vi:ini:siay, hi:it. 10 f AGH BIX Take out the Carbon. Give National Auto Accessory Company MOTOR RHEUMATISM 119 NORTH FOURTH STRpct the Engine More Pep Between Main and Pine Phoni 471 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON hue START STRIKES DUDLIN, September 10. James Larkln having cabled from the Unit ed States to his sister that he hoped soon to be at homo in Ireland "with the- old guard," there is somo disap pointment among his followers here becauso both tho United States and British governments have refused him, as stated, tho necesessary pass ports. Tho Irish Transport Workers Un ion which ho founded, meanwhile, has not abated, any of its activities in his absence, and. .has carried out in various parjta ot tlaad- a num ber of embarrassing anJ sometimes successful stjrljK&.iVi-At t present the harvest is in danger and the cattle trado is obstructed in the midland counties by transport union walkouts of the agricultural laborers, and' in Dublin there Is'tb. enajvel ' feature of a strike of grave diggers belonging, to this union which has succeeded in closing the great Catholic ceme tery at Glasnevia. The repor tof ,-tbM organization for the past year shows an Increased membership-frottr'43',78-to 68;8ET ln210nbrancnes?"'TUe. finances show a credit balance on the year of near ly;'9p.OO0. . Nearly $5.000 was paid out during the year In 'strike benefits. Xarkln's most recent public ap- America was at a So- in New York BASEBALL'S NEW "MIRACLE MAN" pearance in cialist mass meeting last June. BRITISH COLONEL LEAVES FORTUNE HONOLULU, T. H. Sept. 10. Col. Henry M. Henderson, of the British Army, killed in Prance In 1917, died ignorant of the fact that, he was a wealthy man with a fortune of be tween $250,000 and $300,000 held in . - . i trust tor nim ra ttonoiuiu. uoionei Henderson, a 'veteran of the Boer war had never becn'in, Hawaii. His par ents live in Red House, Tenby, Coun ty 'Pembroke, England, and deposi tions made by themand'sent here In connection with the administration of their late son's estate, revealed an unusual story. More than 40 years ago, when her son was an infant, Mrs. Henderson thru Honolulu agents, purchased for him 35 shares in an Hawaiian corpor ation, placing them in trust with in structions that the revenue be re-invested in Hawaiian securities. Her plan some day .to inform her son of his Hawaiian holdings was never car ried out. A large fortune now reverts to her as the fruit of a small invest ment made nearly half a century ago for her son. We make a specialty of fire, life and accident insurance. Phono 66 and well do the rest. Ohilcote & Smith. 6-tf Constipation Dangers Constipation Is a disorder more dangerous serious than many suppose. The condition allows waste matter to accumu late and poison the system. Nyal's Liver Salt will relieve constipation. It will do it in nature's own way that is, by stimulating the liver Into heal thy action. It is pleasant to take and mild In action. Price 66c. Ri 4bsssssbisssbsssU uV Kjb&y BasstSE v& ABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfPAw vfc H x v sBBMV3fBBBBF.vv&)rtfrvbi&j4vjBjBBjBjBjB2BjBBjBBjBjBBjBBBjBjBBp3A(few THEYHADTOSENO T FOR I M1W. (31ST KL'WKKKl) OOMIIKTN IIRKAKIMWX 43AINH TIIIKTV- THRKK FOUNDS TAKING TAN IiAO Pat Moran George Stallings waa the original "miracle man." Ho made tho Uraves win a DCnnant. He has been outdoim bv Pat Moran. Rnleruuuf' hr th rnuites last season, aioran, on tne advice of Mauager Mcuraw of the Giants, was engagea as manager or tne poor old Cincinnati Keds. At present those same Reds are leading the National League', and don't seem to care whether Manager McGraw'a pets finish anywhere This photograph waa. taken while Aioran was watenmg the ileas win a double-header from the Giants. The Reds made a good job of it 'by winning fqpr out ot six games in three days. DflTF 1 RR L The excursion of the Portland man ufacturers and jobbers that was orig inally scheduled to arrive in Klamath Falls the latter part of this month will not reach here until the week of October 13-18 according to advices received from A. G. Clark, manager of the Associated Industries of Ore gon. The change in the program was thought advisable In that the week of October 13-18 is to be made an Oregon Product's Week. Prizes will be awarded by the manufacturers for the best window displays by mer chants over the state, during the week. Three prizes of $25, $15 and $10 will be offered to merchants of Klamath Falls for the best displays that are arranged. DISU F S SPRUCE T OT L I I DISCOVER OLD MOSAIC. PORTLAND, Sept. 10. A Welch. fofmerly interested in a sawmill at Toledo with J. O. Story, testified be fore the Congressional committee that spruce produced under Disque's Administration in Yaquina Bay Dis trict, cost $1000 for 1,000 feet ex clusive ot expenditures for railroads and mills. Including these the cost would be $5,000. Other testimony was to effect that the Warren Spruce company conducted negotiations for the acquirement of the Biogett tract In Lincoln county previous to con struction of the railroad to it. Ac cording to testimony officials of com pany threatened the agent for Biog ett Interests that unless the tract was sold Disque would commandeer it. P. S. Brumbey was the Biogett Agent. ROME, Sept. 10. Archaeologists hay,e discovered a rich Mosaic, believ ed to date back to the days of the Caesars. The work was found in a perfect state of preservation under the foundations of the Case Popolarl. Its decorations are elaborate geome- fl slnglng has reauitad in the rity trical designs. The piece possibly commissioners Issuln a request to composed part of the floor of one of alrmen that they travel ln hIgn aUr PREACHERS DISTURBED BY AIRMEN' OVER CHURCHES. SANTA MONICA, Cal., Sept. 10.' Complaint that