I'StfJVftitf-'. gtinMw,,, mv fctsmingj, Herald OFFIGIAIi I-AI'KR 01 KLAMATH COUNT! fourteen Year-No. 3,715 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1919 Price, Five Cento KUMATll VMM j annuel hie ryan i PROCLAMATION I hiintby iiroctaliii Miinilii)-. September 1, 1119, known un Labor Day, In hit ii holiday In SOTFIT: Hd of Aircraft Froduc tin Defended by Democrat CHARGES ARE SERIOUS ' the city of Klamath Falls, anil ! I respectfully request Unit nil place (if business liii cloned on tli ii I (Into, I. 11. HTUUIII.i;, Mayor. n LOCAL LEGfON USED AS BANKS: STARTS ACTION I.AKKVIKW HANK INCUF.AHIIH CAPITAL inn nrsi nmiiiimi iinim or i...Ke- han kRANCIHCO. Aur 29 Bank view in unuerKoing somou.ing or a ,)f , Twfth Federal Rcservo Dl- reorganization .rixtllltlllK 111 the III- irct havo ordnrnd 60.000 hand rren I'lirrhiiKirt of War Havlngx HtiimpK Klnnmtli Fulls 1'iwt Will I'rotmt to Will (Jot Artny Hand flrrniulM Ylmt Were Originally Intriiilml at ProeM in ihc IIuiih. I CHRISTIAN CHURCH WILL HOLD REVIVAL! TIio Christian ciurcb has under taken to hold IIh own Korival by mak ing all of the services until November 2nd, evangelistic. Tno pastor and church aro trying to do at the regal-1 ar scrvoces, what Is usually accom-l THIRTY CITIES TO HEAR WILSON pllshed by outside belp. Sunday Prrf,,dcnt will Be Absent Until Sep. ninrn(n' nnd nvanlnv nm -Mult nm Oregon ( VmurcMnen A Kit I nut thn mornlns, and evening as well as! Sale of Army IlUnkel to the Urn-, Tuesday morning and evening will bo , em I I'ubllc. letters will bo sent Immediately to the Oregon representatives and sen Klven to theso eangullsllc meeting. Fcur have been added to the church already and the revival Is Just start ing. Next Sunday morning the subject t ember .'lOtli From White Home. Will Speak in Portland on Sep tember 18th. I I ... Mtu'imu ..w.wui jiuiiii ftivu- '.r ,..-..j..... ...... Muu wv.i- . uttrmnn will hit "fVrf nlntl In "uuu,'l''1'eul was uiaue luuay creasing of the capital stork of fron. ,, wllcll wuro r(jai,y for ,hpment tors at Washington a well as the ' J"... J. . ? u ",, i President Wilson will visit 30 UlOO.OOO to fir.O,onn, and raising J,,, ,hl, American Kxpedllionary For- iwakor of the house protesting ",'"; .J" m '" land will be absent from the thn nurplim to 130,000. W. M. Mill- ro WHC t1(, Annlstlco was signed against tho sale of armv blankets and r, formerly Identlflcd with thn llnnk im which have been turned over to mores to the Ocno-'al publli l-efoiyi of Lnkevlnw, linn become nun of the tlio Treasury Department for use g'vlng cx-servlce nm un opporliiMty heavy stockholders of tbo Instltii- savings bank;i to stimulate, thrift. The to buy them, following last night's lion. I only alteration niado In tho hand enthusiastic meeting of the local post 'Inns ur under way for the erec- grenades to convert Uicm Into sav- of thn American Legion .that was series of sermons on tals." WASHINGTON, Aug. 20, Am- nouncement was made today that cities Fundamen- ui wc uubbiii irum me wwt9 mouse until September autn. in nisi bMbllrsn ronurr nwl Hub-Com- j,tee Member. In P.'Hlalul Trll fkrrttuY lUkrr Thn! !( fl finrrrnnirnl Itiillnmil for I'rlvatr," Utrrrt DN'l"i H)" ,ml ,,n Hon of a new bank building opposite XoOmnrclInn Willi Homl. i,n fj-knvlow hotel This well kuo" n I .. 1.1 A .!. . . In .h ovnln- tho n.