THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TinJltHlMV.Hin-rKMUKU.. FOR SALE Used Maxwell Truck Enough work in sight to pay for it Howie Garag e TAG TWO OLD HM T GALLS ITS If ! national officials liavo boon Invited ' to attend. A ........ n1.1 ........ nl..n..n.... ...1... ...til 1 greet Generni Pershing nru "Aunt" J Susan Howctt, who inn do pies for him ' whan ho romped barefooted around' the countrj sldo and "Aunt" Louisa Warren, who claims to have been present when .tho future Today's Birthdays General Sir Julian Byng, who com manded tho Canadinu Overseas for ces in tho oarly period of tho war, military' bor" r'7 'oar8 nE today. 4?SSASS4?l?4?'.... . . " - " ' - - -- - - - ' V V VVIUVA . . "& f JGcnernl PcrsliliiK Will Rot urn to the leador was born in a railroad section I Scene of His Jlo,lH,d Dan ami! 1,0,,S0 Bevoral ni,,es from llerC- lloth I ! nro negroes. Meet With Ills Old I'laj mates ofl m Many Years Ago LACLEDE, Mo., Sept. 11 General J'ershing is coming back to his boy lood homo here. Ho will return a full fledged gen oral, tho hero of America, but to tho "boyhood companions with whom he .stole apples, and played at tho old dwimniin' hole, it will be tho "John ny" Pershing who spent his early life If you wako up with, a bad taste. here before going away to West Point I bad breath and tongue is coated; If - mm up yohj Says glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons. Lord Inchcnpo, president of tho British Imporlal Association of Com- 1 morco, born in Scotland, 67 years ago today. Ut. Rov. Thomas J. Shahan, rector of tho Catholic t'nlverslty of America born at Manchester, N. H 62 yonrs ago today. ! Rt. Rov. Arthur Drossaorta, r.itho . lie bishop of San Antonio, born in I Holland, 57 yoars ago today. Denton McMillan, former governor of Tennessee, now United Stntcs min ister to Guatomnla, born in Monroe County, Ky, 74 years ngo todny. to embark on a military career. A cablegrom received by Mayor Ed mund B. Allen promises a visit by tho General shortly after his arrival in the United States. Sometime ago when Laclede learn ed that General Pershing was return ing from Europe the following cable gram was despatched to him by May or Allen: "Leclede, your old home, your boy hood friends and Linn County are calling you. When may wo expect you home?" General Pershing cabled in reply: "I have heard the call. Will be there soon after my arrival in the "United States. Can't give you definite date now but will let you know later. Laclede will pay tribute to Gen Pershing on his arrival, not with thp pomp and ceremony that marked hi leception in European cnptials, but with a "good old fashioned Missouri home-coming." according to the com mittee arranging for his reception. Plans for the General's entertain ment include re-unions with old schoolmates and chums, trips to the old swimmin' hole pn Muddy Creek and to the old Pershing farm. rne nomecoming win also mark a reunion of the Pershing family. Jas. Pershing, of Chicago, tho General's brother, and Miss May Pershing and Mrs. Bessie Butler, of Lincoln, Neb., his two sisters, will gather at the for mer Pershing home during the Gen eral's stay. The reception will not be without a military side. Decorated heroes of Missouri will form an honor guard. Adjutant General H. C. Clark, of Missouri, will have charge of the mili tary reception. Governor Frederick J. Gardner will deliver an address at your head Is dull or aching; If what you eat sours and forms gas and acid in stomach, or you are bilious, consti pated, nervous, sallow, and can't got feeling Just right, begin inside bath ing. Drink before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a toaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it. This will flush the poisons and toxins' from stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, and cleanse, sweeten and purify the entire alimentary tract. Do your In-1 side bathing immediately upon aris ing in the morning to wash out of tho system all tho previous day's poison-. jus waste, gas a and sour bile before putting more food into the stomach. To feel like young folks feel; liko jou felt before your blood, nerves and muscles became loaded with body Im purities, get from your pharmacist a quarter pound of limestone phosphate which is inexpensive and almost taste less, except for a sourish twinge which Is not unpleasant. Just as soap and hot water act on tho skin, cleansing, sweetening and freshening, so hot water and lime stone phosphate act on the stomach. liver, kidneys and bowels. Men and women who are usually constipated, bilious, headachy or have any stomach disorder should begin this inside bath ing before breakfast. They are as- , sured they wTll become real cranks on the subject shortly. Adv, Today Is tho 17fith anniversary of the birth of Sarah Bache, only daugh ter of Benjamin Franklin. WILHOIT SET WORLD MARK IN COMEBACK A Bedouin marriage does not take much time . The bridegroom kills a sheep and spills the blood on the sand of his father-in-law's threshold, and the wedding is over. . Ussbsbb'sbsbsbsbI jBBBBBBr 1 1 Vjl bR-T&tMsMR W'ii WbHsbH RiPf? Y- obsbH Piiyi SBSBSBSBBM ?& "sTbBH BBJ u." SBBBBBBj l c3wmEbbbV rf t t T !! ' if t f t f i A f t ? t r T THE PEOPLE'S MARKET Phone Eight-Three , Phone Eight-Three From Producer to Consumer : One of the chief causes for the high prices of meat today is the demand of the public for only certain cuts, particularly steaks and chops. Other cuts, such as stew meats, boiling meats, corn beef, equally nutritious, and in some cases more so, are almost a drag on the market. A VEAL stew at 14c or lamb and beef stewed with vege tables, corn beef, etc., costs you just about half the price of a T-Bone steak, and is at least as nutritious. Let us help you cut down your, living expenses. t We always have on hand a supply of fresh, juicy beef, veal and lamb. Kindly phone your orders early 83. PEOPLE'S MARKET ::::m$mj HI RAWS IN Bi Mfi Today's Anniversaries itru, KK.'iiTim IH(J Sl'M : ki:ci:ivi:.s I'dit ins wonii 1777 Felix Grundy, one of the most celebrated criminal luworti of Secretary of War Daniels, aboard the dreadnought New York, has ac cepted ah invitation to pay a visit to- the celebration and other state andda to Victoria B C. IVto Wilholt had a big league try-out; then he was sent back to Wichita Western League club. Joe picked up bis bat and rot busy. . AP a worId record, hit safely in 9 consecutive games, breakinr the mark set by Jack Ness of the Oakland Coast league team of 45 consecutive- games. Now Wilholt goes back to the big league. Bos .on?e1 8ox have ent for him. a 299 times at bat he hit ior a .-"trcentace of .605. MADRID, Spain, SeplcmU'r 11. Jobo Gome, one of the most widely known professional iiLitiulort), has Hlgnod a ccntract with tho ownem (.Til, In hall re- rlv) about JfiOO for uaih exhibition 183S Mont Hov. John Ireland, if ho kills six bulls, ami a minimum Berlin Chamber of Comerco pain's a I ftrc";"s,!1P " t. l'aul, horn in Coun-, of duros, f 2K0, If ho klllt only mo gloomy picture of affairs on the State i lf K"0n'' Ireland. Died at St j IiiiIIh. Tho contract anticipates bIz Hallways. Every day he said a sub-i ,'""1, Sopt- !r'' 1,01Sl j oxhihltlons at Lima uhlch It Is said, Kidy of 10,000,000 marks is required 1844 Henry H. Coston, tho Am-! wl" lrobll,',y mt'n ""'re than $4000 BERLIN, Sept. 11. Herr Ueser, the Prussian Railway Minister, In a statement to tho memheis of the the last century, born In Berkeley ,?. ..IT", ,"," V County Va. Died at Nhvil.e. Tcnn.. ' "' ', ' , ,'' '? Dec. 19, 1840 "which It Ih ngrt'ed that hu h from the Treasury. Passenger traf-ierlcan officer who Invented the flc at present amounts to only f If aerial sy3tem of nlKht-slRiinlllnK, teen percent of normal, ho said, an' born In Washington, I). C, Died at express service has dropped to four I'ensacola, Fla Nov. C.