JTijTti!S ffifyg iEttgnmg Herald OFFICIAL- PAPKB Of KLAMATH COUNT i M VS ecnlh Ycnr-No. 3,717 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY.SEPTEMBER 2, 1919 M'- Price, Five Cents T-' "., KLAMATH I'AM ID IB COMMUNITY CENTERS AT KLAMATH FALLS I UM Ml CELEBRATION llerroitloniil mill educational ecu lots (or t lit tunpliiye (if tlin AU:niim unit I'ullciin lluy Lumber companies limy lu i)tiilillliml muni, If ilm (iIhiih SESSION OPENS FRISCO GREETS PACIFIC FLEET TWO COUPLES UNITED BY LOCAL MINISTER 1 I THIS II I of U. H. Duncan, ll.tershito Intluntrlul H,..,-h,. Teacher.. Gather ..I the All Hun 1'r.w.t Uco Wriiomi- Arrival two houn time. Cupid kept Ilov. K. I Lawrence, i pastor of tho Presbyterian Churcli, : busy Sunday afternoon with tho un ion of two young couples In less than I N Horri'lnry of thu V .M. 0. A. uni car- rli-il throiiKh. I I Mr. Duncan, who left town thin - I morning, following mi InHprctlnu of ... W '.. I ,... ...Ill I .... ..... I I.. -i. . J llninni CniOV " " i.iihimji iiiiiih uiiu mi mc- Ufthited Unioni enjoy Pint Annual Celebration mmin nrniugemi'niH at th. Aignmti , Lumber company to turn their now club hiiiuu titer to tin) work I in: oi It llluli SiIiimiI for Aiinunl ThriT..iy TrnrlniV Institute All Join the Hlllll' AhuicIiiiIiiii. of Ailinlriil Hodman's Mighty lMl Durand Gammon, of San I'Iim-i Hccritary Conic to Port tuml. Dunk-In B HAN FRANCISCO. Sopt. 2.- 300 MARCH IN PARADE of ..n Intluntrlul V. M C. A Pelican I lluy Lumber rompniiy will tlecld.t to- itny throtiKli H. 1) Mortemum, prcMl- liiNtltuti' heads were .leaned with; tlm tnthUKliiHni shown by thu 7& Han Francisco Joined In extending a teachers present from nil ovor the Brent welconm to the Pacific fleet. county thin morning, when the Hist couimuniled by Admiral Hugh Hod- i hi-hnIoii uf the three-day leathers' In-' man, which arrived Sunday night at' Will Francisco, married Jessie Reed, also lof tho Hay City, at tho Whlto Pell- j ran Hotel at high noon on Sunday, j """" I Mr. Ciammon Is In charge at present 17 . in U '..., .i. . n. ... ... r.u, , eastern Klamath A .v Bu..u.u6 ....... V.-...V . .u. ( T E Oregon Power Company aro making In Upper Klamath hake. Tho brldo Is ono of the popular young belles of San Francisco and comes from a County Lands Are Involved WOULD SECURE RANGE Mlliilo opened at 'J :?.(), with a song. I""' "" ' ....," 1...1.1 ..,,. IIM.Ii ,,1 HI,,..,. ,l, I I... I,,,,, I,. u,,iru ... r.il...l li. .1 ........ ... I II, .. ' ' ' "". "" -.- "J, - - jer. W in.m...n ..- "; " '" ""l "' " avIk Doherty. accompanied by Agus-. San Francisco combined Its an- :t:lol)rutl(in with th Uborl-nlim-ofA rln. t Mi.n d.-rtnk., tho Hcheme of er.-.l.: n ,. nunl Labor Day c, W ftrirfM. WWII AAllr.M.(,m.nllmiii .oniur for thHr ...... I)unlllir ,oh (lllrInK u,,,1 welcome that Kree. rfkrl"lr "' l,,,,W 7 !.vT' "" "" "' ,"ft"C""" "f ,,,",in.li.R r-gardlng the exodus of Bailors of the Heel XKb Winiml Allriiil-1 H.-. ' farlien. iliriiuKliuul the Unit n tho waters of imniakm Win T.i-i'f-Wnr. The plun ndnpt.-d rrfeiilly nt ' u ....... ,.,.. , , r,, nrntnlnotit fntrillv TTor flrtillv mnlnr. S::iO after Its long cruiso from At- . - m w,n-i .,.. ,. . ! the wedding. I Hoverend Lawrence hurried to I Merrill following the Rnmmnn-Itin(l I icu hid uuran uiiu .it.. t ii vi.i.. n ..jl . . nj wui,ib uuu """" -' " "" will lie Hrnt to ConRroii to I'ro- ..n.i.i.1 V.11CW, u iuu iiuiuu ui uio vi,i fin. umir ntr Ijimta to Knnhlo Will C. I'arncx, AisNtniit Forester, Advihen Tlint IjiikIi Ito Placetl Un der Fremont National Forest Hill fleet that will remain (he Pacific as a. brido'K parents. Only tho immediate stockmen to Iiktcom! Herds. Krtiiftt iiiki ut tiiii iiiiniiritiiii' iiiik iinriti 11 ntii iriiiirii ....... ... li...... i.. 1 r..,.i..u,.,i 1 "" ' '' ""' '"" . -...