THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON BATimAr,AousTvT)l FOR SALE Touring Car, Howie Garae In Good Condition. A Real Bargain. i MOM TWO MB i!v& f.!M!! K.W" The Thrifty Housewife has for her motto "One Hundred Cents for Every Dollar Expended." She believes in a full return for every outlay. She is not tight-fisted. She knows that the cheapest materials are often the most expensive in the end. She has an Account Book which shows what becomes of the money she spends, and a Bank Book which shows what becomes of the money she saves. Her funds receive absolute protection OFFICERS OF ARMY REGISTER FOR WORK WITH GOVERNMENT AT THE CHURCHES First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON No -lMIK?N Will III' llllllto III lllll , column iiiiIohn the copy N "t Tlio ( .;t. Herald office by .1 o'clock , WASHINGTON-. AUK. S9 -To .Into. "r,,ta ,,,0"""t- 1700 officers mill ox-offlocrs of tho Frt nptlt Church, rnriiiir Wash American iinny. tlio greater portion liiclon anil KIkUIIi. 'of them mou who have Hpun sorlco duuduy hwiuui ut 10 n. m., IJ. Jl, with tho Kxpedltlonnry Forces In 'nP. Hiiporlnton.lriit Kn,,,,, ,,,, elvliero. hnvo yTZy ,, S , M. ed with tiro War Department In Kvnry nocontt uml fourth AWlnintlny Washington us nppllcnntH of position, evening will lie devoted to missionary 'it N today announced by Colonel Ar- work Woods, Assistant to tho Sucre- " Y J'- ) SnUny wenlnie nt 8 i , ... , , .P. " A cordial Invitation Ik extend- Wry of War. who I at present con- ll(, to ,, , Iltl,,m, 1MU orcc. ducting n nittlun wldo drlvo for tho re-employment of these men, Sacred Heart I'hurcn. corner Sth I Snlnrles expected by theso mfn ml IUkIi ntnicm. ltov. Hugh J. Mar- U'ary between JTT.O.OO nnd 16.000.00 '.' """,or . . I . . . . .Mass u a, m. nnu iu iu a. in, 1 per year. A number of tho applicants Jdeslro to continue In tho work In Methodist KpUcopul Church. Tenth 'which they have, hail oxnorlenco be- and IIIkIi. Hiiv. SIiiipsoii llamrlck. I fore tho beginning of tho War. Others Pt. 1117 Ku street. Phono 07 V .. .i... k i- .. .i.i . . Junior I.ouhiiu ut I'.t'O A M i un iiw imam in mvir iimiiiirr irnin- ..... , .. , . . , ,. - , .. in, desire to enter Into new fields and aro willing to accept correspond ingly low salaries tinttl they have proved their worth, Tho list includes , STATEMENT OP THE FIRST. NATIONAL BANK OF KLAMATH FALLS, County of Klamath, State of Oregon, showing the amount standing to the credit of every depositor July 1, 1919. who has not made a deposit, or who has not withdrawn any part of his deposit (commercial deposits), principal or Interest, for a period of more than seven (7) years immediately prior to add date, with the name, last known place of residence or postofflce address ox rack depositor, and the fact of his death. If known. Name of Depositor Residence or P, O. Address Amount Beam, Mrs. Vernon Klamath Falls, Oregon $4.60 Brookfleld, .J W Klamath Falls, Oregon 13.00 Clark, Horace Klamath Falls, Oregon 9.30 Copeland, C. O. ...Klamath Falls, Oregon 2.00' Crane, Jas. A. -. Klamath Falls, Oregon 1.G0 Cravens, L. J. Klamath Falls, Oregon 1.05 Cunningham, J. J Klamath Falls, Oregon 1.00 Doming, C. E. ft. Klamath Falls, Oregon 9.15 Dews, Vernon" Klamath Falls, Oregon 2.05 Farmers Imp. tc Sup. Co. Klamath Falls, Oregon 2.60 Gordon, W. E . Klamath Falls, Oregon 1.50 Hernon, C. S. Klamath Falls, Oregon 2.20 Lewis, A. G. Klamath Falls, Oregon 9.14 ' jfadlson, Chas Klamath Falls, Oregon 2.00 Mardls, Dr. B. A Klamath Falls, Oregon 16.06 Meyer, E. C Klamath Falls, Oregon ,45 'Oregon Woolen Mills Klamath Falls, Oregon 71 Owen, D. R Klamath Falls, Oregon 10 Owens, Mrs. Grace -...Klamath Falls, Oregon 50 Randies, S. S Klamath Falls, Oregon 17 Rhodes, W. P Klamath Falls, Oregon 10.50 Ross, John W Klamath Falls, Oregon 05 1 Roth, E. L Klamath