MTUHIIAV.AUwaJ THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAQI BOtn Wllili HOI.I) KXAMI.NATIONH I.MI'MOIIIAIi MKHVH'KS WIMi KlRhlh (li ihIo ,.x..i.iliinllni.N Willi HIS HUM. Hl'NIMV MOHMMI lo bold nt Conttal ImllilliiK. Soptoiu- Thoio will bo it momotlnl mtrxlio Int lib and Bib Arithmetic, will held ut I bo MothudIM church Huniliiy imr iimtmx AirriiMillino mid Spoil iiioiiiIiik In honor of Hi Vim I'oi- HKTI'IIN TO n, ,., '& - - - iu.,ri Mr, XiixiiH- ...., ""H UO.NMNA JIHIKI'S lor l.oulm,. xxl, , "hi4 NIH Mo.r.ll , ,M(nB HI for tl, t II. ' . ',0"l,7 4- libertyTheatre Sunday and Monday - Miss Low Is returned to llunniiEii frcm her homo l Mm coin, Ore, ilhK win bo KlW'ii Thiirsdnx .unit l'b hoii, dlMilil siiiioiluteiidoiit of. Klum-1 l Ns August iTith " Hun luuoimo m. . " S lllrdlo llamukor returned lust 'moIokx Uiiikiuikh. (SokihpIi. CiMI nll dlstilii who watt mined lust mihj ioiuhi n ,1, IK,U ,, """H t... i " llllft ,.. . week from tho r.nicli of Ivmi Kit- Roio, xxhoio she bus boon staylm: a with Mrs KIIkoio dutliiK thi lib- 'lloxointiiont inn) UomlliiK will bo nl Moniho hi AhIiIiiiuI Kxoi.xbmty nl mi nidax lux in l I lll'itt )ol Jiwt S sotieo of her husband ! : Aitlo N'IcIioIiim. xx ho U visit w liK bor parents boio. ('ohthm. Wash . Krlilny. loturuoil to' x hoi o she Is ! !! or the Fu oinploxoil iih toucher , J W Hiomliworil. assisted b.x J 'Malumex, Is bulldliiK .i Karaite School opens bo iv Soptomhi r Sth The Mr and Mrs ("llbort lluirlson it '! woio In fiom tholr ranch Yodiio.s tore aveci i d.i t i Grain Dust i i $. V klti lion Kbowor xwia kIxoii ! J honor of Mls Audrey Lewis Tbu ' dm- at tho It oiilo of Mrs KIlKoro xxcro very & Lewis. X who was Kioatl) and iiKrooitbl.t Mir- J ....J I I... .1... ' I Iil!li ,' itiv" ',,-m , i t ' Tho utfiicrotisi presents iiitlib appro luted by Miss THE STORY BY T . .spuim; iikum'iv.s Ward Doliiu Is boadlni; Kralu foi V r. W'IIIIiiiuk Mrs K A Scholnor and Mis Vribiir Scbrolnor xlltoil with Mis ' J Frank Stowart Thurmlity nttoitiein iV Mis rims Muck mid diiuftlror. ', T JIit.s Donu, mill sou, C'hnrlos woio lounty seat xlsltorti W'odnosti.f X Prank Stewart and ilti'i'.hn l.u 5 illle, wore count seat x! mi-, on "f iThiirsdax. .1 David Graham Phillips Mme. Bryant CLAIRVOYANT x t ? ? ? V The war tauyht us to siive, and we found the Iopsoji to be good. Why not continue the habit? It will surprise you how small amounts deposited each week will grow. We pay you 'I per cent on your savings when you bring them to us. , Sunday and Monday rtyTheatre ('dim' and Jlo Talk to ll (A ::: I'roxblo for old uuo lij ii)ii'Iiiu mi in i nun! turn 'I lie on. nc) iur,.)n yl jilllxl It sou tir lllltilt I) -:.:.uKh-"-k-'-:-v-H":" -H- : luuso xviio u.ivo nexcr xisticit a $ clalrxoyuut before aro espetlally 111 xltod. Why? llecause I lntclllK'ntl untax el their ttouMc.s I see all, toll all and never ink a solitary question Is n life reader In touch xxltb the HPlrited Bldo of thing. I tell ux-ery hope, fear and nmbl- Hon of your life In abort, 1 irll mo UUI1K joii xximi ui hiion AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....A.................t.A.t....U vvvvTrwrw&rw4rr'T nf'fV,f I Klamath State Bank Corner Sixth and Main "THE DAYLIGHT BANK" Located at 520 Muhl 7-21 H 'J I - a ,- H M M i i " x x ndav Is Labor Da AVe will close all day Monday. Service will be given hotels and restaurants Sunday to carry them over Monday. Our regular Monday pick-up of laundry will be taken care of on Tuesday. Speaking again of Japs two more of the little fellows have arrived and have taken the places of two white women who were working at the Your Home Laundry. The white women are look ing for work. This is only a beginning. Others will follow, de pending upon the number of business men and working men who prefer a Yellow Peril to supporting the white labor of the city. Some of them still persist in patronizing the Japs, but we are glad to say the number is getting smaller all the time. We are prepar ing a list of them for publication so that you may know who it is that prefer Japanese triumph over white labor. We-employ only white labor, and operate our laundry under strictly sanitary conditions. fa. $U WfS Klamath - Superior Laundry O. W. ROBERTSON Phone 33.