&ttt&ftmri( -niV.BBI1,KM,,K,lf I, tom. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOR FIVH lll" P ERSONAL MENTION ON LOOAIj HAPPENINOH ..rir- HIDKIiltMitn iunVfl TUN I'KOl'IiH OP TIHH CITY AND VICINITY. r,MKati AND COMINGS OK LOOAIj FOLKS. GOINOH AM merrill couple united 'AMERICA WILL MAKE IN MAHHIAMi; ON TUESDAY, i INDUSTRIAL SURVEY OF OCCUPIED AREAS .WMiii'timiMMtrHHMIUIIIMnilllUUNUI!UUIIUJ.IUU!WIUlUanA .. i. .. xxiintv KCMt vl.tl P a Unccn i - ''n,.,itty. Oregon. lorir" - 11.11 1.1 lu J"1"1 ... ,pJi iimir llonnn.i.. (row " ' II. 'I' TImIiiiioii iiuhhimI through Kliuniilli FiiIIm yesterday on IiIh re turn to I.nngnll vulluy, nftor ii ti iix- lOllllllll VlHlt III (MIlHllIlt pOllltH. Ilor John (IV tl V. Cox and I''. H- mm from OaJ.lan.1 ('nil for- j An Inlnri-nlltiK ronmnrn, In which t Hid frlondrt of I ho conlraitlng parties' Iihvii Ih'mii greatly Interested, culml-j iiiiIimI Tucmliiy evening, when Mm ' WITH THE AMERICAN FOIl"KH Miiry JoIiiihdm, who hnti been u rosl- IN OEIIMANY, IJoptcmber 10.- n i flotiL of Ibis I'oiiiiiiiinlty for H years, i Iridustihl Hiirvry of tho o'cupled iinil Ani;iiHtiiH CJ. Colony, a rotltvil arena of Germany In to hu made t i'ii Ii!IhIiihh irimi of Colorado Springs,, summer for tho benefit of tho Un'od p'.vnri' iiiletly married at the Prcsby. Htnleii (iovornmoiit. IHtIiiii iiiiiuko lit Merrill. I)r Wolfe' Information gathered an r. r nil ri-ail the iiinrrliico Horvlco. of tho survey, which will rmiuiio' n Mth Colony wan ntlrnetlvely at- ypar or more to roiriDloto. Ih to I" llri'il i) a Hllvor gray tailored stilt nva.'liililo at tho Department of Com Willi while i'nM! ilo idilni' bloino liien-o in WnshlngUn and !:i to have "" long ii'hIiIciicii In IIiIh r-riiiiinuii- a boning on tho fnlnro commercial Mr. ami Mrs. I ufii,. Mon.o, a,,-,,,,,. ' ily h , ,.,,,.,.,, ,.r , , ,.firtfl relations ,tw,.,.n lho VBll,.a SllUoo """ " "" ''""''" .ii urtiv. or her many frli'ildH win loft for Portland IIiIh morning, whom Horrv u i lu.r m, tr "'- I)' imrtiwnt miiiilly hIiici ninny frli-iiilH uiioiii iuii weeks for Colorado It. .1. Hiultli, district freight and paniionger agent for tho .Southern I'liclfli! nillroad coinpnny, Ih In tho Vntlcl nri'i''lly "" I1""'"0"11 'r"i HiiiTiimi'iito 1 llfff jot wm mem (Mm Jim Comfort and Afc7 lti" fesAljtffl $H frCJV''7K ' of Mr. Monro' i inolli r. . i ...if., nil. .iftritfrm MV I.cvlslo mm -"" ,TLltrromtt.olrh.M..n in S,,orn..,n- ID. . ...iMikmoh Ih ln.ro on himl- Mrn. .Ion Monro, of lho Wimloni J'"' .i.iii I'niiriir. I TriniHfor coninaliv. loft III In uiiniihii' Uijwn. ... .,..,.. r,.ut. .,..,. ,.,i.. . .,,. tJ tU FredStukol ln Klunmlli I'Hh vIh- I,or toaay from ht ranch nwir Mor- rill Mn C Y A"1'" "M1 ,l'"1,ll'r ,iro Kreforafcw.liiynfron. Uielr hiinio ,t Odessa- OrcKon jacliWooiK fori'tnan on tho I.iitli tnin rand, In l.iBeII Vnlloy. Ih In town today on ImihIiicsh. j A Mo nrrlvi'd lmro from liln BCh In th Fort Khnnnth dlHtrlct jtstcrilay on n l.tislnoHH trip. A. Kallna, ii promlin'iit farrnor In U,.M11nilltrlct. tninwu tml IiuhIiicsh In the county seat yontordny. J, 0. Oolilthwaltu, of tho Modoc Lumber company, of C'lilIo(iilii Ik In town today on company IiiihIul'hh. o win no mill ucrniany. Cllloov Imq in .., .,.. H...V ...r.. ....Il.wl l.u ll... un 111....... , will, l-n ui M.