:iSatirMBi, "1 hit, 4 KQnli """I U. cioUfaTI s U. M nrissz 1010. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON (ERSONAL MENTION .ITTI.H HIDKMOHTH OM I-OCAI, IIAI'PKNIMJH unSQ TIII3 I'KOI'I.H Ol' T1I1H CITY AND VICINITY. GOINAH AND COM1NC1H OK lAMAh V'OUKH. I'llliriMHK IIOMK. C Canno! Ihih inirrliiiNijil Uio 4 room Iioiiho formnrly ownoi! by N, II, NiiwIiwikH on MlchWuti Avniitin. Tlio Hltll. WIIH llllllll) tlirilllKll Hit) Aguncy of .Iiiiiiih M Wiitliirm, Jr. ' .g puyinK Kltiiiiiun iiyinnri mweninr rutitrtioil from , Ci Bchaernr i Portland lnl iiIkIU will i.ri.i... '!! '"' , . (in IjiihIikihh'wIiiiiii Iiii married In dint lty ru- A P- """" willy. PMl'11 ' it t,r from Oak- Mm. J. II. WltHnm huh ii pimneu. J. T. """"" Unr on thin nun iiIiic'h tmln hound iiJW '' . ., viMltor In llio cllvlfor 8nn Francisco, when. hIiu cxporta lilt Now Hllllr. 2 29-21 hlpim-lil lioyn Dtibhnlbllt pair iiiiiiih K. K. K. More Todiiy Im Hi,, south anniversary of tlin lilrlh of .Ii,,,,, liapiiHi., Colbert, urn eminent Punch lliiiiniliir HliiiitHiimn mill jlouip" i0 witness tint fleet rnvluw .L..1AW. I . M"" i b. lnltor from Mln AuiciiHtii Parker, who lift f " " lu..... .!. M.I I ill III.. ..I...,.....- I.. II.... K II AKOnCy. ( livi'ii ni'i'iiiiiiir. ' niiiuiiii'i ill I'un-j 1, Kl'""11 . ,,.wn fri)i llnck iliiml, linn returned iiikI will tench In I (Im imlillc schools of (Ii In lty iiK lit ' HiIh yinr. i F. A. Ilutto l a lltr from "." ". i. in town from "ck Mr; ii. 'W ll.lKI..- . w . ,..., M'"" ........i... ..f l'ort Itttut In Klamath Superior Laundry will ho Cloned MtJIIclllV. l.lllmr llnv If, ..!.... Jljlck up will ,o taken enro of on Tuos- "" llll). 28-2t I E Nlchl of Portland i,M "' '" ,l,,or")r- r r , rlfl !' IHwnri1 '''""" OV"r NOTICI Thorn, IiiivIiib wanning nt thn Wong iriy. 28-2t Special l.mirli at Crater Cnfo nt 11 in. lo 3 P. in. 2C-Ct Ncitrlu MeKen. who Iiiih been here. .'"'.."' "my. fn "1 "ltn" W call- VI.IH..K friends f ..,. .i "FUH,ru nn,, "WMIWiiB tholr prop tiirniiil I hlit nun nine to llnllci, Mini limn, where nil it In u ti,iilnr in ilu.' rk.rlrl I- 11"""'" " ' ' a IM" . ... .....i- tr n iiliiiil i'Iiv mcIiooIh. i.hliiu yiiisi"" , ' . Tlu-ril Will. KOOil linWH nwtillltiK I'.' Klnmnll. Hi.....rl... f ....... ''"' I Mm Kil f (ln"" "r" '"' ' ,,,"",H" iM I'inriiliiK. In Hid an- clonuil Monday, Labor IJuy, Momlay '' . . I'hini Calif-, on ini'Houiicuini'iii or tho arrival of tho '"-K "I" '" o iukcii caro of on Tun. L cltJf ,rom tl'.r, jaiOUi KiikIihww In Now York, of (l"'- 28-21 which hli nun, C'.lun, In n nivnihur, !cili "' .i. n,l m, 1...! fp.llll f .lit. flty or i ""'" " M H lliumikor aro 19 I" iv,"jr: Dr. A. A. Am"""'" l,.norrlil,t,,m,nB " In KUWth Kalln. 