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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1919)
HfcMEfH: s-jssiis: THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAOB HEVKlt i - t - - -- .rtfeW5-ti',Tr,s' Br - 0.W.7- .fir i. i'"t.-uj . vkJC-jtiCVK .Tt-Attfrivif B?fa.rA,e3aMSs. S "lhv-ff? Pn,B, -!'-- h4- -IS. - t?- .USED AUTOS 1)forfn pawner it OlJimol'llo !!!! niby OrcrUn.l I liulcX lloniwi'T. kjgxTM ,m,M.rM .. lf v 300 ions liny, two- Obit tti lop nl lino llilr.l Komi iWa vi hy- mil UP I" I"1" Hlllipn. IIS 1 FOR sHu r n iiM - . . .............. Art UiHOtipn III" iiruiwru " ;"" Inlll, mill buoclpiurpf)r)0 1i.'mlof cat .1 ApplrUr Ofulili". KfKlo nMK.oT ttA innlr I, titmi Klamath Knlli, avoi , FOR BAI.B Completely furnnlipil rwnboune, price 11.700. will tako Moid band enr Konl preferred In t4rt payment on leiiiin to ull hiiyor. 151 Vino Street. Mill Addition. TOR SAI.i: lfin ncren, liomente.iil rdliultiiiieiil fully Improvod, tr Sluhorn Twenty-nU tintilrom Klmnaili K.iIIh I'or pnrtl n!in idJri'H No 10 Herald Office. JOR SALE llnnd Uiimlry, well Mo!ptJ p-irliiK tumlncu. Mut Ml Sm I00S Mnln St S-St $ rOR SAI.E4 'torneii, 5, 7, and 8 ran olJ. WelKlit 100 and 1700. JtTml. 5 miles out on I.ukovlew mi. Ttl 19F2C. L61"-. FOR SALf-Kord Tourlnc car. Beo V, W, Johnilon, tlulilwlu Hotel. .No, 15. (iood ru now f 100.00. Ono mill itetm boiler complete 135.00: 0i twenty uallon hot water or feed cooker itoie cooil on new $2.1.00: 0d iliteen gallon capnclty harrul thru $15.00 and n mimher of milk mi. F. C. Dechaliie, I'lionu JSM. Ht TOR SALE Oood entlnit mid cook bf applci also pluuisxind Kreen Wen. Fred llollbroniicr, 834 ConRcr A'e, old Coniccr place. 2-2 1 TOR SALE Oil TKADK Cnoklnc ttMilli of various klniM. aluo n rate or two, nearly any kind of n now. l'erklmi Kurnlturo Hotnio. 20-tf rORSAI.E SO acres Reed Innd, 50 rre under IrrlRiitlon Fenci'd will building. Special low prlco If u"a t once- -Call 022 Main. 211-tr WR SAL-Go ncren Irrigated land 7ir?prfirn,r, nt,0B '" KrowliiK nl-iiiu-IlullillnRs. fiMiced, Reed laud. !,t ,f,"lm ,own nt Hpeclnl har-P'-Call 622 Main. 2H-tf ,ino,l',,!t". ""I!'. MnltliiR. I'ahcolln, d(Iledi, Mat-rowel and Mpritu;s 'WMlaortrailo. 1. rklno' Kurnlturo Hoc,t 20-tr 1 lfJKiy" (!n("' rv" ll,lv "i" alia nav nn,i ..,.... ,... .il- I'tnst. nr I'lione 217 M 12-tf Whk?Ir.0U, C,,)IH, l''urn ldolilce ' unfur"lrtl"''l-llro Hor- FILBAJ'B-F,"nlsl,mw"for Joomhouso--122N lith St. six 20-tf Muii !'.n i,"l';"v,'rt resldenro lot. I .leml uf Iho multitudes of JUSeo 1008 Main H. 7f wrvfUl.. rundowns," hn.ln fa w.r " aWav "SS? 317J. a-at HELP WANTED .fiB5?K SiKL''e01' ?1S5 . "ouiework. """ wmnrior ' ""icuco. mono 13(7. WANrJjiJ. . ; . W0'k anil can ,i. ''.,n,!rn' oine. Tf7T! -- I IT vrKrlcTe'! ' wo"fkmnn KUth Bupor,nr ""? Prororred. . fJorLn,n,(,ry- 23-tf "ANtrtlTTT ti!!T' kuly "yt,"r K'rl t0 wnlt on tylHili. ,ly' tlc". Currol), MoccA 20-4t Tom 30-tf ? W.' Herejo'wont A:.U 2SiEi?i2ffiESli ..- .. . - . -A ssa .-2:&5&avs.v s :sri Jasftsa t:yyito ?rr:7 aiSL.?"! saa- w,nr vvr- . -k. I W.r. -i'wM Jtslt --i;,i ''"'' x -v . .. -- "S'-iiS- ?..?' -. V.1T, .. iTi .1 ij. SI. 'S'!l -'?. r ; Rslik -, nm "'-" - -v "i - "j? 1- ;;. ffi '?: ii i-rtVivTiicycr r. m 'i..'L -n r,.i -. - nrr-."-.'- sn ;., l-ju-. 