-il.-ri-llluuri'H 111 nil J " -J ' "........n inn, lll'l'll VIHII II11T II I .llll'llliir In 11, u April ami Iiiih niiulo (,n,.,., iccfiilly at Coloxi.o. In thr Thoy will loavo In HrltlBh area, and In Coliltw, hcid- 'lliartorH of thn. Amorlnin forr.m In Hprlm,"., Mtopplm; at varloim polnlH (Jarmmiy. Tho Colocne olFico !n In hi Orison and WyomliiB for brief rharco of M. T. NoyoH, who has haun lylHllH wllh rolallv.-H and friends. Mr. , attached to tho Intor-Alll.-il Khlnc- I Colony Ii.'ih hoon a roHldon tof Colo-'iandH Commlnalrn. Mr. Noyos will i rado SprliiKH for many yoarH. nnd ln- .-h.o look nftur American IjusIiiceb tendn to iimkrt hln homo horo at an" Intoronts In tho Ilrlthh zone. fiuly ilalo. ,. , . , , I Tho Hurvcy la helng mada undur illriifllnn nf fliniifirn T Uim.., . .i. It'... ....I -.w..v.. u. .....tuiivv ii uun, ..Ijllf" aro In Klamath county on a flHl.Ini; "" i.i.i" iiakii.ks inorclal attache of tho Aim.rica.i KiN i V liril.hlVCH l-OIS VISITOKS hiiBHy In I'arla. who will make hir, I huadfjuarlorH In Cohlenz Jor Homoi tlmo. I will ho oiikiikoiI wllh htiHlni'HH iiiiiIIith for tho rnmalndor of tho wook. Ccorno It. NoIhoii, W. r MiKad don, Frunk NoIhoii, Win II l.athiop, and W. ICrnorl urn a party or Han FranclBi'o and Hnrrainoiito mnn who and huntlni; trip Thoy ilrovo thru ycHtordny In carH from California, anil Hloppoil loin; oiioiikIi In lho city to piircliUHD HiippllcH anil khi'io II- CUIIHOK VKAK-Ohl) IJAItY IIIICS Dahy I.oiiIho (lomivli-vo .Stongli, lho yoar-old diuiKlitfr of Mr and SKATTU:, WuhIi., Scptoml.cr 11. Dormltorli'H aro to ho cHtahllHhcd In iiry vacant hulhlltiK In Seattle, to acioinmodato the thoiiHandH p.-pccli-d here to Hoe the Pacific fleet, J. W SuaiiKlur, chairman of -tho coinmltli'c, annoiinci'd n-cently. 1'ii1hs every iinoiciiplcd bed In MrH. Kdwanl Stoiich. of :i04 North;s,,,im" ls I""pcd " the disposal rf till. r,llli,illln.i in...., ..l..l.n-.. ...Ill 111 Mfitnittinc, i ii.. ii j .inilWl.1 v I have to Hleip in the parks or walk Illvoralrio ntreet, died at 1::10 p yoHterdny. Diiith followed an at tack of cruup. The Imby wuh bom nt OiIchhii. .Mr. ., , , , ,, ... , , , , Aloah Chapter No. fil (). P 5 will and Mm. htoiiKh have been In I ,.,., ,,u rt, '..... i..r nun nt ,.. NOTICK S All parties having burned cars nt tho Ford (JaniBo will kindly remove them ut their earliest opportunity. Ford Garage, (Jeoigc liiehn, owner. I 9-tf IAXCI.1 fiKSSOXS. I the HtreetH. SpanRler Raid. S. W llamnkpr came lu to town .i0rAiv fnim l.orclla to attend to i Li. m.iiPra in Klamath Falls. . Klamnlli Falls for 1(1 months. Their on, Tm-Hilnv Sept !i. All meinbnr., re E, V Jllller ramo In from his ntch at Lorctla yesterday to tranHiict bulafss In tho county seat and pur chase supplies. child will he hurled DorrlH at 2:30 p. in tomorrow at1 riui'Mted to be present. Nellie Van Hit) er, W. M. 8-2t KSTIt.W Mrs Cora Sander.