-. .... inenus or notn lomines witnessed ' llelniniiMVllii milU are Ion. , n. II. W'"K"S' "" "rK"1 "'" lmC"T '" tuw1,vont '" San h ra,,ClBC0 8 ,1"'- ' the quftt homo wedding. The bride is iickn nm win iMiiii nr; ii.iuii.i. "'H J(llll , orrgon Stato TeacherH' As- tory hnvo been .noro momontuous . recent Kraduato 0f tho high school . ...!.. fib. ,....lr iiihmm nn nf fur lint i-Iiiiml- Iiil- uf I In. f,irin..r ll.ni. ....." "'' hiauuuiu ui uiu uit,u otiiuui jiaii m wo """ , K,.i, ,, ,1. M nrL'unhrii. nn in t unit inn arrival or me r.mn. i.anoi 1 , m mi 1 t t. KliMlh K.II. ovor a lorliilisUt ago Atl. -tlc , ub l..,il.li.,R . an Indus- rimBt(lntly worklMK for , t(;llcM(,r. ,,, wn Klvrn ov enllr,b. t0 the VlrlMfor Vcme uW Mr and acres ol pUbllc lands wliMNIIIatcd labor unions yeitor- trial . M. C. A. c.it.-r. Tho V. M. whu ,lamI1(. volo w;lK lsk,.n welcoming of the fleet, that will ro- Mr8 cherry will make their homo in Klamath Count' my l,r kid coraulclo control of tho city C. A. will furnUI. a secrHnry. who fur ,,.,,.,,,, , fllBllllUat, main In San Francls.o liny for om..,Morrm fonow,n(j ti,cir honeymoon arge of tbo forast ge, cdiinillon hum Ik not 11 ki-i- tliiK un. l.-ii u rising him." sa'd J Hint ho would visit Portland and BOY ARMIES STILL ... . I ..I...- II..W ....I... ...II. I.... .. ..... .. to tHr DW nn.m . ". ,'-, .....e ...a.,,.. ... ..,.- w,..m. Uuur0.K,omaMi (.unly w,.lt ov,,f lln, , f,.w days tfJlloa. '........ ,...,..! miu roiiKions m. ,, ..mi,rBhp of loo per t-.-ni 11 WiU fca mmj !. f- itiiu ji hut fin 'iij i-n 1 nn )m70Ilui 'Th 3M merabefi or n nrrmnim uniuim program rails fur winter lw ihvn. 1 f .1.. I.lw tiAHHilu 1st I It la .11 ..1 (111 .1 nutsca in w.o mr. . v.iney nitii. miimnis ua pr-,,, ,(..lKii"n ,, Apfctrllin ,lr(.Hid,.nt of Mon- Columbia Itlvnr points on the way to BOTUfc iu or nuroiiw .. ui.l.wiliio,.i,,,,i,.,, ,,,, N(,rmul Hrll(m, w,( , ,.lnet Sound. Ho will leavo San d ib, mrcisM that '"' The ll...I..K..y L..mb,r ..,, ku , ,. f ,.,..' Francisco Friday night or Saturday ymdi. compcllllon keen thru. .,,,,, lo ,,,, rPrPnllIinl ,.,.. w1mi morning aboard tho dreadnought rt'JlTaMS rMMlM """ ,h ,V'mt'r '" "" """'( '" W"M" "'"lr-- Mr Arkr' 11". 'I'.r-' Aransas d h.pM on a l.l h ling. Or... j, ,, , ,(Bl , 0 A m ., ,. w, ,,.nvo tne Columbia River tinX.ff 1.. MV.W. l.,M..f .,.vi .. trip to Crater Lake and other near- Announcement wjb made by Sccre-',y scenic points, ary of the Nnvy Josephus Daniels! m PARADE IN LONDON Indications are that over 230,000 in eastern be placed la ervlco as a part of the Freemont National Forest, ac cording to Will C. Dames, assistant forester, who returned to Klamath Falls last night, after a two days trip over the lands under consideration, with W. C. Van Kmon, Secretary of. the Klamath Cattle and Horso Asso ciation. Mr. Barnes came to Klamath Falls a. j. citi:;.. nuitiKi). icnrhur mint be genuine, or she will en route to Victoria, II.C. and Puget .fall to Inspire l.r pupils to higher' Sound on September 10th. Presl ithlngB. which Is tho ultimate aim of j 'lent Wilson may review the fleet off It wm last night during the drawing ftthe many prlzn3 that morrhnnts of k. l,.n itAnnlAil fur til, tirfli.lmt I - ... - " , ,, . . . . , ... '"" ninemi or A. j. 1 rrgan was teaching ISenttlo Soptomber 13th from the Commendailon , as heard from nil i..,,,) vl,.,riiBV .,,,,- i, -, lul""" , ,, . ' ...... n .IJM0n.lu1,rkuflhn-m.,i,iti.,el.1l ."' ' r'"' f,noon