-infne will .''"" " ' '" toumry m ng- Tlioro was punch In tbo meeting from tho opening by ncwly-olcctod president J. II. Carnahan, to tho no- lugs banks wan the removal of tho held In tho City Hall. TNT chargo and th-i cutting of a slot hostelry Is owned by the linnk, iiiu!,'iis a coin way. Ill Is tho intention of this Institution The Federal HiMervn Hank of San WASHINGTON. Aug. 2! Senator i replace the present nttuclure with , Fraiiclsro, which is handling tho tlon for adjournment uutll tho second Tkomu. Colursdo leimcral, defend- ,, mnderu. flr proof IhiIIiIIuk Wlin'dlstrlbutlnii or tho grenades to the Tin-sdny in September, id John it, llyoii, former assistant ,,,.H tw M,.w hulldlngs goli-K up Ninks ntul trust companies, nnticl- "' feel that tho boys In the servlco KtffUrr nf war In rhargo of air- alui ttv ciiiHtriictloii of the IiIk car pales orders aggregating 100.000 of are entitled to tho blankets they car-, crift production, from Insinuations in r fr n,,, Southern Oregon Vim the war -niiMiiirs Koliert K. Smith, rled during the war," Huid Dr. Fred ( i report m'l" !' "'k''1 " ,er'"',y fompniiy and the neu hospitnl. iber..'dlrerii.r of the tt.ir lian Organlza- Westerflelil, vlce-piesldent of tho lo-, tlon for the Twelfth Federal Heservn cai pom. o as an organization District, hald "Tliukn American-made should prote.it against tho salo of i hand grenades constitute one of tho them. At least wo should demur best souvenirs of the War one could against the salo of blankets and all possibly get. Some months ago an army stores to tbo general public be-j eastern firm manaited to get some of fore ex-servlco men Have a chance to Uiem and disposed of them readily nt buy them it the cheapest prlco po- one dollar eaih " lblo." DfvWcBterfeld's remarks wero ti u tilnniwil in distribute thn cren- secondedTy President Carnahan. Ac- liulo banks to tho public through tlon on the part of tho legion follow- rr.nk.s and trust (onipanlft cxcIurIvo- cd immediately. y Tho only conditions Imposed by Members of the local post were unl- !M, Treasury nooartment nro that to ted In their atand to expose and purgo WAHmt.OTU., Aug. s. i-rimi-,-" -, ,. i from Klamath Countvanr alien as an outline for a flerman on practi cal Christianity, Harold Bell Wright's new novel, "The Recreation of Brian Kent." Tliero will be baptismal ser vices Sunday night. N IT RE NT - . .... .I.ll ..tlt..Vl . . . UjW, or iu ri'i"iin win ! pHiimthliig of a liiillillm; iimoiii o( lh conisrcislonul subcommittee j.i(evlew to In Portland Investigating tho m tfnet production Tb repoft alleged that approxl nildr 15,000,000 govarnment funds hidktn muanilcred In the construc tion of 18 miles of railroad for iprocc productlou. It llkewUe allugod that lh road was ronverted to the ow of ths Chicago Milwaukee nnd ot. I'nul railroad In which Hyan was tt Director. While cotnliuttces may have found vutt In aircraft funds, Thomas said the lnnuondoe against Hyan woro totjnit. Ho read letter from Briga dier General I)lsiUe, saying Ityan hd no connection with the construc tion o( the Government road. TO STOP STRIKE IiATMiuy ritoi'itiirroit rixr.p In answer to a charge brought b Jack Kimball ng.ilnst "Your MRTLANU, Aug. 29. Frank Pudltton, former Huperlntendunt of ths Aircraft production of thn Cnua !! Gorcrnment told the Congress Ictil committee by deKndlng 'on its lotting milling Industry for airplane iprnce production, t'annda procured 11,500,000 feet of alrplano lumber between April nnd November last jeu. He declared that Canada got It rteapcr than the Fulled State and tint no noldlers were employed. Onlv i'x miles of r .llrii. I were liul.t nnd lll when oi.rniliiiis weru closed, there oa mi eii.:lt!iient m nrnimi