The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 12, 1919, Image 1

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p?g lEunfttQ limtlfr
klamath COUNT
Fourteenth Year-No, 3,726
Price, Five Ccntt
Resident Draws Vivid Pic
itUre of World Aflame
IhHort Chief Executive flay That
-Ha U Anwiwl That Some Men
W.nt to Bejoct Treaty of Ponce
Brtlirly Member of American
Pe Mtolon Mk Martllng
SUtement OI Lowing'
COUEIl D'ALENE, Idaho. Sopt.
jj,. president Wilson made Mb
mj addresi today In a largo tont In
Smtor Borah's homo etato. Tho
tent wu not Mlod but tho crowd
.rtood and cheered when Governor
Dull Introduced tho President.
,Tlt President, In ftrscuBalng tho
peace treaty, drow a vivid picture of
tkj world aflamo unless tno uocu
jnutwaa accepted. Ho said that ho
toild readily understand why inon
nltlit differ as to tho details of tho
treaty; he said that ho was amazed
that some wanted to reject It alto-
ether. It was Amerlcu that waved
the world, declared tho chlof execu
tive, and now It Is proposed In soinu
quarters for Iter to "desert tho
Referring to tho arbitration
daises ot tho Lcaguo of Nations,
President Wilson said that soniu con
jreumen don't like them. "Thera
it only ono conceivable reason for
them sot liking them and that Ir
the United States desires to do some
treat power harm. To mo as an
American that Is not a concolvablo
President Wilson will speak In
Spokane this afternoon.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Sopt. 12.
William C. Uullltt, formerly attached
to the American peace mission, toa-
Uled before the Senato forolgn re
lations comraltteo that Secrotary of
State Lansing told him In Paris laHt
Mar that If tho "Senato and tho
American people knew what tho
laty meant It would bo defeated."
The Columbus, Ohio, resolutions
Wising the ratification of tho
fwty In tho present form, wore
tat unanimously adopted by tho
wnd Army Itopubllc dologatcs.
Wonel James Bell of Brooklyn was
"Wed commander-in-chief.
Being dissatisfied with tho bids
1 (We,Tbraltte'l tor tho Improve
thn(otJeh'Bhways of tho county,
J tate Highway Commission at Its
Wbjj this week decided to call for
ld and set October 7th as tho
' Pen which they will bo open-
TOswouldseom to Indicate that
case of goodbye to any cxtend-
iSzement ot tho ronda of th
'hra 1 , yCar and rosldonta will
aud !, tho Bamo condition of
ZTZmt caU8Qd tho up-
M K " T Wh0 nro hnnng It
Klamath County would be far
" erad"ltloldtht
Wot It i money and make a
Plendld n?' fr )Udg,nB from th0
i.oJ "e88" " has been
tttyth. ?r",8year'lt will cost the
UtlilT. ma what lt 8hW
' hem , " beS,dos boln ou tho
what i i" Wn road work aloo.
aanent. do BhouId bo Pf-
''hlntn 5 W1U b0 vvolcomod
'Hirer....8 on toaay. which Is tho
I'SUliMni , ! ''inning of tho
," drlvo- America's first
" the war.
Tho majority of Klamath Falls
IK) op I (i nro no doubt unaware
Mrs. L. A. HumphroyH, who has been
conducting tho mtccussful food dem
onstrations In tho local stores of
Bwlft & Company, products holds tho
distinction of bolng tho first woman In
tho United Stutos to mako a loaf
of substltuto bread.
Mrs. IIumphroyB didn't stop with
broad, howovor, as sho mado HUet
pudding without any whlto flout-,
cookies, short cako and plo crust of
substitutes. And It was Mrs. Hum
phreys who offered tho suggestion
that corn flour bo shipped Into Ore
gon. Balfour, Guthrlo & Co. and
Crown Mills acted upon this and tho
first carload of corn flour wuh shipped
from tho Middlo West into Oregon
as a substitute Hour.
Meier & Frank Company adopted
Mrs. Humphreys' recipe for substl
tuto bread, calling It "Conservation
Hroad." On tho first day thoy sold
C61 loaves', which woro not de
livered but carrlnd homo in the
hands of tho purchaser.
Tho Log Cabin bakery took the
samo formula and sold It undor tho
namo of "Wholosomo Llborty" bread.
Tholr first day's sales totaled G000
Mrs. IIumphroyB left this morning
for Portland. While In Klamath
Falls sho gnvo many Interesting and
Instructive cooking lessons to tho
Indies of tho city, besides her dem
onstrating work In bohulf of her
Many Staple Artlclr of Food Will
Ho Hcaico Throughout England
During the Winter No IUho Ex
pected In Price of Sugar .
OiiNolino Hupply in Kliiniutii Fulls
Completely Exhausted Fho Days
Itcfuro Relief Can lie Secured
From New Shipments
Klamath Falls is 'gasless' and In
dications aro that no Immediate ro
llot can bo looked for boforo a three
day period.