7 r. m Y0U Car Get K Qui of TKesc? Columns classified colok LOST AND FOUND I.OKT diiiinuvlii.r Imlwi'i'ii Aalilnml unil Illy it iiiutlliii: niiUriiiki ronlnln Im; it ;'iit toini.ri'ri Drown milt iilno n luiy'K litowii mill wlillo mixoit cnn( mill otliur wimrliit: iippiinl. I'loimo notify tlin (inn Hloro. Klnmnlli l-'nlln, or W T. (, Illy. Or.,. milium" iiiiwiim iu-ii FOR RENT AMAAAAAAftKMWV TOD UKNT Comfortulilo Ki'titlitinnn. I'liomi 471. room for .10-21 MISCELLANEOUS SiN'ViMnpi m. t'Ol'I'l.i: KMI'I.OVKD--Wonl.l llko pluo to liniinl i'Iuio In Aililrt'dii It. M. K Hunilil Offlcu. 2-t AdKNTH WANTCD-DlHlrlct iinlrii inmiiir.urK nnti'it to Imnilln Incipon irrincfBtnU cnn no iniiilii mr imiu- ,) nliiiplniJ tioekkuoplnt: iiyit- ptlllllll (0 liny hllhlnemi. duVlv Ill to take euro ol all Income Tax rn- Ti. ,.whi,Vh v'io nerv.i ihn Picl iiilr..;...miM; hpjiiII (apltm re,,nlred to,1 ' """') h v.o eerie lo acl ohlaln lurlimlK. turrltory. T-Need-It "c ",-,t ur" ,,,,,H,Ir 'Nlw Workers. Iloekkeuplni: HjhI'-iii Company, 421 They remained with the units of the I'cniy IlilllillliK. roitland, UrvROn. 30-.11 COO UKWAIID Kor Information lendlnt: to the urrent of 1'aul Haiiiln, n mail nhotil forty.rho yearn old, Handy complexion, falno teeth, pron pector. miner mid railroad worker, (loo. W. I.owIm, Sehrlft of JiviephinQ County, OroRitn. 30-Ct l'AUMHItS - Siivn 30 per rent on your feed lillU hy choppliiK your hnv Cohi 12 f.u per ton. I.eavn onlcra nl Daldwln Hardware! Co., or nee Har ry Telford. 9 mHoa out Murrlll road. 21-121" VANTi:i) TO lll'V OK TltADi:- 1'or uny ami nil kliicln of furniture lVr- kliK. 20-tf WANTIM) TO Tit VOKn New ran,;.) for mi old one. you pay tliy differ ence. I'urklllH Kuril 1 1 tire Home. 20-tf rORSAU-OnuDo Uvnl Heimrator WANTHD A violin mimt ho n Reed one In excellent condition. Iniiulro Herald office. 30-tf WANTKI) Kiirnlnlieit House So Mr. Uvnim Star Drui; Company. 2C-tf. WANTKI) TO HKNT Rmnll Irrlsat- ed farm. Aildreni Carl Hchnlr. Ilnx 21 Fori Klamath Oregon. 27-71 Fifty dollars or more nnd nn old niiR.) will Ret aim of my new onec. fVrklnti' Kurnlturo llouau 20-tf F Hopes Women Adopt This Habit As Well As Men QlaiD Infj of hot water each morn helps nt look and feel clean, tweet, fresh. i i anil H.llill), lllllll r.leil ROIOK viinelntix -u Rimd clear skin, u uatiiial ins) ciimpleNlou and fn-eiloni fioin III- mesh in e HS"UI i'il only h clean, liealthv blood. If uiil eveiy woman and like- wlso oiery man could lealize the won- lers of tho moinliiK luslile hath, what l RiatiryliiR I'hailRe would take plaeo. liiHlead or the thousmids of sickly, .iniieinlo- IooMiir men, women and Rills witii piisiy or muddy complexions; in- 'nerve fiiRs" and TONE PEYTON for Wood. 112rt" 'l,t'M''''" w Hhoiild seo a vlille. optl . - ' ..' Imlstle throng of losy cheeked people SITUATIONS WANTFH ioerywhnre. Am Inuliin imili Ii. Inn) hv .Irlnklnc. t0 da Ih "" ,,r lyPOWrlllng h."..l HHIUIUIK UCIUIU llll-uni.toi, i h"" Pbont 3i?iC0 ur ,our ,10UrB a dy. of real hot wuler with n teaspoonful of .. A ... ......I. ... .. ... I .. .- t ...... I. .... 1. t ,. ., , ,1 l.lllUU " v-t. .. . i. . iimcsiono piiospnnto in ii io wasu irom tho Htoiunch, liver. blilnnvu ntltl ll!l VllHHiy lUUU will ItXUlVU DlllUU IW KIWIIUJH aim It" ,,,1., - f.tilnlilnif WfxrA tn rnrf . I li riiius in nuwein mu piuviuun .... a ...