THE EVENING HERALD, TCLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Tl'Umt.W, H.:i'll.M;lta iH, INSYDE TYRES W01 Prevent Stone Bruises S&ter. "one 47 PAGH HOC vstt mi?' Ar.rra IftS. 11? mm JJau.. rJ.S',j,j Sfe&l Rsit"fT:J rtTKni . 1BW .? ir v ra 4J m BETTER DEAD Life is a burden when the bodjr is racked with pain. Everything worries nnd the victim becomes, despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take COLD MEDAL Tb national rwrtedf of HoSand for or 20O yaan; it U an enemy of all pains ra caltfaff from IdJnef, liver an4 uric add troubles. Alt druggists. thraa airaa. tack t- Dm mmm Call Madal a mrr hC WONDER TREE BEARS 32 KINDS OF APPLES High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDEB FINEST MATKRIALfl BEST OF WORKMANSHIP LATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices are very re oambte Yomr laspectioa -iavfted C hi J.Gzek MERCHANT TAILOR 5J1 Mate BC saasr a ! I I I I I I LI IUII 111! U I U ; HAS GAINED 30 POUNDS FINULAY. Sept. 2. An npplo troo Inuring 32 kinds of apples nnd six of poars has been produced by Itcnry Flitter, of this city, nfter years of ex perimenting. The tree, declared by exports to bo ono of the most exceptional horticul tural wonders over produced, was the last of the famous Vanco orchard. When Plater went to work on it the I tntnk was decayed in a number of. places. I.I rubs woro dead and farmers ' declared it never would wield again. ' Filling the holes with cement and provemont In my condition that I feel bracing the broken limbs with chains, ' as well In every way now. as I over Flater grafted on a numbor of kinds did In my llfo, and I have actually of apples. Year after year he added gained thirty pounds since I common new grafts until this summor the tree cod taking It." said F. T. Collins, who , is giving more than three doxon kinds "ves at s.s iionwictn St., roruana. I of fruit. j The tree Is more than 75 years old COLLINS SAYS EVERYHODY WHO KNOWS HIM IS TALKIXG AIHIUT HIS IMPROVEMENT SINCE TAK. 1X0 TAXiao "Tanlac has made such a big fm- Itbo development and mntiu fur turn of j motors nnd' indltt irtilptiuiit, the llurenu of Construction and ltopalr , dealt with the hulls and wings of j the planes, the Ordnance uepartmont ' provided utiii'liliui guns mid bomb lauiicliliic devices mid tliotiimniln of i ; tout of high exploilvei and the llur-' lonti of Nn.iK'itliui supplied nnd train ' ed tliDiiKiitiilN of officers and enlisted men. The armistice found the unvy with more than 1,500 nvluturx, 1,300 ground officer, unit .in, 000 enlisted men with 4,000 flight officers and 10,000 enlisted men in training. There were In commission 1,400 sea- plane nnd nlrplunes and about 300 lighter tlmn aircraft of all types, , Morn th.m 1,200 officers and 19,000 enlisted men together with 388 sea planes, HO airplanes and 42 klto bal loons were sent to the war sone. ' illgestlon nbnut and is bearing apples from early sum' mer until lato fall. NOTICE I am now prepared to fumlsb Shasta Sand from the Hoey, Cant., sand and gravel pit, in any quantity that may bo desired by contractors and builders. AL F. GRAHAM. a Special Lunch at Crater Cafe at 11 a. m. to 3 p. m. 36-6t jniHMWUflHkv TAKE NOTICE of the HOT POJNT Range used at the Golden Rod Pro ducts Demonstration at the various groceries this week. Cooking is turned from 'drudgery into pleasure when you cook the "HOT POINT WAY." All styles for sale by Link River Electric Co. Fresh Fruit Desserts -2c Jiffy-Jell desserts, ricK and fruity, cost but 2 cents per serving. Each package contains a vial of fruit essence, made from condensed fruit juice. Add boiling water, then this flavor, and you have a fresh-fruit dainty. Compare Jiffy-Jell with the old-style quick gela tine desserts. You will find it five times better, yet it costs no more. Millions now enjoy it. mm JO Flavor, at Yoar Grocer's 2 Package! for 25 Ctntt JO. i lives ut !