Local officials of both tho Union
Oil and Standurd Oil Companies
placo tho causo of tho dlro shortage
as bolng duo to a curtailment in pro
duction, shortage of cars and tanks,
and tho fact thut Europo is drawing
hoavily on tho output of tho Ameri
can producers and refiners. Uoth tho
abovo named hnndlors of gasollno
aro completely out. However tho
Standard Oil Company jecoived word
this morning that thoy would have,
10,000 gnllonB on Monday, whllo tho
Union Oil company expects relief the
early part of tho noxt week.
According to local garago men au
to owners will not bo put to any spo
clal inconvenlenco In that distlllato
can bo Obtained in abundance. They
sny that more powor can bo secured
from distlllato than gasollno, tho big
drawback bolng that distlllato is of
little ubo for motor operation until
tho onglno Is woll-wnrmod. Tho W.
E. Soohorn Company Is experiment
ing today in oporntlng tholr wood
trucks with distlllato, tholr supply
of gasollno having been completely
Both tho Klamath Dyo Works and
tho D, & M. Cleaning Company will
bo unablo to cloun clothes if thoy do
not get a supply of gasollno within
the noxt 24 hours. Thoy cannot use
distillate in cleaning with any sue-
Lato this afternoon Mr. Colvln ad
vised the Herald that he had boon
succossful In borrowing nearly a hun
drod gallons of gasollno and this ho
would reserve for the exclusive use of
physicians. He will not deliver lt and
lt will be supplied only to doctors
who come In person. This is done for
the purpose of making It possible to
keep tho cars belonging to physicians
In use.
YOItK, Eng., Uopt. 12. Abund
ance of Imported meat, bacon, mar
gcrlne, cheese, rice ,tea, sugar and
applca Is assured tho peoplo ot Oreat
Britain the coming winter by the
authorities but homo grown prod
ucts such as milk, meat, butter and
dried fruits, It Is Bald, will bo scarce
and costly.
Meanwhile tho government food
control will continue in order that
rich and poor alike may share In
the avallablo Bupplies. Nothing Ilko
tho hardships endured during tho
last two years of the war is antici
pated becauso the government su
pervision and distribution will not
bo so rigorous as when Halg's army
had Its "back to tho wall."
Tho expenso of feeding and fat
tening cattio Is tho factor that will
make homo-grown meat s'carce. Hay
and oat cropH are abnormally short,
and root yields In some parts of the
country aro almost a failure. Cattio
"cake," which will have to bo used
more freely, Is raoro expensive than
,last year.
Tho same considerations apply to
milk. Tho prlco for August was
fixed at 68 cents per gallon to tho
dairymen, and for September at 75
cents. Last winter it was 20 cents
a quart, but higher prices aro ex
pected the coming winter.
Thoro Is plenty of tea in tho coun
try, but transportation systems are
so out of Joint, dealers say, it will
cost more to handlo and distribute it.
liacon prices aro rising In America,
which makes tho British price, port
and dock dolays, due to strikes and
tho general apathy ot labor, contrib
ute to higher prices.
Nobody Is worrying about sugar
except as to prices. Tho sugar com
mission has been very active in tho
general market, and has obtained
enough to last the country until the
end of the year at prices which, it
is declared, are a littlo below the
avorago of Europo, but, of course,
much higher than tho American
price. If the commission had to go
into the market now it would be
compelled to pay as much for sugar
as the presont retail price and as it
will likoly have to do that early next
year the consumer expects to pay
Apples are higher and scarce, the
controlled prlco bolng 18 cents a
pound. It is expected, however, that
tho lino crop hero In England will
servo to reduce this price materially
beforo tho wlntor comes.
Uakors and tho government ex
pect to lncrense tho cost of broad.
Thoro are abundant wheat supplies
in Australia and tho Argentine, but
tho scarcity of shipping makes Im
mediate delivery possible Eng
land must depend on tho United
Statos and Canada which, tho au
thorities say, means costlier loaves.
In Anmvcr to tho Complaint About
the Increased Cost for Books, tho
Managers of Local Stores Present
Their Hide of the Controversy
NEW YORK, Sept. 12. Samuel
Gompers, president of tho Amorlcan
Fodoratlon of Labor, appealed to the
Boston policemen today to return to
tholr work', ponding a conference
that will bo hold with President Wil
son on October 6th.
1 0 T T IN
PORTLAND, Sopt. 12. United
States District Forester George H.
Cecil testified today that ho recom
mended to Brigadier General Dlsque
in April 1918, that the Clallam coun
ty spruco should be tapped by rail
road via Clallam Bay and tho Hokeo
River routo over which tho Goodyear
Lumber Co., would build its railroad
for 15,000,000.