- 1S96. for r,omt)7, Haid to lie a record prize for a matador. THE LIBERTY THE LIBERTY THE LIBERTY THE LIBERTY TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT Don't miss Edna Ferber's great story BEAUTIFUL ETHEL BARRYMORE IN per cent. Higher tariffs for gooJs and passengers are believed inevitable. The continuous strike and qhor"'B are resnonfil'ilp for th-vi conditions, according to the minister, who says tha. apa, l iicua uiu miu,. traffic restrictlonb v, kn hae ready been enforced, vc-y fur rea ing stipuiatlonn for t'i '"Infr aie unavoidable and the German coal In dustry must be put on a new footing. If possible, the use of lou! In It precnt form, whereby the greater part of the heating units pa.'s up the chimney, must be prohibited by law. Owing to the short3ge of fuel, Oci inan Industrie, it is said, nra also In terfered with, because they are un able to keep promise! regarding time of delivery. Private locomotive enfer- iprises the official declares rro doln? oven worse than the Stato services If possible, he adds, the water-ways muat be employed for purposes of transportation. JS88 Lord Stanley oponod tVo Canadian national exhibition at Tor onto. 1S07 Tho great coal minors' iutriki In Pennsylvania, We&t Virginia t; ;.nd Oh'o was ended by con'p.-omlso. j Sen. ch- 1314- Gormai.a crof-sod tho Alsno ' ,,reS'(1 and took up entianched positions. 16ir. lirsians r ilmer: it have raptured 33,000 Austrlnns and many! guns in counter-attacks in Oallcla and on tho Soreth. 1fUC Houmpnlans won nnothor bcUle and pressed Austrlans farther wctward. 1917 (Sen. Korniloff, at tho bond of a large body of troops, began a ' march on Petrograd. A.VHWKIt WILSON'S SI'KKCIira rillCAGO. Septtmihcr 11 Three icpublk'hii Houutors lllruiu John son, William Borah ami Mcillll Mc Cormlck began a campaign )ester day In answer to WINon's speeches. Senator Johnson Hfild tint the ent's "report to his fellow countrymen" bad Apparently degen erated Into a rather "Intemperate i criticism." One Year Ago Today in the War ft at in ftffno bi XpQJjLv. IvlJi'aLJ'o mc The Saturday Evening Post Serial Ltlijijllll I Best yet. Herald Want Ads. i-x tish ativuuifii iicui to (.'ainbral nnd St. Quentln. Gormans suffered he.ivy losses In 1 counter attacks on Kranco-Araerl- Major General Edward Glenn says cftns that tho 12,000,000 depositors In Holshovlkl defeated cist "f Ural savings hankB, 6.COO.0OO farmers Mountains by Czecho-Slouiks and El and 21,000,000 patriotic school chll- brrian forces. dren indicate tho futility of bolnho- vistlc propaganda in this country. Try 'em. Herala Want Ads. k Movie on Wheels Brings Educational Films e V- - TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT lu h THE LIBERTY THE LIBERTY t .V THE LIBERTY THELIBERTY .AWlSgffiKM;:BlBSISist TbSMI Xfti wSKa!i3SaKKammffKtKm. v iMaiiiiiiMi)iiiMiir --- r - , n r - ,i m-miiiiniii I ,...( "fv'jy AtJEtth SeS9BB9SB0 the 12 ta moTlea which sToui18 8lght' Ho gained his sight and this followed, one of operates Sunder tNnmmMVlJmTro in tno ,and 'bJtnK educational Aims. It scores iJ$alaw hB8 a b"i Mm exchanges and cooperates with SULPHUR Let us make up your, pool car IVturpheyVFeedL& Seed Store The price is right 126 Soulh Sixth St PhoDe n