- noriwictn Ore. n few days ago. I , "I began to havo Iml threo years ago," continued Mr. Col- lllns," and this condition just kept on getting worse all tho tlmo until It finally bocamo chronic. My stomach was in such bad condition that every thing I nto disagreed with me and caused mo to suffer afterwards. Gas often farmed on my stomach, nnd I would havo tho worst sort of cramp ing spells, nnd sometimes I would bo so nauseated that 1 could not retain '. what I ate. I also suffered with pains in tho small of my back, and it I stooped over I could hardly straight en up ngnln. I was badly constipated nil ,tin tlmn nml inlllit fiftnn tlftVA headaches that would last for nearly a week at a time. I finally got so! weak and run down that I bad to glvo up my Job. Then my norves wont back on mo and I never got a good night's sleep after that. I tell you, I bad Just about reached tho point where I was a complcto nervous wreck. ' "I didn't think any medicine wnum do me any good, bat I thought I would try Tanlac anyway, and to my surprise I began to Improve by tho time I had finlshod my first bottle. Well, from that time ono I Just kopt getting better right along until I am now as well and strong as I ever warn. Y 9 mm-m-m riM. J. B.L Coffee is vacuum packed by special process which preserves its strength and rich flavor indefinitely. SEVERE KIGHTT.VG IX STREETS OF XAVAIi HASH AT KHOXSTAM. LONDON. "it ? " i- colvod here today indlcato that there has been Heteru fighting In the streets mill public squares of Kron sradt, tho llolshovlk naval base near Fotrograd, Dodlos of many of the victims of the flghtlm: i lying In tho streets by allied airmen. WHEN YOU WAKE " ' UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER You Can Escape the SIrin-Blemishing Effects of the Broiling Sun On the links. In tho surf, up on the mountains, out In the broad, open country, or wherever you may be this Hummer, you can escapo the xHln-blemishlng effects of the broiling sun by using Nyal's Face Cream No tan, sunburn, freckles or other complexion ills are possible when this prepara tion is used Protects the face, bands neck and arms from sun and wind Price 65c V'v KLAMATH rALLS OgCflOHffSfw I Wash the poisons and toxins from system before putting more food Into stomach. Say Inslde-bathlng makes any one look and feel clean, sweet and refreshed. M OLD RECK lUMUIMM ' SAGE TEA AXI SULPHUR TURXS GRAY, FARED HAIR DARK AXD GLOSSY. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, prup'trly com po:ir.dcd, brings back tho naturnl color and lustre to th linlr whon fxdnd, stroaked or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture wna to niako It at home, wulcn is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ak at any . i , drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and I never bad a bettor appetite, and can j Sulphur Compaund." Yot will get eat Just anything I want without suf- a largo bottlo of this oldtlm.) recipe foring afterwards. I honestly believe Improved by tho addition of other n my -stomach is in as good condition gredlcnU, at very little cost. Kvnry. as It ever wbb. Tho pain has loft my ' body uses this preparation now, bo back too, I am never constipated muso no ono can possibly tell hat now, and thoso awful headaches are ou darkened your hair, as It does Cnlftl fliy ""' Ow Guaranty hfeMH IDT THE FIVE POUND CAN fJ frl iWW AND uyi M0RE mone? jm vm- ii rro sai 'UM PA' a thing of tho past. My nerves nro as nteady as a clock, and I got In eight or nlno hours good, restful sleep every night. I havo regained nil my strength, and havo gained so much It so naturally and evenly. You ' (lumpen a spongo or soft urnuli with It nnd draw this thru )otir ii.ilr, tuk- Inr ono smnll strand at n lime by morning tho gray hulr ilB.ippenrt, In weight that everybody who knows u"d Ilfler a.not,,cr aPI'Mcntlun or to inur nair necunies uouiiiiiiiiir, thick and glosuy dt.l you InoK years mo is talking about It. I never lose a chance to say n ;ood word for Tan lac." Tanlac Is sold In Klnmnth Falls by tho Star Drug Co., nnd In Lorellit by the James More. Co. Adv. vo.iiigcr. Adv. ( For All Outdoors VI jl A packnpro of Snow Flaketi h n friend in necl. I "l l AlwnyH fresh, crisp, wuty to puck utid Mitisfy VjA inp. Tlicy tiwte good with evcrythini; else. yA Votir grocer can supply you. U yj Don't ask for Crackers Jj HIGH LIVING COSTS HIT ENGLISH TEA IMHinKRS, NUN NUKES DIG GI LONDON, Sept. 2. Nooniluy ten- drinkers, of whom thero arc some millions here, were recently shocked j by an advance from five to six