UWaM&K. 1 ,bw!! into. -trrll v. raTiai -r r Timi ILir i THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE HHVJJMI J1V.:I " - , t rv.j -n r.T .. y u f vrx urai u uj or j- t'tf oiumn. gnfCLORED COLUMNS' FOR SALE 7V(J001 llliylMIS IIHIIH'BM ?.A 'br"nu!nr UvlllK. AllUUt SITUATIONS' WANTED outs of plaintiff and defendants tnerc-1 in and thereto; thut plaintiff bo re-1 paid by defendants tlio ono-half part; of the luxes by her paid upon said promises, for tlio yenra 1911 to 1918, I Inclufllvo, amounting to $462.30,, and tlio ono-half part of tlio 'money by lior paid for tlio cnroi land management of Bald promises, I amounting to 178.50; that tlio costs and disbursements of this suit, and' ui'muiuf; vuhih iwui enurKen ihuiuuiiik i charges for Iteforccs and prospective paving assessments upon High and Second Streets In said city, bo divided equally between plaintiff and defend-, urits; tbat plaintiff bo allowed $250.-, Of) attorney's fees herein; that If salo , of Raid promises bo made, the decroo of this Court award to Plaintiff hor one-half part of all said taxes, I charges, and costs of suit, including 'attorney's fees and If salo bo not ord-' I ered of said premises that plaintiff' bo given a Hon upon tlio portion of LOST $20 hill hetweon here and Isold promises awarded to defendants Ob'iiii Reward. Address Unyiimiid ifor her said ono-half part of said A. Anderson, City 1 0-TSt 'taxes, charges, expenses, attorney's - fees, costs of suit and accruing costs I .OFT- llhirk o.ilnti I fox fur Hit-.and that such othor and further re- i iaSEgr-&I Fwev-A : "v FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 LOST AND FOUND VWVWV r0R.Mln6t. Owner IcavliiK .B.tt.i homllo. Horn. TU.VV "' ... . ' . 11, urtluv nli'lil .ii cIiiit.i ildiiHii. tf- Work by hour or day for turn to Crater Cifi - Reward 8-lt lot ,, Herald office. terms. 12-31 WANTED inlddli) aged woiiian. Iniiulro Iter- nld. !)-:tt LOST lef be awarded plaintiff as shall seem meet and ngrccaDlo to equity. This Summons Is served upon you, the said defendants, by tho publlca- .2 nutoB Inquire at Three tii Four Thousand miles on thut old tim von threw tlon thorcof in tho Evening Herald, WANTED Two Woodchopporo. Chll- uwiiv. Have them reirmuled llnlf'a newspaper published in Klamath coto & Smith. C33 Main. 4-tf Holed, or retialreil at Crater l,uku Tiro Falls. Oregon, and of gonoral circula- lOR sA!"77 fink Imtwmm Ti and , Service Station, 1120 Main Klam- tlon In Klamath County, Oregon, onco Morris "'" K ii.fit .WANTICI) ICxporloncod woman for nth KhIIh. Oreiron. G-Ct a week for six successive weeks, the I o'clock. I housework. Heferenco. Phono 13C. iflrst publication thereof being made 7. m.... ltinii'u r,22 2C,-tf FOUND- Flvo Thousand miles by I August 21, 1919, and tho lost publl- WRSAu:rCo!!h,il2M 1013ti " , having my old tiro retreaded at cation Octohor 2, 1919, by Order 'of BtatmATc. ' wa i i.ii inn ior general nouse- tl e Crater hake "fro Service Station, mo iionoraoie u. v. nuyaenuuu, "" , work and cooking Mrs. O. (1. Lnh- H2G Main St. Klamath Fulls, Ore. Judge of tho abovo entitled Court, rtiR SALE l-argu ""' ";,,,,' ""'"' my. wregon. ir j-;t i nuture. J Crt. N liriuiihiill. Malln, io-:it , Merehandlso .1 MISCELLANEOUS t i . . .. ivii I Oil Klll IIUI l ",, with I'ostufflco I" ;VI"U;C-WANTI0I) Sheep cattle and hogs. J. 1 Address Theodore I). """K-. N. Ilramhull Malln. 