Instead of this Dlsque adopted a
$40,000,000 routo after conferring
with the Milwaukee railroad officials.
Testimony today ahowod that the
Hammond Lumber Company, In Clat
sop County got '4G2,000 for 2,234,
000 feot of spruce. Thoy built tho
railroad and acquired lt In settle
ment. Dlsquo announced that ho
would not testify again until the
hoarlnga at Washington D. C.
Following up the complaint that
has been made about tho increased
cost ot school books. Tho Herald call
ed upon C. H. Underwood of Under
wood's Pharmacy and Carl Plath of
tho Star Drug company, and these
gentlomon were perfectly willing to
submit the matter to tho Judgment of
the people of Klamath county. When
the state law was passed some years
ago it provided for a change to be
made in text books every six years. It
also provided that the maximum al
lowed for handling these books
should bo fifteen percent. This in
cluded transportation charges. Add to
this tho overhead and theso stores
lose money in handling the books.
Unquestionably It is a great accom
modation to tho parents to have the
stores handlo books, but should not bo
expected to handle them at a loss. If
the parents had to sond away for
books and pay the postage, the prices
would bo far in excesg of that charg
ed here, not taking Into consideration
tho delay of many days. Tho postage
from Portland on the average book
would be about eight cents.
In regard to the question of prices,
Mr. Underwood said:
"School 'books are handled at a
positivo loss and the only reason we
handle them at all Is that a multi
tude of people are brought to the
store and wo consider this to be good
advertising. In other words, we are
accommodating the public by selling
tho books, but we endeavor to give
them the best of service. It has been
our custom, whenever necessary, to
order books by wire, have them sent
by express and to do everything in
our power to render real service to'
our customers and the schools."
Tho reply qf Mr. Plath was sub
stantially the same. "Our business is
no different from any other," said
Mr. Plath, "Wo have our expenses
and they havo Increased Just the
samo as tho cost of handling every
other business has increased. The
margin allowed by the state was
made years ago and it does not take
Into consideration the increase in
freight, express and telegraph serv
ice which we have to stand. We actu
ally lose monoy on the present way
of operating. Wo have never sought
to make a profit, but wo ought to at
least have a chance to break even and
this wo nro not do'ng."
In response to telegrams sent by
tho county school superintendent,
Miss Twlla Head, and the Women's
Improvement Club, Stato Superinten
dent Churchill hag replied that he
has taken the matter up with the J.
K, Gill'company, which -concern has
tho handling of the books for the
state, and that he is in receipt of a
lotter from them stating that books
would be sold at tho prlco stipulated
by the law.
MONTAUBAN, France, Sept. 15
Censorshlp still exists in some re
spects in Franco. Commenting up
on a law which lt believed to be Il
legal, a local newspaper recently
published an article beginning: "One
need not obey unjust laws and
The censor ran a blunt blue pencil
through tho sentence. For several
days the paper attempted to put that
sentence In print crediting lt in turn
to St. Thomas, Leo XIII, Minos, Solon
Lycurgus and Aristotle but the cen
sor crossed it out every time.
JUARESi, Mex., Sept. 12-Mexlco
City papers received uer tell of
President Carranza's plan for re
organnnlzing tho entiro Constitution
alist army. Tho reorganized army
will Include ton generals of division,
63 generals of brigade, and 200
brigadier generals, tho two latter
ranks being distinctive in the Mex
ican army, Tho other officers will
includo 4,223 superior officers and
10,600 minor officers,
Miniature bride and groom In
wedding colors posed in tho center
of tho table, placo cards, gay hues,
lco cream, wedding cake, merry
guests, genuine surprise such were
the thlngB that greeted L. R. Kirk-
ham, assistant manager of the Stan
dard Oil Company, when he was
taken to the home of some of his
frlonds last night.
And lt all happened when news
of Mr. Klrkham's coming marriage
was taken from the realms of se
crecy to the confidence of his friends.
Ten or more of his friends greet
ed him with the gay spread he saw
that the bird of secrecy had flown,
and told all.
Besides the hostesses Mlbs Helene
and Helen Guest those who attended
the Joyful gathering were L. B. Kirk
ham, Charles Darnell, Joe Clements,
W. W. Morris, Ivollne McLaughlin,
Wlnnlfred Bondy, Eunice Van Den
burg and Sam Leonard.
Mr. Kirkham will leave Saturday
morning for Sacramento, where he
will marry Miss Ruth Higglns, a tal
ented Sacramento girl, at the home
of the bride's parents either Monday
or Tuesday evening. His wedding
date had been planned for months
only a week ago did his friends and
acquaintances' have knowledge of his
new step. The bencdict-to-be has
been with the Standard Oil Company
for the past five years, and came
to Klamath Falls from Sacramento
but two months ago to his new posi
tion. Time permitting, he will take
his bride on a short honeymoon trip
to Los Angeles and Southern Cali
fornia points. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk
ham will return to Klamath Falls
In two weeks and make their home
Secretary of Navy Speaks in.;
Victoria, B. C.
