.W3 PAGB FOUR THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HATI'IIIMV, AluaiST ill TheEvening Herald E . J . M U It K A V , ICilltor JAMES S. SHEEHY City F.dltor Published dally ercpt Sunday by The Herald rubli.-hiug Company of Klnmnth Falls, at 11.". Fourth Street. Entered at the postotflco nt Klam ath Kails, Ore., for tinnsmission thru tho malls as ser.md-Wass matter. Subscription terms by mail to any address In liie I'mled States: One year .... J." 00 One month . ."0 Member of (be Associated Press The Associated Press is etcluslvoiy entitled to tlie use fir republication of nil news dispatch- s credited to It or not otherwlp ei edited In this pi per, and also 1ih.iI news published herein. All rights of republication of spo cl.il dispatches herein are also reserv ed. SATOtllAY, .U'(U"ST 30, l!Mt. I Society As the hot summer months begin to wane one can look for society to nrouso itself and social events will be come more numerous. Then, too, tho beginning of the school year starts the young people off on a round of parties for the vrlnter and fall months. ' The S. K. Martin home. Tuesday ' night, was the scene of a delightful dancing party given by Mis Veva and Dortha Martin on the eve before, their departure for Oakland to enter' Mills College. ' The guests danced and made merry ' with music for seeral hours after which dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. The invited guests were: Mildred Thrasher. Letha Driscoll, Josie Low, Verda Cozad, Waive Jacobs, Meta Chat tain. Karle Montgomery, Feme Hoagland. Bess Klgore. Aileen Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hoagland, and Tom Delzell, Kenneth Perry, .lames S. Sheehy. 1'aul McDonald, Jimmy Clark, Joe Avery. Elmer Erwln, Eu gene Robertson, Herman Foster, Rod erick Smith and Clyde Brown. CiMiioi were played In which the whole company Joined with u will, and Miss lllehn played several In strumental selerflons, whllo Miss Sherman pleased her guests with ex hibitions of fancy dancing. Later In the evening dainty refreshments, con sisting of cakes and Ice cream were fen ed. Tho r- present were, the Misses Pearl lllehn. Lucllo Sherman, Francos Humphrey, lister Calkins, Until Lind say, Eva Lindsay, Margaret Johnston, Dorothy HcltoU, Fern Hanks', and Messrs. Chester Shrtver, Ivan Hous ton. Leo Carr. Albert Bradley, l)el mnr Robertson, Norman Mann, Cecil Clendennlng, Clifford Hoguu and Homer On rich. Mr. and Mis. Flunk Ward entor talned at n charming foien o'clock tinner party on Wednesday eienlng Following dinner the moning was spent at cards. Mrs. E. II Hall hav ing highest M'ore for the ladle.s and E. R. Reams for gentlemen. The Invited guests were- Mr. and Mr. C. F. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin, Mr. and .Mrs. 10. K. Reams, , Mrs. S. S. Henley, Mrs. (loldon I.ln , 'oln, Mi-s Molly Stewart, and Mr. and I Mrs. E. B. Hall. At the Theatres One of the most rellsbnblo comed ies produced by Paramount In j'phih Is "On the tjulet," which serves us John Barrymoro'i re-entrance Into the silent drama, and which will bo displayed at the Star Theatre to night The picture was directed by Chester Wit hoy, Mini tho story Is bas ed upon Augustus ThnmnV famous ns tho Mlllo mother' of n wenk young er brother, for whoso shortcoming she holds herself responsible. Ilo In used by two individuals to gain their own ends, Olio Is "Slick Simmons, Did you know tlm' ,Mlolm" wan' WHO WANTS TUicj1 iiiIiik buck? Well Mho lh-- unit I IV 1IOMF? com next week too, Wednesday mid Thurs day. When "Mickey" vui licrn bo foio she llkoil tho town mid toll ill- F-ir 10 ., keeper of n tuestlonub!o resort. Too appointed boenuho the Liberty win other Is Jack Newton, win of Bar bara's employer. Tony, the brother. Is eager to escape Ills wlsterV euro and seek his fortune In New York. Jack Now ton fans this deslio until the boy Is willing to accept inoiii'y from htm on the promise that ho (Tony) will leave town for good. Tho tummy not lingo enougu to miiii mi i no peo ple who wanted to see her iiml so she mucin with MniiiiMir I'oolo to be lnicK Just beforo school elurts. She said she wished tho New Liberty was done o ylody could gut u (tent but by tho next lime she comes It will be and exoij body will be happy, ..V'!:'" ,,!!,.",r "' M'rlco l"'.?,,1 lft,l.. i"WJ ,'"'''" not no illlplKuiiMl f,lr ln fill inn unit nil,. ... .. Ilium. In .1... , ... "" orr tl.