. TiTiaiHtiH n, nun. ) inti , i in' ? v THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOB FIVK ERSONAL MENTION 1 ' vn this i'i:oi'iiio of this city and vicinitv. SoiMW AN" COSIINGH OP LOOAL FOLKS. PREVENTION OF FIRES (Actress Pickets "Persuading" a Merc Man to Help NcwV?" TO TRIM LIVING COSTS York Theater Strikers OIIIIIMIeil flipill I'HKO "" i. ii mi n resident ' ntU mo, s imdc '.f KUmoth i-a' - i, cf a ft l;mC aont ' ,,. sclmoffor loft on tlio ,,ls,r n" J 'or Stirling. Cnll- So tw.H attend choo. h,",.er:. i,1mlionnlrtCiill. ' f J nl.ok..""lulB1II( 5 S, stock .hlpmont win o w- "W i.nnio who ban boon ! , I h.r homo thlwcok with Were two "--- - We 10 to oU'' n Tcnbrook In In town from iuinforafowdnyrttoloolcnf. f "Tvw Clovo .nd Ml- M. II. , Iron. Now York City. Ml Clara 13. O'Connor Is .topplns fc Klamath Kail, from Han l'ron- t'!M' . II. n T .ii in ill I.umbor I, W.E. W"" "' ' ,' wBPayfmn town on builnow from- Jiixtoc Point. , B )( Miller nrrheil Innt nli;ht from SjjMofora.liortl.ltlioro. ff A. Wnllon and Miss Mnrylo Killen ro hero from tholr homes In I un Angeles. ' Mr and Mrs. jock uouuuru, u Ufed California .no horo for tho I? weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W. s. waiio nrnvou , si last night's train from iluitcm Harbor, Michigan. T. W. Graham, of tho Kndorson lumber Company at Morris, Ih spond Inia few days In tho city looking nf r ter company business. Mr. and Mrs P. T. Nelson, who re cently purchased tho rcsldenco of Archie Henllno on Pine, botwoon Third and Fourth Streets, bnvo mov ed Into tholr now homo from tho .Ne'coa ranch near Keno. Earl L. Anderson Is In town from Mcdlord this week on business. C. D. WlUon, who hns tho contract for building the Merrill bridge, wns la tie city yesterday and reports that I'M progress Is being mado on tho ttcel structure, and that In a short twit tbey would bo able to opon it to traffic. i. M. Ford Is hero from Sacramento u. i business trip ot a few days. R. A. Thompklns Is a county seat Tiiltor from his homo at Pine Flat. I). Smith, of San Francisco is upending n Hltort llmo lit Kliiinnth Pulls 'loin Uonln In In from li Ih iiimcIi at Silver Luke. Mrs. O. W, Harrison Is vlftlllii': Iipio from WuhIiIiii;1oii. .Mlrhnol I'ltrl nrrlvod liiKt night finin Him Francisco. I,. I.'. Illi;low, who litis boon haro vlrlllui; for several days loft yostor- ilny afternoon for liU homo In Scul- tlo, WllHlllllgtoIl. , Klftuon of tlio tnnrhors who nro to 'touch In tlio public anil high schools of this city, todny loft In cars for ttntor Lnko for n two or thrco days uiitliii: trip. It. II. Dunhnr will net as guide. .1. 10. Churchill, Btnto Superin tendent of schools mid Mr. Acker iiiiiii, l'icHldout of tho Monmouth N'oriiuil Hcliool will accompany tho pnrty. It. H. Ynwiiinii has returned from 'ii HiicccHHrul door huntlnK expedition. 11(1 bniucht buck it flno buck. a "when you come to t1ii3 end of a perfect day" A sawmill man ono morn got up And found tlio mm wns bright, His brenkfust food, ench pluto and cup And ov'rythlng wns right. Ho heard tho morning whlstlo blow And hoard tho saws begin Tholr Hinging in tho vnlo below, Tho day to ushor In. And then ho wandered to tho mill Found ov'ry mun in plucu And each ono working with a will And with a smiling face. Tim loprt cumo up without n hitch To snws ns sharp us swords; Each cut produced n porfect flitch, Each flitch tho best of boards. And not a pulley slipped u belt, And life wns jUHt song; Tho logs to lumbor scorned to molt And not n thing wont wrong. Tho morning mall some ordoru bro't And cancelations none; In nil tho lottors thoro was not A kick from anyone. All 'dny tho mill, from enrly dawn "U night bug-m to full, Kopt working on and sawing on Without u break at all. At last tho millman homeward sped Without a woo or caro And, kneeling by IiIb llttlo bed. Ho prnyod this llttlo prayer: "O Lord, I know thnt somotlmo I Will have to perish, too I know that sometime I snail die, For people often do. Today we never spoiled a board And ov'rythlng went right If It In nil tho name, O Lord, I'd like to die tonight." American Lumberman. moia recent panic of 11107 occured In tho year succeeding Han FrnntlK to's grout flro. Ot course this may bo mcro coincidence, but It In u fact nev ertheless. If Ainorlca wore to reduco lior flro cost to tho fractional figures of most other countries It can hardly bo doubted that lliq cost of living I would bo