10-31 StfUnd, Oregon. '"'Il I 1 " ; WANT TO IIOHItOW $1000 on new n qtl tJ "2 "nB """ nioiierii iiimihu which cohi ;::.ihi io 110 acres of Pimtiire Koes with tin) t.till'l Will pay 8 pel cent for two i,t D Kianlkotf ut The Alhrlgh'. vi..m and give first mortgage. Ad- tlace, Olene Ore 10-fit (r(.KH llullder In care lloralil It) (it - . . ... 4... I l t ff,MM O .1 ..... ....I ft rt,ciip tlnllBH atlll I'llH ill yIl- n A.l M.r nutiiiiil jijhiib i-iiitcn i: ' r, latif, clear. 320 ft. front. I. Fnmrl iiibaci more than an acre, on good I Phono 290J i.t fair blocks from depot, three ,-- - on home, fsmlly orchard, pro HCOO, small pnyim-iiv ; lie rent, or will oxchimco for Klniu- Hh property nnu hkuih' Eolcbiln, Hcatty. Oregon M1TICH I am now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from tho Hocy, Cam. sand nnd gravel pit, In nny quantity that may he desired by contractor and builders. AI, F. GRAHAM. If it's worth having, It's worth in suring. Get a Standard policy from Clillcoto H. Smith, 0a Main St. &-t which said order was mado, entered and filed In said Court on August 20, 1919. J. H. CARNAHAN, Attorney for Plaintiff, 21-28-4-11-18-2C-2 ,WVij Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Lone Trips Our Specialty Reasonable Rates Phono 180 822 Klamath Ave. Greatest producers known. Her-) old Want Ads. XOTICi: OF SALK OF ESTUAY noos. inllf dear, 320 ft. troiu, j. itoiicii, uity AlllK Depot-- a-it Notice Is hereby given that on Rat- Wo mako a specialty of fire, life urdny, tho 13th day of September, A. S O-ll' WANTKD 15 cordH I wood. Ford (inriige. foot limb y-ir mn eii.K- ti room moilern Iioiihh Oteof tbo bent locations of Khun-1-- i'h Falls $2250- part tonus. House i WA.N 1 1. ol J rooms. Artciiian wilier huh un in 11230 term-i, Modern house I rocms. 2 blocks from Main St $1200 -1500 cash and balance like rent. Alio several other snaps In houses iad lots or unlmprovU lots W. M. Montellus, 1303 Main, Klamath Dev dopment Co. Office 9-U Lady tvoulrt like to rent or take , care of a piano or player during i winter months No children. 20 1 ' Main St. 9-3t D- Potatoes to dig on share Any sle patch considered. WANTICI) Apples or pears to pick ' share for labor. FOR SAI.i: Combination liny and wood rack Rinsonahle Albert Harrett. Old Poor Farm, Keno Road. A post card will get me. 8-0t WIIX PAY CASH For a few deslr- ablo residence lots, sultnhlo for Inl and accident Insurance. Phono OO and we'll do the rest. Clillcoto &. Smith. C-tf XOTICi: (IF MKKTI.VC. The drill team of the Rcberknh lodge will meet tonlir'n In the Odd Fellows lull nt 8 o'clock Ily order of the .Noble Grand Sir St. Clair Thomas, the eminent nngllsh physlciuu now In tl country , lays thnt In denying the use of stlm-' ulants to all on account of the ex cesses of a few will drive the people to the use of drug. 1919 at the R. W. Tower Ranch be low Keno. I will sell at public nuc tlon four (4) head of hogs, two (2) sows and (2) barrows, weight 75 or 80 pounds, marked cron off right ear undorhlt on left ear, the same having been duly advertised in the County Newspaper and also by postini; not ices, nnted at Klamnth Fills Oregon, this 8th day of September 1919. 8-5t I F MORLEY. Constable .n Olfl.1 llniiu..tinlil t'ntlllM. I tl l M"" """". .. . ! Il... I. . .11.11.. 1t'll. In .lo.il tullli eluding Concord I'lano. laiu rt-ir- iniminiu . "".'" " ,', g 9-Ot ownurs direct. Give location nnd I nrlco. Nelson llounsoveil. I, u (Bt St. FOR SAL!; Winchester pump gun. I3ir'' It gauge. Jas. ji. wntijitiB, ur, 4I0-9tu St. I'hono 32011. 