tldtoboillrriired of Tlie com in It toe. ''""' lor ,l'" "t the en rcriponea iu Toledo trip to hear 1'i-ndleton a.... iifii ii . .. . iJII!M UWIIUinill ' ' ,' ,eni ...n w... no -k.. ,o .. t AwYm wno may resdo here who hand In Iho controversy between '"'I w Sar,BR 8tamp. Bavo up lhelr flrst c,tlzeshlp papers sio workers of tho Un ted State. ' x mmt nl , ordur t0 C8Capo mimirT service. Steel Corporation In an effort to pre-, War Saving, Stamps: jAhsoliUe knowledge that any such vent a general strike of the steel i,uv 'aliens reside In Klamath County was WOrkOrS. ..rt . . n. i ...... .w.l Irnnun hut nfrnrtn will ho mniln elllier .e' i"" or uihj i f t in.-,";- ."v .... . ...-- :ir r"n. ' gs Certlflcto w.ilili Is the to find out tho facts in tho matter, iilr bnllier to ilia Wa- Savings "This post of tho American Legion Stump l..rlng tho minu four per must Btand united for Ideals that cent Interest compounded quarterly America fought for." said President I Carnahan In a speech mat urougnt a It Is clnlmed that the corporation has been trying to force tho Issue be fore tho President can handio the situation. anil running for flvo years. I Naiimillv tho supply of gronade.1 round of npplnuse. "Essentially our Mm mulled." said Director Smith "Or- duty Is to support only those men In 1. 1.... ... i ...,., .-ni .... riilo.l In i!i. or- nubile office who have stood by the Hi-IP un tin in .! - ..- - -- - Mom", i.., r....iv..,i nnd niter the dimply Is men who left their homes nnd posl- Luundry." for letting the uifr '"",,.....,,,..,, . . ., will l mnnufact- tlons to entor military service. Wo i:nurii lnniv:. and irun' com- cmii becomo a. potent factor In bulid- uri n. and thus causing a nuisance., )mv, niK(M, f(jr ,, ,.,i-o.1e of the laundry run into CoiiKei ave nue, the proprietor or the intimn us lfIIIllH of Uiem In nil the War Dc- lllied $7f.ll yehlerilny by P lie ........ ,,,, ,,,.. j :..000,000." Jililge A l. i..'iiviii i uih an aePtirdame with tile campaign 'u ni... ...,., .i.u .,,. .tvi.i.efeil to ar- I II" I,''" ." - "' rle In Sin Francisco within thirty lilas N H IJ UTn DfincTcn "IMilUlliailONS TO SKX.VIOIl AM) MltS. BALDWIN The Herald wlili the host of 'rlendi of Kanntor ami .Mrs lieoige ' .uaidnin today exieudH lo them Mniratulntloiis, thin being tlio llth Snv,"'aI lHioa man heard F. S. nlerary of their marriage T "r,l,uwu". vlco-prosldenl of tho atato ceremony was pel formed at tho thou ('l"",,,,,,r ,,f !- -.. last n.ght at 'wily vnt of .iiwephino county "'" cn,",,r' c,mrt ll01,s" ,cU of ,l10 nd lmini-iliai( after they htuiteil ,"', ,"''''1 ,lf '"-l''riillon on tho part w tnoir new houii. In wlmt was Jhcn known as Uukull,., arilvliu; on , 3lst I'VUiu II years that liuvu ' elapsed they ,nvo Ihmh rest ti of this place. Few of ii... -,ui. I BAPTIST ASSEMBLY STARTS AUGUST 30th PORTLAND. Aug. 29. Tho first 'nbors who Join wilt bo consider Ing up tho community and state along lines of better citizenship n our goal. This post cannot fall it shall llvo and prosper as tho Orand army posts of tho country have." Hope was oprjsed by tho mem bers that nt least 130 to 200 actlvo ex-servlco men could bo enrolled on the local charter before November 1 1th. of this year. Up to that timo all annual assembly of tho Baptist oung ed charter tnemhors of tho post. Inl- .. .. .. .... I-.. ..t..u o j people of the -into will ho Iml.l Auk- ""' It' " "" '" "'' - ' !,.l 30 to September 1. on tho Cilad- nn.l monthly dues nt $.r,0 for a period slone mmitntiqtM grounds near this ". "" " "'" - ...... ...i.. i.