1 McrrlmiilH l.mirli nt 11 n m In ?. n Mm. MurKiiri'l Wolroli, a nli'iv of m, rrntur Cnfii, 7th 8t 2C-Ct Mr. ami Mrn, (). I) llurki.. who him, 'Imliiy Ih th.i Jf.dlh aiHilvtr.iry of I..... nl lii'Cn vImIIIiii! Iitirn fir tint H'ihI ukiiWI llll, ilitillli nf I , limit,. I ll..,1,. !... ..!.. few tlnyi rgturiu'U nun morninK to hi-r Iiiiiiih "" "" -"" ln OinaliH, wlutro Hint In .'ii.ploy.Ml by l,r'""'1 tt""orlty on whlHt ami othi-r ' Topklnii rnitm In y.-Mnnlnv,!!!!' Union I'urlllr Kallway coinp.iiiy. ' m Pin. Fill to look aft.tr novoralj wm.: m:imsu ., .., ,.. ,. oll0 of tIl0B(J aitim of boilni'M , . , r.-il Ii.Uh or oapn hfforo you ro hunt- ,. J V IUIIra.il.. In frm fhll- '"" '"". " B '" '",": ' K K Hlor.t 29-2t J,,,', . , , .... .,,1V, ,.,, mi'iitliiK liii'Hiliiy I'vinliiK, Si'pti-in. - layntfriUy for n oyr hiio, . oVImk, In haintiii. room' , KUtnmli Kuporlor Uiumlr'y will bo wcg la Kluaalh fll I r ohim! Momliiy l.ahor Pay. Monday n. .-,t Mr J II llarr nml rh I- ., . , . ... ',,rK " " taken rnro of on Tupk- pr. tod Jim. J. ii. "" Portland Clmmb.ir of Coiuinitri.t trip day. 2R.2t n m itopplH In Klamath H.,pt..mb..r 3nth to I.., rr....K.'d , . Ua wwk from Muryiirlllu. Othitr matti'm of Importance to thn' ,T1";' "rrhfd thin morninK. IJoy'g ,6Mft J o ' ('-hic " n....nb..m to l. lak..,, up and ,kc- ni ' "",r """"' K" K' K 8,ore- riwd ber lt nUht on iilnMurii Hn,. A' full uttondaiiri. In di.nlivd"" " trip to (o KUmalh County point, j promptly at 7 p m. for th ban-1 '! your boy u Hrhool null now. ur. and Mrn. John Martin lft thl-i ijukI V f Van Kmiiii, B.-r'y '?',',?' ."hl,"".'.'"V. 2 J'alJ ,",l,,", I)"-,',"'-, ... u ,,.. olil ! K K K fitoru 29-2t BOruloit for Sun Krnnrlnrn, whom 29-31I.1-2 m . v He; lll llt for a iihort tlmo. Mi-rchnntn I.nnch nt 1J a. m. to 3 p. C)ad Chinliiln. who hm bcii In KUmulh Huperlor Uundry will Im '" t'r"tiT Cafe. 7th 8U 2C-6t ciiiRFii ..lunnar, i.mmr nay. .Monday I iota en bunlncM for (hit pant twi I iliji, rttnrnrd thin mortilnr, to ray pick up will be taken euro of on Turn day, 2S-21 CLINGING INVISIBLE jSjk. AAh? lr Ink B50 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KOK SAUK -SO arron kooiI land, TiO i nrren miili-r IrrlRiitlnn Ppnccd Nimttl bullilliiKH KM'dal low prlcn If takrii at once ('all C22 Main. 2!l-tf VOll SAI.i: ;o acnn IrrlRiitfd land Improved 10 r.cron In RrowliiK al falfa UulltllnKKr- fi'tici'd. kooi) land. : mlli'K from tifw-n -at Hpiclal bar Knln. Call C22 Main. 29-tt WANTKI) PASSCVUKUS To fill ! tourlnK car on trip to California poliitn. KtnrtliiK Saturday or Sunday or nt convenience of papengont. In- 'nulrtt Herald. 29-1 1 -WANTKI) Udy or Klrl to wait on, i invalid iciiiy, i,eo. (.'arroll, Mecca Peel Hall. 29-U 'I I I Store Closed I I All Day I I Monday, Sept. 1 st I I Labor Day I I Do Your Shopping Today I I and Saturday I I I I if' 'I I K. Sugarman I I "I AIN'T MAD AT NOBODY" I ICOI'ltT C'APP I iitnnnKi'iticnt. 2!)