The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 28, 1919, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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.' .. -HT t0i0-
loss gong shimtrt nt lilin. Tim camera
nliuwrt tho man shooting, mid thru the
limit In turned on Mix, Mix wanted to
iihow tho Imllol In lln flight 30 liii or
ilnrmt I 'nt Chrlniumi (o slmid on of
.. .... iinlf." Allen Brady's niirht of llin riiiiiirn nml nlioot 11 lioli
'a irt l'lctur.., will ho shown through hi nocltllo.
"" oi.t. Thootro tonlBi't- " ln " , Mix stood iinnrhnlmilly
ft the Theatres
i tho 8lr
icrecn J """
,nd TrUlo.
llio mountain top In Ilnllywool.
hrlsmmi pulled tliii trigger llin
. 111-1 1 'CttUM.Il.t II . I .!.. ....ll.. ..- II... I. .11...
'l IUIVOIi .iltini"i "" II 1111 wus ii mini mini), nil ui.i ii.iiini
I pnsncd uniHirnimwi too Knot in tin I in
" .i win 'lln", ,"lnl"ml fr t,' from l
.tory ;1 u, siiorwln from Mlrlrtm ( ,.t oil
iirmlv lii '' ll" ',""' '0"''"1 ' nml scraped ii thread on tho nock hut
.i. mm ulititm who nro ns (nn of Mx'h hr(, M(x turned to
Fi riKiut - ,
. ifw tlm mirfiii'ii "h 'l '".ciirlmtiiin quietly nml snl.l:
r'nl ... ... MIM.I...I .... in I i ,
.milium Ynii win nivii to in Hint over
V-m attain. I'nt You didn't lilt tho tin." Ho
ipon p.., ttril nriiln nit tho enmcrn ground
sossed iiii.l liiiriiln h.ilow mentioned, tho 20 days beginning with tho firm W. II. Corhlor .. 211.20 Maudo A Duncan
unit hiirli fissennmeril Ih dim utiil pay- publication of this notlco. Klamath Dov. C .. 211.20 H. I.. Bhuclc
....... ..m.( t.,,. ,, niiiiHiiii'iii iiiinr ini".! r nnil H
lupiraium or 20 nays rrom tho date
or mo first publication of thin notlco.
(HI. Ml MlKl IlllllllllltlOII Will hi) ,i
August 23. 191'j.)
'i lii' pi pi'M owners no assessed
muni either pay In wish or mako mill
lllo with I Ihi I'ollin Judgo of hiiIiI
'lly thitlr npplkittloiiH to pay such
iihmithiiii'iiIh in liintiilliiiwilH within
lln- 20 (lii)it beginning with tho n rnt
pllhllnitloti of tlilx notlii)
It It Hefner
It It Hefner
I' K Mi'llotmlil
D. K. McDonald ,
i: .m i Mil i.i. .
Edward 'I' lllgglnsoii
A A lli'llmmi
i: M ( hllintii
lulu, i: llri'lii.r
97 r.o
K0 00
mi 7tijj
247.25 ii
II. Evnmi 906.25
M. 1' and H II. Evans . 289.20
J. Ilorvl, Jr 677.60
l.yilla A. Hlator 122.40
Margaret Ahrahnm 1099.20
V T. Sanderson Kstato 422.30
Arthlo C. ColHon 866.10
Corn Sanderson OS 8.82
Tho. II. Hkllllngtnn C3.9C
Thou. It. HkllllnKton 490.21
i:ilnliiitli A. Orlgnby 772.70
C. C. Ilrowor M6.41
K. T. Sanderson Kstato 260.66
!'. T. Sanderson Estate 3 11.70
T. Sanderson Kstato 266.66
Orem 32C.70
Klamnth Dev. (Jo .. 106.60 K. I.. Bhuck
Ilolicrt Aloxnndor 105 r.o n, n. Campholl
Anna Mlllor 1 r, CO I n. n. Campholl
Mlmilq 1, HarKont 21120iinim nimn
Kmiiin K. (JlnHhurB 211 20!Itf)1)t. Alexander
KiiIIii, Ori'Kon.,lo for M" "' ""' ""',
!' a ro...... l-y """"''
""..;.., 1BBiii.iciiiii.Biiiiii
luAtUm I'liirrli'H Trlxhi. nllho ,,,,,1 t,H tlmn tho hullot Hpncitnd thru r.lll,. i: l"r-iif Ii
r' )f Trlxlo hud liat"d him ,, ,) of tho knotted tin. L, "?!",'! Kll,m,lt!l " 1 1". O
Jn rri ,.,1 . ,l ,,n Af. n. ...... ...L...I ,,ir,l If ilmi ""' 'J,'J'
-hlicfier,"""n "' "'"I"'" A I, l.KAVITT.