- K-,,it-r.. -mm nresl- tlint the organization gains a flnan- .11... Iit.ii'-J .-.-..r.. ' ., dent, announced. The purpose of tb's summer Institute will bo four fold educational, devotional. Ins'ilmtiomil nnd rerreatlonnl. n.i. ......in., r jnt'i.t-nl 1n .1 1 ti ir Pnci 1 III, 111, llin HI "',,, ' r,-- .... . . ... tho Htntn In tho publicity cninpalRU fl(. (.(1!it n,,(flt, appear on the pro- l'st l that It conlllclca less xwtn that Oregon will soon launch. m AlnoI1K t,m ro Dr. V. 11. wwtluK nights of other orgnniza- Mr. Brnmwell. whoso homo is In n,nRmi nr o C. Wright. Dr. Alon- tlons Tho next regular meeting will Ornnts I'nss, has been active for .. i.'nttv. nnd A. S. Bovsorninn. nil "0 '1l on, September 9th. nt S ; Dr. T. II. Hngon of Seat- o ciock in mo iu.uiw. ..u.u.UUi . city nun. m 15F.TTKNS TO .M1CXICO. of every Chninher of Coiumrece over clal footing. A voto taken showed tiuit tho jiost was adverse to entering th. Labor Day Parade. The second Tuesday of each month was set as tho rogulnr mooting of tho U who lmvo bee,, r,.iro i ,i... 'onrs ln I'I'""'K tor tho hettorment . ,,orlIm, Bnlldlng of thlH city and county havel"' Houtl,"ni OrK" "(I tl10 f,,nt0 nt tie; Miss Mabel nines nnd Rev. W mm as prominent a part in Its do rK' " ln,K ' K ''"'" Smltl1 ot I,,,s Angeles: flnil uoy ttlopmcnt as have the Seiiainr null UCM ,0 ",080 who I",Unl lllm '" tllnt "nckott. president ot tho Roguo ll wife, nn.l t u llttlnir n I' " 1,ro"R',t 0,,t ,'l,,"rl' ,ho ros,1,ts River association. I MWon Jhnuld b., ,,.i '. . . I Hmt can bo accomplished by co-opcr-, T, lnf0riniil opening will be Sat-, ahmiM in, nn,i .. ... . WMire for lh, estlmablu couple. MINNVII.LK KPORTSMKN KNJOV riHIIINd hkhi: The tr0llt .rKm,n"nH, Counly nro 2 Tl0T ,0 1,,0HU ' M"nn me. Tiii iu ,,,., ., , Loon i ,', Wl8CC,vr and Colonel S'v ' "f U,ut y ho huvo S ' "" ,,r' 0. Wlsecarvor divih i lkH ""twnllon. Yestor- t"ed ,r ' an" nr WI.oc.rvor. ro- rfl.hi?onJoyu,,','orthon,: th yangnva"a,,lotthlstlmoor ntlvo effort. "Oregon needs thn linking- of unlay afternoon, followed by u stato It. Y. P Moroy L. Applojate, who has been hero on n brief visit with relatives. 1 ..-...! liln linm.i tti T fa anc. V. rally In tho evening. Sun- "" l" '" """" "" """ ovorv Intorest In tho stnlo." said Mr..., m . ,,.- with a sunrisa eles, from which city no will proceua Brumwoll. "Wo cannot succeed by p 8orV,.0l followed by morning t Mexico, whore ho Is heavily Intor- drlblots horo nnd there wo nood co- woMh,, ,, nftorn'oon Intonnorlnto itcil in cattlo and ranches. Ho was oporntlvo, unltod effort to placo Oro-, ,, ,, (Mr)ss bv Dr. Illnson, i accompanied to Ashland by Mr. nnd gon before tho ontlro Union. Our ro- ,', , evening by tho II. Y. P. TT. Mrs. W. O. Smith, who returned homo sourcos aro stupendous yot tho tin-1 rv,,,0 um, address by Dr. Smith. jly way ot Medtord and Crater Lake. No Itnln of Conscueiire FalLs Any where Owr State Dry Weather, Honctcr, Clniined to Be Fatora lil to Farm Work. half of tho Peace Treaty. His first address wilt take place next Thursday at Columbus, Ohio. Br September 12th, he expects to speak in Indianapolis, St. Louis, Kansas city, Omaha, Sioux Falls, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Bismark Billings, Hel ena, Couer d' Alene and Spokane. He will make adlreiM-it In Seattle land Tacoma on September 14th. His speech In Portland Is scheduled for t'eptember 13th. 3ar Fian.