ks In East Gallcla and on the low-1
er Stokhod River.
1917 Steamship Minnehaha sunk'
eff Irish coast, with loss of ii0 lives.
Shoes Dress and Shoes Work
at reasonable Prices
The historic town of Concord,
Mass., today enters upon its 285th
year, having been Incorporated on
Sept. 12, 1635, 15 years after tho
landing of the Pilgrims.
ings and get authority to collect tho
higher rates.
Wages and earnings of large em
ployers subject to state control
should get together If the compa
nies stay In business. The Manufacturer.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11. Tho
American embassy at Mexico City Is
Investigating the unconfirmed reports
that three Americans, including two
named Jones Ferguson of Tamlco,
have been captured by bandits who
blew up the train between San Luis
Potiosi and Tampico.
outbreak of the war. He was sta
tioned In a base hospital and in the
marine barracks at Quantlco, Vir
ginia, several months. Later the
doctor was on the medical staff of
a marine regiment for six months
land attended wounded soldiers who
wero transferred from France to the
United States, for live months. After
a short time spent at Annapolis in
tho naval school, Dr. Stewart, who
mot Dr. Hardin Carter while in the
Borvlce, decided to locato hero with
offices in connection with Dr. Carter.
Mrs. Stewart Is also a doctor and
was an ofllcer In tho public health
service during the war. She does
,not intend to practice here.
Today's Birthdays
Rt. Hon. H. H. Asqulth, formor
British prime minister, born In York
shire, 67 years ago today.
Sir George Perley, Canadian High
Commissioner in London, born at Le
banon, N. H., 62 years ago today.
Dr. Francis E. Clark, founder and
head of tho United Society of Chris
tian Endeavor, born at Aylmer, Que
bec, 68 years ago today.
Henry J. Allen, tho present gover
nor of Knnsns, born In Warren Coun
ty, Pa., 51 years ago today.
Milton H. Smith, presldont of tho'
Louisville & Nashvlllo Railroad, born
in, Chautauqua County, N. Y., 83
years ago today.
One Year Ago Today
in the War
Don't forget that we are headquarters for
Men's Fine Dress Shoes. And if it's Work Shoes
you want, we are leading the town with our line of
Buckingham & Hc'cht Shoes.
Drop in today and let us convince you that we
can save you money on your footwear.
Men's Exclusive Shoe Store
727 Main Street Klamath Falls, Ore.
French and Americans attacked
both .sidety of St. Mihlel salient.
First American "ace," Lieut. David
E. Putnam, killed an aerial battlo.
Thirteen mlllon men registered un
der tho new draft In the United
It'H an Old ,OId Stunt.
The schedule for the ninth day of of Hallucinations,
President Wilson's tour of tho West I
provides for an address to bo dellvor
ored this morning at Coeur D' Aleno,
Idaho and another at Spokane, Wash,
this evening.
Did you ever stop to thing that It
was St. Paul who originated tho follow-up
letor system whon ho wroto
his celebrated epistles to the Corin
thians? From tho Viewpoint of Home Re
publican Senators it is tho Leaguo
I Morchonts lunch at 11 a. m. to
P. m. Crater Cafo 7th St. z,t
J Dost yot. Herald Want Ada
-H--H--fr---M"J-'J. ..)
You may select a home to suit you
In any part of tho City. Can arrange
easy payments for you. See them to
day. I have two or three of tho best in
vestments In the city for the right
party. Excellent income proportlea
now, and gottlng hotter nil tho time.
Tako advantage of Klamath's pro
gress at once. There never was a
better tlmo.
If you need money on your homo,
or the home you would llko to build,
See me.
620 Main .St. Phone 320R
Public Stenographer
Notary Public Court Reporter
211 WlllltH IildK.
Klamath Palls Oregon
Typewriting machines bought,
sold, rented or exchangod. Spe
cial rates to students. Type
writing supplies. and stationery.
Phono 120
One hundred and forty
head of fine wool and
Corrdale Bucks
for sale. Prices reason
able. E. M. HAMMOND
Merrill, Ore.