Inlerment , j.rof,.PKOr nrG,8H. wbo , allcni,. bridge of tho battleship Oregon. .J.... .: . I"c"' '" ""' loc'1' '""""fJ-. niouo- ,. ,,. ,,,,.,, ,rnln wn Ai.n.'along with Secretary Daniels. " " " --o-- 1 (kimlhit MMIM ilyN pregrmi. r(,1H,, ,,, , Sa,ur(Iny ft()rnoo ttre without any delays, it was Kl.iin iiiltural College, gave an enlighten- .t tho homo of lit father. A. J. Cre- . ,,,. , ' ,crrC( from!MVKI.V (X)XTKST IJUKWIXt; lUWnr.1 Ubor Day Callirntlcn ,,,, wh ,,.,,,,, on tho Keu'0 rond ft th prugram and general move of the entlro tiny an cured well for the nttm of the fiiturn t-ulobratloux that sill be early utuuix troth now on. rannln It lllg Surreys, ' Diillnctly was tho paradu a success. Tan hundred mcaibers of tho nfflll t4 unloiu Including box men, mill mm, carpenters, quintan, and bar itn marched four iibrtmst, strntrhlui; icrou tho Slroet, i.'id aooineil to r.ivel In their Unit Ubor Day colouration. Leading tho paraJo woro Marshall A. J, Bniianiunlo and Captain Lea, mounted on hones. Four service men followed, tline soldiers uni! ono sullor . carrying thu national color. Their am Iho clergy t10 tty n much law followed by thu afniliited mi-Joni. few miles from tno city. Ho wns 30 years of ngo and had been n resident ol tho county for nttnrly 12 years, , with tho exception of nbout two jyenni. iliirlng whl'h time ho was In the army, lilt father, who rauw hern with his son. hni n whin elrcl" of friends who sympnthlzn with him In Ills bereavement. bf! y 1 li PMIIIPT niwi.i! physical exercise, as it is being taught In many educitlonnl Institu tions today. After the business of the morning the teachers worn served with u luncheon in Iho high school cafe teria. TI10 morning program follews: ' !.,10 .Music. I HHU-ficuoral. 1 10:15 Sectional. Primary',1 .Mr. Shumate; Intermediate J. II. Acker itiun; high school, Miss 1 lager. 1:00 Ccliornt, Professor liar 0frga nmniliTn jjemous or Mr. .oivmnms corn, anit I L I ULUWIIu' rightly bo, for that gentleman I-. r I rrntii 1 1 n i",oBi"iu,""i"'''ronotr.B-!BOI)10 coni r.lla(,r ,n proofor nls L. 5 ! UI1(jIi U istored as yet. many young wo. C()nMntlon. Mr. Arant Mas broutjU' LONDON', Sept. 2 The war Is end ed and the peaco treaty signed, but dozens of boy's "armies" continue at tho request of Mr. Van Emon for daily to parade, drill or stage mimic tho purpose of looking over these battles in London streets. Trafalgar lands, in order to advise the stock Square Is ono of their favorite "drill men of the county as to the best grounds." v means of securing for them some con- Battered tea trays, biscuit tins and trol similar to that exercised by the pang nre made to serve as drums, a forest service over the ranges within bit of petticoat docs for regimental the national forests, colors and there nre generally more At a meeting held in Salt Lake drummers and color bearers than City, Utah, in July, the stockmen ot others for apparently none of the the entire west passed strong Resol- I youngsters relish the Idea of being utons urging Congress to place all There Is a lively contest browing. ft common private. The boy officers the remaining public domain in und It is all due to the statement in J)avo chert)n8 or coiIar insignia from charge of tho Department of Agricui- The Herald or the lino gardens Pos-,the uniformg of theIr demobilized turo, In order that the grazing npon sessed by II. Nownham and Frunk i,rothers and soma of tho groups havo it might be regulated and the ranges Armstrong. acquired considerable proficiency in protected from further injury thru And thoy havo fine gardens, lt , mni-sliinf; and drill. tho present