!&SSEaSfiOCfflab!' rr uKTIIIHCIt . '"' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FAOI3 KIVB ES1H i in i'"" ERSONAL MENTION -... ntl I lMI II 4 llltttt'lt'tit ml TIIIJ PKOPliM OK TIUH CITV AM) VICIM'IT. JolNflM ANI n)MINCW " ,'()(JAI' ,'0llKH anil MM. lltuiHloti lllltl '"iro '" "I'lionr neinrn win comity who I'onri in liolmir or the road t liul may . anil '" .. ,lV. J ,iil M AI i th"lr eiuiiim ,l" ''oiiHlructoil tliroiich tint valley " l ll IT1IIKI ' - creation Cro ....-ili KalW 19 M'"" Hr ""' Ar III tll"ll wdtMr """',, liiiv . ,, " ...Inn LITn II" W 10 ODll" (III) .richer, of tlm California 3' '' .. i. In tllCI flty UllH WeolC. . worm. .. -. riiiinmilii riiiim l"o . p F nn .Lwon MihIiu'M- MB ?"''- , 0. 7 Marro, arrive. ycittordny " fnr In tho clly for n fuw .ln. I r and Mr. 0. 1'-yton. alonri Zv rcn Ben"'"- ,,ro ff T " " , 1 tri in tho "lull unoul-on I;' 1 1.10 of P-r Klamath "..Tho boy inlil that tl.oy SS.1 eoo back until tl.oy lm.l "1 .. ... .it. I nnrrv. .ii the decrtnoy ;" -' Martin Middle, of Portland, lull nn winter Hilx iiiornlnc'H Iralii for lilii lioini' In (ho Hoho City. Iln Iiiih liciiii wiirliini: lor III" pant inoiitli on I ho l)ii) inn WllllaniH rani'h, which Ih located Hoinii few iiillim from Cliloiiiln JEWS' LONG DREAM M,AY BE FULFILLED C IIICACO. Hept llceniiRo of tin- Impendliir. renllalloii of tlm ni;n - Ioiik ilriiimi or tlm Iiiwm of tlm worhl. a hoiimhiinl I hit uimlrii; Klon IhI ('(iiiviiiiMoii hunt, which will begin Kept 'i In I'aliiHtlim Ih attracting woild-wldo att'iiitliiti Home of tho fori'inoHt iiioiiiliitrM of tho rac.o will nltoiiil, Including .IiihIIco HniikIcIh or lh 1'iilicil Siali-H Supremo f'oiiu, lr ('liiiytn Weit.miin of London, Kiif.huul; a niiiinhor of tho PuIuhMii- lan CoiiiiiiIhhIoii, JiiiIko .Iiillim Mack nf I III) 1'llllcd KIlileH ('Iri'llll fmirl I timi'n v.,. in l .IIIJl, Dr. and Mm. U. I,. Trimx, who have pri-Hldcm of tlm ZlnniKi nriiiii,iti.,n licon vIhUIiii; hr.ro for tho pint! two or mid mmy other. three weolm, relumed to I, oh Aii;oIch on tho train thlH mnrnliiK. II .... in rorvnllln.'Om:o "itewld ealhnr U l.rlnRI..K Klnm- reddenw In frm tholr iw t 1 points aroun.1 tho Upper 2u.lt UH. Tho lntoHl onoH to I,, into town ar. Mr. and Mm 0. !,v.n from Itocky Point and Dr. ,DjMr. 3'd,J fro,n i:"Kl H,,,B0, IVaiiireH of the convention will ho a iiiiihh tiDii'tiliK ill tho Aiiilltorliim J. Mattoon, rlrcnlt court halllff thiaini where all tho hchhImih of thf lotiirnod yentordny from a vacation oncntion will ho hold; a "rcHtora campliu; trip In varloug partH of tho Hon pnradf" throuch tho HtrontH of I'ounty. 'I'-iu'O In which II Ih pollinated inoro M. V. Cahcnoom loft HiIh moriilii); ,m,n 3().iji) ZIonlHtH will participate; for Portlnpd on a IhihIiii-bh trip. i" lin11 "l t'1' ''''"'"t Iti'Klmunl armory, ti.... i.mi.i..ii aii.. - n.i.i.... h'"' ini'titliiKH ihroiiKliuul tho city to i'iioo iiiiMiiiuui n, n oililKU'i, .. . . ton, Now Jonioy. who I.hh Iipoii horo ; b' ill,l,lr,-1"-"1 'V Prominent lalcRnti8. ruins inr ino rccriidoHConco ot llohrow cultur in lu era- .. i. - ritv vlHltor from for Hhort llino, 1f L on tho ntaco ' " ,s !' "'hJ -on "i.H ,orn,B for Crater hako. j .. ..... .... . . (1. II. KiwtorHon, a liimhorman "-'" ' "' " "uuincii. u from DorrlH. Ih In Klamath PiiIIh ' n""'l-TIicho Include provision liHikliiR after hUHlni-HH muttiTH. I ,'"' '"m"rH "f HUrh