lowered It must never be iorgottcn that 21.4 por cent of this I annual bon flro Is duo to strictly pro vnntnblo causes, 1)7. !) to thoso which itro partly preventable, and that the remaining 40,7 por cent from "I n known Ciiukcs" largoly preventable " Inflammables In KlorcM. "Thou there Is the giocery Htorn Most peoplo dopend upon groceries for their food, and tho averago gro cery, containing as it does, stocks of keroHcnn and tithor Inflammable mer chandise Ih a special Inslnnco of fire lnuaril. This Is shown by the great i number that nro consumed through out tho nation during each year, and each grocery flro subtracts a definite (iuiitity of staples from tho national Bupply." ".Meat supplies nro directly affect- ed by tho largo number of llvo stock j burned In fires In barns and stablcu, I and also by the many fires In packing and slaughter houses." Hi.".! Fires In SHIN. "With othor staples than food, tho snmo condition holds true. In two years thoro were roportcd 322 fires in wool and cotton mills. Cotton !' a commodity which Is particularly sub ject to disastrous fires. This also ap plies In it marked degree to the rofln Ing, storing nnd handling ot oil, ono of our moro common dally re quirements Tho supply of wood If this state particularly, enters Intr many phases of our living necessi ties " "In New York Btnte nlone It Is re ported that 200,000 people are turn Ing out nn annual product of neaily $400,000,000 In wood manufacturers to say nothing of the mills and log King camps thruout tho nation, nnc' shipping directly affected. Strikln at the basis of this great Jndustr? hundreds of hunfnn lives nnd million' ot dollars worth of property are de stroyed each year." "Tho burning of saw mills. lum ber yards', furniture nnd woodenware factories nnd stores is too frecjuent to call for special comment. It can well be seen how the economic status of tho country Is affected by our an nual fire wasto." QUEEN QUALITY SHOES j The famous shoe for women. Reasonably priced. The Bootery CHAS. P. MAGUIRE 713 Main Street H44f44.4..... LIBERTY THEATRE "THK PICK OF THB PICTURES" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT The Big Oriental Extravaganza "FAN FAN" Starring VIRGINIA LEE CORBIN Sunshine Comedy "OH, WHAT A KNIGHT" SUNDAY WILLIAM FARNUM "THE JUNGLE TRAIL" DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. r T m t '.iiJk Ub&JtHWauttAzhMit ; KMwiK4fku4uuMkyltoMUiM.tfM ss MMtototimlA K W to pzjrTLr,'yLZvaa?'J7.xr&rr z.wss,, r';j rx - i 2 tv.cS.r7A'ii?&tiatinAiiiBaw -:'te ', , , s a KSTA Sy'VS J" FC SS- '. " ' Sr, President Wilson Is scheduled to deliver his third address In behalf of tho League of Nations in St. Louis today. A Louisiana State conference will bo hold today to organize for a $50, 000 State campaign In behalf of tho Roosovolt National MomorUI. -yxnjnjuujvvvvv'rirsi"i"a"ii" -i- ww HOUSTON'S HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE ' DANCING Wednesday & Saturday Nights. Popular Juzz Orchestra STAR THEATER Featuring Special Music With tho Pictures, Rex Stratum, Pianist. TOIiAY Artcraft Presents D. W. OHIFFITH'S Rural Comedy Drama "Tho Romance of Happy Valley" With n AH Hter Cast AKo A Dray Plctograph nnd A Dandy Comedy Admission 10 & 25 cents Doom open nt 7 p. in. FEMPLE THEATER -TODAY TODAY Josso Ij. Lasky IVcsentN MARY FICKFORD In IIKART8 ADHIFT" Also Patl.o Nowh latest Current Kcnts. Admission Mntlnco JO & 15 cents Evenings 10 A 20 cents MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PIOTURKb TUBHDAYS AND SATDRDAYH Merrill. Oro ir-r-ti? t0"!mjmntvi;. tk"&w, . '-v.r. rss&z", , fs, t,rMLXZJj.ZICX-t..m.M..iXm....M0.li.mrMr.Y-,rmt .., ..,-.m,.- Just what the legal definition of "persuasion" Is we do not, know, but this photograph shows a scimd of actress pickets trying to "persuage" an actor that he should Join the Actors' Equity Association and thus hely to closo more of Now York's theaters. Stage women have been Just as active ns men In tho actors' strike, which darkened a dozen well known houses. NOTICE. Kxclusiio agency for Bojs' Dub- Those having laundry at the Wong imliiitt. clothes has been nl.uo.1 ulth Him laundry will please call for .