9-.r.t FOR SALE One 1914 Ford Tour Ingcar-ano 1317 Chevrolet tour- Sa(turl McMillan Apts lag tar. Ford Garage. 9-tf ' IH'YING I.ARGIO CAR Will sell my Overland fi Passenger leasonably. Fully equipped nnd In runriintced good order. Will go anyvhere J P S-1I" LEGAL NOTICES 1()X "'' 9-Ct XOTICB OF SALE OP IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. ealed proposals will bo received till I Meets Fr)aay night of each h llth. day of October. A. D. ll19 iL 0 0, F haU 5th and Main i tlm timm nf C rrlrtir In tno Avon - - fORSALE 5 passciiger Popo Hard lord machine First class condition COD 00. Central Garage U-Ct FORSALE Three good family cows ilto puro blood Plymouth Rock cblckens. Inquire at lteiuns ranch., he low Chelsea. 9-3f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that week at tho llth. day ot October. A. u. i-jtj it n n t?. ,nii Kfh nnd Main streata nt tun hour or ii o ciock in me even- . r-. T -. xt r . k..j n --- ---- ..-- . . . m. 1 J.uuifces , a-. vi., ritu U401UQK WANTED Small furnished apart- lnB, rr J,no Purcnoso oioriy 1"5 ' Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer ....nt Iniiulro Herald Office. 8-tf and Dollars worth of bonds of the, ment Inoulro iieraut unice. u rtorprlBO IrrIgaUon District of' Ewauna Encampment No. 46, I. O vnt'Nfi MAN Ordtor your school Klamath County, Oregon. Said q. F., meets Tuesday night of each silt now iVamm & Co. nnd Shay- bondB nro to bo dated Novenbor 1st. week at h o. O. F. hall. Arlle Wor nehrun Tailored suits aro host. N. I). 1919 nnd are to draw interest at the re, c. P.; Nate otterbeln, Scribe; Drew Cor Cth & Main 6-Bt rate of six per cont per annum, inter- p. L. Fountain Treasurer. urcw, Lor, utn te Main. " . payabi0 semi-annually upon tho t,.v.w ,nn,i .lmft horses wolith- "t. dny ol July ana tno isi. aay oi Inc from 1200 to 1C00. E. W. Wll- January oi eucn year uuui mo uuiu.- 160 acres, homostcad korson, Lorella, Or. 4-12t YSM proposalB 'wln bo received by , FOR SALE- ;tellnqalshments, fully mm Strahorn railroad. Biles (torn Klamath Falls. For parti Improved, Fnr tho Board of Directors of said Irriga tors address No. 1C Herald Office. I klns- ' ! FORSALE Largo lot dnslrablo lo cation at Pelican City. Phono 428. Mt TflRAlt.r i tk..i u.. , . . """" rum uuk in j-i cull- or ,. dltlon-guarantecd. Address H. R. " Bua ornce. WANTED Furnished House Seo Mr. Evnns Star Drug Company. B-tf TOR SALE Duroc and Poland Utaa bows with pigs at side. Hose 11PU Rahn. C-12t WR SALE OR TRADE Cooking u5i oi various kinds, also a Twenty-six wami-.w iu m '"""":".' tinn District, and should be direct- nny nnu mi n.nuo ui u. " . ,i !, oBrrBnrv nf tlio Bnternrlse " " Irrication District, care of Charles wTiD"'ro traded. .s'rne '; rnJSE?1 Bul,u,nB' K,am1 for an old one. you pay tlio uitror- Board Qf DlrectorB reserve the enco. Perkins Furnlturo Houbo. 20-tt rjght tQ j.oJect any or all bIda offered. It. J, IHIjIAUU, Secretary of tho Board of Directors of Enterprise Irrigation District. 4-POt SUMMOXS FOR PUHMCATIOX. (Equity No. 1089) In Tho Circuit Court of Uio State of Oregon For tlio County of Jilanr nth. Emma Wing, Plaintiff vs RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE 5C. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W Fifty dollnrs or more nnd an old rango will got ono of my now ones. Perkins' Furnlturo Houso 20-tf WINTEn RATES At White Pelican commenco Sopt. 1st. Rooms $20 & up. 20-tf linpfl n , .: a ov ui hu. uMiinv nnv irind r n rimi n unn Anv w inn vnn wuiil - ... . .