- "lose In. limn mi. M(Ur ..,,... "" iohmiuJ .".II nun I Hi Mifi II. i - v-m III stage success pioduced In New York j(1ek gets by robbing thy safo In llur- ii ll.i VWt Tonus. See J,,-, M (. ."'Mil, 1.- o """" .""" I c.id'Momb;?";':;; ..Unpw.11.1, ..fc.l,tiroV,(Jfl "It In HUM. Tim plot revolves about n rather wild college young nun and u beau tiful girl who fulls heir to twenty mil lions, the receipt of which Is wholly depeuduiit upon h-r consummating a marriage In accordance with the wishes of her brother who Is executor of their fatbei's estate She marries the student "on the quiet" and this provokes complications which are j hound to hold tho attention of every 'spectator to the final scene. Mr Barrymore Is well supported In Ibis photoplay. The plaers Include, Frank Losee. J W. Johnston, Al Hickman, Helen Oreene. Lois Mere dith and other notable screen players. barn's office, taking his debl.s as well. enough to pay How does a Hum Ileal a woman? Pirtlcnlarly If she's Fiench! You think you know You think the news papers hae told you. But have tlmvT See Dorothy Dalton In "Vive la Frame " She go:s thru something, does that girl, but alio i-nne.s out right- luckier than miiiiy i;t that Star Theatre Monday o:il ISN'T IT FUNNY? "'"' River The man, as well us the woman pays In tho thrilling ai'il dramatic picture "Tito drain of lluit,' The home of Mr and Mrs. Burrell Shmt was the sc:ie Monday evening of one of the most pleasant surprise parlies of the year when the friends and playmates of their son, Alton gathered to help him celebrate, his fi.teenth birthday. The evening was spent in playing games and dancing ind the youngsters had one of tho delightful times of their lives. Ico cream and cake wore served and tho young folks returned to their homes The word tenderfoot always cau.sed a laugh milling old-time Westerners, yet It wns tho 'enderfoot who did much to open up the wild lawless re gion and establish order. One of the lines of the now Tom JHx photo play. "The Coming of the Law," tells the story pretty welt: It reads: "Another tenderfoot They're run ning the West plum lo Hell." Tom Mix In this new play shows what a tenderfoot can do and though he does not try lo do It with Well, wo haven't got a carload of I'. fruit coming, but wo have got a part of tin- same car which the Garieh's Grocery has, and w'm-.i was pur- is being shown at the L.herty Tin-ntm chased bv the representative of Wood-Curtis Com Sunday ni-d Monday. Thf selfliti Wall .... par.y, aim win ue uisiriinueu among an uu groceries of our city. which promising to rep -at tho affair on his six-shooters, he certainly does make The reception for Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stubblefleld, at tho home of Uev. and Mr.v E. P. Lawrence, was attended by 33 or -10 friends of the former pastor of the Presbyterian , church. The house was decorated with flow ' ers in season, furnished for the oc casion by -Mrs. Vance Hutchlns. Other 'ladles served punch during the even ing and Mrs. Bert C. Thomas enter ., talned the company with two vocal solos. t1 Mrs. Jese Bailey gave a farewell party, Monday night at the homo of 'her brother Oeorge Carr, on Oak , Street. In honor of her daughter, Luc lie Sherman and Pearl Biehn. Miss -(Sherman is leaving Sunday for Port land, where she will enter St. Mary's Academy and Miss Blphn will leave a week later for Portland where she too expects to attend school for the ensuing year. i.ext anniversary. i The Loyal Hero is, a cl.iss of 2Ti or "0 members In th" Christian church rav. been feted extensively this week for the purpose both of getting ac quainted nnd as farewell affairs for Joe and John Carter, who leave the Prst of next week for Texas. Monday night Forest Hugston. one of the Loyal Herons entertained at his reme on Mlchlran Am-hh in Hon. c of the Cnrter boys. On Tuesday vr. and Mrsf. E. J. Mayer had tho young people at tholr home, where "istnv games were plvel- tiiri.,,,o it the evening -ind the OuIJa bo-ird was (insulted by the guests who wero .in.xious to probe Into their fu'.ni Mr. nnd Mrs.. H. U. McKIm wero hosts for the young folks Wednesday, nd upon Thurvliv evening the Iiyal "Teas cave themselves a wiener roast above the old Conger orchard, in Conger aenue. Friday saw the last of their activi ties when Mir. W. E. Seehorn held a reception In the form of a luwn party nt her home on Eleventh and Mnln streets, for the members of the class and their friends. Klamath Superior Laundry will be closed Monday, Labor Day. Monday pick up will be taken care of on Tues day. 28-2t Merchants Lunch at 11 a. m. nt. Crater Cafe, "th St. to 3 p. 2C-Ct "if't get "shot" Buy one of those red hats or caps before you go hunt iuj,. i. K. K. Store. 