reckless and unlicensed there now arises n clalmant.for high- Boj. Scou,ts Association officials grazing upon it. Tho possioTttty, how- cr. honors than tuelr's. It is Frank nre making nn effort to bring the ever, of Congress acting upon a meas- Arant. Ho says he has tho finest members of these nondescript hoy uro of this sort if not certain, hence corn .tills side of Kansas, and ho i. armies" into membership in their the Klamath County stockmen felt OVF.lt GARDEN SL'PKKMACY not willing to admit that it is not organizations, better thnu nny In Kansas. He Is1 Jealous of Mr. Nownham's corn, ami nn ill niTrn h in lu nu PORTLAND. 'Sept. 2. txtll known in Klamath Falls bark for tint school year again. During tho Among these are Anna Mae and Jen Esther lerlliigr surrounded by u mmU " Spplomher ranurs lu any Johnston, who havo been spoml- toVf of young ladies, was uppluui'iM f "" N"ll""1 ''"r'"" ot "'" ,ncl lug Hie summer at their camp on U alojiK tho line of march Tho flC C"'m B,","i Ul" '"''" "' H,',,lr" Fnpur Klamath Lake. Tho .Misses Mag ladles rodu o't the float unlered ,ur,, r,lr 1I1IK -ti flroj. Tll- K,,. ,,. Jl,HKt,. ,..,.,,. w,,. n:ivc tj-tho boxu-nkers and mill men A rc''ll,,,t1"" ! JHt been promulgated i,,.,,,, f(. ,,, j, momU ilt lllc ,,,,. W razor, the linigula of tho bar- ',y tU" St'crn,,,r' of AKrlculturo nnd Kl. r.lnch havo rotrne.l to take 1 . was born by tl,c mombcri of Uith" lot", (,ff,,' "f ,l", F,)r,'8t s,,rvlro their work in tho city schools. 'Mlunlon,10Krl,cto.i.h..irf,. wns so Informed yesterday. This Is A,,r0 ,,almi,r ,(f M,.,ifr,i Nvh(, Jonj tho lino of laurel. u-P.h l... n lcnuiloimry measure taken to nld ., , , Klninnlh Fu8 for lll0 nr luri'Bt rnuKern 111111 lire k." SENT TO I 1 T IT mi Inter turn out In hn only tump flros. Tim woods are now ns liiflnmmnbln familiar "vou'r.. , .. ' .-.. forest rangers mid fire guards In r IIVAV tan, r OUT lten cjrrlcl n slgu-bearlng t, ' ,W,I,,"B ,r,,rK "r '' " f , wcrlptloa "Thu painters union wt Cllmlll,,,: '"irll,,K l tliolr districts nnd . stand fur our rights. " " ' to ""euro tho llsilng of thoso who I'ay 'lUbuti! lo l.ui,r ' j htivti occasion to innko tamp fires. Labor owwl lis union for colli)c-'S""",ll",,v' ,ho lt,0,01118 nn ,,,n ,nol,n tire bargaining mid ti. 1... .'Kilns delect nnd report fires which wter Hung conditions lu th-i exur lscs that wum iu, .. ., , , "w.i uuur uiu limine ... wuuii .vuiuy .uiiutt i.evi.t ul Dttirt-'o ' 8- I" thu plot dlres.ly back ot;" V""""" """' ,,,HW Z nt l.ornmo tho brldo of Clifford (lie "Oen-ooa-, Dr,.rf atoro. MBmbo'try. Iml. wln.ljr -vimIIiop. nn.l tlio row llrk of onnnxni nt tll0 ,lonio ot t -.""""onsniid their famlllej heard1 ll """"" '"" "" h"'" ,u iW of tuo van-on speak on.1'""0 nny c,lmu' nt ,mvlnK pu,," o Paid Klowimr in.,, ... ', 'tlmlinr 1:0 up In hinoko nnd nro so OH labnr In 11 , tnlttni. tlilu rnalrlcllvn ninnnurn until ti...... " . u lMrl l"y P'nyuil in..... ....'.' ... .....,. .. tho ceremony "- otvui, ivuritl VftXC i niv tiuiiKUi ih nni uvuii inwuf,u 11. orowa8Ilot;lBlll;lo iwlll bo omo llt.lo Inconven.onco to ndlcallaui nut 11 in.i v.. "' l"lllc SIT 1Dd UMtl'u"". -This Is KBTp0tJol"t,c'l"0Ur joy," said . w, , Blwmun, business ugont of itJU lime Inst year, is hern to take up her w rk .for the eiiKiiiug year nt the Ci'iilrnl Hchool. ? rOl'Pl.H .MAItltllM) AT BONANZA. A pretty homo wedding was solem nized .Sunday afternoon at Bonanza whim Aurily Mona I.owl.1 of Mnrcoln, nn tho groom's parontH, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. D. Murk. Ilov. ('. F. Trimble, pastor of tho Christian Church, officiated nt 2 union m ' th or hie tint ..1.1 '. .. mornln ..., . ' 01 ma 1 "nmminir ,,., .. .". "u . OU 1)1,7., 7 "" ",,' "ccount ot trr,0'ura,ri,luy-aPP'-un. . li Tiiy nna'oaru K00tl Mhev W :d,U, UU t0 th0 lon 'a"7ni,dur,II,th0r,,t 4r 1 uL 8t cor tho ntry to- ' ,h ah ZT; ,s causod by th0 fftC- to xlT'! Ulftt U ma back k'-ie.! War co"HonB ot low IM "vlng conditions." r-er bv if OXorcl,"!8' FolIowlnB a I rX.V. Trimble of tho (Coniiawa on Pn3e 8) Those who nro contemplating camping trips during Soptomber should wrlto or apply In parson to tho Forest Supervisor, forost ranger, -or forest guuril In whoso torrltory tlioy nro going to camp, stating approxi mately whore thoy will camp nud build tholr romp fires. riio blrdo Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Luwls of Mnrcoln, nud wns employed up to tho thnu of her marriage ns n tenchor In tho inter mediate grades of tho Bonanza Gram mar Hchool. Mr. Burk Is n graduate of tho Bonanza school of tho chis ot 1915. A bounteous wedding dlnnor fol lowed tho ceremony, after which tho newly-weds cnino to Klamath Falls for n weok of hnpplness. Thoy will MANV FAIIMI0T.1 ATTEND IRRIGATION MKIITING. ko tholr homo In Merrill. n',,r ,,f (l0 utimxii Valley Irrigation District fulled for todny brought n good idirencntntion of tho farmers lit from th.it dlsiilct. Tho vnlloy Is working hnrO to have tholr plnns for irrigating tho vnlloy ap proved by tho sta'o onglnoor. Among the onthuBlnstlo wnrkeis nro, Wnltor Broadsword, J, O. Ilnm ukor nnd H. J. Tleknor, Mr. Hamaker wns ol0i tlrculnthix u petition nmnnn; Klamath Falls voters to hnvo tho highway pass through Bonanza. PRKACHHS AT LOCAL THEATRE. Pastor T. Ii. Thoumlor, who Is now pronchlng nt tho Orphous Theatre at 1130 Main Strcot, has boon proachlng for tho past fow years in tho largo cities of tho F.nst. Ho fools that not only Is' tho Blblo an upto-dnto news paper but tho prophesloscontalnod'ln It nro history ln ndvnnco of Its mak- to Tho Herald a sample from his gar den, and .the showing he made stop-' pod all argument. Ho is entitled to his claim, or so nearly mi that it Is' going to tako an epert to deride That is why the contest Is loom- PARIS, Sopt. 2. -The supreme Ing. for The Herald suggests to Mr 'council of tho peace conference tfe Newnham and Mr. Arant that they'cidetl to send a note in forceful now pfepare tholr exhibits for the terms to the German government. County Fulr that is to bo held at th pointing out tho contradiction with Wilson Grove, near tho Wilson the Versailles Treaty ot the provl brldge October 2d und 3d. 'rIou in the now German constitution that n special Bill mightvbe passed by Congress which would place thesa , lands directly In charge ot the Forest ' Sen-Ice. as apart of-the present Fre mont National1-Forest. "i .0,OOU Acres Included. There are approximately 250,000 acres of these public lands which once were covered with the finest grasses and forage plants known In tho west and upon which In tho early days tho stockmen of Klamath Coun ty grazed large numbers ot sheep and cattle. Owing to the fact that there was no control ovor these lands, they are of very little value to the stock men. The experience which tho western Where does Armstrong complain? providing for the representation of stockmen havo had with tho graz Oh, whllo Arant was putting in lib ( the Austria-German relchsrath. jnB upon tho National Forest, where claim for corn honors he made n r Tho peaco treat-.' specifically pro- the ranges aro protected from over- oral declaration that included not hlblts tho Interference cf Germany stocking and misuse, convinces the only Mr. Armstrong, but everyone with Austrian affairs. Tho council stockmcu ot Klamath County that a else, and lw has a habit of making demands suppression ot the article similar management will restore good In nearly everything ho under- within a fortnight, declaring that these lands to their ."oimct splendid takes. otherwise tho aBles will be com- condition. , The Herald thought It would bo pelted to undertake the further oc- ir. B.