l.ihowoiMlnB '""H" ,'"1""' " '""" "cnnii didn't inako him norvomi II" iir j,K r ,,, Clty of Klmnnlh
'ui io btcomii '"" wlll, ,r,x", repllnd:
P jlnU( 1(r l.iittcifly wio-rt. nimlly -why hliniil.l f A Imllct will r
h" ilrlclc Tliurot'in. a mirlul lllmrtlno lMj. ,,lir yon want It to :o If yon an
i Uler, lurei Trlxlo " rooiim ,;o,l nhot. unit I would Id I'm
iat0',upiT Mli'lint'l IwiriiH of c,rHMimi hhoot n rrah appln off my
!' rtprlw ami nltomptK H ncolil hh ,
. but Trlxlo Vk her hitK mid j'tll, CoiiiIiik of the Law " h to he
ktrr'lti to tlm li-"l'ltal to toll Inilrio nmuii lit tlm Liberty Theatre minor-
,Utibl:,l,,Rn"ny w1"' 'I'lmrnton. rnw
ifterulilnc ,,in i"1l,"r """ " '
M her not to go mul Trlxlo prom
...MrrturntoMlihunlln tin. morn.
'"' on .'rm,i Moorland ...
93 r.H,lnu. Mi J: churrU
fir. 7T. .flrnr.i M II. Plmreh
IXC ill n.ilny II.' Cor 82
5? v M I'. Kvnim 04
' I "'" Miircl. Tfiinlann
rn. AuRunt c, cimmhcrlln '..".
Lllen MliHon Lntato .
I.aorn (' t'hamberlln
Ceo II Chainbiirlln ...
f). J KakelHon
1377. 1C
CI. 00
Kllllnalll I)0V. Co 211.20, tlnl.f Alnrnnrlnr 211.20
IJ. O Lyon 10r..!0 ,.,., .,, rrr Alexnndcr 211.20
nrury nutlor or, en ,lobt. nm, Cnrrlo Alexander
Mr. ii M iiniir; 55-In. H NowtmnkH - -
Mm. K. Al. KOllUr &2..V) ,...,. T An.lnrann
A. I), Miller -J,u nv rT ' "'
( w. whim .... ior,.colclam"t1' r)rv- Co-
Klamath l)ov. Co lOri.HO.r ' "r"ur
i)0 iiIJI'hh iiinin .
4240 T"rnPr
0. W. Murphy
Klamath Dev. Co.
Nollie In I'ruperij Omn'rniiii Mnrm-i lime lirlmi-H
Cliiiitor Avory G28.2C
Mini, 'I Iml 'I hey Uan ISO l)nj Lllen M. Itedflold C9.70
rrinii rin.1 fill. Ill nib. n of (Ills Alma Cofor 8D1.C0
i Nnibii In uhbh to rilo iippllii!- llonry Offonhachor 477. ir.
1 iIoiih to pnj lliclr iiNNeNtneiilN In Akiiok Orom 692. 0B
Ten Annual liiHjillmeulf In nc- C I' HevlU 146. 9G
' iiinliimo Uiili llin rnllimliiK Not- HoDtora French 23C.1G
i lie of I'ropiirlliiniiio Akm-miiii'
Ni.iirn u lnilioby rlvon that
i ommoti i-inincll of tlm rlty of Klom- (' L. KoUey
.Hi Putin, Ori-Kon, did by ordlnanco II. Orom . 446.20
No 47H duly adopted on tho 18th II. It. Itoynolds 910.82
l.lii.'diiy of AttKUHt 1919, and approved by Agnes North 422.40
ho 19lh day of Auk- Agnes Norta .. 769.60
ro tho F. .Shepherd 1191.80
Thin Nolle In Uhli h to rile Ap- ii"iehnini'iit upon each lot, part of lot. I It. A. Lmmltt - 384.35
id trillion to 1'it) Tlirlr Am'- hiock ami acreago property rounu to i.ouIh Alt 639.VU
iiii'iilo In Ten luiiiinl Ii.iiall- I") benefited and liable for tho cost of J F. McColIum . 69.70
menu In Aiionlnni Willi Hie Improvlnc Market Btroot from thoiW T Taylor 286.70
rolloulni! Nntlre uf Propnitloif nortluirly line of Cth Stroet to tho.ltlclmrd Mclhatio 1047.30
Klamath Do v. Co.
Klamath Dev. Co.
Klamath Dev. Co 422.40
Klamath Dev. Co 422.40
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20
Maurice L. Johmson .. 211 20
Ollvo K. Seltz 422 40
Klamath Dev. Co 422 to
Klamath IW. Co 422 40
K A. McCully 422 10
1 A Mff'nllv i9' Ad
Edmund M. Ch'llcoto 211 20' J Delaney
('. A. HuntlnB 211.20 vio "P"", ,, ,
W. Whlto 211.20 Juanlta. I Hiibbanl -
. tifi...i nil of. . Prank ( Walker
Anton Fomlnls 'Z..'.'.'Z.'.'.'.'Z 211 20 Hydraulic Stone and Itrlck
Km v:ycn..:::::::::::: Ill ?ol9,'lh F"0T0'
L. L. Truax, ot ux vri w A T. t.ttavitt.
W'rn. F. Halei .