2'J-2t 1 Dry Bottom, New Mexico, n hell for tho outlaws. He soon cleans up tlu place and brings the law to control It. Tom Mix does some unitizing stunts In .tills play. It Is another genuine Tom Mix thriller. This William Fox -tur has certalnl) made the West a delightful place to look at on tho sure-n .Beside the daredevil stunu nd the pretty romance that are m en in his story, he shows soiu most picturesque locations. "The Coming of lh- Law" Is '( lug at tho Liberty Theatre for the last time tonight. Emulating tho immortal example of Ruth Ixivetto MiT.il. of the French haute noblesse, forMikcs wealth and comfort and her beloved Paris, when death and destruction throiten tho man she loves. Following him Into the whirl and turmoil of a world up heavul, she puraphriies Rulh's cry In saying " 'Whither choti go-M I will go ' whether the pth .u.iy mvo to suffering and pain and sorr -w--ayi-. -ti: though it I 'a il unto iluiili it- Sr-ll!" That Is tho basis of "Our Better S-jve.s," tho engrosslngly Interest ing photodramu In which Fannie Waul Is starring In today at the Lib erty Theatre. Mio Mirsh cleverly combines whimsical comedy nnd gripping dra ma in her new Coldwyn Picture, "The Bondage of Barbara," which comes to the Star Theatio beginning Sun day. She finds hro happiest role street broker, who fell It' love with bis own Mtetiagr.ipher nnd then wrecked her home, when she spitrneq li tin. Ls one of the dominating types of men such as only David (Iralinm Phillips could create. The picture Is one that grips you from the start, mid holds your breathless Interest all tln wy through. Lillian Walker enacts the leading role. When a man puts selfishness and greed for power above tho finer things of life, bo mm- the way for 'IL-anter That U what happens lo tho Wall Street broker In "Tho (iirln Of Lust " Lil lian Walker Is " I'ho 'train of Dust", and her acting alone wo-ild curry the picture to success Ro we will he in shape to sell jut a ni'e peaches from this same car. and as cheap as am other mer chant. So phone us your orders TiU'Mlaj. Store closes all day Monday. j The Sunset Grocery t---f - 4-----f -i--i---5--I-----4n MUSiC mid d line p'are th.s world t where tin-re Is non Hove .u e ! thoui:lii li.i' a dp- n without Jin lc? And how loiMdy the hou As n K.iaril'an augel Is u d in follow us lb rough life, so Mmtic s.rjiiu in In- - . with ns on our Journey from tho cradle to the gruve. If ibis lii true, then It Is alno true t tin t curb hoion slmiili" "nnvu this liisd M'i InMrutnetu that can be pr cured '' onlv lilncc in m-niro tlm b-sl litat r tirti ' ' li'i. I'ul i-nnev Is hi Hi- KLAMATH FALLS Ml'StC HOI'.SE. We cm u:"' 'tb ((- -'-li ir 'ii li.. Viib'i- line P'iiiios. Pliiver P'auos. all kinds of fii.li. M-I.-.I MU,..ppf u ,, mm S'lt-nt Mls,', nnd IUH,c Buokti. In Phonographs we carry only ihe tbpie Standard makes THE NEW EDISON DIAMOND DISC AND AMBROLAS, VICTRGI.AS AND COLUMBIA GRAFFANOIAS. This 'a ill, i nly place veil r-n get Ke'-on's to pbn mi miv Pli'inogrn-ib lS'Hl)i- ' in- to ri.ne in .ihd HhUii i i Ik In m inns r played on lint li'-' graph. I mt i in H r.;s nob) on terms to suit Do n' i Ini g-t ih pltii i Klamath Falls Music House GEO. A. WIRTZ I Phone 125 733 Main Street 3 2t5"H--h--:- t ,.' X i ... .00 Yar Special for Labor Day Perkies We are going to give you a special price of $1.00 a yard laid on ycur floor, and if you do not have the money to pay for it, trade us some of your furniture that you do not need. Pr.bcolin is the economical floor covering, like linoleum, and saves hours of hard labor scrubbing and dusting. i This Price Good Until Sept. 3rd i l6 T& TO IP W BfIII!1 I m M W m $ n m B m if 8r Hou .vaar;- ' -Mtm s "THE,, MAKER OF HAPPY HOMES" m f .-w