World Has Learned That Sea-Power
Is Determining Force 1a- a Worldl
Where Some Kind of Force Ms
Defeat Aggression, Declared See
rotary We Most Remove Fear
That Hangs Over Small Natioas
Local Fire Chief W1D. Attend Na
tional Convention of Fire Chiefs
to Bo Held in Portland in Near
Future Fire Report Completed
Complete report on the rigid fire
hazard Investigation- that Klamath
Falls has been subject to during the
past ten days or two weeks will be
taken to Portland tomorrow morn
ing by Deputy State Fire Marshals
George W. Stokes and Gilbert Allen,
and placed before the state fire com
missioner for approval. After ap
proval in Portland copies of the re
port will be sent to Fire Chief F. C.
Miller, the city council, and the local
press for publication. According to
Mr. Miller, It may bo a wo weeks'
period before tho ireport is nade
Firo Chief Miller will accompany
tho state deputy fire marshals to
Portland tomorrow, where he will
attond the national convention of
firo chiefs that will be held In the
Rose City, September 15 to 18. Tho
local chlof expects to bo absent from
his post for a ten days' period. "Bill"
McCalvy will bo in charge of tho
department, during the absence of
tho firo chief. Mr. Miller expects to
gain valuable information at the
conference of national fire chiefs
that will aid him in the prevention
of fires and fighting them in Klam
ath Falls.
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 12. The
Portland Rowing club will hold its
fall regatta here tomorrow, Septem
ber 13. Tho events will be In the
nature of a tryout for the Portland
crew to be sent to the regatta of the
North Pacific Association of Amateur
Oarsmen at Victoria noxt year.
It is possible that the Portland
Club may again enter a crew for the
nation championship.
SALEM, Sopt. 12. Colonel Creed
C. Hammond of Eugene, was unani
mously elected commander ot the
Third Oregon today to succeed Col
onel May.
VICTORIA, B. C, Sept. 12. "Can
ada and the United States, during;
tho century ot neighborllness, have
set an example for world emulation,"
was the declaration of Secretary or
the Nevy Daniels, at the reception .
tendered him here today by the Can
adian Club on his arrival with Ad
miral Rodman and a squadron of the .
Few American Pacific fleet.
The head of the United States nary
emphasized the comradshlp which,
had existed during the Great War -between
the fighting men of Great Bri
tain and America and declared that
the world looked to the leaders in
the allied cause to mobilize for peace
as they had mobilized and co-operat-
ed for war.
Secretary Daniels said In part:
The treaty which forbids forts
and fortifications between the Unit
ed States, and Canada, or the pres
ence of fighting ships on the Great
lakes, speaks trumpet-tongued ot the-,
brotherhood of the two people. Is It
not more than that? Does it not pre
saged the coming of the day, in the
full fruition of the League of Nations,.
when other nations will feel sufflct-.
ent security in international Justlce
not to feel the compulsion of main
taining powferful armies and con
tinuing competitive naval building?
Set Fine Example.
Canada and the United States dur
ing the century of neighborliness
havo indeed set the example for
world emulation. We know each
other too well for one to distress the
other. It is ignorance of each other
which is the parent of most national
misunderstandings aqd hatred. In
timate contact and close association,
have taught us that in our ideals.
our hopes, our aims there is no differ-
ence between the people dwelling
north of the invisible dividing lino,
and those living south of it.
Both countries have been settled
by pioneers who have won prosperity
by blazing new trials. Common hard
ships and common danger united the
early settlers. Common heritage of
free Institution has made us brothers.
Magna Carta belongs as much to the
people of the United States as to the
people ot Canada and the principle
that all Governments derive their
Just power from the consent of the
governed is a cardinal doctrine of all
English speaking nations.
Our navies demonstrated that in.
the late analysis sea power is the de
termining force in a world where
some kind, of force must defeat agres
Now that tho war has ended mar
we not hope and believe the wisdom
ot worlds statesmanship will ring In
a thousand years ot peace? We hare
spent ot our youth lavishly and 1am
et our loss, but not without a touch,
of pride In their glorious service. We
have burdoned ourselves with heavy
debt which must Impose private and.
publlo economy. This Is not an unmix
ed evil, for there was need for a re
turn to individual and governmental
appreciation ot the wisdom of fruited
living. But that we have lost strong
manhood in rebuilding up of our
world we have the heritage that our
race in our day has given the highest
proof that we still lovo liberty and
honor moro than lite and property.
That realization will glvo us a new
consecretlon as wo take up the duty
of reconstruction. Thero are many
obstaclos, but our attitude is that ot
Mr. Cobden when told by a friend.
(Continued ou Page 6).