Wm. F. Halei
Ttobt and Carrlo Alrxander
D. A. Limb
L F. Olsen -
L F. OlBen .. .
C. LnKleman
K. L and K r I'addock . ..
Klamath Dev ro . . .-
Klamath Dev Co
ment. Ldla Truax 612.70 ' I;- T'"ax.' c ux - 12 ! Police Jiidso of tho City of Klamath
t tho II. J. Winters .. 384.53 Olnghach iVAJ Falls, Oregon.
ilom- (' L. Kelsey -.. 3G3.C0 Prank Dlckoy 211.20, ; 1 .
Kdwln A. Wood 211.20 1
ii. sugarman ei ux zn.zu
Henry A. QrlraeR 211.20
Wilson 8. Wlloy 211.20
Wilson S. Wiley 211.20
Wilson S. Wiley 211.20
L. O. Mills 211 20
Mrs. E. J. Murray 211.20
Mrs. E. J. Murray 211.20
Henry L. Dcnson 422.40
P. M. Heady 4 22.40
Notlco to Property Owners on Eight
Street, Lincoln and Jcffcro
Streets, That They Hare- 20 Vmjm
From First Publication of Thto
Notice In which to file Applica
tions to pay their assessments 1m
Ten Annual Installment In Ac
cordance with the Following Not-
Irn of Proportionate Assessment.
Notice la hereby given that ta
. . tnrn I
uwl.v.-... ..... NoUio lo PiiiiH'Ht Owner- on Liu.' "ay oi aukuhi j
M. MowlnB ercnts fin- MKhaeln '"'""JJ T,)ia .., IIllt(. , Major on ll
pitlent In tb" l"""n '"ispltnl where I(j rr)iH ,.hl i.mii ntloti ..f "t 1919, decla
UoUc U werkln,'. mn irixm in
,on to Kurope wllli Thurston. An
operation l nerenry In order In
brin btk Mlrhsnl's nlRhL and thru
the dark ly that follow Iiulso
uitt ths plw" ' Trlxlo, nllhouKh
Mlchl thinks It In Trlxlo who Is
nunlor. blm. At Inst Trlxlo tires of
....... .,l tmck. bill when
ll.irnl that IiuUo lores Mlclmol ' approved by tho .Muor on lb..' l'Jth ordinance Is all the property lying Donart 296.20
N"1"" ' , ,l,y f Annul 1919. dii'Lire tho 'IJa. "lit lo said part of said stivet8,W'llulla atuwart C90.40
ib Hill boriflf. nroportloiialn assessment up n c.irli' bet i tlm fibovu mentioned ter-I.Srhool District No. 1 2971.03
i... ., ,,f ini. l.lnrlf nml ucriMieiiiiulnl and extending lalerly to the chas. P. Stewart 677.90
on Toll who will bo seen ns the properly found to hi. b.meilted and "'""r "f the respective blocks lying, Dated Klamath Falls, Ore, August Karaath DeVt
. . "R.,,.,1 Ktrlnrs" the Metro nl,1 for ",u C0Bl "' ' rml,,K !-") "",""'"1 "''"" ''"" "' .".T , I33' lyl3, t ,r..,
stir n 'Bocret MrlliKs, inn .neiro vi-n. iin far ns thu innr.mmieiit thereon A. L LEAV1TT.
.... -ki-h will tin llin attraction nt i..i, ........ .... rxtend ' iiicn TnHpn nt tlw fltv nf Klamath m . . o'..i nii'ot. Jpfferson Street from Eighth Street
tl Liberty Tlicirtoduy Is consider., tnrsi-ctlons, less the r H lrrlail..nj , T'l . ilocket of city liens bas Falls, Oregon. O. A. Paculseurd 211. 20casterly to Mnth Street, Including la-
- i . m ..... .ii.i.i.n iiiiiiiu no no iiriiviiiiin iiv sitrimn .- a v a a . rnpanpr innn
j. .hn moit oxntllsltely gowp. canal nun rignt oi way iippurieiiaiii' ' ;.," - ... ; - -." Kiamatn uev. uo iuo.du ..'"