Falls, Oregon 1.00 1 Secor, A. M Klamath Falls, Oregon 1.00 j Simpson, I. W - Klamath Falls, Oregon 3.90 i State of Oregon, County of Klamath, ss: I. E. R. Reames, being first duly swern, depose and say upon oath, that I am the President of the First National Bank of Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, State of Oregon; that the foregoing statement is a full, true, cor rect and complete statement, showing the name, last known resldenco or postofflce address, fact of death, If known, and the amount to the credit of each depositor as required by the provisions of Chapter 148, of the Ceneral Laws of Oregon, 1907, and Chapter 214, of the General Laws of Oregon, 1917. E. R. REAMES, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th clay of August, A. D. 1919. LESLIE ROGERS, Notary Public for Oregon. (My commission expires June 19, 1923) 9-16-23-30 Sunday li.icl lit ll'.On , M Morning Worship nt 11.00 A. M. Kpworth League nt 7.00 I. M. Evening Service at 8:00 1. M. 1'mver mentlnr Wpilniuttliiv itvrri. business men, professional men of all ing nt 8 00 P. M. sorts, technical and members of a Wo Invito everybody to the services variety of other lines of nctlvlty. " morning and owning. ssnmn of h , ,in,i.. The 0UnK People can do no better Some of the specimen histories of mn wntI on nollr wh tn UaRU these officers are glvon bolow. from 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. each Sun- The list Includes men desiring day. managerial work, teaching, editorial . . . .,i, .Z -.j - Flr,t Christian Church, corner work, engineering, export and tm- Nlnth ,nd PB, ilnMrti c v Trltn. port, research and organisation, tut- ble. pastor. orlng nnd teaching, "bond salesman-I Sunday School, in A M. ship, mining, newspaper, magazine Sormon, "Certainties in Religion" or publicity work, social .errlce. tc- V&n Awor 7 p. Bi bacco huslness. architecture, law. Sermon, 8 p. m. rubber business, chemical or dye- prayer meeting Wednesday even- stuffs business, salesmanship, aero- Ing at 8 p. m. plane work, wool business, steel. Iron i C. F. Trimble, Pastor nnd coal operation, marine Insurance, accountancy, work In Japan, shlp- Presbyterian Church, Pine street, nlng. automobile work, admiralty ,ne.r aco- " E. P. Lawrence law. manufacturing, chemistry. etc?' Sunday School 10 a, m. Employers needing men who. by As this Sunday la Labor Sunday virtue of their experience in the ar- the country owr the pastor will, apeak my and because of the responsible at tn? njornlng service on the subject position, they held during their ter- jftV MmD ,h' ' vice are fitted to be flrst-rate esecu- i the evemlng the subject wilt be Uvea, men with a sense of order, with "Stick to your Job." punctuality, reliability and execuUre Aa especiaa Invitation to laboring to the office of Colonel Arthur Woods Sunday school at lft &. . Tread- Washington, D. C, in order to be, ing service at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. put directly in touch with these men. Fmnnel ttantut Church. Eleventh and Hlrh itnwli AGITATION AGAINST UNION i Sunday School 10.00 a. m. OF CH1NK8K WITH MEXICANS" Young people meetu.K -i 7 p. m. iPraver meeting every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. FL PASO Tem Aur ! ii Womans Home and Foreign Mls- fcL. J AMO. Texas, AUg. .3. Agl- Blonllrv mMt flr.t Thnwl.v tation against the marrying of Chi- of each month. You are Invited to these services. Tho Christian Ketence Society of Klamath Falls holds services at 113 Fourth street every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and evory Wednesday evening at 7:30. All are welcome. In the north. Villa gave thin as his' Th" ",M, of lesson for Sunday. - . . ."Christ Jmus" The Sunduy school session Is from LIBERTY THEATREI "THE PICK OK THE PHTUHKN" H. W. Poole, Owner J JrmlJlJJ'r ii ,.irw-M-w-)rJJ Matinee Every D.j BIG DOUBLE BILL TONIGHT THE GREAT TOM MIX - IN - "THE COMING OF THE LAW AND FANNY WARD - N "OUR BETTER SELVES" SUNDAY AND MONDAY THE GRAIN OF DUST" DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. We Clean, Press and Repair EVERYTHING From a Heavy Suit to Flimsy Lingerie. Wc re-block Hats, and call for and deliver your goods, Klamath Dye Works 431 Main St Phone 409 nese men and Mexican women is spreading in Sonora, Chlhuahui and other West Coast Btatvs of Mexico. This has long been a source of much ill-feeling against the Chinese, aa many have married Mexican women reason for killing many Chinese at the time of his campaign In 1917, and was credited with saying the Chinese were trying to make a "yel low race" of bis people. SAGETEATURNS 6000 8000 i f Miles n i IT'S nitANDMOTIIRR'S RKCIPK TO IlIUNfJ HACK COLOR AND LUS TKK TO HAIR fo;o);w:J.irtW.WNm; Diseases of Women a Specialty. MEDFORD, OREGON. That beautlrui, even shade of dark, glossy hair can only be had by brew lug u mixture of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Your hair Is your charm. It makes or marH the face; When It fadea, turns gray or streaked, Juet an application or two of Siiko nnd 8ul 'ihur cnhaticcH Its appearance a hun dred fold. ' Uon't bother to prepare tlio mlx niro; you tun Ket this f.uiioiiH old reclpo Imirow'd by tho addition of other InsredlcntB for SO (mn a InrKi' dottle, nil ready for iiho. It Is called Vetl.'s .Siikc and .Sulphur f'umpmiiiil. This cm iiIwidh ho d'-pciiilcd upon In iirlnf i;'k ll'e nuiurnl color and lui- ro of fur lmlr. j I vervbixty i('S "VPlli's'' R(i?l tiid Sulphur C' nipmind now lnr ntixo t d.irlieiis to muur-iHy mid evenly Mm uuliody run tell It Iiiih been up died. Von Himply il.iinpeli a HpuiiMU ir Hiift IituhIi with It nnd liuw iiIh 'liniiiKh tlio lmlr, taking one n in. ill itiund nt ii tlmo; by mornliiK the Kiuy inilr lias dlmippt.Mrcd, find after an other iippllcatlon It becomes hn.i tl-1 fully (lurk and iipponru KUmny mid lus-j mum :4E to 10:46 every Sunday morning. The ,free reading room and free lending library Is open from 2:30 to 4:30 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Seven Day Adventlstfs Church , Meetings, Tuesday, Prayer meeting Saturday. Sabbath School 10 a. m. 3 p. m. Y. P. M. V. meets. Preaching 11 a. m. i Sunday 8 p. in. at tho Orpheus i f rneater. i T. h. Theumler, Pastor. I A. Smlthurch, Singer. ANCTBNT IIOIi DUG UP IN KANI .VKAR MIRKKA. 1 KAUSPKU., Mont., An? 29. An Idol pronounced officially by the Smithsonian Institute Washington, l. C, to be of Aztec origin nnd at least 10,000 years old, has been dug up In a sand pit near Kureka. The Idol Is of stono and is about ten Inches high. It Is uvldnntly of n Rod, who nltH on his luK-r with his hnnds folded In Wk lap. The object has n Ohlneso nppearanco, bu photographs w nt to WxushlnKton brought tho prompt reply thit It Is an A:ec Idol, Tho sciilptery Is of a hlfrh cliarac ter. Tho exprcHHlon of the fneo Is nr tlEtlcally tenlfylni? nnd tho pnpor- flonH of the flKure, and tho jioro aro nt'tiirnl In every way This is the new mileage adjustment you get with Goodrich Tires From JUDD LOW 23 MAIN ST. PHONE 22-M 4tM THE A 1IK.WV IK)MIUItl).Mi:T. LONDON, Auk. 29.A Hollnforfl )iiensai;(i tiy that a heavy bombard ment, lasting over two hours, was heard In VlborR, Finland from tlio direction of Kroinladt on WodneHilnv It Is supposed tho Ilrltish naval ulr foict'H worn cnitiigod In coiulut. ! JEWEL CAFE For the Beit in Eats Just Follow the Crowd, and You Arc Sure to Eat at THE JEWEL CAFE Jesse Bailey, Prop. Phone 185 610 Main St. m New hhltunent hoys Duhbolbllt "! 2 pair pants. K. K. K. Store. 2'J-2t I f'!''' 2 Let us make up your pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed &t0 SULPHUR The price is right pbon' 126 South Sixth St