conts for a cup of that "which cheers but j does not Inebriate," today, were de prived of penny buns, Tcashops In raislnc food nrlcos unvo as a reason i tho Increased pay of waitresses. One i Wash yourself on the Inside before concern, however, recently paid an , breakfast like you do on the outside, annual dividend of 35 per cent. This Is vastly more Important because tho skin pores do not absorb impuri ties nto the blood, causing Illness, while the bowels pores do. For every ounce of food and drink taken into the stomach, nearly an ounce of waste material must be car ried out of the body. If this waste ma terial is not eliminated day by day it quickly ferments and generates pois ons, gases and toxins which are ab sorbed or sucked into tho blood stream through the lymph ducts which should suck only nourishment to sustain the body. A splendid health measure Is to drink, before breakfast each day, a glass of real hot water with a tea- spoonful of limestone phosphate iu it, which Is a harmless way to wash these poisons, gases and toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels; Important to keep clean and pure on thus cleansing, sweetening and fresh ening the entire alimentary canal be fore putting more food into the stomach. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate costs but very little at the drug store, but la sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast on inside bathing. Men wake up with a dull, aching bead or hare furred tongue, bad tasts, nasty breath, sallow complexion; others who hare bilious attacks, acid stomach or cosaUsstloa are assured of pronounced Improvement In both bealtb and ap pearance shortly. Adr. WASHINGTON,. Sopt. 2.- Altho ' liu na(ln virrao n nlmnlir 1 11 a I f ri I fltatn ' jin ji 131. nun uti uuihwv tHoibjjitiwvuv corps, tho United States nazal avia tion service was '-xpandod no rapidly during the war that when tho Ger mans quit it was the second largest naval flying force in tho world. De velopment of ho rtTvlco, hitherto a carefully guarded secret, way disclos ed by tho Navy Department today In tho first of a series of announce ments dealing with naal aerial aalv iry aiace April 101 7. When the United States entered the world conflict It maintained a small naval aerial establishment, with the principal station at Pensa cola, Fia. The personnel at that sta tion was 38 aviators and 163 enlist ed men and the equipment consisted of 22 seaplanes, five kite balloons and two free balloons. A department of aviation was or ganized Immediately and the various bureaas took up the work of provid ing men and equipment, The Bureau of Steam Engineering took charge of Mil&M 18 cents J?K 1 (Sru'alta unsafe, BBSsalas 1.a5?vS52MV M&W ! ' i aaJP 1 l1!!!,.!ll 7? If dHllBBVS ' ff && 'Ut 1 'II1 I 'ill? J Smokmn rtalif W 1 1 w4 t that "" valu" " ln I lijl jj jjll I t Aa clgarmltm and Jo M 1 Ijll'iijip not axpact prtmiumt M nnVa X. or coupon I f 'II ar': Cmtl ara told tntjwhmn In tdtnliKctar ltd ptck tttt of 30 tlttntttt! r Itn paokaiM 1300 tUtntttt) In a gltttifit-ptptr-ctrtndctritn. Wt tlronilr ncommtmd Ihlt cartas tor tnt homo or aflea aaapfr or whoa too Iraral CIGARETTE If you want to know what rare and unusual enjoyment Camels provide smoke tliem in comparison with any cigarette in the world at any price! CAMELS are n cigarette revelation any way you consider them! Take quality, or refreshing flavor und frugrance; or, that wonderful mellow-mild-smoothness you never before got in a cigarette smokel Yet Camels ore so full-bodied and so full-of-satisfaction you marvel that so much de light could be put into a cigarettel Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes them so irresistibly appetizing! And, the blend explains why it is possible for you to smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! You will prefer Camels to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! You'll realize pretty quick, too, that among the many reasons you smoke Camels is their freedom from any unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigarettyodor ! Once you know Camels you won't take much stock in premiums, coupons or gifts! You'll prefer Camel quality! R. J. REYNOLDS TOIACCO CO,, WkuUa-Salaas, N. C