- illKOHllblo wiiHto. sour fornientntloivi buckoral,,,,, porous, thus clnuiiHlng, Hweeten- v.",v iuer wantmi ni...' """ 'iinu poisons, tnus cinuiiHing, aweeien- uuu uuu, fer0l; wijjuisss " '-'- ",o u,,ro ,,,in,cn:voAn,w U-3t r LBKor's Hoailquflrtora. '""V vnml beforo putting more food cut fron, I- ... Into the rttonmch. Those BUbJect to nick hendaclio. nil- pllod in tno uouri houho ynru ui loiiHiioMs, niiHty breath. rhi.unM.lHni. mlft v TOI;0,' " r bfr cnldH! nnd pnitlenlarly thosn who hnvn V,i,igSto ho oponod nnd contract .i pallid, nnllow eoinpleylon and who UWanluil on Saturdiiy Sept. 6, 1919. .10 constipated very often, mo urged Tho court rosorves tho right to re o obtain a iiunitor pound of limestone ' Jod unv and nil I'lJs Phosphato nt the .1, ug store whirl, will ' ""ter f c'," Cffii?CloVk. I'ost but a trlllu but Is kiiIIIcIpiiI to dem ;.3t oiiHtinto tho iittli'k and lemiiiknhlo tliiitigo In both health and iippeitrance ESTILVY. awaiting thono who practice Inlornal j Cnl))0 )o my",,aco snturilny. Aug anllnllon. Wo nuiHt rnimunhor that ,.st au, l'Jip, four black hogs, 2 uowa Inshln clennllni'HH' Is inori) important nnd 2 barrows, wolghlng about, 75 or tlmn outBlijo. biTiiuao Iho Hkln dopa not 80 pounds each. Miirkod with crop off ..'... . . i. i-isrht ear nnd undercut off loft oar. absorb 'impurities to coiunnimmo ",0'"- mhyr haVo sahio by proving blood, 'wlillo, the pores In tho thirty fret -of bowels do. Adv. vKy - :::: :i:r ((llllllK'IMll Sept. Iflt. HoOlIlB t;o As 2Ctt II . WANTKI) KxperliMicml woiiuin for liuimcvMirh I'liunit 31 l'J-tf CITV CAIIDA'ii: Wlicii von mini (lailiai-i rt'inov.-il pliurin Ul. Il-tf GOBS SUPPLIED WITH DAILY NEWSPAPERS BY STEADY NEWSIES with tiii: im ikic ki.ukthhu. ."-iiiij .'"i) mil i III I nil iuuiiic fi..t iiiih iih .m.i imwKiioy. who, i,y train, folloiiH It fioin port to port Mini i'hp I In- iiHlr.m unil iik n u Hi1 'f V.. ..!.. ......... ..t.l.. I.. .1... M..lrl.. Hi" Inti'dt papers anil, often. nlKo, with ihii latent pupi'm from tlio suv- ''ml liirun "lioini lowns" iinniilly re (in nenled mmkiml' llin rr mi- 'fleet until they left Hamilton roads for the went count They reached San l)lef;o hy train In time to i;reet thu xailorH when tlio Deet arrived ther Since then they have heen following the nhlps up the coast and plan to coralline Inileflnlteiv "on ihn Jnh " These newnles" I eroiiui !h.i roiiii Ino friends of th't .sailors. They lie ruinu familiar wli i affultH alumni ship. They nerve the sailors Ir. many wcivk. They taku them Hiippllep. Tliey post letters. They deliver niessaRer. In ninny other ways, they act as the sailors' aivnt ashore. In return, the enllom p-itmnlze the "newsies" llhiirally and tho hoys who time ihe naval train In pai.'tn proh ahly make much wore than any city neushoy. Hy rlRht of snnlorllv. ' IVRuy" llroiin Is ronsldert'd the 'thief of tlio newsies" of tho fleet. Ho flndh his pitnniH iimoiiR Ihu men on the dread nauRht .Mississippi, which he has fol low, il iidoiii .