-'on today cloned , l deal wherein clio r-ohl the Into on Tenth street, adjoining her home, to T R. SkilllnRton Mrs. Tobln S, C'uitls, the wli'e of nn lerlal Instructor lit Mnthnr Field. Tho has been visiting MIms lletlv Gaddls at her home on Hughs Uldri tor the past mnnth, returned to rfn crimrnto on this monilug's train. Came to my place last March, a year old dark bay stallion, white IIKKTKAM l! I'ASSKS A WAV AFTHK I'NKC.MONIA I.ouie Iiortratn Dixon, 31, died star on forehead owner may have hist night at Wilson Hrldce. follow .'"," by,v'lynK C0H,B- J- " H""I'r. fl Wllk , w, , . Miller iHland. , , , , . m He was horn at I.ludHay, Ontario, A mnn'fl hnlr. It Is eHtlm.ited turns l,n c """ 'd was married n'm crnv live vears earlier than a worn- '0,,rH '"'" H' Ih survived by White Pelican Hotel Dining Room TucHdays, Wednesdays and Thurs days, 8 to 10 p. m. Moose Hall Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays 2:30 to adults. (4:13 to C resen cd of children 12 to 15) 8 to 10 for adults. Adults ten lessons $8:50, $10.00 pp. nunl; 1 mHrs $") '10. children $2.50: Ily joining the class the second week in Sept. you get 2 extra les-sons nee. For mrtner liucr mation phono No Ii or 45. Prof L. A. Hepburn, Instructor U. S. Army, now on vacation and hcie foi u Hunt ed time. 7i ine Right Way to Save ,ON'T look for the lowest price when you buy shoes. Good shoes cost money, but they are less ex pensive than low priced ones. To save a dollar or two in buying shoes usually means less wear, and lack of style. To buy better shoes assures long wear and proper fit greater satisfaction for each dollar invested. When you select your next pair, buy for quality buy f lorsheims for satisfaction in service, comfort and appearance and you'll receive value that proves a real saving in the end. Ve specialize on good shoes K. Sugarman "I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY" ::njiuTmraum'i'H;i,n'tiiimrm!!::minniii,i;iiiii!iii ITEMS OF INTEREST ADDED TO MUSEUM AUSTRIA SKINS TREATY. BUY YOUR HOME NOW ST. GERMAIN, Sept. 10. Dr. Karl j Uenner, head .of the Austrian Peace j delegation, signed the treaty between nn's. ACADEMY Wll.h RECEIVE 1'L'l'lI.S Until tho capacity of tho school Is COPENHAGEN. September 11. j the Allied powers and the Austrian Yon mav select a home to suit voi Ilems of norlcl1 lnterest are be-1 Republic today. "''' In nnv patt of the Cltv. Can arrange iug added almost daily to the story; Roumanian and Jugo-Slavian dele gates aid not sign the Austrian trea ty because they are awaiting Instruc tions from their governments. The su- father, Thomas Dixon, IiIh wife and easy payments for you. See them to-. four children The 'uneral deceased will be held today at n !tijxr Wnrnrin nc tnlil sprtnllv nn of tli-lu- .. I nave two or inree oi me oesi in- the pages of the stamp aioum. vpatmunw in le city tor me rigni o'clock from the Mt. I.nki church party. Excellent Income properties Rev E. P Lawrence, pastor of the now, and getting hotter all the time. reached, day pupils will bo received I PreHbyterlan church, will conduct the '"K "? nr wnnn 1 . t . . f ' . ... MV.W. .. iiiuui ui nci titn. The new addition of tho Orogon at tho Sacred Heart Academy, whore BIoe'Book for lOlS.i'i'o Ik l.i.lnir tho