fdeneonno inon exuinniuif hi 2CS of th.i charter, and the fold'VliiK. v.. ..... i....-r...,oM .. K.nln. i.'t .. n.. r inren The nro
anee Is all the property lying
.....! ...ii . n, .... -... .... n t mftirt
nli A'Kiiii'iii. siiiiwieriy imp oi i.oi m in uiock ii, r rmiK v. usuurn ios.ou Newton S Uuttengcr 420 40 Common council oi mo cuy ui iuub-
Notlc, Is heret.y given that ti. mJ thu southerly lino of lot 30. block B P. Lawrenco 422,20 j. h. cooper ""!"". 422i40,ath Falls. Oregon, did, by ordlnanej
Common Council of the City of ' r Kc Hnllronil Addition to Frank W. Osburn . 199.10 Klamath Dev. Co 422.40 No. 477 duly adopted on tho 18ta
Klamath Falls. Oregon, did. by Or- j1"1 "' Klamath Falls, Including C A. Arnold 993.20 Klamath Dor. Co 844.80 day of August 1919. and approvedbr
dlnanrn No 476, duly mlopt-d on Intersections. Arllo Worrell 324.90 Klamaln Dev. Co 844.40,'the mayor on the ISth day of Augot
... . i.i. ... .. ... a . i . i '. ...... 'I'l... nroii.Ttv ho assessed bv Haldii him. Donart 296.20 ,r, .. i- r tdn in 1419. declare tho nroDortlonate av-
E. E. Sfelaff .
E. E. Slelaff .
Klamath Dev.'
Klamath Dev.
42240 Isessment upon each lot, part of lot.
4'2 40 block and acreage property found t
42-'40'bo benefited and liable for tho cost
42240 1 of improving Eighth Street from.
in in men street norineriy io rruajju.
I r Purrv '' 40 Streei; L,incoin otreei iiuui uab
U. V. . -J ...... .......... 1W !.... Ca. ...I
Klamath Dev. Co 211. 20 , btreei easterly u wiuiu o... .
iwomenontlm American singe nnu Ilr00rlv so nssessed bv said '
UllrlltMuplothnrepulallon In her or,,IIIIIICl) , , ltl property lyUigit" l,r' rty so assessed as shown by
wrtrobn uixl In this play. adjacent to said part of said streets, "' '"'' " docket and said or.H
-Wl 8irln" Is a Plciuro of tho iK'twoen llio above mentioned mr- imnw. togethor with tho total
Secret Strings Is a picture or no ..xtemllng Interly to ih!ouiil so assessed aga Inst the prop-
mmmtrtlmosn her dresses arn of tho cim,r r t, r,,Mp,.cut,. tdorks lying, ''rty "' ,'"c'1 vner. and reference Is
tportlind Ptar.lnn variety, although adjacent io slid part of snld slrwls h-reby made to such ducket of City In a stunning street gown so far us thu Improu'iMout thereon ' '",1..rr..1 l'',n, "r,'.,'Jwcr; l'.,.t " .?'
of blue trlcotliK Two of her evenlr
L'CS of tho charter, and the following, vllllr u, ,..- oners on l-pln- Klamath Dev. Co 105.60 The property so assessed by said
s a list of tho names of owners of. nm,( .u,.lc Terrace, and l'ort-.Jai. L. Emlgh 52 80'rdln
i.kti'tnlit 1 iai:ii on, I'.iri oi iui. uiuijk uiiu nciu
ei.... ii,.. ,i,.,.b... f ri,v II..,,. i.n. ago property ho assessed
mxklir worth mentioning ono, a .BI, mud,, up as provided by suction' Further notlco Is also given the
Witlffllet'laco. bcivlly embroidered. 26 of thu charter, and the following respective property owners so as-
U.vjbleh I .tuned loosely over black Is a list of tho names of owners of "J""1"" "" n" 'w menuoneo.
mcn it unpen iiiiimi) over iuiiir ... sksi'Ssiiipiu rs duo and Pay-
Mtla.a4c.nght up at the side will. ,rbo l,,n ,Iock7i ami T I d on... . " ' j after the
lWd-pppy. the other, n white, fll- mlr,. mgutliur with the total expiration of 20 days from tho (Into
oy nt orcr silver cloth with which amount so assessed against the prop- ' J'p "t publication of this notlco.
.il ,...... - -. i.nv or ......I. ow.n.r. nml refmviic. Is '"" "rt publication Will bo on
wrari n iimKi.iin i-ni riii'U "l ri-.u :',- ------ ----- ,.,,,,. Anpnst "3 1919 I
. Iii.ri.t.v niii.lii lo mipli ilocket of ('i''umisi -. ijij.i
...... ...ih B ....... . KBA .1. lH.n. ... ..-'.-- j ......... ... .--.-..- .. .- - ---. ,.1. . ........ ......
,. ...... K..n..n .., in., ii.i.-ni .,i . . . ,l.i,.lt...I iliwerltilliMi of
each lot, part of lot, block uud acre
ago property so assessed
Further initio. Is also given tin
reapei'lho properly ownora sn
sessed and herein below mentioned,
that such assessment is duo ami pay
able anil will be dellmiuenl after the
..... nviitritl lull I t 'll ilrilM fr,n, lint .lull.
mT?" " . , f tho tint publication of this notlco. Weed Lumber Co
lcel which she wears. rich- u,..i. n... ..,.i.n...i ...m i, Inlon Oil Co
-- I 1IIIL1I II.DL IIUIIIILllllUll 11 I I . UU US. . .