-vrnes. after looking ovier about tho right thing if Mr. Arm- cupatton of tho left bank of tho these ranges, ventured tho opinion strong trotted- out some of thoso Rhine River. that if the-so lands nro ndded to the beans that ho has been Burbank- 1 Fremont Forest and given the super- Izinff for the past several years. The' WILL LEA VI' FOR SEATTLE, .vision ot officers of the forest service, Herald puts In n claim for Armstrong thoy will within a very few years be that he beats the world when it Hev- - - M'''. student pastor, llBiQ to carry practically the number comes to raising beans. So it is up wuo nns been ,IX cliaB oi th ilt- of stock which thoyonco did nnd do It to thu rest of tho countv lo show I'aU1 cu'e1' during the summor , without the Injury ot the laudi. The what thoy havo. And while t his J"ontUs, leaves tomorrow for , Seattle experience which the Forest. Sen-lc contest is on, why not put Denton, of slnco hls health is not cry good, Mr I na3 haa- aiong tijej0 tne3 raakes Mr. Fort Klamath .011 tho carpet. Ho In-,"18" wm UUv u"u UJ ul uu,Ba ( Barnes very posttNo that this can bo tlmated something nbout being !,1'"ln thls winter .lo will spend sev- accomplished and nt tho same time "somo garden specialist" 11 dny or two ago, so his exhibits will be sought for nt tho County Fair. oral months In the open in .-a attompt to grow stronger. PENSIONS ALLOWED KLAMATH INDIANS COURT ENRICHED 900 WASHINGTON, D. C. Sopt. 2. Ileprosontntlvo Nick SInnott was In formed today that pensions had been allowed four Klamath Indians, Ve terans of tho Modoo Indian War. Tho four cases on which tho Congressman has boon working for somo timo aro thoso cf Re,ubou Konnkl, Leon Lolu (known as Chief Lalo), Jim Copper- inc. Ho fools that tho mathods used field, nnd Modoo Charlov. All of thorn ln ovnngollzlng tho world must bo ' being n-tabon ot Captain O, C, Ap based on tho almplo teachings of jplogate'a Company of OroBon mount Christ. ed militia, ff ' 1 . For the first time ln months thei police court took in a good sum ln lines. After tho Labor Day celobra tlon there wero many charges against drunks, violators ot the traillc ordi nance and disturbers ot the pence. All appeared betoro Police Judge A L. Leavltt this morning at 10 o'clock and paid fines amounting to C0. SPEND DAV AX LAKE. Charles Stemwtill, A. M. Hector, lis mother, Mrs. McCormacl; and J, A, Goldsmith droe to Crnter Lake yes terday. The ehtl.o rnrty reports n pleasant trip and fino time. allow the stockmen to qrazo reason able numbers ot both she and cat tle upon these ranges. The stockmen ot Klaraa'.h County and especially the Klamath Cattle I nnd Horse Association intend to get behind this matter and are prepar ing a Bill, which will be submitted to Congressman SInnott with request that it bo introduced and passed by Congress nt the earliest possible moment. Such n measure will add tremen dously to the output ot beet and mut ton in Klamath Cnuuty and enable the stockmen In this vicinity to in- eroaso their herds, Improve tho breed ing of stock, and make them secure In, the possession ot a reasonable amount ot range during the summor months, 5. M i' & Kt n -.. '- i$ 1- tsv r3,, ' Q'j ' ea J"'?' .:' .t s: n 'Sttl l f mmim nmwv