wi st- ILJL. rnipaii, lone 3 Armwra, im. !. l FOR SALE rf-wW"' .USED AUTOS- Ull Setcn iKiM'nn'ir Hiudclmker llliiul'firiiml Chevrolet 1)1S lira, hi' hi? ni.timoMlu 8 1)11 Kofi (IT Haby OuTlinil i17 Ilutck Hp'lti. nil Ford IMUcry rtoHJW Next to Ponloiflu i ill. n mild Yi'C 30 Tii 1) It II Kiml I'l'innUi Co 'irii'lllK isdiwkwnil lin"' oiih Kiiim i'i" i.. i i,vi.h i nn tin., for tt unit wnut tairll JIlKi" nil iff''r Aiiln' MKln ,, Mtfbrll : 2' HnrK .St I'ttrt Iim 0riin -" rOR SAI.K Ui" iii"ri'. hoiiimtpail rclmiiililiiiiiiit tuny iiiiprnvi'ii. tut Strnhorn rallnmil 'J'w ritv-ult Bllfi(rom Klnm.-ith I'iiIIh I'or piirll calin xldrrii Vii 10 llnnilil Offlri ! TOR SAI.B- HfTPti room tip-to-dntn itritllr moilcrn lioumt In rt'lrlctnd 4'itrlrt (iariiKi- ulci Uiuu, nml Towfri Uritf Lot Prlri' KfiOO V I RJItl'Urrcn, Phono 320.M. 25-tf TOR 8AI.E NVw 10 C.nUKo nlchvl itwl hammerliitii Wlnclicder rump fts. or will tril for 12 RaiiRo Win itrr Pump run ('nil 118 or 230J. crwL. C, Wlihsrd. 27-t FOR 5A1.I Cnmplntnly furnlnhi'il home (mmlern) rloni In nt n hnr- fila-Phonn 31 2 or call (Whom of- fle !! Main St lg.tr MR 8AI.I: Oil TrtADi: Cnoklnc ittmllt of rnrlmm klnil.i, aliio a nn or twn. nearly any kind of n ilo, IVrklm f'n nil turn Houso. 20-tf Unek-um, Ituri, MaitliiK, I'ahcolln, SliM,Dtil, MaitrpA'es and lpriric tit aaf n .!. II- .1.1.1 f .. i. for ulo or tradt) Hotir IVrklna' Kurnlture 20-tf FOR SAI.K Rest Jack County IniUiru at Ban. In Klamnth llluci Front 26-Ct FORSAI.i; Omul nn hay almi .il filfa hay nnd immure tall :ti Hth St, or I'hono 247 M 12-tf FOR 8AI.B- f'lrnisliliiKs for a six room hoiiup lliiN i,tii ,st 2i'.tf F0R8AI.E Smill car. Routine I'lio- w She?. 327 Main at. -ju-tt FORBAI.K Imiirnten reu'dcnce lot mt tell Sec loos Main Ht 7if To JL0ST AVD FOUND LOnJrTue",ny' 1"'",''n Olene nnd 1m. ? n"vy ,,m" c"nl- lnlf.r ' relu-n to Herald office. 27-2t LORo7lV,a,;1.W0"1 n,," rol' l'olwi.on IialdHln Ilntui and boat liuullnc g"rn HwiM l 28.3 .K' - , rUR RENT 'URMSIIED IIOOM For rent 840 Walnut, Cor. bri. Phono 274 J. 27-3'' ' '0R IlKNT Tun xluoplng rooms. " walnut. 27-3t HELP WANTED Man n'uT w0, for, "nylnK crow' n)ing. phono 1HM. 20-4t Sl,orl':xIl;nr'""'-" woman for 2C-tt "''fun iioo. Phono 130. VfNT' mirlenre,. Klrl for Ian t,,iB im, Kti riCt WANTI'ti .-...". ." L,cnAi' ftjiviE on iriUJHE x-'Wrv :... ui i TV ilVUVVl'1' ' I ' Win li,.i .1 ll'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS 0rtnii,,omi," V."""!''"'"".0' I'liilntlff on thu one hnnd. nnd tho ar,u' "1. OrPi'cii, ' " 1',ul,-idofondiiiilH on the other hand, uccord- 7 ' '''ling to tho respective BhnreH or Intel- "AN'TIID- vln,, , , "" estH of plaintiff nnd dnfeiidiints more. VlKle- i;xitTl (,.?, ,?' onnm!J- n nnd theielo; Hint plnl.illff ho ro Kla"tli Superior l1"8'0!; imld by defendants thn oiie-lmlf part . niiiiiiry, 2J-tf of tlu, ,axH liy lu)r ,,ald upon .sulci 1 .N Otic if nremlscH, for the yenrs 1011 to 191H, . am now pre,, r.,'; , , . k Incluslvii, nmouiiting to I4C2.30. J,hta Snncl frmi II t,,0 " .rnl"h ''1 the ono-half part of tho R !? ! urn " 1,1 I "oy l ""' money hy her puld for tho caro BV.n,nv l'i des ,,1 ",,y ""nl,,l,v nnd management of said premises, anl outldora. ""' ,,y c,'"tnicor- nmountlng lo 178.r.0i Unit tho costs . 