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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1919)
iWMW-Xh&lXi'&vt WW. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE! BEVErt :?Tik "7jfi vt;...'M .... IH.irf.-Vi- -JYCfiA l'!h,iZK'(e?iw. it . . SiisrsSajr,mmm naaa.'cvfl r" twini.fgi1gfWil.CSga .,.?. .s.sars-V ..-, ' titeiftsw.tea nrf t."3 imHI frmVr i"T - r.WiartiiJriiai Hfcwifiii&teK iflfiMi SlaRam Kff"A!M:r&IGL?iW3zr Njvpv.iwSf mi ija Wiawi""' M""- BtiP' i; w 4 YQUVrGQl Ii Qui of TesG Column rvwrs "il" -17 r tT VI .Jrr- . f " s V r- t r ftM imitnn rcr a Mr i-ru imh "'"' '"''""I on tno 2Ctn day ' Drt I 1.1 h, W 1 1 1 1 1 ! B 1 1 1 1 1 IV! ,!1i(ot i"' Mm- ' " riiri-ai- N "'"rile hon. n. h. runnel: ' iH III) ULFlUUll II-l UULU,I?S ?U unlay night at Opnr.i ilouw. itc- Judge 0 tho County Court of I Y"u v ini to (Tutor (Jf t - ItoXnrd 8-11 rftato of Oregon, for tho Count - i nirrntTtnMn iirnifrr. " ""' Klamath, With tho seal Of ' noli nt prlvnto salo, upon tho torma to no prcscnijou uy inc uourt, an or tno following described Ileal Estate, bo- IriTlffltltf In unffl Tilirtntn in.wW A tifnn or pnrcol of land Bltunteil In tho town oi l'on Kinnintn, nininntn county, fltnto of OrcRon, and dcHcrllicd as fol- Iowh, lo-wlt: Cotnmcnclni; at n point 200 foot Houth of tho northcuHt cornor ot Hcctton 21, In townxhlp 33 south, rnngo 714 E'iRt of ho Willamette Morldlan In Klamath County, Orc koii, thcnco WeHt 200 feet, thonco Houth 108 feet, thonco Kaat 200 feet, thcnco North 108 fcot, to tho jilnco of heRlnnlnB. This citation Is published hy order of tho Honorahlo It, II, Uunnoll, .Tllflr'i fif flit itttifv tmirf ttiT Iflnm. nth County, state of Orccon, tnado Aug- FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomi8 Bldg. Phone 432 PROFESSIONAL CART SITUATIONS WANTED :.:xA Diamond cord tiro with rim and tiro cover r nil.:.- vctti-n it m frMi huh wiu viii r ji inn' ii ti- i Lr I'niio lliinl- WANTKD Two Woodchoppors. Chll- '" !" Tiro & Vulcanizing Co &&T8 r.?! J. coto & Smith. 033 Main! Mf Hh St. 8-31 :, iaBrnBo. U.flf -; , L- """ "" i f.iiv cows Millinery Sin tf i00'! Et ' rVA.NT.C-Kx, JlKLi inquire nt Hcuiiiii "c" "'. Imuiawork. I ' ... n..1itn IflllllltH KIR SAMT hu .... .,lv 31100 . . ...j nn. i ii ..., . i , .11 for S5U cash. O M. To ti IJ( nnnr u. b - WANTKD An approntlco Parisian I-OST Automohllo 32-4 chain on mm.. ...... ui..... r. ii if..,.. f. . .. I.fiVrivfnur rnrwl Ttlnrlnp lnnvn nf iiilllinui miuji' uj.i7 Diiliu ol, 1ll w..w.. auM., ... ... v, uiiinu ijuruBO. uownru. u-ow llftrlillirm! wntnnn fir "- " .. . I riLj.n rnl...n.. ... T.'.... n. .1 ti.3t nouHUWorK. iiuroronco. I'hono 130. """- i '" """"""" iJU"ll iiiuun uii iiiut "Ml lliu yitu uiiijn ,. nwuy. nuvo tiiom rctreuiied nan ,L, tho Countv of Klamath, with tho seal of ' said Court affixed, this 30th day of AiiBUst, A. D. 1910 Attest: C. It. DI3L.AP, County Clerk. 2-9-1G-23-30 In (lie Court v Court of tho Htnt 01 OroKon, For tho County of Khun alii. In tho Matter of The Kstato of Milton NOTICB IS IircilKBY OIVKIN, That "uy- Have them retreaded Half . ... ,',,. ,. , .,, ',,,! WANTKD- (llrl I for K-noral Iioumc- S0'! Vr J,':IMid ,?aM,y.nak,0nTI,r,C 1 'l'll''l "! acting administratrix work anil cook nir MrM. () f! l.nii. t nervlfo Stitlon, 112C Muln Klnm- . .. ... . , ti ,i onto, Illy, OroBon. 1-tf ""' I'iiIIhi Oregon. C-Ct , Depot. S-tf - a - mnilnrn fUITl- iiw wr-isr ino. Lith. toii- ;Cetrl c iKhtB. price I2C00. AV ,1000 00 MUili balanco 25. wrth i,h 8 Dcr cont IntoroBU SSSBmSS. Smith Rcaltr Co. ill Mala. MRgAIj.