-t .Perkln, Furniture Heuse: 20-tf Garbage romoVed phono 91. 11-tl Hilda Cooper , tli? unKnown - 3i norsons or .parties unknown claiming any right, title, ostate, TH k Exclusive E3ELH Portraite mWr 1136 Main St LlDOlentn Tltino U.Ul n-4 CL . - "boi iuuiiiuKi ruucoiin, MM .Beds, Mattresses and Springs ile or trade. Perkins' Furnlturo !! 20-tf fiff oort rye liny also til mist yd Posture. Call 33S "St. or Phone 247 I. 12-tf hhJH.0US0-c,ose 1". urn- JL!!!le- 30-tf r0ro0fAkLE-Prnlshlng9fo"rTslx F0R8ALP 80T122N Cth St' 20- Maat n improvea "'"I'lonco lot. o1008 Main St. 7tf PBYTON for"wo7dU2it' FOR RF.NT ItTEABlBf TO MIEN lien or interest in or to tho real estnto described in tho complajlut i horoin, Defendants. To Hilda Coopor and tho unknown heirs of Hilda Coopor; also all ( other persons or parties unknown, . claiming nny right, titlo, estate, lien or interest in or to tho real estnto described in tho complaint I horoin, tho above named defend ants: in tho nnmo ot tho State of Oregen: Ynu aro horoby required to appear j I and nnswor tho complaint filon You can turn gray, faded hair beau- against you in tho above entitled suit Hfmiv ,i,.,i, ,i lustrous almost over on or before tho 7th day of October. night If you'll get a HO-cent bottle o.l.pt "Wyeth's Sago nnd Sulphur Com-, 1Icnton 0f summons herein, and if pound" at nny drug i.toro. Millions ' you fail so to appear, plead, answer, of bottles of this old famous Sago Toa , demur, or otherwise move herein RUING HACK COLOR AND l.l'H- IT'S GRANDMOTHER'S RECIPE TO THE TO HAIR I You Had Better Order Your Winter Wood now Double Ioail Blocks $7.00 Gioen Slab, Pine $3.50 Green Slab, Fir 9.50 W. E. SEEHORN CO. (122 Main St. Phono 72 FOrl DTI, - agwiP "'vorsltlo R ..; other IngiedlontH, aro bold annually, i ' . f()r , hor coml,lalnt herein as fol- TIMBER FOR SALE Twenty million feet of standing timber for sido cheap. SiiMinill and plnniiif? mill en promises. DR. T. 11. TIMOW, Red BlulV, C.Uif. HELP WANTED SDVTwTZT: .Ii "! nvL n w.ii hiii.ivii ili-nciriat lioro. Ug- inwu. tn-wit: cause it darkens .he hair so naUiM Ftor; a Decreo of H.o ettt.ttea I .nily nnd evenly that no ono can ten ", g0'ck 4 ot Kwutmll Heights Addition I t "IC8 Position I.,, ,. ,i ""'"' lorjiKm uoon uppnuii. to Klnmntn Falls, uregon, ueuuiuiui, ,T"enoonot necpv1 'J11 roac,J ' TIiobo v. hose hair h turning grny tl) tho duly recorded plat of said Ad- ir&inHM,,,y Mr or MrB.'iwnltlna tliom. because nfior one or "toncd between tho ----l3lc1' 10-lt two nppllcntlons tho gray hair van- ,)I(llntff nn,i dofendants nbovo nam-. "TED-.0rl or J; : llio nnd your locks bocomo luxuri-lpi,; that plaintiff ho awnrdod nn un-1 ' . - ti.i.. n'lim n.k nr vnnrn. itruy- v......... .-- -. , u.tI , .... . ..... m. , ,,,...,, tweon plaintiff on tno one naiiu, Hun ,.,,, imireu, uniiiiniuiivu loiiio.wc.. . - dofendnnts on tne oiner nuiiii, umn Hull . . ,,.,, ,, , i.v with wyci.rs1 ti.nf n onin nf Hiit(i nmiiilscs bo mado ' Ull III llll 1111. r JS "'J ...... w - I111IL Lb UlliU -- "" .. i i ... ... i .. .1 titm fnnm mi nil and tno proceouH ueiavu "i ou.. Balo bo divided equally between tho i uth ATTENTION Jly business is making your homes bright and prosperous by Painting, Kalsomining and Pnpor Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee. ' W. E. KANDY 17 Mnlu St. Phono 103W .! Srnf,lr,J.