c,,lt. " Ora II. Harlow and Jem,,. Harlow ' "'"WTMiy and HCl.ool Hyntiii; n Krcat aro vlHltom In the city from hake City for a few dayH. Salt I lr'"t,,1; 'HtahllHlimont designed to exirt 'i wide and hencflclal influence 4t Ki lllltViMWK ir) IIV.I U llllll 7lll PruiirlHco 1'iokliiK after hiiHlnoHH thl ,""1 ,,rl"K ",,,,"t anoll,or "1,lu" "K ni juwihii literary anu ariiHic intiu-diico. tho ci'iitor of tho world's ilehrow C. 10. Itnndiill, of San Francisco, I "")r"ry "ffort' "ml ol,,ur cultural lod .'""""" " " ,1,ri....i it.ut nli'di fur mIimi-i i.muI "f.enciCH ny tiicso means It s Hoped ,. .. virhnlii ilrovo In from hln arrl(il laBi iiikiii lor u Hiiort liusl-i Ill" " . , , n, ikk vlMll nillinilllUJ .ll'WInll Cllllliri! lO IIKUIII null r my 3f,'Hlor""' ' "..... ii.t. iii tho county A. 10. Mathoson Ik hero from San i. miiinrBS iiimvi -- - Kl " ffune nccch nnd Mnrtln ItnmHhy wi-ol. 'a yejtcrday from a thrco "The Hootory" is tho lati-Hl addl- Tk Hshlnc nnd huiitliiB trip to tl to the IiiikIiiohs "iciillhmcnts Bluernon, Tlio hoys Imil the meat of tho city. II Iiiik 'neon opened at 7 1 I olillnoblc buck In their posBOBRlon Main Street by Churles P Maculre, fe proof of their liuntlnc nhlllty. who wan one of tho member of tho Mb. Kthl Cnmplioll. a nurso In J- K. Mn:ulro Conipany. lerently .11k- He Medford hospital, who has been solved, lie will bundle ladles hIiocb .TwiMIn bir vnmiii" ' '"" h ocliislvely. makltiK a ipeniilty of tho ramoiiH Uncoil (Juallty Hue I lie more Is handsomely finished in i;rn(.v and presents a most iittrudi - ajip.i.ir lilice. W C. Davenport. Is nn lli-i move iiKiiln. Kollowlni; the fire that ik stroyi'd tho American hotel block, wherohe had been located for sever Korean umbrellas are covered with oiled paper, and cost about 10 (euts each. Knov llnls. Full SIjIcm. Stoic. K. K. K. t :u Fills, left for Meilfnnf this mornlnit. She mil accompanied by hoi ilntinb n, .Vorraa. who Is lnnvliiK hero In the hope of bcnpfltlnK Per h-ilt'i Mrs. (JeorRO lllclin. nccompanl.'.l btrdauchtcr I'cnrl anil l.ucllo Sher man to Portland thin niornlnir .M'-m p'Ar 'till "itcr Pi Helen's Acadomy and Miss Sherman will attend St Mirj'i Acadomy lln. It. Hill left on the nioriilni!". train for tho south, wheio she will visit for eomo tlmo. Mr and Mm. F. Nltchelm nnd their daarhter Albertlna left for Portbind tils roornlnir, Mrs. Nltchelm will eti- Itr i Sanitarium for her health. Today's Birthdays (ieneral Count I.iiIkI Ciidorna, tho 1 vlrtni ions coinmander of the Italian armies In the late war, horn at Pal- n I yearH, he moved Into the room that j:mn, r,i years iiko todav. had been occupied by the II'iihII'ox Hardly had ho wr'eil down to husl neH before ''i-'i owners of fill llroe ty (li'dJed to erect u mode -n biif lnes block and ho had to move iicnlii Al ter sklrmlshliiK the entire business "xtrlet he finally Induced the Klam ath Falls Music House to kIvo him Oscar and Walter Cnmphnll, Cone spneo and It Is here that Ills enstoiu- Wllkeraon, A, K. (Jnlo, .lack Urn ah ers will find him and tlfe and W. V, Fordney were 'n till morning from their respective New Sidw f'r Kail in Xeitleton 1 nucha In l.anRcll Valley. They nro Shoes. K. K. K. Stoic. 