aviators disturb div ine worship here by flying so low ov er churches that the whirr of the I laner interferes with the preaching the Imperial palaces. If it's worth having, It's worth In suring. Get a Standard policy from Chilcoto & Smith, 633 Main St. 5-tf ANOTHER ELKINS NOW IN U. S. SENATE . tuocv from 11a. dsys. m. to 1 p. ni. Sun- " cErot rwooft i ,H - ' - '-" c UMm 1 MdsBBuL J0 'IBu ' bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH I bbbbbbbbbI MltlllMb Another Elklns from Wast Vir ginia has landed in the U. 8. Sen ate. It it David mains, aon of the late Ben. Stephen B. Blkins., KLAMATH fALlS ORB00H a wmci rnxncuiM MOftt BVT iniill VMlfV He was born in waaungusw erred Uranga the SaaaUa-Assar-lean war, coming ont a captain. He eallated la the recent wrM war, was eoasmlaaloaed m asajor. and saw dnty la Frane. Me to vreeMent of a Waahtagta teak aad one In ate home town at Mar gantown.'W. Va. BE PRETTY, TORN R R TRV GRANDMOTHER'S OLD FA VORITE RECIPE OP SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound ed, bungs back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, gray or streaked. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which Is mussy and trouble some. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for "Wyeth'e Sage and Sul phur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this famous old recipe, im proved by the addition of other In gredients, for about 50 cents. Don't stay gray! Try HI No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does il so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or oft brush with it, and draw this through your hair, 'taking ooe small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, g'ossy and attract "When I began taking Tanlao 1 wolghod just ono hundred pounds, nnd after finishing four bottles or this medicine I now weigh one hund red and thirty-three," said Mrs. Myr tle L. Gist, residing at 326 Chestnut Ave, South Pasadena, Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Gist is the wife of a well known member ot tho Los Angeles Pollco force, nnd her improvement slnco taking Tanlac has created a good deal of favorablo commont among nor neighbors and friends. "But making mo gain thirty-three pounds Isn't all Tanlac did for mo," continued Mrs. Gist, as sho told of the wonderful change. "I bad boon In a dreadfully run down condition for three years and finally suffered a complete physical breakdown. I had no nppetlte and tho little I ate didn't agree with me. I was so dreadfully nervous I could get no restful sleep and wonld often Ho awake all night long worrying over my condition. Practically all my strength left me and I lost weight until I was almost a shadow. "My condition finally got so bad they sent for my mother ln Oregon to come here and stay with me nnd when she got here I was down In bed hardly ablo to ralso my head from the pillow. Mothor said sho had several friends In Oregon who had taken Tanlac with wondorful results and she got mo a bottlo of tho medi cine. It seemed to help mo from the very start and in a fow days T start ed to get hungry. Then I began eat ing nourishing food and could feel my strength rapidly returning. I bo gan to sleep soundly and would wako up In the mornings feeling rested and refreshed and I soon was able to walk about tho house. I Improved nvory tiny mid now I fool simply fine, lmvo n splendid nppotlto nnd ran oat Jtiflt iui)tliliiK I want and enjoy It without nny bad nftor offocts. As I said lioforo I lmvo actually gained tlilrty-throii pounds nnd for tho first tlmu in many montliH I nin ablo to do my own housework without any trouble. I now fool so happy ovor my wonderful Improvement that I Just got out In tho yard with my two olilldrun mid fbmp and play with thom nnd onjoy It thoroughly. I will novor ccbho praising Tanlac for tho wonderful change It has brought In my life." Tanlac Is sold In Klnmath Falls by tho Star Drug Co., and ln Lorolln by tho Jamos More. Co. Adv. Artists urn lnvlin.i ... .. . tontolMMVornbythnmumhSoMl1' newly formed Amorlnm I.oition tlin organisation of vhtch I -tout p? Theodore IIoohovuU wan protnl DiMlKiis should !, submitted"!!1!; later thai, Augum is, to " Parsons, Hocrotary i:m,cm 71 inlttoo.Amorlnin l,(.(.oni ccj ' lligton Avenue, Halt Uko City utifc CiiHh pilxoHor $r.0, 3n and $io Jb ho awarded TI.Ib Initios promJ to bo iih popular mi tliu m,im by tho veterans of tho civil var NOTIOH. , Thoso having laundry at th , Him laundry will please all "2 same at onco. laundry Is located m Klamath Avo., noar Cth. (,1 " HH THE JEWEL CAFE For the Best in Eats Just Follow the Crowd, and You Are Sure to Eat at THE JEWEL CAFE Jesse Bailey, Prop. Phone 185 610 Main St m.4.4$4"H"t")-r -4 TELEPHONE RATES REASONABLE A telephone in the home costs you for Individual line, wall set, $2.75 per month or 9 l-6c per day. Four-party line, wall set, $2.00 per month or 6 2-3c per day. Stop and consider what you receive in return for this nominal expenditure. You are at all times within speaking distance with your phy sician, druggist, grocer and all' business places desired. You are in constant touch with your friends and acquaintances. It is always at your service day or night, and on duty every minute of the year. Protects you and the home in time of danger and emergency. Saves you time, energy and expense beyond estimation. Just think, all of the conveniences of the service, together with the saving of time, energy, expense, protection afforded, etc., for the insignificant expenditure of from 6 2-3 to 9 1-6 per day, ac cording to class of service used. v Is not the value received for every dollar paid for telephone service greater than that received f orxmy other dollar you pay out? THE "S s S S Pacific Telephone and Telegraph S rriMPAMv 3 sssssslssli iiMHiiimi11