-.ei since u was lae- -lied Ilefore that, ho pervert In tho navy and In mi accident lost a log. lie cause of a wooden ono ho uses, ho Is called "I'eRC.v". Recently thuro was u rum r he liml lieun killed in 1 . AliReles (Doom enveloped tho .Missis s'ril like foK. When he reappeared., the MixolHRliipl'B crew felt ln."' than If n day's lllurty had heen grunt ed. Othei.s of the nowshoy forcu nro F. MiiRlnr. who sonvs tho fliiRshlp New Mexico; I.. Sullivan, the Vermont. Nehraskn and CeorRla; .loe Messln, the Texas and S-attle: I. Shermnn, i tho WoiiiIiir, and K. Drown, "Dcr i;y'g" hrotlier, tlej Arkansas. I'.vv iiorvriKs ret: oo'n:s llountlea liiivu been pa'd out hv Ihe county clork't. olllco for coyote anil h.ihetti hides in , F. I.ondy, two i ot.i hides; James Lilly, one coy- mo; I II. Wilson, two eoMites and m) i-nhcat; Kiel McKey, ono coyote; Win Sp.irks of llonnnia, ono covote; Mack (Hen of Merrill, one coyote. NOTICE I nm now prepared to furnish Shasta Sand from the Hoey. cum sand nnd grnvel pit, In any quantity that may ho desired by contractor i and builders. AL F. fillAHAM LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR RIDS FOR WOOD. Notice Ir hereby given that tho n......i.. r..- .--!.. ...nn,i Hn 'uwm tiiiiiiDiinit! nwwu aw wm j0US0 Hb0 na follews: Klthor for CO cords half limb and half body wood, or all CO cords Limb- ood to bo 16 Inches In longth. .... nln. ll.ld .tllfilv anilB. tUt IIUIH t,iJU '.1W i... l..W.. MV..U oned, mid to ho dullvorod nnd neatly nronorty nnd paying expenses. R. W.J Towor, AVordon, Orogon. 3-2t I BRITISH WAITERS REAP BIG HARVEST I I.IIMHIN, Kept '',. Tho illinppcnr i (.r'niiri mill Ai.Mlrlnti w.i'tcrit mm Hi' holeh (itiil leslntiranln of riiohlonnlil'i London wll! tho hugln iilnir of the war 1ms loft Iho field open Id KiikIMi waiters who Imvn linen rimplnj; n Imn-cnt. 'Inn I'li'inllll wnli"- moil Iw firnn $1,000 n yiar, .1 rnnslilpfii l-i miioiMit uliovx Hi" nvnrnec-; lint lnvfll;all(in hliow Hint It Ih tint uniiHtial for p Kooii wnltr to anther, In B.ilnry Mill Dp-, :, Ooo anni ,ilv TAKE NOTICE of the HOT POINT Range used at the Golden Rod Pro ducts Demonstration at the various groceries this week. Cooking is turned from drudgery into pleasure when ,, ((TT-vfM TIMTiim you cook the "HOT POINT tir a -y All styles for sale by Link River Electric Co. Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday night of each week at 1. O. O. F. hall, Cth nnd Main streets. P. J (lOrRCi , N. G.; Fred Dremer Secretary; P. L. Fountain Treasurer Kwnunn Kncanipmcnt No. 46, I. O O. F., meets Tuesday night of each weuk at I. O. O. F. hall. Arlio Wor rel, C. P.; Nate Ottorbein, Scribe; P. L. Fountain Trcasuror. a'TH Elk Exclusive J3UND Portrai STUDIO" 1136 Main St You Had Better Order Your Winter Wood now Double lyoail lllix-ks $7.00 (irN-ii Slab, Pine . . SU.50 (ireen Slab, Kir $l.."0 W. E. SEEHORN CO. OH:! .Main St. Phone 72 . 20,000,000 Feet Timber for Saie I j Inquire of Dr. T. B. Timony Red Bluff, California ATTENTION My business Is making your homos bright and prosperous by Painting, Kalsominlng and Paper Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Phono 1D3W THE CRATER CAFE Dinner and Short Orders Voodlos Chill Con Carol Open all night Just off Main on 7th A llttlo oft of tho Main street, ut It pays to walk WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 206 I. O. O. F, Bldg. FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Blclg. Phone 432 Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable IoriK Trips Our Specialty ItoiiMitinlili. Itiitei I'honc l.'SU H'Xi Klniiinth Ate. VVWVWWIWWVWVMWWi1 Phone 4C0 729 Main St. Ice Crc.