August 23. 1919.) Vnn.. ' . ? iSi'rn
I 'I ho property owners so assessed ' ' lioanwio i.n'rn
I must either pay in rash or maku and J- O. Hoardsloy J '
lllo with tho Pollro Judge of Hild J O. lleardsluy V.Zrn
rlty Ibelr applications to pa such Oscnr Peyton i'i
i: i i arisou oi-.uu
52 80 adjacent to said part of said streets
Deiween ine auuK ucuuuura -mini
and extending laterly to the
is nereoy given inai ine,n"3 .-. inu ' . ie . th .,,.. onH thn fnllnwinr
Council of the City of Alice N. Patch 211.20',26S ' t.he.carterj!n? , "IJ! 3
Ktir York itjlcs i signed by n fa
nom mo.llto of that city
Mirlo Walnwriglit, who plays Ihn
Pirt of Mrs do fllle.s Is also notable
tor beautiful clothe. and as the state-
If matron of the producllon her tiro-
laud Street, Tlmt They lluo 'M Effie McBroom Newell
I.i)s From First Publication of Klamath Dev. Co 105.60,
plications to Pay Their A.scss-Jt. G. McIIattan .. 105.60 writer of the rPectlve block Wng
incntM In Ten Annual install- Martin Hros. 105.60 ""J-"'- l""-'" ""v " ", ,l""
ments in Accordance With the Martin Bros 211.2uso far as tho Improvement thereon.
Following Notice of Proportion, j. f. Magulre 105.60 ext?d.S'.i. 1 . , u- ii t...
... A.k....nii.nt. j. p. M.vnin iokro' That the docket of city liens haa
v..- i. .i. ,iM .,n ., Altpn N. Patch ". inK.fin been made up as provided by sectlOB
ilUvltu ta iiv;il-ii; i.. mv v.u ------
lUIUIllUU Ui fcUO vtj w .--.. ... . ... .....
Klamath Fall., Oregon, did, by Ordi-'E. M. Chllcote and
nanca No. 479. duly adoDted on the E. M. Smith .. ..
ISth day of August, 1919, nd ap
proved by tho Mayor on tho 19th
day of August, 1919, declare the pro
uortlonato assessment unon each lot.
part of lot. block and acreage prop-' Hoy A. Feathers 211.201
. . ... . .. ... i ... . n.i t. ir Tt n.iiMn.. n-.-ii
ony tounu to uo ueneiuea anu uaoio . .."." '"' .rh ln. .-. t block and acre
for tho cost of improving EsplanadoiH. W Pollman .... -'S"h tlV 1L" "
111, .he Police Judge of said r.trwt to PaclMc Tc ace- Pa- AW'pT'ciMenco'ZTZ lOsieu1 Furt,her notlce,ls als0 Blwn th
heir applications to pay ouch " ''" -"luron street H. S. Evans "1 311 105 60 res!,e'Tt've . V??'?' .?ae !?. ?T
iihsessnieilts III instalimnntl- wunin :""..,...,.. ... .,....i ..... ...iui n Vnrnnn ,11miessi;a ana nert-iii ue.on uicui.uucu,
the 20 dnvs beginning with the first I "' l ,'. V .'" .' V ",, .r' " m,. T.n,Ti. s Tt'i-;; otrSn'that such assessment is due and pay-
...... I, ...... !.. II-UIHUHU Dlll.-l.-l. IIUI11 lUUIll. .
1 ho property owners so assessed
mtirt either pay In rash or makv and
Die with
city t
assessments In installment w-Ithln
is a list of the names of owners of
211 20,the PrPerty s0 assessed as shown by
Jesse M. Magulre 211.20 8Ucn Don.a ,le" "utK.!h"".;i,u Y1ZZ
Margaret J. Kirkpatrlch .... 105.60 mnce. loseinur "" '"
Margaret J. Kirkpatrlch .... 105.60 '" BU -: ""'j-"'"'
Roy A. Feathers 211.20 ertyo each . owner, and reference to
Liens for a detailed description of
mm anil cxtrejim good tusto.
Blllott Dexter, urbane, illgnlfled,
""ned, yet skillful In his doplrtlons
lie varied emotion,,- of tho heart
The property owners so assessed
, must either pay In cash or makxj and
file with tho Police Judge of said
city their applications to pay such
assessments in installments within
assessments in installments within
Uyi tho role of Nicholas Elliott In "' .r '. beglunlug with thu llrst Oscar Peyton 342.60
MtblU'ntlon of this notlco
C. A.
1. It.
II Colllur
Arnold T.. .
.Arm hi i
Elmer E
Arthur It
Arthur It
Wilson .
"tl'nmin'aU'..n..n... 'I l'.l...l .I.... '''I'1
. '"" V"'J," " Chas. Donnrt
Meit Paramount plcluro, which will Wllolla Slew an
Mihown at the Temple Theatre to- lleluiu M Jalo
Ai tho husbnml, lured temporarily
Istoeiotlc paths through tho fnnclod
appeal of a woman who apw tho inn.ii
aerlimn of the fad.llstK and Is ono
kenelf, ho gives a plcluro of mingled
""""i nn.i strength, of good In-'LoiiIh lliadford
tent, but vncrllatliiK naturo. Ills r, . I Louis lliadford
wrn to tlm ways nf common i.enso us
result of his wlfo-s clever schemlni:
effccllrcly accor.ipllsheil.