-fil Iti-opened under new S. (. Comlm, prop. FACE POWDER. onteel - J Perfumed with the Costly New Odor of 26 Flowers DOESNT blow or brush off the face, but .sticks closely, giving a dainty "bloom", far different from that chalky "make-up" look of inferior powders. Doubly delightful with its rich Jontecl fragrance. Try a box today. jWHO WANT; THIS FINE 1 HOMR? ' Kir 10 layn owner offer a ncv 7 room liniiii lit a price that It couUI not lio dtipllratPil for today Kino lo cation and one of Urn cry finest homes In the City On paved Hteet, close In. Don't iiiIhh this If you expect In oh it vour hoiiit'. Price $5,000. Terms -See Jame.i M Wntklns, Jr. 2!Mf I IjJOUSTON't Mriroimllfnn 4i.ni.'.,iit. HiflMiill.iHiiSSBlHHRBR HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE D.iM'IMi AVi'tlne-ila) .V Siiliirilio Vllllil. Piiptilnr .In Orelir-lr.i LIBERTY THEATRE "THK t'K OK T1IK 1'ICTUIIKH" H. W. Poole, Owner WMiWiWVVWViVVWWiVWAi Matinee Every Day WWmWwwWWVMVWWAAMAMM TONIGHT THE GREAT TOM MIX COMING OF THE LAW" Mack Swain in "MIXING SWEETHEARTS" Another Great Finley Nature Picture " "THE SATURDAY FANNY WARD "OUR BETTER SELVES" STAR THEATER lYiitiiriiti: t I'll Musle Willi the I'lrliire-, Itc.x Strattnn, PIiiiiinI. TOM.W SoltHi I'lctinei I'ri'sriitM Al.U'i: ItlMDV In "THK IlKTTKIt 1I.M'M' Also A Kejstono Coined)' "Tho Nick of Tlmo lluwy" Adtiiilon 10 Ai H.1 ceutN Doors open at 7 p. in. TEMPLE THEATER TOIlW TrlaiiKlii Presents TAYliOH IIOI.MKH In "IT'S A liKAK" A Wistwn Coiimly Draiiiu llrlmful Of Fun. so ' A Reed TrlmiKln Comedy A.iil Patlio Nhk Iiati.t i'uiwnt Kventa. f t ? ? T r 7 t t f t t V if it t t t t t t t f t T t t T t t T t ? I Like a Bolt Out of Blue Sky Telegrams announced that there is no more sugar to buy. The refiners are oversold, and will accept no more orders until after January 1st. However, the new crop of Beet Sugar will be available in about two to three weeks, so with care we will all be able to have the necessary sugar to get along on until the new crop comes in. Limit of two dollars to the family, for the present. Better lay in a supply of Crisco while our sale is on, with lard near the 50e-per-pound price you can save money buying the purest of shortening at 33 l-3c the pound. Fresh Peaches, Albertas and Crawfords, for canning, at $1.25 and $1.35 the box ; all choice f rait, no culls or small peaches. COFFEE Don't overlook our bulk Coffee at 35c the pound. Schillings, Hills and White House, the three high grade Coffees, at 55c the pound. WINNER'S SPECIAL FLOUR The highest grade of Fancy Flour on this market at $3.20 the sack. Money back if you don't like it. THE WINNER CO. rAOK wtwu v m m m: VA frir T T T t t t m iy. tw-z t T T T T T T f T T t T T T T t f T T T t T f T T T t T t T T Ii IB' s Admission Matinee 111 .V 1 wnU KvcnlTiKs 10 & a centH VIERRiLLOPERA"H6uSE MOTION I'ltrrUHKh TUK80AVH ANP HATnilDAYH MarrUl. Orfoa DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. 3H$H$M$H$HgM$H$H