most careful intention will ho glv immbook, for UlJ.lJ-0, Is helnB,nn Q th(J tnorUKn trnlnnB of your received In various legal and public child. Full particulars may bo secur- omces in the city this week. Tho ed by calling at the Convent. Seventh book contains much valuable Infor- nn'' ,Mno tretH or at tho Academy. i or tno present wo aro uikidio io au Poland's newest contribution toj preme council has given them until this record Is a series of six postage stamps commemorative of the con vocation of the national diet. Among Merchants lunch at 11 a. p. m. Crater Cafe 7th St. m. to 3 5-20t better time i. mi r. ;oil mnnnv nn vnnr home. or the homo you would like to build, i them is the first stamp portrait of Mtlon about Oregon and its Indus- commodato any more boarders, but trie8,aj well ag a picture of the court annllcntlons will ho recolvcd nnd 'n house of every county In Orogon with ' rnso there Is n vncancy It will be the exception of Klamath. None of 'J1'0'1 from th?l1'st)1of nPI,I1' '" ih.iiiu. i ..ii ii .... tho order In which they aro filed. He three buildings aro In the book. C-tf Sacred Hoart Academy. MMMM. At the Theatres See me. J MES M. 020 Main St. 9-tf WATKIVS. .TR. Phone 320R Saturday to make Jinown their Inten tion. 2MWMti-41-44W'i4M QUEEN QUALITY SHOES The famous shoe for women. Reasonably priced. The Bootery CHAS. P. MAGUIRE 713 Main Street MMMtHfHWHH'H'H'HKH'H-' LIBERTY THEATRE "THE PICK OK THE PICTURES" H. W. Poole, Ow; ner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT Ethel Barrymore "OUR MRS. McCHESNEY" From Edna Ferber'a great Saturday Evening Post Stories FRIDAY GLADYS BROCKWELL IN "PITFALLS OF A BIG CITY" Coming Sunday The Big Special I HE TURN OF THE ROAD" DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. One of tho most striking and up-to-date fashion thows of the year I will be seen as ono of the origlnnl features in "Our Mrs. McChesney" the Metro play which will bo tho at traction at tho Liberty Theater to day and in which- tho distinguished actresi, Ethel Barrymoro Is Btarred. Tho costumes for this sceno come from the atelier of an exclusive New York modiste who cators to tho most fastidious women of tho country and aro noted for tholr distinctiveness and Individuality. Among garments displayed aro eve ning wraps and gowns, street nnd sports costumes, dinner nnd nfter noon frocks, both for tho debutante and the young matron, and all the hatB, shoe and other ncessois which go to make tho tout ensemble of a perfectly groomed woman. The clothes are worn In tho picture by (twenty of the most bountiful girls in Now York. Thcso modols were chosen for their beauty and grace both of face and form and make a ' gorgeous foaturo In a very clever picture. Much alluring lingerio will 'niufi in. I'llmnpil ilnrlnir the scones. rovenling what will bo the correct wear of the under as well as the outer garmonts. It Is a sceno which will appeal alike to men and women, showing as It does, tho latest and most oxchibive or modes for tho com ing season. Tho picture is based on Miss llnrrymoro's famous stage success, "Our Mrs. McChesnoy", tak en from tho popular stories