Tom Mix bus iliei.. mii'iy dure dev
tnnta for the screen, Inn ,u latest.
""It for Ids now William Fox photo
flr, "Tho Coming of tho Law," cnp
them an.
'nonosceno Mix Is walking along n
mountain range. A member of a law-
publication of this notice I"""" ;; ?" "V ,7ni nfK.,,: Phebo S. Sharoless " 211.20 able an.d wl 55 I.el!I,q"e.l,.t a"er.1"
I II Carrett 342.50 V, .. . . .. . . . ii v ioii ro en expiration oi zv aays irom mo aan
i' .. ." " I : ; rn ath Kails, Including Intersections. " A. Bell 52. SO ..'.,, flr. ni,nntinn nr thin nottrn.
Sw ft A: Company ..J 342.50 ,, ... " ,.., .... ,., ira u-ntn Mi,-inr r . of tne nrst publication or tnts nouce.
312. DO .V" - '.- ----"-" .".- tti ,,.. i, ,...' loaiu ursi puuncaiiuu win oo
lii Kft oriiiiniiito la mi i"u ,iuivnj ,;iu(, ". 1. -"- ...v Aucuq. 03 1019 I
J4-.50 !.,. . ..,., . i.i .,.,. 1 PH K Ttflimn IOC fin AUfcUSl -o, JLJ.I IU CU1U MU VI. 0...U ot,v,-la "1 -".
between tho above mentioned tor- Klnmnts Dev. Co 211.20
mini and extending laterly to the Jay Smith 211.20
center of tho respective blocks lying "M; L. Nleco 52.80
nillnront in mIiI n.irt of said streets Wm. M. and
so far as tho Improvement tiioreon.EHa T. Rlckman 62.S0 the 20 da ueEinninB with the first
uxti.mU. .. ., if-m"BnCl -7.- "-5S-publication of this notice.
1 I1IIL ino UOCKUL OL Cll IIUI1S llttb' - "... .u. wu D..9U T
(1. A. Musson 3t-.50 , mm s nrovided bv section) Ida Jl. Browne K SO .
I. .1. Itaco 34-60 2cs of the charter, und tho following Klamath Dev. Co. .. 62.80 T'
Dated Klamath lalLs, Oro, August . .. ii8, of ., nnmes of owners of I Klamath Dev. Co 62.80 V
.... I'l I r. 1 O I.. j - . .... L-l u T-.. rt p.- nA .'
i-ii j.i -", a-.-. 1 1 no properly so usauaauu im nuunii uj muuium ubv. iu.
4 49 J5 A. L. LEAVITT, Blu.h bond lieu docket and said ordl-.Klamath Dev. Co.
Pollco Ju.lgo or llio t,uy ot iviamam ,llinco together with tho lotalj
l-alls, Oregon. amount so assessed against the prop-)
1 crty of each owner, and reference Is
J. M.
Evans 733.ES
Evans 336.SS
Evans 497.T
Evans 894.8T
Roman Catholic Bhhop of
H. Addison 300 16
Htrublo I'.r.r. IC Xoticn to proporiy owners on IVntn . hureby made to such docket of City
Slni'l, that they have -O l)njsli,ons for a detailed description of
From First Publication or thu ouch lot, part of lot, block and ucre
Ni.tlco in Willi Ii to Kilo Appllcn- 1 ago property so assessed.
lions to pay their niM'ssments In J Further notlco is also given the
Ten Animal Installment!! In ac-, respective property owners so as-coriliim-o
With llio Following No- 'nohsod and heroin bolow mentioned,
tlco of ProiHirllonalo Assessment, that such absessment Is duo and pay-
N'ntlro Is hereby given that tho ablo mid will bu delinquent after the, Rmma A. Johnson
A. L. LEAVITT. . pmmn Council of tho City of Klnm-' expiration of 20 days from tho dutermnill a. .Tnhnann
Police Judgo of tho City of Klamath ntll i'S Oregon, did, by ordlnnncoot tho first publication of this notlco. h t oordon
rniin, urogoii. v0 47c duly nilopie.t on 1110 isiujisaiu ursi puoiicauuu win uu ou j, a. Cordon
I', I SO
nn !&
272 fill
317 yr.
I I 9 !i
I J. O lleardsley I I'l 'I".
Dnted Klamath Kails, Oro, Ausnut
23, 191U
Klamath Dev. Co.
Arthur R. Wilson
Arthur R. Wilson
Weed Lumber Co. ...
Klamath Jewelry Co.
Mrs. Sol Runyon .....