-nr.o wUl I AViCcme Presiden. Wllsnr un Sep tember 18th. San Die;;). Los Angeles. Reno, Salt Lake City, Cheyenne, Pu eblo, Wichita, Oklahoma City, Little Rock, Memphis and Louisville will follow in the Itinerary of the Presi dent's tour. In some cities he will make two addresses a day. SPINK WILL HANDLE RESERVATION LANDS JJWBOW MOVKS HUNTKKY n,ber or WU0lni who hM tar a "er Prin.L8 Pro' tho Plo Pin, '"''.".thBtreot. near Hoa.ton W"rm lh0 "hop to the """ton fcln.,1, . """'' " 'n e onl , Ck' lmnedlatoly east ot --- nuiiae tlon as u wholo Is not aware of them. jfondny morning will bo dovotod to A Rtiuo-wlilo grouping of actlvo ,.nf,,ri,nceH. tho uftornoon to busi- Chumbnr or Commerce organizations UMH ului u recreational period and the closing evening session win no u- drossod by Dr. Potty, PORTLAND. Aug. 29. The pre sent drought in Oregon is the most prolonged on record, says the local j R. C. Spink, owner of Idlerest aad weather bureau in Its weekly sum- other land in the vicinity of Sprtac mary ot weather and crop conditions ' Creek, has decided to enter the real in Oregon. The temperature gener- estate business, confining; his opera ally was above normal last week. Nd I tlons almost exclusively to laads rain of consequence fell anywhere, within the Klamath Indian Reserra- Over most of the state vegetation Is tlon. very dry. Streams, springs and wells There Is not a man in the county continued to fail. Forest fires aro who is better posted on the lands oa numerous nnd hard to control and In the reservation than Mr. Spink. Fox many places the air is heavy with j years he has given it his attention smoke. Tho continued 'dry weather with the object of some day taking an has been favorable to farm work, ex- active part in placing them on tho ccpt that tho beginning of plowing market. The need of such an agency has been delayed. has long been felt In this section. Wheat, o-its, rye and barley aro There Is no better land In the world in aturu except in n tew of the most than that in the Indian Reservation, elevated localities; the greater part Of late years many of the Indiana of tho acreage Ins been harvested, have secured deeds to their lands, and unusual percentage having been and while they desired to dispose ot cut for hay. Thrashing is ln progress, them, they have been in a rather dlf irrlgated corn continues to make ficult position on account ot their un good growth but unlrrlgajed corn is familiarity with the methods usually mostly buffering from drought. followed to bring about such a re Prunes aro ripening rapidly, suit in a manner that would be ad Peaches and pears are plentiful. Hnr- vantageous to them. It Is to meet: vest of evergTeen blackberries con- this condition that Mr. Spink decided tinues.. Much of the unlrrlgated fruit to enter the field, and his doing to Is of small size. will be? extremely btneficial not only The third cuttli'r of alfalfa is in to the Indians, but also to those who li ogress- l some of tho warmer dts- have been desirous of making Invest- trlcts, the. yield being good where ments in Indian lands and were un- tlieie 1 r.s been sufficient water for able to do so through lack of In- lrrigatlon. In a number ot places al- formation. fnlfa is suffering for lack of suffi- Tho operations of Mr. Spink come cient water. Fasturage continues to uuder tho control of the Indian De- detoriorato, though there is still good partment. One of tho conditions pre- feed on some mountain ranges. Over cedent to his beginning operations considerable areas stock Is beginning was the posting ot a bond of $10,000. to sJ.ow tho effects of short feed. Tho He will Uivo his office at Chiloquln (scarcity of stock w-Mer is increasing, and later will have a branch in thU &01110 stock Is being taken off tho city, riuigo owing to dnnger from forest i " , t CARNEGIE'S ESTATE Potatoes nro maturing rapidly. Ir-I - eonnnnnftn rigated potatoes promiso good yields l lOlALb $30,000,000 but tho yield In unlrrlgated districts will bo considerably lessened by NEW YORK. Aug 20.