of, Ed in Forher. George V. Hobait and Miss Forber wrote the play. Houston' jWWWiiiiri"ii i ..,. HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DA CI NO WeilncMlny & Saturday Mulits. Popi.mr .laz. Orchestra STAR THEATER TODAY Select Pictures Presents AMCK HRADY In "HER GREAT CHANCE" Also ROSCOE FATTY ARIUTCIU.E ORPHEUS THEATRE. Tho interest at tho Orphous Thea tro Is on tho Increase. Tho ovange 11st announces tho following subjects for tho coming wook. Thursday. "I.ifo only In Christ Friday, "Baptism." 8-Gt . o NOTICE. ..... ni.in r)n....ilniT TTnnsn nml i no diuuu nuumiiih ,.w..- ...... Rostaurant Is now being run under . 1, ...111 nt.nAtii lrwn now manngomeni. vo win oiretiumo In good moals. Glvo us a trial. f reel ti. WUUO, juuu -uaiii , UO-Ct R0SC0EAKBUCKLE l-Aromaunl- Star Ignace Paderewski as president of ' the Polish republic. The lettlst government has issued, threa stamps marking the delivery of R.ga from the Bolshevists. They portray two figures, presumably rep resenting Riga and Lettonla, embrac ing before the walls of a city. The seventh centerary of the un 1 ion of Esthonia with Denmark ac counts for the issuance of 3500 spec imen stamp3, of restricted validity, i in the republic of Esthonia. They ' were on sale for three days only. Be-3use of the adoption of a now currency unit in the republic, new stamps are being prepared for dis t trihution and sale. "German Austria," the residue of the former Austrian empire, has is sued stamps of distinctive design from the state prlntery at Vienna, i President Masaryk's portrait Is to I appear on a new issue In preparation j In Czecho-Slovagia. Serbia-Croatia, Slavonia, the Rumanian notal agency in Constantinople and Arme nia have all contributed to this pic 'torlal stamp album of the recent march of world events. The Dyaks of Borneo eat snakes and alligators, but their favorite dish is roasted monkey with the hair on HOMES I am arranging to build a number of houses In Klamath Falls, which will be for sale on easy monthly payments, and am In the market to buy residence lots at right prices in desirable locations. If you contemplate the pur chase of a home this fall, write me particulars and you may select your own location and I will build the kind of a houso you wish on payments. Nelson Rounsevell P. O. Box 215 You Save;Mohe:fKWMte Enjoying the Finest Flavored Tea in "FATTY'S FICKLE -FAI.1." Have Another Good I.iuif;!i. Admission 10 & 25 cents Doors open at 7 l. m. rEMPLETHEATER TOD VY Triangle Presents OhlVE THOMAS In , "TOTDN" An EMiulsito RomaiH'o of The I'.iris ' l.utln Quarters , Also ! Million Picture Screen Miis.iz!iii , Anil A Dandy Trlan;;lj Comedy. OWHWffl UIU3 mWti Q inthe land when you buy TREETEA m9 n. Pound 16 oz. JullWeight Admission Mntliuv 10 Ji 15 cents EvenliiBS 10 & 20 centa merrillopera'house MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS Merrill, Oregon Half Pound 8 oz. O E FuU Weight -OC YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT .If You Like BLACK TEA Ask for CEYLON If You like GREEN TEA Ask for JAPAM KLAMATH CASH GROCERY Phone 420 "QUALITY STORE" WE SELL FOR LESS ' 717 MAIN STREET