-100 acrcn, niini.i.. "'g on nllroad. Twenty-slx KarcBS No. 1C Herald Office. IMH' , muSALK-l-arcolot ilpi'lralilo lo iSitrilton City. I'hoao 428. lit1 WANTKD Copying or typowrltlnR to do 3 or i hours per duy. 817 Main. G-3t" HELP WANTED TKIOIrruV"help"wl"lii"iifii.c.. work at Whliu I'ollcnn llotol !oiM witRon. Cull at the Offlio of tho Motel. . at FOUND Klvo Thousand miles hy having my old tiro retreaded nt tlo Crater I.aHu T'ro Service Statlui:, 1120 Main St. Klamath Falls, Ore. LEGAL NOTICES XOT1CM OF SAIiK OF 1UIUGATION DISTIUCT BONDS. MISCELLANEOUS SVVi l.aily would like to rent, or tako care or u piano or iilavur (I ml i winter month.'. No children. 201 J 3t of tho estato of Milton .1. Hnrper, do- ccaeed. All persons having claims ngnlnst the said estate will present them to this administratrix, duly ver ified with vouchors attached, within six months from the dnto of this no tice at the law offices of H. M. Mann ing, nttornoy for said estato at his of fice In tho Loomls Building, Klamath Falls. Klamath County, Oregon; Dora Harper, administratrix of the Kstato of Milton J. Harper, deceased. .July 31, 1018. FORSAlB-AForilbuBln A-l coil-dltlon-gunranteed. Address II. K. n...M nfflrn U-tf ncuiu v...". NOTICR IS HEIIKBY G1VKN that ccalrO proposals will ho rocelvcd till tint Llth. day ot October. A. I). l'.UO at tho hour ot 8 o'clock In tho even ing for the purchaso of Forty Thous- I and Dollars worth of bonds of thit I Pnterprlso Irrigation District ot WHAT 1IAVK YOU 'Are thcro many Klamath County, Oregon. Said' big dairies In Klamath Co. How honds aro to bo dated Novo nbor lrt, much milk could ho gotten up there, 1 1 ' and nro to draw Interest at tho i .. ..!... ..!. ..I t ...i. .1. I'lWn rt ulv tint nntif nnr nntilim tntnr- SCHOOL OPENING SPECIAIj. rtno nnlp Hnnvnnlr choD sticks freO with each howl chlneso noodle. Crat er Cafe, 7th St. 'E-5t Muln St. niiicii iiiiik cuuiu nu Kuiieu iiii mere, j.- " i """ - and at what price? I might move my " ot six per cent per annum, inter- eroaniory up thoro if I could got a '"st I'ayablo semi-annually upon tho !.,. -. .. ...,,. if . . . . 1... ,lni. f !,,!.. nnA flin lot Anv nf nig ioi oi iiiiik. iiiivu you got an a-l . " j " iu ". ". - - .,, slock ranch for $2r,, 000 casli? Write innim'T of each year until tno niaiur- FOR SALB-Duroc "'', '",i" mo fully horo, with warmest per- Hy of said bonds. China sows with pigs at aiuo. H(jnn roKar(lH.. Sal,l proposals will bo received by PtocellFH Itahn. 0-1-1 , Th(j u,)()vo ,g nn cxtract from a lot- the Board of Directors of Haid Irrlga- - - ' lor rcenlvoil bv mo this moriiliiL' from Hon District, and should bo dlrcct- rORSALE -Hulrk "I"-- cood rii'J; u man whom 1 know to bo very ro- d to the Secretary of tho Knterprlso k....i . ...- ... m i tr frfii nn iiioiriri rnrp nr t:nnnt.H ii'iiiii i I in iiriiiHH iiiiw jir. .mill ii . . . n.w. ... ....., -..., ... you aro Interested In the develop ment of Klamath Co., If you have .... initio to Nell that would suit this 1 -in, o. iinv Information he would like communicate It to Robort S. i iy, MoucUIr V Crass, Klamath Falls Oiegon, Tol 381. 5-3t A banker in South Orange, N. J., who recently died .left $50,000 to a fnithful woman servant. A colored woman at Camden, N. J., who had sreved a family as servant for 35 years, was left 25,000 by her mas-tor. Lively, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable LonR Trips Ou Specialty Reasonable Rates Phono 180 822 Klamath Ave. Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main St. Candles PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drlnk.e Peel and Billiards Barber Shop in oCnnection OUR MOTTO 'Courtesy and Service" ilnr order. Will W'l! lelUibalf it vbIih- V.. I". Martin PhfP Vi Kb v. . - l!- ' houth of Mills Hall, Mills Addition. - rOH SAIX-10 young barred-rock hens, roosters nml other cmcKons. U3i Sargcant Ave. 5-3t .1. Ferguson. Loomls Building, Klnm-, nth Fulls, Oregon. The Hoard of Directors re.servo the light to reject any or all bids offered. , O. J. HILYAItD. ' Secretary of tho Board of Dlrpctois ot Knterprlso Irrigation District. 4-I'Ot mmp aB " 3sa- 1 x-::"X:X'X"::"X":-x-K"t"X"" i 1 1 Your Home Laundry . 1 : iraTmr-lVnshT-eo-Wj-Te- 'i I i ;.: FINISH EI) WORK Ij ,.;. FLAT WORK 4 '; ROUGH DRY '.: it .; IX "Put Your Duds .3 In Our Suds' : 1 ': PHONE 421 ;: I Corner Main And Conner I J 5 PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Mntcrnlty Cacti Sirs. Rosa McDanlcls, 301 High St Phone 455 THE PARISIAN BEAUTY SHOP Facial Massaging, Blenching and Facial Packs Manicuring, Shampooing Scalp Treatment nil) Main Phono 800 J xx:X"X"X"X"X":'X"XX"X 5 .. .... i, ... ! v. siinkccr x X KATHERINE SCHLEEF '.i X I'll) skin ns and Surgeons x X Office, White Bldg. xxx:"X":"XX":-k'c-m DR. G. A. MASSEY Bncccssor to Dr. Trnax Suit 200, I. O. O. F. Bldg Office phone 80J Res Phone 80M DR. R. B. CRAYER Diagnosis Medicine and Surgery Office over Underwoods Phone 280W 7th and Main WWWIMIWVWVWAilMI,WW DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE BUILDING PHONE 38S -tl-lltll-Ll-rl-fll-t'-llP-lttl-lTS DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 354 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 fOR SALE t horses, 5, 7, and 8 fllrl Wololit 1600 and 1700. J. Tramel, 5 miles out on Lakovlow nid. Tel 19F2C. 2-0f WANTKD- Potatoes to dig on sliar" Anv ulii Tin f ti riini.filririi'1 WANTKD Apples or pears to p'fl. nliurn Vnr labor. - -'FOU SALE Combination Hay and TOR SALE OU THADK Cooking I wood rack lUnsimumo !'' rlfinlln nt various kinds, also a Iturrntt. Olil Poor Farm. Kuuo Itoiul. ruge or two, noarly any kind of a ' A post card will got mu. 8-Ut i'.oie,rerkln8Purnlturo Houso. 20-tf - - - l FOU EXCHANGE A new 1" Jewel MR SALE SO acres kooiI land. 50 Gold watch for a 12 or 10 gugo ' icres under Irrigation -Fenced 'pump gun. 321 (iinnt St. 8-2t nun DniiomgB. Hpociai low prico in ...... n .. AnA .. . nn . m iittii.u1 i mnp nit) urn I nnll .., una bi oncft uan u-- .Main, sa-ii i i' i uiwir iin ivm ouu m i r ...... r ii .............. I.I.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. I ijvoriuiiu i i unafiii;nr ii-uiuniii'i r rORSALIh-60 acres Irrigated land , Fully equipped and in nuuruntced l. ..I 1A i I , ' -..I 1 llllll .... ....... .. I. ni.i I l -minujcu iv aires in gruwuiK - 8""u unn-i falSa BulldiriKS fenced, irood land I bDcj from town at special bar pit. Call 622 Main. 20-tf Linoleum, Rugs, Matting, Pnbcolln, ilaJes, Beds, Mattrcea and Springs otuleor trade, l'trklns' Furniture Will i'o nnvwhnro. J. Sattorleo, McMillan Apts. 8-4I Home, 20-tr WANTED Small furnished apart ment liKitilie lleraul v.uu'u. a WANTED Good young cow, fresh; ulso three dozen It. 1, or othor good struln laying pullots. Phone 384. 5-tf fOR SAMj Oooil rye buy also ul alia hay and pasture. Cnll 33S 10th St. or Phono 247 M. 12-tf WANTED-Houso Close in, furn ished or unfurnished. Inqulro Hor ui office. 30-tf 8ALE Pnrnlalilnira fni n air Wnhouse-122N 6th St. 20-tt TvYOnty.two head draft horsea weigh inc from 120U to ituu. is. . " WANTED To buy modorn Iioubc N. 117" Drew, cornor Cth.