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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1919)
TUESDAY, BKITiam, PAGJE HGHT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 0. tm. DANCING MASTER IS ADEPT AT TEACHING TERPSICHOREAN ART Thoso who intended the first dancing clnss it tlio Mooso hall Inst night conducted by Prof. L. A. Hop burn wero moro than rewarded, for tlm dancing master showed himself to bo an artist in teaching tcrpsl chorenn devotees tho flno art Professor Hepburn camo to Klam ath Falls unknown In this vicinity, but carried tho finest credentials from men high in tho Army and navy. For tho past 20 years ho lias been teaching dancing and has spent much time with soldiers at various camps over tho United States during the war days. Ho showed thoso who were on hand last night at the Moose hall that ho know his business from Alpha to Omega. His Instruction lost night was preliminary and free PACIFIC LOGGING CONGRESS TO HOLD ANNUAL GATHERING PORTLAND, September 8. In tho Douglas fir belt, which extends from British Columbia to Northern California, and In tho great redwoods of California, tho tendency each year is towards tho uso of bigger and bigger donkey engines. Tho weight of these big machines, Including tho sled, will approximate about fifty or moro tons. Tho cost of these sleds Is now about $1000, with a life of about threo years or less. Moving theso machines in tho woods is slow and expensive. The idea has beon suggested that tho application of tho caterpillar or tracklaylng sys tem, so successful as applied to the tanks In the lato war and to tho modern steam shovel, could bo ap plied to tho modorn logging engine in tho woods. This is. ono of tho Admiralty Logging Co., Seattle Tho congress embraces in Its Ju risdiction tho states of Montana, Idaho, Orogon, Washington, Califor nia nnd tho provlnco of British Col umbia. Its object Is to standardize tho profession of logging nnd engi neering, and bring about the high est development of tho logging branch of tho lumber industry. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY of charge, yet thoso who were there 1,veet 8ubJM:t3 wh,ch W,U bc dIs- mastered the fundamentals of tho waltz. Professor Hepburn teaches and In slsts on absolute smoothness of movement and rythm and insisted that all Jerkiness bo eliminated. "Unless the dance is elevated there will come a time when it will be entirely removed from our pleas ure," said Professor Hepburn In making a ploa for the best in danc ing. "The day is not far off either if we continue to abuse our privi lege, we will be denied it." Tonight at 7:30 o'clock Professor Hepburn will hold his first lesson at the White Pelican Hotel. This will bo free and classes for the coming month will bo formed, following the instruction. Wenedsday and Thurs day evenings classes will be held at the White Pelican Hotel, while Mon day Friday and Saturday evenings classes will bo conducted at Moose hall. Tho charge for the ten les sons will be gentlemen, $8; ladies, $4; per couple, $10; children, $5; single lessons, ?1 each. GRADE BOOKS SOLD OUT Yesterday proved a trying day for the drug stores in the city. They report today that practically all their grade books are gone and it will be the end of the week, at the very earliest, before any more shipments arrive. cussed at the tenth session of tho Pacific Logging Congress, which will be held In Portland, October S to 11, Multnomah Hotel, headquarters. Al ready somo erfiferprislng logging companies aro considering the ques tlon seriously of equipping their donkey engines with caterpillar tractors. In Idaho logging with tractors is going forward successfully. It Is es timated that one-third of tho timber Idaho can be more successfully logged with tractors than by any other method. The officers of the Pacific Log ging Congress are: W. W. Peed, president; Hammond Lumber Co., Eureka, Cal. T. J. Humblrd, vice-president; Humbird Lumber Co., Sanpolnt, Idaho. Geo. M. Cornwall, secretary-treas urer; editor The TImberman, Port land, Ore. The executive committee consists ef: British Columbia, J. M. Dempsey; British Columbia Loggers' Associa tion .Vancouver. California, Donald Macdonald, tho Pacific Lumber Co., Scotia. Idaho, M. H. Strathern; Post Falls Lumber & Mfg. Co., Post Falls. Montana, W. R. Ballord, Soniers Lumber Co., Soniers. Oregon, A. H. Powers, Smith Powers Logging Co., Marshfield. Washington, Geo . W. WANTKD 15 cords 4 wood. Ford Gnrngo. foot limb 9-tt WANTED Work by hour or day for middle aged woman. Inquire Her ald. S-3t FOR SALE? Household goods, In cluding Concord Piano. 