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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1919)
MtmAV, skiti:mhi;k ,au , 0H bight THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON m m I 151 Hi Kl MflETOF LITTLE NOTE WITH TUB AMERICAN FORCES IN OEKMANV, Sept. C An account of Germany's now "navy" Is given in Mlttschiets, a Gorman navat peri odical, a recent Issuo of wVIch has reached American headquarters, des cribes the Iron torpedo boat and Haft flotillas both of which havo been or ganized sine tho armistice. The "iron flotilla" constats of twolvb torpedo' dWb, which have been engaged- In maintaining order on the western" coast of Germany, Bays tho paper. Some of tho vessels have been used, on several occasions for policing tho ort of Hamburg, such as guarding Allied 'food ship ments to tho Ceecho-Slovaks and si milar work.-dttring periods of disord er. The flotltU has its .headquarters at Wilhelnwhaven. A landing corps of about 360 me Is distributed among the twelvo boats, each of which has' a platoon of thirty com- manded by a naval lieutenant. The clothing and arms of members of this landing corps are the same as iu the infantry. l ' Machine Guns On Boats. Tho Haff flotilla is supposed to be doing similar duty on the Baltic coast near the Russian boundary with headquarters In Koenipjborg The-flotilla has been handicapped re cently by dejay in obtaining equip ment needed" to put the vessels in commission. The boats are armed with machine guns and in some cases with 3.7 centimetre guns as well. The flotilla was organized for opera tion in connection with the East Prussian Freiwiltlge corps and was, until a few weeks ago, subject to the commander of the northern army. These two flotillas excepting a few vessels which are either out of commission or of little or no use constitute virtually all that is left in active service of the German navy. ASSUMES E NT RESPONSIBILITY PORTIAND, Sept. 4. In tho nf ternoon testimony that was recolvod In tho rigid Spruce investigation that the congressional committee is car rying on, Brigadlor-Gonoral Disquo assumed all responsibility for con struction of tho 14,000,000 railroad, in Clallan County, Washington. Ha declared ho first tried to pre vail on the Chicago-Milwaukoe and St. Paul Railroad, of which John D. Ryan la tho director, to build it. He then arranged for tho government to build tho road over Milwaukee Lake, for 10 per cent less than cost. Ryan, head of tho aircraft board, did not participate in tho negotiations, ac cording to Disquo. OPKN8 NEW OFFICES. Dr. A. B. Craver, who for a number-of years prior to his Joining the army during the late war, practiced medicine at Yamhill, Oregon, has de cided to locate In this city and haB opened offices in tho Crisler-Stllts building over Underwood's. SMALL BLAZE AT SHTPPINGTOIf. An over-heated stove in the hotel at Shipplngton caused a few dollars damage last nlnht about 7:40 p. m. The local department answered the call but the flro was extinguished be fore they reached the scene. No doubt orie effect prohibition will have in the state is that fewer guides in the Adlrondacks will look like deer. Rochester Post-Express, Greatest producers known, aid Want Ads. Her- BENDER TO JOIN REDS 4 lv B ;; NS3W1 j MODERN HOMES Prices are going up. Better buy now. We shall bo pleased to show you tho follewing: Three room house and big lot nice ly located in best part of Mills Addi ction at $1200 on easy terms. Big lot, . lawn anu gnrucn. i Hew and modern five room bunga low and good level lot at $2500. Will , soon be on pavement. Modern five room bungalow with ,blg lot, lawn, screened porch, nicely located, near pavement. Price $2800 . on easy terms. I Modern five room bungalow with full basement, extra room in attic, good plumbing and cabinet work, 2 blocks from Main St. Will bo on pave ment. Bargain at' $3000 on easy terms. " Five room house and big lot only three blocks from Main St. near fac tories at $2000 on easy terms. Good five room home on Ninth St. on corner lot, with shado trees, lawn, and modern conveniences, nicely lo cated, at $3300. Terms. Fire, life and accident insurance "in STANDARD companies. Chilcote & 'Smith. 633 Main St. Phono 00. 5-2t I . - - SCHOOL OPENING SPECIAL. 