1, P .... .nml disbursements of this milt, nml - . ft'i (1UAHAM ' nccrnlng costn nml clinrgos Including special l.tinc. , nTi. ". T77 clmrgos for HoforoeH nml prospoctlvo "' t0 J' 11 lor Cufe ii U I'livlng nsscssmoiilB upon High and "T- 2C-6t Bocond StreotH In wild elty, bo dlvldod ui yet. il,....,., . r , Herald -V11nt Ads. tJ I IX I I I IV II 1 Mil .. - AD'S HIIE! MISCELLANEOUS Ssskssj. 4 WANTIII) llaiiriKi'il uiitiiN Aniiii" luivliu: autiimohlli'n for ! that wuri' damiici'd In tho flri', appl) at lliu Kurd (lariiKu and M obo 2C- It lion IlKWAUD- I'or return of 'Hi model Kurd Taken from ih k Main, Auk. 1.'.. Mtenmi f.soos, motor nil inlxir 2,h2&,7Ct Iteturu u lloiini Laundry. i.-.'.t P.VIl.MKItK Havit 30 per rent on our fi i'il til t Ih hy heiplm: your hay font 12 fill per ton Lease ordnrn at llaldwlii Hardware Co . nr nee Har ry Telford, U lulleti out Merrill road. 2l-12f ' WANTCD TO TltADi: A room plaiitered HiiiiKiilow on iaemenl for mu lit I rum h Would aMiume t-m.-'ll amouiit Jauiivi M Wult.lnn, Ir I'lioni' 320H 20 It V.NTi:i 100 Iliad of ee on Nhariti (looil 'lire ami pimture Ad dri'ioi llox 1S4 It. K I) Anhland, Oro Ron 2f.-Dl WANTCD TO IH'V Olt TltADi: - Knr any and ull kltnlo of furniture. I'er- klnn. 20-tf WANTKI) 'IO TIIADB- i New ratine for mi old uiui, oti pay in-j dlffcr- etire I'erkliiH Furniture lloune 20-tf WANTi:i KiirnUhed IIoukc Sic Mr i:uim Htar DriiK Compun ar.-tr WANTKI) TO HKNT Small Irrlsat- eil farm Addrentt Carl Krhulx, llox 21 Kort Klamath OroRon. 2T-7t Klfty (tollam or more and nn oM nnitn will Ktl ono of my new one IVrklnit' Furniture Houso So-tf WINTKH HATK8- At White Pelican commence Sept. Int. Rooms t:0 & up, SCtf WANTKI)-Cxpurlnnrml woman for hoimowork. 1'hunu 31. 19-tf CITY OAUHAOK Wlu-n you Onrbaito rumovoil phonoSl - ' ' want 11-tf LEGAL NOTICES HI'M.MONK FOR lTRMCVTION. (Kc)iilty No lOHU) In The Clrrult Court of the- State of Ort'Kini For the (unt) of Klain nlli. Cmmii WlnK, Plaintiff H Hilda Cooper and the unknown heirs of Hilda Coopei, also nil other persons or ,partle.i unknown clalinlnK any ilttht, title, estate, Hun or Interest In or to the real rntaUi described In the compliant liorelu. Defendants Hilda Cooper and Uin unknown helra of Hilda Cornier, nls nil other pursons or parties unknown, clalinlnK any rlnht, llllo, ornate, lieu or Intorcuit In or to the re.il slate described In thn complaint hiiridu, the nhowi named ilufcud nnts: lute nnmo of tho Statu of OreKon You lire hereby required to npin-ar nnd answer the complaint men """'n" ?" '" '"n,l','1V0 onf,j!p,1?"!.t on or before the 7th day of October. 101 U, that bolng tho last day of tho time prescribed In thu Order of Pub- Mention of KuinmoiiH herein, nnd If you full bo to nppenr, plead, answer. "'. or otherw "''" "aid time. nlnlntlff will nppli rwlso movo t Herein for want thereof, nlnlntlff will nnnly for thu relief pny- ed for In her complaint herein uu fol lows, to-wlt: For a Decree of the above entltien Court thnt I.olH 1. 2. 3, 4. a and C of lllock 4 of Hwauiia IIuIkIiIh Addition to Klamntli Falls, Oruiron. nctordliiK to the duly nicordod plat of said Ad dlllou, on file In Uio office of tho County Clerk of Klamnth County. Oiugnn, be partitioned between the plaintiff and derondimt.s above mim ed, that plaintiff ho awarded uu un divided nne-hnir thereof; Hint if said lands cannot bo einmlly divided bo tweou plaintiff oil the 0110 hand, nnd ilofmidanlH on tho other linnil. then that a wilo of said promises lie mndo and the pioceedH dorlwd from Hindi sale lie divided eiiimlly between thu enuallv between nlnlntlff nnil uoienu- 'ants; thnt Tmlntlf f he miowoa sdu.