& Main. 5-3t YOUNG MAN Ordtor your school ault now. Iinim & Co. and Shny- nehrtin Tailored suits nro best. N. U. Drew, Cor. Gth & Main. 5-5t rORSALrV-improver, residence lol LB" "1. Or Mnstse . Son inns Mni a. r,t "Orson, J.oreiia, ur PHOND PEYTON for Wo'od 4-12t 112R. FOR RENT FOR ppviT ...... . ...,,4 lurnisiiod -' .plng II S,,f0nr.Blrls Mrs- ' M. 'Pitch. JllJSlithJUyrBlcL 8-3t IIIIIHEHIBE , NOTICE 'WANTED TO BUY OR TItADE For I any and all kinds of furnlturo. Por- kins 30-tl WANTED TO TRADE a Now range fnr nn nlil nnn. VOU D.1V tll'J dlffor- enco. Porklns Furnlturo Houso. 20-tf In The County Court of The State ot Oregon For Tlio Couiuy ox ivinin- ulli ' In tho Matter of tho Kstato of Emma Jackson Wilson, docenscd. All persons having claims aganiHi. tho above entitled Estate aro hereby i notified to present them properly verified with vouchers attached 'to tho undorslgncd nt tho office of his Attorney II. M. Manning, in tho Loomls Building, nt Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Oregon, within six months from tho date ot tnis nouco. AllgilSt 2."i, LU. Robert Wilscn, Administrator of tho Estato of Emma Jackson Wilson, deceased. 2C-1-9-1C-23 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of Tito State oi Oregon for tho County of Klnm- In the Matter of tho Estato of Ed ......,.i w nnwiin. Sr. deceased. Notlco Is hereby given that all per- I snn- hnvliig claims ngainst tho nboyo : ontitlod Estate, shall presont tho , samo on or boforo six months from tho dato of this notice, properly veii fied with vouchors attached, to tho i undersigned, at hor residence at 805 , lMnr. Street. Klamath Falls, Klam-, nth County, Stato of Oregon. Dated August 25th, 1919. Sarah H. Gowen. Administratrix of tho Estate of Ed mund W. Gowen, Sr deceased. 2C-2-9-1C-23 Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hall, 5th and Main streets. P. J.Gerges , N. G.; Fred Bremer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Ewaunn Encampment No. 46, I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of each ivrak nt T n n. T. hull. Arllp Wor rel, C. P.; Nate Otterbein, Scribe; ' P. L. Fountain Treasurer. ' HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. BISMARR 115 S. Oth St. Klamath FaUs Over Underwood's Seventh nnd Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomls Bldg., Klamath FaUs AS. DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 61 RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W Exclusive Portraits mir 1136 Main St "BiMir IE Notlco of Meeting of lMaliwitlon Board of the Horsefly Irrigation IMstrict . th t T1)0 ivniii'ii Ft iiiiiuuj r--- WANTBD-Furnlshed " House-See Board of Directors of J"0 Mr. Evans Star OOrug Company. Irrigation D strict W" b . ae-tf. ?"-3: "'. tr nt i a .fi. 1919 at mu !"' " r -- . .. nv,in.. WAY- Al1 les for sale-by River Electric Co. W l" UU nn." har obiOC Fifty dollars or.moro and an old tho iiour 01 o " '"m t ron of The range will got ono of my new ones tlons to the assossn nt r Perkins' Furnlturo House 20 df8"5910-Io said assessment winter RATES-At White Pelican roll may bo oxamlned at ,e district I commoneo Sept. lot. Rooms $20 & office in tm """' """ "' up. 2C-" "onanza, w.ufau. PADD0CK, Secrotary of Tho Horsofly Irriga tion District, Bonanza Oregon, Dated Sept. 1st, 1919. ! 