- T- ir 4.. . ,, same at once. Laundry is located on ' ' Klamath Ave., near Cth. 5-18t ZlZmZZZZIIZZZIZZIZZZZIZ Buster Brown School Shoes Is Your Boy of the Hard Play School Age? If he Is, you know better than we can tell you what tho shoo problem means thnt Is, If you aro buying tho usual kind of good school shoei. But you can't know unless you have tried them what our "Buster IJrown" school shoes mean what a saving they make in your shoo bills and what com fort and freedom they afford to tho busy feet ot your young sters. , , -i "Ilustcr IJrown Shoes -arc $3.00 to $0.00, according Ui tho sic. Other lines of shoes for boys and girls lor play and for dress-np wear 92.50 to $5.00. Don't wait till- yon have the opportunity to come In your self with your little ones. We will see that they are properly fitted, as we pride ourselves in taking a parental interest in seeing that the proper, shoes are properly fitted. Van Bellen's Store . Kxclushc agency for Hojs' Dub- belbllt, Clot lies has been pliueil with KK. K. Store. 4-St I If you don't And out why you are a failure, you never will succeed. Learn the secret ot control, the power to inspire success and confi itancn. and win in business, social cr financial life. "Arise," throw off "thy shackels. Exchange sorrow for Joy; darkness for light; be master ot your own destiny. Is different than the rest and bet ter than the best. Satisfaction guaranteed or no tee accepted. Located at 526 Main St. SPECIAL BOND ELECTION NOTICE LANGELL VALLEY IRRIGATION DISTRICT. Notice is hereby given that a spe cial bond election will be held Sat urday, tho 11th day of October, 1919 at the hereinafter specified polling place in Langell Valley Irrigation Dis trict, Klamath County, Oregon, to de termine whether bonds of said Dis trict In the sum of nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000) shall bo Issued for the purpose of providing funds for p'ocurlnu necessary recla mation works, acquiring the neces sary property nnd rights therefor, . (tin mirohnRn nnd ncaulsltlon of canals, reservoir sites, water rights, and for work ana construction, ana for otherwise carrying out tho pro visions of law. Thn nniu ahnll liR onened at eieht o'clock on the morning of the election and be kept opon until live o'ciock ra the afternoon, when the same must be closed. At such election tho ballots shall contain the words "Bonds .Yes" and "bonds No." Th Board of Directors have speci fied the following Dolling 'places in said District for said election; The school house commonly ana generally known and called the I.orella School House, situated in Section 36, Township 39 South, Range 12 East of tho Willamette Meridian. Said election must bo held and the result thereof determined and de oinrmi in nil rAftnAPtn us nearly as practicable in conformity with the provisions ot law governing. iuo iou tion of officers. nivAn hv Order nf the Board of Di rectors of Langell Valley Irrigation District this second day of September, 1919. H. J. Tlcknor, President W. D. Campbell A. n. Onto Board of Directors Attest: A. L. W1SHAUD, Secretary. 0-12-19-20-3 People's Market FROM PRODUCER TO CONSUMER QUALITY SERVICE This is the time of the year you need .smoked meats. We have Sugar-cured Shoulders at 30c per pound. Fancy Breakfast Bacon from 50c to 60c per pound. , Sugar-cured Bacon Backs at 45c No. 5 Lard Pail at $2.25. No. 5 Compound, soft as lard, $1.50. , WE CLOSE MONDAY LABOR DAY PHONE 83' - PHONE 83 Electric Cookery Demonstration AT THE LINK RIVER ELECTRIC COMPANY Continues Today and Tomorrow Don't miss this opportunity to know the BETTER WAY TO COOK. Demonstration begins at 2 o'Clock nnd continues until 5:80 DO COME IN 'Tr:-SSieLlgg0r 5 tf S & & JU aff W (f.MC AND REMEM BER TOMOR ROW, Haturtlay, tho Oth, Is the luCtt day. Know this BETTER WAV TO COOK, even though you don't buy jour range this week. Miss Qalvln has had wide experience in Electric Cookery, having made the culinary art a special study, and will gladly explain in de tail the manifold advantages of cooking on a HOTPOINT ELEC TRIC RANGE over that -of any other method. Miss Galvln will also use her favorite recipes, many of them equal to thoso originated by the most famous culinary artists ol ,the day. Cakes baked In the Hotpolnt Range Oven aro tender, fino grained, beautifully browned and delicious; roasts are more juicy and sweet; fish and steaks aro the best you ever tasted, broiled in Hotpolnt Range Ovon. And for canning fruits,' the Electric Riuge has no equal always a cool kitchen to work in. And the Special Cooking Rate Furnished by Your Lighting Company Makes this Method of Cooking Available to You. I tot BOOKS AT Underwood's Pharmacy