- - - .. - - m T - .. A t THE EVENING HERALD. 100 lUtoriiny'M fees horidn, ttmt If rata f mtlil premises tin made, tho dotroo of I)i)m Court iiwiir.l to I'liilntlff her one Imlr imrt of nil hiiIiI taxes, eliarvs, mill costs of null. Including nltoriioy's fees ami If sale bo not ord ered of mild pri-tnlHi-H t lint plaintiff tin given a Him upoii tin. portion of until premises awarded to defendants fur Imr said ono-lnilf part of milil taxes, rlrirfi'H, expensis attorney's fees, costs of mii t f noil in i mini: costs mill Unit such otlii'r ami further re lif lin awarded nlnlntlff an xliall seem meet ami ne.roeahlo to equity. I 'I his Hit in iniiriH In served upon yon, I Hi" mill deft iiiIiiiiIn, by Him publlca llliiii thereof In tin, i:nnlii(; Herald, a iii-tHiiiH.r pnMhiH-il In Klamath l"n I In llri'i'im, anil of renernl rlrrula Uoii In Klamath County, Oregon, nnr a hi ilk for six niiiccksIvii weeks, Uin first piilillnition thereof being mnd't August 21. I'll 'i anil tint last publl- atlon OHoImt 2 l'i l'i, liv Order of lin- Honorable I) V Kuykendnll. Imli'it of tin, alum, (.ititi,., Court, wlilili mild onlir wan matin, entered mi'l fllnl In milt! Court on August 20, l'i Vj t II CA UNA II AN. AtloNH'y for I'liilntlff 21 H I I I 1S-21-2 In Uin '.iiii c.uiri of llie Miiite of (lr i-iiii. Tor the Cuiint) of Kliun- Mill. In 'I he Muttir nf 'I lie llite of M. tl'll .1 llltrtl'T lll'M'IIM'll. '( riff fi- lli- hy cvi'S', That the niiili r-lrmil Ih the ilulv mmolnt "il iitiall'leil and aril,, - admlulHtra trlx of the I'Htat" of Mllirn 1 Iliini er di'eend All pertioni hnvliiK I'lnliim iii'iiIiinI th" Hlil enie will iirei nt ilu-ei to this aiiniltilBtrntrlx ilulv erlfli'l with MiueherK nttiteh i'd wlihlii tilx morilliH from the date ' Hili tiollie al the Iih ofUreR of II M Mminlui' attorney for it'ild es tlifi' at III" nfflf" l'i the I oninU llulldltir KlniniiUi Kalln. Klamath Coiimiv OreKou, I'urii Harper iinii'liilitralrlx of llie I'male or Milton J Harper, deceimed. 31-7 11-21-28 In the ( in ill' ' ourt of tin, .Stale of OriKon I'or Klamath County. J II Kauri i. I'liilntlff, Vi I leanor A I'niiKht. I)ef-iidatit. -I VMONS l. l'flll. RATION To t'lpiiiicr I'aurht the ahove tiam-d ilefendnnl In the aine of the Hiiie of Orei;on Vim are hereby r quired to anpeur nml iiniir t'" romplalnt filed against nu In tho a'-iive intlth'd suit on or In-fore the I" ih d ty of AufiiKt lil'i that henr; the lnit dav within which defendant l a'loueii to nnnw-T herein as fix ed hv thn court f,-r tiuhltcatlon of stnnmnni herein nml If von fall no lo answer the plaintiff will atinlv to the court for the n-Her nrnei fn- In the complaint filed herein, to-wlt: for a ilnrren n' i ln niiiri t'mt the liondM of iiintrltnn"' now exlstlnc ho Iween t'lntnUf' and defendant b" fif es er dlssohed for peneral relief, and for plaintiff's costs nnd disburse ment herein. This summons Is published In Tho '""nttiK Herald a newspaper pub lished nt Klamath Kails In Klamath 'l, -v O--,.