2-9-10-23-30 I CITATION in Tho County Court of The State of (hegm For The County Warn- 'in'tho Matter ot tho Estato ot S. B. ' fiurdnor. docoaaed, .. , To K S. Gardner. Nellie Bailey, and Viola Liobort. Greoting ' In & name of the State ot Oregon, Youare hereby cited to .appear nth rtyiama,nth. Coun- thoro- 1 ' A 1. n 1111 III1V lliiiuiiviiv - nnr A niTIIlUIV If. "--- Urn.. li.m,lm.l.ii ii'liol' uiiU aliuint iiuig- Ul "X '.. ,. n tillO in Octouer .tly- Sni.1 foil one to tlio diu im l " " & court nni, then and nn- for a .lime jmClciigo huh a mv ..." . - lt nny oxisi, y . ..?:. ,,...'. ..iL-. ii nowilur vmi there to Bit"" . ., y . 'L i W Hie HOT POTNT1 Woncra'C1TY OARBAGK When you want ui ruiiNl Kange narhago removed -phono 91. H-tf tin. J j .. i - - " ' '"" i at the Golden Rod Pro- a Demonstration at the 0 Tanous groceries this week.' Cookinsr is m.o,i t. y into pleasure when J- TOPS KEAIlACit. NEURALGIA Get a dime pacli- tan- . "w. ofDr. Jnnies' uoaoacuo 'COok the "HOT POINT Powders. 'ii WWWMWI.WII You Had Better Order Your Winter Wood now Double Load Blocks $7.00 Green Slab, Pine $3.50 Green "Slab, Fir $4.50 W. E. SEEHORN CO. 023 Main St. Phono 73 TIMBER FOR SALE Twenty million feet of standing timber for wile cheap. Sawmill and planing mill en premises. DR. T. B. TIMONY, Red Bluff, Calif. You can clear your head mid 'Uvc corurt"n0om thereof, in the iC n dull, m.llttniB or violent throMim,.' " ' J HouBO, in said Klamath lu-iuMdie'lu a woHiwit wlUi a . .Cy o"on. In the Ortober term ' I litiiH Hemhiclio 'I'owdor. TliU oM lnyfVt 4 0-ci0ck p. m. on tho lit ATTENTION My business is making your liomes bright and prosperous by Painting, Kalsominlng nnd Pnpor Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Phone 103W J eroMhoife Uion 0 U Burns nd- WARREN HUNT MEDICTNE AND SURGERY 206 I. O. O. F. Bldg. wr-w imirrYT 1ITTA i iso-LriviA i n u 1 j i CDDIMP urrtDvc oirrvuivj tt vivivj We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones fliaue to uraer Axle Straightening and Blacksmlthlng ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Phone 250-Y 017 Klamath Ave. FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE See Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRY MB PHONE 170-J Phono 340-J 11S2 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. Homo-Made Pics and Cakes. Cold Moats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. DR. A. A. SOULE Study Anatomy and Surgery, San Francisco, Calif., Dr. J. B. Bank ero has charge of my practice. Phono 15.1J Office 402 Main St E.L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 Willlts Bldg. Klamath Valla ! Oregon Let your Glass Troubles bo My Troubles. Regiazing done in any part ot tho city E. O. 8TUCKY. Carponter & Cabinetmaker Phone 477W 1024 W. Main CITY AND COUNT! ABSTRAO'I COMPANY 517 Muln ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician M Surge" 8ult 211, I. O. O. F. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store) Phone SKI . . (The only Osteopathic Physi . clan and Surgeon tt Klamtti Fall ) SAW MILL ENGINEERING S CONSTRUCTION tX. Designers and bullderH ot mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. Wa contract to build any class of a building and install machinery of nny kind. ' Drafting of any kind done. Blue Print made. PHONE 140J Office in K. D. BuUdlng J. C. CLEGHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. Res. 102M. WELL "DRILLING Tochatzer Bros. & Klabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon """ vH:tM ':: SHANGHAI I RESTAURANT CROP 8UKY AND NOODLE -J HOUSE X Short Order Meals Served. 73 Main Street f KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. J i m(1 woinlcr whil t HxHymui of tint ltu.ul Vtie, iiuiiruiuiii uinl tmui Slop sillier- rJ-it'B ntcdiM. iv " yuu ot Ml"a ,; pi( Jw. rUllBUBBBUnr .;.o:x-mWx-:"X-x4