1210 Sar gont St. 9-5t I FOR SALE Winchester pump gun. 12 gaugo. Jas. M. Watklns, Jr. 410-9th St. Phono 320R. 9-5t WANTED Girl or woman for gen oral housework Perfection Dairy. Phone 19Y. ' 9-tt WANTED Sovoral young calves. E. L. French, City Milk Depot Phone 296J. g-4t FOR SALE Ono 1914 Ford Tour ing car nno 1917 Chovrolet tour-V ing car. Ford Garage. 9-tf WILL PAY CASH For a few dosir- ablo residence lots, sultablo for Im-1 mediate building. Wish to deal with ' owners direct. GIvo location and price. Nelson Rounsevell. P. O. Boxi 215. 9-6t I gHrcfflijmait&JSforB H. N. MOE, Proprietor , A WONDERFUL VARIETY OF LUXURIOUS NEW COATS IN WHICH COMFORT AND GOOD STYLP ru,n HIGHEST EXPRESSION. u,u There is here for your selection tomorrow an arrav nf Women's and Misses' Cauts, wonderful in variety in uUp distinctiveness, in rich beauty. ' uer Every new shade and tone, every soft new fabric either of wool or the favored plushes; every approved mode has I representative model in this showing. a Individuality of style and finesse of tailoring character izes eveiy new coat regardless of price. $20.00 to $85.00 STREET AND AFTERNOON FROCKS Smartness und Individuality aro tho dominating points of distinction ifc bo noted In each of tho now und decidedly smart drossoH w nrv imw .il FOR SALE House and lots In And erson. Calif, clear, 320 ft. front, ' 140 back, moro than an acre, on good i street four blocks from depot, threo room house, family orchard, prlcoi $1000, small payment down, balnnco like rent, or will exchange for Klam ath property and assume. A. S. Hotchkin, Beatty, Oregon. 9-4t I FOR SALE G room modern house. Ono of the best locations of Klam ath Falls $2250 part terms. Houso of 3 rooms. Artesian wator and close in. $1250 terms; Modorn houso 4 rooms. 2 blocks from Main St. $1200 $500 cash and balance like rent. Also several other snaps in houses and lots or unimproved lots. W. M. Montollus, 1303 Main, Klamath Dov- elopment Co. Office. 9-tf , WANTED j Messenger to work full time at1 Western Union. Must havo wheol. ' Opportunity to learn telegraphy. Western Union Telegraph Company. 8-tC Alvoy A. Adee, Second Assistant Secretary of State, today enters upon his fiftieth year of continuous serv ice in the diplomatic branch of tho Johnson; ' U. S. Government. for Fall, taken as a whole, are by far the best they have ever produced. Quality, style and all-round good ness are worked into these Hats as never before. The styles and shades are the most attractive we have ever seen. Here's a shape to exactly fit every head and become every face. 7 will bo Ing are now nhow. aro modest Sorgo, Trlcotlnu and Satins are maturtalH employed Kusliiiin . ,1.' aro tho smartest for Fall. Trimmed In so many now nnd dim-nun n... ':;i ... .. ....... --. it a wii wiii not attempt description nut rem assured, tnu rrock that will Ut conform in our idea of becomlngness will bo found In tho assortment. Prices aro mnH.? Indeed at $18.50 to $50.00 Women's and Misses' FALL SUITS Suits that aro so noticeably differ ent in tholr now lines and method of trimmings suits In whose indi viduality lies the charm. Of Trlco tlno, Flno Soiges and rich Novelty Cloths In shades nf Illtio nnd llrnwu. Beautifully tailored und lined. Trices aro moderate when tho (tiullty la considered . IlnmlNonio Htolcn of .car jur nnd I'ltiih And upon viewing them you win Immediately voice your approval for thoy really ur ebonutlful, and withal pructlcnl. Of liiHtroim, Bky pu,i nnd imitation fur; In brown and blnck. Tho Materials by tho Yard SH.fH) to $IH.