The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 11, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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This opportunity costs you nothing. And it is an opportunity you cannot rightfully ignore, because it will never come again.
Do you realize what it means to leave your work or business, to leave friends and loved ones, and march away to war? Of
course you do. You have seen it happen in your own family and in neighbors' families..
Our fighters, nurses and home workers made tremendous sacrifices to help win the war. They gave up comforts, business,
loved ones, even life itself, that Humanity might live.
Now comes the opportunity to Honor these noble and unselfish spirits by recording their pictures and deeds in a permanent
and beautiful form. The Honor Roll of Klamath County..
This opportunity is for you now.
In days to come, when memories are dimmed, when service records are laid away in obscurity, or lost completely, this record
will not be possible. Like the "Boys of '61," these heroes of today will find their deeds partially forgotten, their sacrifices ignored
and their glory diminished. &,''-"
Or shall we grasp this opportunity TODAY and make their deeds imperishable in this record of dignity and beauty The'
Honor Roll of Klamath County?
Ttv nil momiq lpt us resolve todav that our glorious men and women, who did so much for the world, shall be always honored
and forever remembered through this monumental tribute a volume of pictures and records, of deeds and of spirit, that will live
for all time.
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Rrinrr nr c,Pnd to us everv nicture vou have of the men and women.who so conscientiously devoted themselves to the Winning
of the Great Victory. They deserve this recognition. You can see that they get it. Whether it be friend or relative, soldier or
sailor, Red Cross workers or four-minute men, war industry worker or Liberty Loan campaigner, bring the pictures and the rec
ords in. Let no one say that they were humiliated because you neglected this opportunity.
Remember, there is no obligation of any kind involved, and eveiy picture will be returned in perfect condition..
Then, when grandchildren of today have become heads of families, this Honor Roll, with the pictures of you, your friends,
your neighbors and relatives, will be the most cherished of possessions. It will keep alive the wondrous spirit and glory of the
World War veterans of 1917, 1918, 1919. It will be treasured in homes, in schools, in libraries, both public and private.. , ,v
The tremendous labor of producing this Honor Roll has resulted in a splendid showing. But there is still much to do. TEe
Honor Roll of Klamath County is officially a historical record. It must be 100 per cent complete. ' - ' , '?
Have you done your part? Or have you omitted some tireless worker, who will some day be humiliated at having no picture
or record in this Honor Roll? . . . , - - - &&& l&v&n l .Im- ... ' - -. i
The time is short. The Honor Roll with its beautifully colored headings, its marvelous war backgrounds, its fighters and
workers, must soon go to press. After the forms are closed nothing can be added. Act TODAY. -H
Bear in mind pictures loaned to us will be handled as befits your personal and valuable belongings. They will be returned;
to you unharmed. ' ' "'&&fe tm&m&,rtft ?FFH
" Above all see that no one is left out of the Klamath" County Honor Roll. See that justice is done our war workers'
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