-Andrew drought nnd high temperature. un. ' Carnegie, who said prior to his death Irrigated gardens are drying up. Hop thut It was a disgrace for any man to nlcklnir will begin next week. tho!J'e wealthy, left behind him a for- vield bolng somowhat below normal, i tune totaling between $25,000,000 owing to drought. "" S30.000.000. ttis win, witicti nas neen puuiisn- .JSfc'ii LKAVKS FOR THK SOUTH Mrs. R. K. Smith left this morning for San Francisco for an extended visit. Sho was accompanied as far as Weod by hor father, Jasper Clark, who will go on to Portland from thoro to visit his son, before return- Irt tho solution of our problem and our linpo for succosb." Mr. Brnmwoll brought out tho noed for li.imedlato notion In gottlng tlio loonl Chamber of Commorco un der way. Ho doelurod that tho sooner tho organization was put undor way, tho soonor Klamath Falls would branch out and ronp tho bonoflts or tho publicity thut sho so justly do-sorves. Today la the contonnlal anniver sary ot tho birth or Joseph R. Mc Donald, United States senator from Indiana,- 187G-81. Camping facilities hnvo boon pro vided. Tents and meals may bo secur ed on tho grounds at cost. Four mlnlstors and thoir wives havo agrood to net ns "camp advisors." While this Institute Is being hold by tho Bap tist young people, nnyono will bo wel come nt tho services. , HF.IU: FROM MKHHILL Mrs. Kd Frazlor of Merrill Is vis iting with her sister, Mrs. J. N. Olv un, for a row days. MAItltlKI) IN PORTLAND Announcements huvo been recetv-B t0 nis home ln tho East. oil by tho friends ot Miss Ruth Mas ten and Frank Turpln ot their mar riage on tho 14th of August, In Port land. Tho marriage is t'.iu tornil -tion of a high school romance, which began In this city sovornl years no and continued after tho young peo ple moved to Portland. RFTURN TO liAKKVIKW Mrs. Daisy Morris anil children, who havo been visiting with her mother, Mrs. J, N. divan, for tho past month, roturnod yesterday to her homo In Lakevlew. RETURN TO BI.Y Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watt ot Bly, who wore tho guests or Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Glvan or this city tor a brie! visit, have returned to their homo. I. O .O. F. TONIGHT Rogulnr meeting ot Klamath Lodge No. 137, I .O. O. F. tonight at 8 o'clock. There will be work la tho Second degroe, and members are urged to be present to assist in tho ceremonies. ed, left all his real estate and work3 ot art to Mrs. Carnegie. He gave annuities amounting to $10,000 to former President William Taft and Premier Lloyd George. Annuities ln the sum of $5,000 were left to Mrs. Grover Cleveland and Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt. LOCAL 1-EOl'LK MAKK AX EXTENDED TRIP. C. II, Underwood, accompanied by Austin Hayden, started for Ashlai J this morning inls car. They . meet Mrs. Underwood In Ashland, where she has been visiting her mother, and will then come homo by way of Callahan, CalU. The party will bo Joined there by Mrs. Austin , Hayden, who has been away tor some time tor her health, and from there wilt drive back to Klamath. Falls.