-im Cnndleo PASTIME Jack Monrovf, Prop. Clours, Tobacco, Soft Drink.s Peel unil Dilllards Barber Shop In oCnnectlon Ol'K MOTTO "Courtehj- nnd Service" M-cK-c-K-M-x-x-M-r-xK-:- I Your Home Laundry Damp Wash, 'M I.lii. 7."c FINISHED WOIIK KLIT WOKK KOL'nil DHV "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 421 Corner Main And Conner -9-0-4K"8-M'M"X- HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and Rlclcles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchanRe all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires nnd Tubes. C. E. BISMAHK 115 8. 9th St. Klamath Falls sjVMMMMVVMNAA! KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Dlacksniltliing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 017 KlnmntU Ave. FOR ANY KIND OF Fl'RNITCRK Sco Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. rRY ME PHONE 170-J Phono 3H1-J 111?.: .Alain St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 46 Main St. Homc-Made Pies and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. DR. A. A. SOULE Study Anatomy and Surgery, San Francisco, Calif., Ur. J. ii. itanK ero has charge of my practice Phono 1G1J Offleo 402 Muin St 40Uf0Af0 E.L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 WllllU Bldg. Klamath Valla Oregon ! MrihaV t GLASS Phone me and I come and give you a price that will save you money. Carpenter and Cabinet Work. E. C. BIUCKY. 1140 Mala. Phone 846-W. PROFESSIONAL CARDF PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Opi-n for Mdtcriilly 'omit Mr. Iloa A(rl)inlcN, 301 High St Phone 455 Till: I'.'.lllMA.V IWJAUTV HIIOI I'arliil Mif'taiuu, lllfaclilnf; ami Km Inl I'.'irkN ManlrnrlriR. Slinniponlng Scalp Treatment r.KI Main I'honc 30(1 :'--h--:;":5"HM"5'S" II. C. SCHLEEF ? KATHEniNE SCHLEEF riijiuiH and KurKeoiu Olflif, While IHiIk. -c-i-x-r-M-MM-x-x-c-M":-: I I DR. G. A. MASSEY SucrpHwir to Dr. Truux hull 'Ma, I. O. O. K. Dldg Olllre phone 80.1 IIch lhoiie 8I1.M DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITK DUII.DlNa PHONK SMS t " iii,iJ-r-iiriii--uj-urnj-iuL'Xru" mm mm m m. .. --M-w-w-u-urufut DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 354 Dr. P. M. Noel ' PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh nnd Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomis nidi;., Klaniatb Falla .AAAAAMMAAAMAAAMWtfWVWWWWMWW. DIt. C. A. RAMBO Dentiit I. O. O. F. liuildlnc PHONE til fci MsMsAAAsMiMw CITV AM) COUNTV AliHTKACT COMPAW BIT MmId ARTHVK R. WILHON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic I'l.vKicliiu M. Snrgeo Ha I if 21 1, I. II. O. K. Tempi (over K. K. K. Htore) Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopatblc Physl rtnn and Surgeon In Klsmitl Falls ) SAW .MILL KNGI.NEERINO CONSTRUCTION CO. Delgner and builder- uf mod em S.uv Mills, Plnnim; Mills, Dnx Plants. Complete plant- contract ed. Apprni-als and reimrts made. Dredging. V contract to build any cla of a luiildiug and install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Itlue Print- made. PHONE 14HJ Oltlce in K. I). Diilliling J. C. CI,KtillORN Ciill Kngineer nnd Surveyor Office G17 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. Res. 102M. WELL DRILLING Vochatzer Bros. & Klabzooa Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W cx--:8"M"t::M-s"!"-cnK--" T SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP 8UEY AND NOODLE) HOUSE Short Order Menls Nerved. 78 Main HtresH . K1.AMATH PAUUVttRB. "' 4 Ms 5 f- tyk im ?! : n 2 .A 111 '3 i: ,' !1 ?l. "5 ' I t.l'Nt WM. im I'M-3 t ';: if! n i 0.