( work full time nt,R" C''y to iear7tVfe,Wh001, ln T'll dollBhted with y , Union fi!ffill Uric, handsome hair nnd your yo. ful appearanco within a fow days. plaintiff on tho ono hand, and the defendants on tho other hnnd, accord-1 lug to tho respective shares or inter- WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SUHGEKV 206 I. O. O. F. Bldg. Phone 460 Ice Cream, 729 Main St. Candles PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink.B Peel and DiUinrds Barber Shop In oCnnection OUH MOTTO "Courtesy nnd Service" PROFESSIONAL CAP" PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Maternity Cases Mrs. Rosa McDnnlcls, 301 High St Phone 455 I THE PARISIAN BEAUTY SHOP Facial MnHinging, Wenching and j Facial Packs Manicuring. Shampooing Scalp Treatment r.tO Mnln Phono 300 i H. C. SCHLEEF '. KATHERINE SCHLEEF 'X Phjfdciuns und Surgeons A Office, Wlilte Uldg. 1 siS j itermn I mm i y i i"i i , M-X-XK-XK-M-'X-X-X-X-;.". 1 1 Your Home Laundry Damp Wash, UO ios. 70c FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRV "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 421 Corner Main Ar.d Conger ,x,mMXxX-XXX"M t HARLEY-DAyipSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davidson Motorcycles and Bicycles exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C.E. D18MAKK IIS S. 9th St. Klamath Falls KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacks mithing Alii WORK GUARANTEED Phone 259-Y 017 Klamath Ave. FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE See Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRY MB PHONE 170-J Phone 340-J 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 46 Main St. IIoine-Mado Pies and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. DR. A. A. SOULE Study Anatomy and Surgery, Saa Francisco, Calif., Dr. J. U. UauK cro has charge of my practice. Phono 151J Office 402 Main St E, L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW iii-ii wants Bidg. KUnuUh FU Oregon s ' Let your Glass Troubles ho My Troubles. Reglazlng done in any part of tho city E. O. 8TUCKY. Carpenter & Cabinetmaker Phono 477W 1024 Main. . DR. G. A. MASSEY Successor to Dr. Truax Suit 200, I. O. O. F. Bldg Office phone 80J Kes Phone 80M DR. R. B. CRAVER Diagnosis Medicine and SuTgery Office over Underwoods Phone 280W 7th and Main tfMWVWWWW DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE BUILDINO PHONE 385 WWWMWWWMWVWWWMAMAAAA DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE S54 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over, Underwood's--Seventh and Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomis Bldg., Klamath Falls DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE Ol CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY R17 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician Jk Surge.). Suite 211, 1. O. O. F. Tempi (over K. K. K. More) Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Physl clan and Burpoon tn Klamtt Falls ) SAW MILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing "Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. Wn contract to build any class of a building and install machinery of nny kind. Drafting of nny kind done. Blue Print made. PHONE 140J Ofllee in K. D. Building ( " J. C. CLKG1IORN Civil Engineer anil Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. Res. 102M. WELL DRILLING Vochatzer Bros. & IUahzuha Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon :::::. t i :I I SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP SUEY AND NOODLE HOUSE Short Order Meals Served. 72 Main Street KLAMATH FALLS,, ORE. .J..X"X-'XK"MXMX,H ," i