4 . Manager Pat Koran of tha CIncv Reds ta alt riet for Mltr pitching if oae of-his stars crack In the stretch. Old Chief Bender will Join the Red on September e, , Bender pitched S3 games mad lt , won., S( ot them while managiBg t the Rlchmopd, Va,, team this sea- i. ' r"B Iudfaa pitcher akow- . , 7 ,jr ? u tt ' t " world aerias v -'-- One pair souvenir chop sticks free with each bowl Chinese noodles. Crat er Cafe, 7th St. ' 5-5t Every Catholic church in New 1 York city was under a special police guard recently because of a report Ithat the Bolshevik intended to bomb ' them. Exclusive agency for Boys' Duu- belbilt Clothes has been placed with K. K. K. Store. 4-3t (," , t ... ' yy 01 4 What! Another Year? ift X Will your children get a chanco at Music at the beginning ot the school i term, or will the old habit of pro crastination cause you to "put it off, 1 another year"? Our fine large stock ot pianos are i, fairly priced, and terms are such that in duty to the children you should investigate Shepherd's Pianos now. EARL SHEPHERD CO. ' Standard Pianos, Records Phono- r. gralis. Phone us Piano Tuning Orders Next door Postofllco. New Store soon a ,5M THE DAYLIGHT STORE SfeMmmmfcJStore Superior Styling H. N. MOE, Proprietor Superior Fabrics A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE Superior Values k New Apparel Arrivals for Fall ... . . it ., Vin lrtftb- fr no fni frio Wflnvnhlna tlinf ou"prices & no marked incase over those of last year. Make your selection at the earliest possible opportunity if you would have greatest variety from which to choose. INDIVIDUALITY IN. COATS When these Coats were selected we insisted first that they were correct both in Style and in Quality then giving especial consideration to variety, they were chosen in but one model of a kind. Individuality, we know, is one of the first demands of the discriminating woman, and the dominating characteristic of all garments purchased here. COATS OF WOOL A wonderful variety of rich fabrics are employed, including Velours, Slt vertones, Broadcloths and fine Novelty Material. With collars of Fur, Plush or self material in shawl and choker style. Linings in most cases are ot rich fancy silk. Prices are as low at $20.00. COATS OF PLUSH of Silk Vovot, SaltH Boring 8oal, Bea ver Cloth and Caracul materials so rich thoy can hardly bo distinguished from fur. Rich furs are lavishly used for trimmings. Loose back models; coats with narrow bolts; now somiDol man models and tho new and popular Sports model. $80.00 up to $8.1.00. STUNNING NEW FALL SUITS Our selections offer a most satisfying variety of correct modes for every occasion upon which a tailored suit may be worn. Longer coats, shorter skirts, rippled effects, narrow shoulders, tighter fitting sleeves With wide cuffs, and many new trimming effects. Of fine Tricotine, Velours and Serges ,in the autumn fav ored shades. Considering quality, prices are very low indeed. EXCLUSIVENESS IN THE DRESSES Essentially smart and up-to-the-minute in eveiy detail are the salient characteristics found in the Fall Dresses now on dis play here. Serges and Tricotine, the materials par excellence for smart, practical wear, are here in a variety of interesting models, and prices are most tempting $18.50 up to $50.00. New Plushes tor Stoles Women who themselves desire the making of the popular stole will welcome tho news of tho ar rival of many rich fabrics espe cially designed for this purpose. Included are Saltex Fur, heavy pile Plushes, Beaver Cloth and Caracul Cloth In brown and black. Imitation furs in gray and brown. Priced $0.30 up to $18.00 yard. In widths ample for length ot stole. v , Fine New Serges In navy, plum, dark green, brown and-gray, .42 and 54 Inches widev The materials . are remarkably fine In texture and are exception ally low In price at $2.50 to $4.30. UNDERWEAR FOR COLD WEATHER There is no mistaking tho demands for comfort warmer underwear is now necessary. And for warmth, llttlng qualities nnd flno mothod of making, we suggest Fcrcst Mills Garments In Women's, Misses' and Boys' Union Suits and Separate Garments O'f fine wools, silk nnd wool, sllkateen nnd wool and lino cotton. All tho desired shapes and sizes may bo ob tained in the abovo Union Suits meeting tho require ments of discriminating women who demand lit nnd un usual service. ' BROKEN LINES SPECIALLY PRICED Small quantities of Union Suits carried ovor from last year 8(111, remain in stock. Thoy offer special in ducement to economically Inclined women, Inasmuch as the price tags bear the markings of a year ugo and which are considerably less than Identical garments aro worth on today's retail market. Of wool; silk and wool and lino cottons and mixtures. SIzlng3 in each group aro broken, ' but all sizes are represented In the lof. Insure the Result of Your Knitting "Quality