Mrs. Sol Runyon
."i'l" Baker 336.33
2inS Roman Catholic Bishop of
35.20 Baker 733.5J
3 Roman Catholic Bishop of
215 ' Baker 350.80
70.40 c. K- Brandenburg 1227.89
rxS..? Roman Catholic Bishop of
10r.60 Baker 327 CO
Mrs. C. B. Clendennlng 105.60 Roman Catholic Bishop of
Klamath Dov,
W. A. Meyer
Klamath Dev. Co
311.20 Baker 724.89
211.20 RoU1an Catholic Bishop of
211.20 , Baker 665.30
, Ellen M. Redfield
11. E. Calkins
Nut lie to Properly Owners on (Iran
" day of August 1013. and approved by August 23, 1919.)
t tho mayor on tho l'.Hh day of August' Tho property evv:
In. W
nors so assesseu Tjllko jj
Lytlo ....
140.80. Fred Noel
140.80' Fred Noel
140.80 Martin McAndrews
211.20 1 First Baptist Church .
Street. That Tlioy Hnvo UO l)njs mm, declare tho proportlonnto ns- must either pay In cash or mako UGilbert'"Fleet 211.20 l. Gahegan 372.85
fioni IIimI Piililicalioii of Tills soasmont upon each lot. part of lot, lllo with tho Police Judgo of saltl John n Poster 211.20 Mary L Telford 124.22
Notlco in Which to Kilo Appllc-u- ,0ck and acroago proporty found to city their applications to pay such Mrg Cnrr0 j, Alexander .... 211.20 Mary L. Telford 497.07,
1....M ... i,.. 'I'lu.ii. Awni.'iih .... i..,.,ru.i,i nml for tho cost assessments in iustnllments within'!, ' . T a1,j.,
lu Ten Annual Installments, liilof improving Tenth Streot from Main I tho 20 days beginning with tho llrst -jUg- MeUmso " "; on'iio Cella Roberts
211.20 I John S. Parko 894.2T
Arc-orilmii-o Willi llio Follow Ihk northerly lo Prospect Street, and publication of this notice.
Notice) of l'loponionaio iissess- Kh Street from situ street onaiuri 1; .u. i-iiuiuuj
Idiis Melhase 211.20 Claude W. Cosobooiu ,
I ment.
Notlco is lioroby given that tho
Common Council of tho City of
I Klamath Kails, Oregon, did, by Drill-
tnunco No. 474, duly adopted on tho
lllh day of August. 1919, and ap
proved by tho Mayor on tho 19th
day of August, 1919, declaro tho
proportlonnto itHBossmout upon each
lot, part of lot, block and acreage
proporty found to bo benolltod and
liable for tho cost of Improving
Grant street from Eleventh Hlieot
northerly to Llukvlllo Cemetery.
Tho property so assessed by said
ordinance. Is nil tho proporty lying
the HOT POINT Range
d at the Golden Rod Pro
ducta Demonstration at the
tram',.... . ordlnmi
jus groceries this week.i',dJ,cu'- i,i"' i,l,rt r ,",ll t'li',,
Cooking is turned from
yu cook the "HOT POINT
AH styles for sale by
River Electric Co.
between tho uhovo numtloned lor
mini mid extending laterly to tho
.,. 1111. Rirn.. tncludlnc lntorsec- C .M. Phlnney
,onHi I Klamath Dov. Co.
Tlm property so ussosseu ny muu; iviuiihuh i'j. -
' ' .. .. ...I.. ..I .11...... T. 1.1... 11 rn
.VllUl'll A-'
ordliiaiicu is all tho property lying
ndjmmit to said part of said streets
between tho uiiovu nieiiuoiieu ie
mint and extcndlni: laterly to tho
center of the lespoctlvo blocks lying
adjacent to slid part of siild streets
so far as tho improvement thereon
That tho docket of city lions has
boon inndo up " provided by section
26S of tho charter, and tho following
Is a list of tho nnmes of owners of
tho property so assessed as shown by
such bond lion docket and said ordt
iiniico. together with tho total
amount so assessed against tho prop
IT. C.
pnnli.r nf tin. . ..anno! Iv.i lllftcks IvIllir.ortV Of 0I1CU OW'llOr, llllll luiorouni
: .,,11. ....... , .... ....... .. nl.l ulr.,.,luM.m ,.l,v 1.1111I0 to HUCIl I10CKDI 111 U11Y
,. , . , ...ijt.v.jiii. ... nt.iii i'i,t ... ....... ... ....... 1 --.- - - ,..., ,.,
try into pleasure Whpn ' B0 fl,r ,lB t'10 lmi'iovomunt tliun
1 w ""c"oxtonds.
That tho docket of city liens has
been ninclo up as provided by section
208 of tho charter, nml tho following
Is n list of tho nnmes of ovvnom or
tho properly bo assessed hh shown by
such bond lion docket and said ordi
nnnco, togothor with tho total
amount bo assessed against tho prop
erty of oach owner, and roforenco Ib
hereby nia.lo to siicli docket of City
Liens for 11 detailed description of
oach lot, part of lot, block und aero-
mm nrmni'lv an nuanRaiid.