4-:it !HHtMiH-4ii.. i A. .I QUEEN QUALITY SHOES The famous shoe for women. Reasonably priced. The Bootery CHAS. P. MAGUIRE 713 Main Street JWHWHtHMHHHMMMHHHtHHHHW'l''''4' Simon Lake, whose latest siibm'ir- ino boat invention makes It possible for u person to walk on the ocenn bed, born nt Plcusantvillc, N J., 53 years uro today. Harold MacCrath, author of num erous popular stories, born at Syra cuse, N. V., 4 8 yoitrs ago today. ' Henry hofavour, president of Sim mons ColleKC, born at Salem, Mass., ."i" years ago today. C. Hascom Slump, rcprcscntntlvo In ConKress of tho Ninth Virginia dis trict, horn in Leo County, Vu., -19 years ago today. lAclii'-he nuenry for Hovs' D"' lielbilt ( 'lollies Iimh been placed "itli K. K. K. Store. t-St 1 1 . I HOUSTON'S MelropnllHn Aimiipnient" J ii I HOUSTON'S LIBERTY THEATRE "TIIIO PICK OK THIS PIOTUIUCH" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day TONIGHT The Last Showing of "MICKEY" The Picture You Will Never Forget Smiling Bill Parsons in "THEY'RE OFF" His Very Best Comedy M . Special Prices for "Mickey". tnee, 10c and 25c. Evenings, 15c and 35c FRIDAY "PAN J7AM' The Big Oriental Extravaganza OPERA HOUSE iiam'i.m; WVilneHiliiy t :aurilHj Mulits. Popular .la.. Orchestra STAR THEATER l'en tilling .Special Music Willi llio Pictures. Itox Stratton, Pianist. TODAY Select Pictures Corp. Presents I NOItMA TAh.M.AlXJIO In "TIIIO KOHIIUHHON' CITV" A TlirilliiiK Story of Olil China Town In Saiv I'nincisco. Also A Mack Seiinctt Coinedy "Sho iMVixl A Sailor" AiIiiiIsnIoii 1(1 & an cents Doors open nt 7 p. in. TEMPLE THEATER TODAY TrliniKlo Presents AMOK MANN, In "TIIIO WATIOU LIMA'" Alao Pntlio Nihvh luittwl Ciirrciit 10ventn. jiid A Dmiily Comedy. Ailiiils"lo Miitlni'o 10 Ift cenU Kvi'iiIiikh l & 12 n'litH MERRILL OPERA HOUSE HBHHHHBHHP the Do You Want High Cost of Living Reduced ? ? j ? You Can Answer That Question Next Week Watch Our Ads Beginning Saturday WINNER V A iange MotMD. Homekeepers of Klamath Falls When you have placed in the kitchen of your home a JjetfiomC Electric Range You have reached the finis in cooking equipment ELECTRIC COOKERY is all the vogue it is the way over 40,000 women are cooking today. And why? Because it is the cleanest, coolest, healthiest, most convenient .economical way to cook. Do come in to the daily DEMONSTRATION which is still going on at our store, Main and Seventh streets. Miss Galvin welcomes you and will explain fully the manifold advantages of this method of cooking she will bake dainty pastries and cakes ; explain how to roast the cheaper cuts of meat in an Electric Oven until they are as tender, sweet and juicy as the more expensive. COOKING ON AN ELECTRIC RANGE IS A QUICK WAY TO COOK at the snap of a switch. ' ' IS A CLEAN WAY TO COOK no soot, ashes, dust. ., IS A HEALTHFUL WAY TO COOK no fuel fumes. IS A COOL WAY TO COOK No flame, heat right on cook ing; not in room. INQUIRE ABOUT THE SPECIALLY LOW COOKING RATE WHEN YOU. COME IN THIS AFTERNOON Miss Galvin has just closed a very, very successful demonstration of ELEC TRIC COOKERY at Medford, where hundreds of homes have adopted this line method of cooking. Klamath Falls housewives are equally as quick to adpot modern equipment for their homes. That accounts for the large attend ance at our demonstrations. HAVE YOU ATTENDED? YOU'RE WEL COME ANY AFTERNOON, 2 to 5:80. Link River Electric Company .-tv4 I .. m m MOTION I'lCTUHKh TUIC8DAVH AND HATUHDAVH Merrill, Orwnm I! DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. SCHOOL KS AT Underwood's Pharmacy