-- ), -1 - t 1ln orahle I. K Conn, Judge of said court it eil liitn ila i , ( dlrectlni; such summons to be so pub- i Ished not less i'"'tt once a week for, ilx iirccssho weeks. Pnt nf First Publication hereof Is ' 17th day of July. 131'i JOHN 1'IV'IV t.rroV f- pialntlf No. 128, No"'- " i Klamnth Knlls. OroRon 1 -- 1-31 -7-1 .2l-2R New Citv Laundry WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK Shirts nnd Collars Inundrred We nlu ah silk, nool and col nrnl (fiKiits very carefully. Try u j mice- nnd he comlnceil. Our prlcen ( sre rlulit. Phone int. 127 Fourth Street Itaik of Ftrxt Niitlonnl Diuilc rVWssVsrtAWArtrt It's a Long way to walk It you are out In tho country and find that thu ropalr work you had dono does not stand up try us and you'll rldo and not walk. Hoagland & McCollum We buy and sell New and Second linud Cars. Speak to us before you buy. Wo can save ou mon ey. Watch for oar specials. Oassengers and Baggage ANYWHERE IN THE CITY QUICK SERVICE ltC.ON.III.C RATES PHONE IH7 Western Transfer Co. CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement W01 k of nil Kinds ami Rooting Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contracto" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON orders general census MEXICO CITV, Aug. 28, Prisl limit Carr,iii7ii has ordered that a general census of (In- niptilillc bo taken niixl year NOTICE roil IIIIH FOH WOOD. Not lio In lii-r'iliy given tlint tho County Court will receive scaled pro poiiuIn for furnlHliliii: wood for Court IIOUHI) II ll) UK follOWK. Either for 00 cords half llinh nnil half hoily wood, or alt 60 cords Umb wooil. All wood to hi) 10 Inches In length, nit from green plm and tlioroly seas oned, anil to ho delivered and nontly pllid In tho Court Houso yard at Klamath Fulls Oregon, on or before. Nov lHt, 1919. IIIiIh to ho opened and contract awardi'd on Monday Sept 22, 1919, Tin- lourt resor-.cs tho right to rc J'jft ur and all IiIiIh Hy orili r of tlir County Court. C It. DELAP, Clerk. 2K--U HAiii: ( iiAvei:. Will sell our homeatead of 100 ocrcH at 17 dollarit per aire, also 17S jcreti 1 1 in hi r on lake front at 11 dol lar per acre AddresH II. Newnliam, l f) llox 1112 13tf Klamath Lodge No. 137 I. O. O. F. Meets Friday nlKbt of each weok at I O O K. hall, fith nnd Main streets. P J (JerKes , N. (J ; Fred Hremcr. Secretary; P L. Fountain Treasurer. Kwatina Kncampment No 46, I. O. O K., meets Tuesday night of each week at I O O F hall. Arlle Wor rul, C P : Nato Otterbeln, Scribe; P I. Fountain Treasurer. rHrw Excl usive BUND Portrait, IUDIOr 1136 Main St You Had Better Order Your Winter Wood now Double loncl Mocks 97.00 Orrvn Slab, Pine 9.30 (ircen Hlnb, Fir 4.."VO W. E. SEEHORN CO. (122 Main Kt. Phone 72 20,000,000 Feet Timber for Sale Inquire of Dr. T. B. Timony Red Bluff, California ATTENTION My business is making your homes bright nnd prosperous hy P.-iintlng. Knlsomlnlng and Paper Hanging. Satisfaction my guarantee. W. E. KANDY 17 Main St. Phono 103W THE CRATER CAFE Dinner and Short Orders Voodles Chill f n Carnt Open all night Just off Main on 7th A Uttlo off of tho Main street, )ut tt pays to walk FIRE Insurance J. H. Driscoll Loomis Bldg. Phone 432 WARREN HUNT MEDICINE AND SURGERY 206 I. O. O, F, Bldg. DIl. W. M. IILEYTHING, SPECIALIST In DISEASES of the HEART nnd nervous system. 420 Main Btrcct. I'hono 4C9 Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable IjonK Trlrw Our Hpeclaltj Iti'axonulilc Ittiti'H Phone 1 .'II H22 Klamath Air. Phono 4 CO 72'J Main St Ice Criin Caiidien PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Clears, Tolmcco, Soft Drinks Peel and llllllards Barber Shop In oCnncctlon OCR MOTTO "Coury anil hcrlce" f Coe's Jitney Service Day Phone 168 LAWRENCE'S CIGAR STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. --K-4-ce-5M-s--x-'':'t-!X' t Your Home Laundry Damp Wash, 20 Lbs. T.'