will toll" and when you use Mlnorva Yarns ou may rest assured ot a perfect remit. Minerva Yarns aro supremo In loftiness, fast In color nndvory strong. Tliey aro wound on a ball that uncoils with tho oast of sllkcr. thread. Let us domonstrato tholr worth nnd show you' tho many now, charming styles In garments and other nr tlcl8, fully Illustrated In the Minerva Knitting Rook 3c Many Opportunities to Save Are Offered on , BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS ' r I With manufacturing costs on 'the steady incline, the retail prices of yesterday represent savings, over those of today. Pur chases made almost a year ago enable us to give these Blankets and Comforters prices that are unusually low. EXTRA SPECIAL Outing Flannel Gowns at $1.00 This garment, nicely finished, of good grade outing flannol, represents a valuo that Is J"usual Tho uncut material alone would bo worth more than this low price. In pink and blue striped ei fects. All sizes. "WEARWELL" COTTON. BLANKETS, SPECIAL $4.00 Quting Flannel Pajamas, Special $2.50 . .. fi S ,.. MuAn jtavafnllv unrAnH Tn prnv anH tun. with Anne quamy diuukbi ui nvnyiu wm, v...., ..---. - -j. " " borders of blue or pink. Size 70x84. Another special value is the 64x76 size at $3.00. Wool Finish Blankets $6.50 Wool Mixed Blankets $10.00 An unusually fine blanket entirely free of shoddy, woo) finished. In pink, lavender, yellow and light blue plaids. Sizes 66x80 and 70x80 inches. Thin hifinlmt em today's market Is worth considerably more. Extra fine quality wool and cotton mixed. In pink, blue and yellow pjalds. FINE COTTON-FILLED COMFORTERS, SPECIAL $5.00 The filling Is carefully carded and shredded cotton tho coverJngsllkolino in dainty floral patterns of pink, blue and green. Size 72x84 inches. Another splondid value is represented in same size, sllkollno covered comforter at $4.00. Of good grade white outing flannel In the pop ular one-pleco style, with gathored waist line. Frog and button fastening. A very special value at $3.00. Dr. Denton's Sleeping Garments for Children Made ot lino cotton, with Just tho right amount ot wool to insuro a full pleasure of warmth ana ine desired woaring qualities. Attached foot cover ings draw-string wrists and drop sent. Iu sizes v up to 14. Priced at $1.00 up to $2.00. LAST SURVIVOR OF TREATY SIGNING OF 1864 GETS PENSION Chief Lalo, who was recently grant ed; a pension by tho government, is the last remaining survivor who sign ed the treaty of 1864 w'hlqh ended the Modoc War, according to Cap tain O. C. Applegate.- Chief Lalo is 9 S 'years of age. Oniy 18 members ot Captain Apple- gate's old company of 69 men, that fought in tho Modoc War, aro living at present. But seven ot tho 27 In dian Scouts are living. Ten of the original scouts were Modoc Indians, Chief Lalo, Reuben Kqnoki, Jln Copperfleld, and Modoc Charley will receive a ponslon of $20 a month from tho government. They will re ceive this amount from March 1911, in that they were 62 years of ago at the time of tho passing ot the act in Congress. Trouble was eperienced for a time in securing the pensions in that the Indians entitled to them were known by different names than they former ly had. Jim Copperfleld enlisted In the Modoc as Little Jim. Reuben Konokl Is known on the reservation at present as Ruho Walker. Modoc Charley is known by his copper-huod' friends as Charley Faithful. SECRETARY W. O. REDFIELD TENDERS RESIGNATION'. WASHINGTON, Sept. 5. It was officially announced here today that William C. Redfield, Secretary of Commerce, had tendered his resigna tion to President Wilson, and that it was accepted by tho President. It is understood thnt Redfleld's resigna tion will take effect on November 1st. Exclusive agency for Hoys' l)ul bclbllt Clothes lias been placed with K. K. K. Store. 4-3t If it's worth Iiavlng, it's worjtli In suring. Get a Standard policy from Chilcote & SmlUi, 083 Main St. 5-tf nnoiMrcc PROPERTY . WehaVo87fcroVVnSid Cd with modern liuiiuingi r tlom for garage, uwmw-- room, grocery, meat ""St-.ra in u iuui A. .i u v terms, it m 1UV. . .- rfnrt 1 New and modern ?". t i building bringing $2&,lA price tlwt will mako yu "J? pol at tuo nun oi uio Into money. nu-llth A big lot on w -7 ., 1 $100 a foot on caafttenns. unif iMJiww - -rr '-a Kill nandyco7.erat00ilIK at $10,700 on very ..- ot Good corner lot on ""JLMtfcl Main at $3000. Fine for PJ Also u lBOXiuu n. "tLe oaf at .. ainniM). It's near W of the city and flno tor iiDartmeivts. Chilcote & B"V9 lAiuln. mono uu. School Books-Underwood's Pharmac