Fiirtbor notlco Is also filvun the
lespoctlvo proporty owuoia bo as
i.Iiiiih for a 1 0 al oil description 01
each lot, part of lot, block and acre
age propel ty so assessed.
Further notlco Is also glvvn tho
respective property owncis so as
sessod and heroin bolow mentioned,
that such assessment Is duo and pay
able mid will bo dulliuiuent nltor tho
expiration of 20 days from tho dato
of tho first publication of this notlco.
(Snld llrst publication will bo on
August 23, 1910.)
Tho proporty ownora so assessed
must either pay In cash or mako nnd
lllo with tho Police Judge of huld
oity their applications to pay such
assessments In Installments within
. 578.78
... 356.1T
Sherman 422.20, J. 'I. Beard 471.18
;:"MiDaisy A. Ryan 422.20 M. W. Cosoboom 1454.93
jes-iiu vi, ....... --..v 1 ji. n , lusuuuuiu 010.59
.Tesslo O. Mills 422.20 John S. Parke 1454.93
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 Manda C. Parten 1090.72
C. V. Flshor 211.20 K. Sugarman & Max Gumbert 578.78
C. V. Fisher 211.20' Jean Groesbeck 578.78
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 J. J. Keller . 684.03
Klamath Dov. Co. 211.20 1 Hallle Jacobs 463.80
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 C.V.Fisher 475.3T
Klamath Dev. Co 105,t,uM. E. Cowley 463.80
W. W. Lewis 696.67
Co 211.20 Jas. H. and Lola Driscoll .... 166.7B
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 Orson Brown .... . . 412.11
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 Margaret Pitts 578.78
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 ' H. H. Edmonds 1067.12-
Klamnth Dev. Co 211.20 J. J. Parker et us 1464.33
Klamath Dov. Co 211.20 I Chas. Evanlkoff 385.20
Klamath Dev. Co. . 211.20 , L. E. Hannon 1006.14
Klamnth Dov. Co 211.20 Alma J. Cofor 894.27,
Klamnth Dev. Co 211.20 J Chas. F. Stemwell 373.10
Klamath Dev. Co 211.20 iGlon Johnson ... 123.97,
Klamath Dov. Co .. 211.20 A. A. Bollman . 666.80
Co 211.20 A. Mehaffey 710.55
Co . 211.20 Karl C. Jones .. . 685.97
211.20 Knthorlno House 467.93
211.20 I Esther M. Dale 413.25
Co 211.20 1 S. L. Thompson 401.10
T.Sanderson 422.40 W. P. Arant. 109.30
A. Qualf 422.40 Jno. Stout .. 338.94
Alloou D
Leslie Rogers 422.40
Leslto Rogers - 115. SO
Emma A. Johnson 306.60
Emma A. Johnson 33S.00
S. S. Johnson Co 84.40
i.-i.......i. I-..,., n 4'i'.ll)
1V1U.1K1WI Mf. w. "-... T.'lnmn,l, Tlfl.P Oft 1 A C R A
Klamath Dov. C 422.40 """""' ""' " ;r."..i
!.-,, 1, Tlnv f!. 42" 40, "'""" "" '
Klamath Dov. C 422.40
W. E. Faught 422.40
Margarot Applegate 422.40
W. S. Davis 422.40
Klamath Dov. Co . 422.40
John S. Elliott 422.40
Mary J. Sutton 4 22.40
Dr. Wnrron C. Hunt 422.10
Klamath Dov. Co 422.40
Edward Mills 4 22,40
Edward Mills 422.40
Hurt L Davis 422.40
Hurt L. Davis . 4 22.40
Klamath Dov. Co 422.40
Mis. Ollvo Moss 211.20
Mrs. L. M. Dixon 211.20
Klamnth Dov. Co 211.20
Klamnth Dev. Co 105.60
C. II. Daggett 105.60
Mrs. Ilortha Parkinson 422.40
Klamath Dov. Co 211. ?0
W. H. Duncan 211.20
L. aahegnn 211.20
Klamath Dov. Co 105.60
Klamath Dev.
Klamnth Dev.
J. M. Evans .
J. M. Evans .
Klamath Dov.
W. 11. Hopklus 105.00, Klamath Dov. Co 211.20
Mrs. S. S. Johnson 211.20 Jno. Stout .. 112.98
Klngsley G. Dunn 211.20 , Jno. Stout 112.98
E. C. Sheolln 211.20 ' Jno. Stout 112.98
E. C. Sheolln 211.20 . Dated Klamath Falls, Ore, August
Alleon D. Johnson 211.20 ' 23, 1919.
Emma A. Johnson 211.30. A. L. LEAVITT,
Klamnth Dov. Co 211.20 ' Police Judge of tho City of Klamata..
Falls, Oregon.
13 "v
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i Sh
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