.c FIN1HHKI) WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Huds" PHONE 421 Corner Itlain And Conger irlr4--& HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Darldson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus llTely. Also buy, sell and exchange II other Hakes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C, E. BISMARK 115 8. 9th St Klamath Falls mtttmi0m KLAMATH AUTO 5f K1INU WUKK5 We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ingNew Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacksmlthing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 259-Y 017 Klamath Ave. MssssssssssssssswWssssssssissi FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRY ME PHONE 170-J Phone iMO-J 11!. .Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. Home-Made Plea and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. WVVWVSlWWftAWAAWftrtWAW. DR. A. A. SOULE City Physician Offlco phono, 1G1J 420 Main St. Res. phono, 1B1M 1909 Main St. E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 1 11-1 4 Wlllita Bldg. KUniath rails :- Oregon t GLASS Phone me and I come and give you a price that will save you money. Carpenter and Cabinet Work. E. C. 8TUCKY. 1140 Main. Phone 846-W. pacta hkvs PROFESSIONAL CAP PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Opon for Mntrrnlty (Jium Mm. Iloia McDanlrUt 301 High St Phone 455 Till: I'AHIHIA.V lilMUTY HHOK I'arlal MaiiiiKlnK, HlenctilnK and I'n 1 1 al I'aiki ManlrurlnK, Hhampoolnf; Scalp Treatmunl r.HI Main I'liono BOO J H. C. SCHLEEF KATHERINE SCHLEEF t'. I'IijhIi Luis anil Hurneoiw j. . Office, Whlti- IIIiIk. 3 v DR. G. A. MASSEY HutciMr to Dr. Truax Suit ii(XJ, I. O. O. F. Uld Office phone 8ITJ Res Phone WJM DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE nUIIiDINfl I'HONE :mw Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 854 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Undenvood'a BeTentb and Main Htreets , ,SNS. FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomts Dlds;., Klamath FaUs DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist L O. O. F. BoildiBC PHONE 61 I CITV AND COUN'TV ABHTRAOT j COMPANY . 1117 Mala I ARTHUR R. WIL0!f j Manager . DR F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician Sargao suite 211, 1. 0. O. V. Tempi (over K. K. K Htore) Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Physl clan and Burgeon In Klamitk Falls ) SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer, nnd buildern of mod ern Saw Mills, Planiug Mills, Boi Plants. Complete plantx contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. We contract to build any class of a building and install nmrhiner) of any kind. , Drafting or any kind done. Rlne Print nincle. PHONE 14HJ Office in K. D. Ilullding I A J. C. CI.KGHORN Clil Engineer und Surveyor Office f.17 Main St. Phone, Office, Kti). Ren. 102M. WELL DRILLING Vochatzcr Bros. & Kiabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W ?WwJ,Iw3J.,!,JI,,C,,I"IJM.JJCIr I SHANGHAI I RESTAURANT CROP Sl'EY AND NOODLE I J IIOISE I . Short Order Meals Served. ,T 7a Main Street I I Kl-AMATH FALIiH, ORB. v'M---C--rC-04 ' ' . . . . - -. . c i 1 DENTISTS I I : IB s I!? Il f mi m