(H) For tho making of stolos or the trimming of suits. Thu materials nro Saltex Fur, heavy 1'lusbej Hoavor Cloth and Caracul Cloth In brown und black; 54 Indies wide New Kid Gloves Special at $2.50 This Is a very low price Indeed for such splendid gloves. A pur chase mado months ago makes It possible for us to ofTer thorn at this price. In groy only, black stitched back. Vory well mado. All sizes. Centemorl Kid Gloves In tho now browns, tans, modo grey nnd blnck and white. Splendid gloves at tho price 3.00. LOVELY NEW BLOUSES Our absortmonts aro so varied and ofTor such splendid opportunity for satisfactory selections that wo do not hesitate In stating that hoio you will llnd tho city's boat showing ol really fashionable bloUBes. Of buautiful georgettes nntl crew do chlno In almost overy shado of tho rainbow -sumo simple In trimming others olaboruto varioty great enough to sat isfy tho most exacting. Modestly priced at $C..riO to j 16.00. Beautiful Italian Silk Underwear From America's greatest maker of Silk Underwoar known for the quality of his product. Soft ami sheor, yet durable To tho woman who lows dainty undergarments, our assortments offer aplondld selections. ltodlro Top nnd 1mci Trimmed Vest, Sit. no. Ilodlco Top mid liUt'o Trimmed Camisoles, tjtt.ftO to $0.50. Ijico Trimmed Envelope riiemisr, jjtiVOO mid $0.50. Ik-uutlful Luco Trimmed Gouiis, 9H.50 to $12..V. BROKEN LINES WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR SPECIALLY PRICED On ono of our aisle tables aro many lots of womon's Union Suits nnd 8oparato Garments also small lots of garments for children. Thoy aro of wool, silk and wool and fine cotton. The Price Tags Bear the Markings of Last Year, Making Possible a Saving of From 1-4 to 1-3 We cannot too forcibly Impress upon you tho advantages offerod In these specials. From ono of the best makers In the country, the garments loavo nothing to bo desired in point of quality. Hut remember assortments aro broken, though your sizo Is hero In somo particular lot. V- fVJ - ! A ' mamuzfa& WILL NOT SIGN ITiUATY. PARIS, Sept. 9. The Roumanian delegation to (he Peace Conference announced that it would not sign tho Austrian Peace Treaty. The signing of the treaty by Austria and other powers had beon set for tomorrow. PLUMB DEFENDS HIS RAILROAD PLANS WIN KASY VICTORY. GLASGOW, Sept. 9. Pro-pononts of direct action for tho enforcement of labor's demands won a victory on tho first voto of tho Trado's Union congress. California keops a holiday today in elebratlon of tho sixty-ninth anniver sary of Its admission to tho Union. NOTICE All parties having burned cars at tho Ford Garago will kindly remo thorn at tholr earliest opportunity. Ford Oarage, George Dlohn, owner, 9-tf i President Wilson Is scheduled to speak today In Minneapolis and St. Paul In behalf of tho League of Na tions convenant. ,'30 We take great pride and satisfaction in handling W because we know how good they are. You will enjoy wearing one of these splendid hats because of the style, and comfort it will give you. The name "Mallory" in a hat means that it's the best to be had at the price it means that you are getting the product of a maker who has been making Hats since 1823. Don't miss seeing the KeW Fall styles. K. SUGARMAN ' , "I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY" A' now plcturo of Glenn B. Plumb, author of tho "Plumb Plan" for nationalization of tho railroads arid legal representative for the Brotherhoods of railway workers. Plumb has been a close student of railroading and has vig orously defended his plan before a coasresloaaIjMBStfUMte Washington. VVVNAAAAVSAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAVVNrfVWWNANV Safe Foods for Summer The matter of pure food is of great moment to all of us, just now but especially must delicate little babies have food that is pure and fresh. We guarantee all of our Infant Foods to be fresh. All of the approved brands are carried those considered by physicians and nurses to be the best. Guard Baby's Health nnderiQott PhamEY W vL. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Wm W ' V WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE AlfjlL-rt puritV I BUY THEIR DRUGS